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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Drasan

  1. I wish the bill would have been directed more toward health care reform and not health insurance reform. But the insurance companies are HUGE and to bypass them would prevented any sort of health treatment reform, imo. I had a nephew, at 2 1/2 years of age, max out his insurance. He was denied the surgery he needed unless we could raise a HUGE amount of money. Through blood, sweat and tears we raised the funds. Unfortunately, he passed away at age 3. That was a defining moment in my life. I realized how immoral it is to deny health care to those who need it. The bill may not be perfect, but I'm hopeful that it's a step in the right direction.
  2. Drasan

    Beer & Basketball

    I'm thrilled to hear that you had beer! I was just banded and I thought it was out of my life forever. I've never been one to drink a lot of beer. One or two and I'm good. But I do love a good beer every now and then. I'm more a wine gal myself. Again, not too much, 1 or 2 glasses and I'm done. I like Betsy's perspective, "did you have fun? and exercise is an insurance policy" very nice thoughts.
  3. Drasan

    Need Xray Help! Plz!

    Leroyspuds .. Thanks for the link to the video. I don't want to hijack this thread but now I'm concerned because my surgeon doesn't use fluoroscopy for fills. I haven't had my first fill yet and now I'm really worried.
  4. I had several mini moments before "That Moment" happened. - seeing the doctor write obese on my medical records then eventually writing morbidly obese - my health started to decline at a rapid rate and having to purchase a daily pill box to keep track of my meds - seeing pictures of myself - unable to walk without panting - looking at all the cute clothes in the store, then going to the plus size to buy. Why do plus sizes always look like clown clothes? - losing weight, a lot of weight, only to gain it back and then some Then "That Moment" happened. I had a first consult with my bariatric surgeon. He calculated the number of years I have left to live if I continued to be morbidly obese. My life expectancy would be cut in half!!! That is when I chose to live.
  5. Drasan

    I Got my band!!!

    Yay! Congratulations! Welcome to the flip side! Gentle hugs and best wishes sent your way.
  6. Drasan

    I am Banded!!!!

    Congratulations! ... and can I just say "WOW!" It sounds like you are bouncing back like a star! Good for you!
  7. My husband is tall and thin and has never had a weight issue. His mother is tiny and petite, father and brother tall and thin. So I am a new phenomenon to him. He has always told me he loves me just the way I am. Heck he married me when I was 80 lbs overweight. He went to a wls seminar with me, when I was investigating the band. On the way home he basically told me that he thought it was a bad idea, that I just needed to eat less and exercise more. I cried all the way home and he didn't understand why I was crying. I kept investigating, tossing little bits of information his way, trying to educate him and help him to understand the overwhelming, losing battle that I've faced all my life. Yes, he's seen me lose a lot of weight, he knows I'm capable of doing that. But he's also watched it come back on, plus more. When he could see that I was serious about the lap-band, he told me that although it wasn't something he would choose for me, he would support me in whatever I decided. Now he's here for me and being super supportive. He loves me, he was scared for me. When I succeed, and my health improves and I'm able to do more things, I think then he will be a true believer.
  8. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. That would be enough to make anybody depressed, tired. But if you feel like that isn't the reason, keep looking. Like Cindy, I'm not a doctor. But I've spent about 6 years going through perimenopause and menopause and I'm here to tell you, it does a number on you in so many ways. Some of the symptoms, hot flashes, tired, sleepless nights, weight gain, moody, hair loss, vision changes, loss of interest in intimacy and I could keep going. It's so wonderful being a woman. We are complicated and wonderful creatures. It might not hurt to check with your gynecologist. Maybe ask about hormone replacement therapy.
  9. Drasan


    Itchy too .. I scratch around the incisions. So far I haven't scratched at night, that I know of. I have glue on all but one incision. One is a little larger, maybe 2 inches with internal stitches and tape. We're healing! It's a wonderful thing.
  10. I'm 9 days post op. I've been feeling like I'm making good progress healing and I'm compliant with my post-op diet. But ... It feels like over the past 3 days, I'm declining, getting more tired and weak. I'm doing a few household chores, taking care of work online and trying to get out and walk a little (not much though). I've run some errands like going to the post office and dry cleaners. But I feel very tired and weak. Is this normal?
  11. Drasan

    Tired and Weak

    Thank you for your replies! I was wondering if I was just a wuss or something. Oh yes, and I am always cold too. I'm having a little trouble getting 64 oz of Clear liquids in .. almost there, working on it. I've started supplementing my Protein with protein Water which also counts toward the 64 oz clear liquids. It's so nice having cohorts. Thanks again!
  12. I'm not sure I'm the best one to explain how to add the ticker and avatar. I sort of stumbled around after some instruction and figured it out, but here goes. Here is the link for the ticker factory. If this site allows links, not sure. Weight Loss - Diet Ticker There are instructions to walk you through. After you create it, copy the code and paste it into your signature box. You can find Edit Options, which include Edit Signature and Edit Avatar by clicking on Quick Links located on this site on the blue bar right below Welcome Caffeine. I hope that helps. Send me a message if you still have questions.
  13. I'm so happy for you and happy that you are sharing this great news with us. Congrats! oh, and you don't look too skinny to me, just right!
  14. "Somehow, the lap-band® opened up a connection between my brain and my stomach." Love, love, love this statement. That nails my thoughts exactly. I'm at the same stage as you, 9 days post op. When I was in the hospital, I was told this is the honeymoon stage. I'm loving the time it's giving me to learn what restriction feels like. So when it's time to start getting fills, I know what to expect. Good luck on your journey and THANK YOU for that great thought!
  15. Drasan


    I had those thoughts for months while I was investigating the band, even after I was approved and started the process. I found peace with my decision when I took a good hard look at myself and my motives. My health began to seriously decline as a result of my weight. I knew if I didn't do SOMETHING I was not going to live a full, healthy life. I know that I have the strength to diet and lose weight. I've done it many times before. The problem is, I've never been able to keep the weight off which has been so discouraging. I believe the band will be the tool to help me finally accomplish maintenance. It's not an easy process. It would be a mistake to think it is. But my research has shown me that the end should justify the means. Best wishes finding your peace, whichever direction it takes you.
  16. Theknewme At my pre-op visit my surgeon gave me a list of medications that I should never take again. Naproxin is on that list. Is your surgeon aware that you are taking these meds?
  17. I'm sorry to hear that you're so miserable! You know we were banded about the same time, 3/10 for me. I've been afraid to post to your thread because I have not been experiencing all the same things. I guess that's why we're told it's a little different experience for everybody. Pain yes but everyday is better than the day before. Itching, oh yes, but I know that is my body healing, bring it on! But I have not been hungry. I've been so scared of doing anything wrong and causing problems that I've tried to follow instructions to a "T". Here's what I did and it seemed to work .. First and foremost, I got all my Protein in, then I sipped on Water or sf flavored water constantly (not 30 mins before or after the protein though). Still I didn't get in all the Fluid I was supposed to get in. But everyday I tried to improve the intake of fluids. By doing this, I found I wasn't hungry .. just occasionally head hungry with cravings. I have basil growing in my kitchen window. It's crazy, but smelling it would help me through those cravings. I'm one of the lucky ones who got put on mushies a week after surgery. Before surgery I was told I would be on mushies for 1 week then move to the next phase. To my shock and disappointment, at my follow up appointment with the nutritionist, I was told I would be on mushies for 30 days. I'm not the kind of person that just rolls over. Discussions ensued and now I'm on mushies for 2 weeks. I'm a firm believer that you are an equal partner in this process. It's your body, your sensations, your needs. Everybody is different. You know those one size fits all clothes that we've laughed at for years? Well, I'm not so sure there is a diet that is a one size fits all either. Get your protein in, get your water in, then if you're still as miserable, CALL your doctor and/or nutritionist and have a serious discussion. They want you to succeed. When you succeed, they succeed. Good luck everybody. This is just a moment in the big picture, right?
  18. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm just beginning. It's so wonderful and encouraging to see the success of others. You are an inspiration!
  19. I agree with Betsy. Call your doctor, let her/him know how you're feeling. I've been in contact with my group because I've not been able to eat as much as I was instructed to eat with the next phase of mushies. Let your professionals know what's going on. Give them the opportunity to help you. I'm one week post-op and must still be swollen because I'm FULL. I have noticed some head hunger, you know? But when I stop and really think about it, I am not hungry. Good luck, I hope you get the hunger under control soon!
  20. I don't weigh myself. I don't even own a scale. The numbers can make me a little crazy. If I happen to gain a pound, it can really discourage me. Also, because I'm new at this (banded 3/10), I'm just trying to concentrate on my diet and activity. Just getting that straight in my head is keeping me occupied. I love being surprised at the doctor's office and the numbers are so much larger than if I were to weigh everyday. Different strokes .. right?
  21. Thanks for the message. I would love to share experiences. I had my post-op visit yesterday and I'm down another 4 lbs. I also saw the nutritionist. I have and have had reservations about the information and diets she gives me. They come in way under protein levels and way over in bulk.

  22. Drasan

    wierd stomach sounds?

    The Bariatric Surgery Coordinator at the hospital told me to expect a lot of noise in my tummy. I have an alien in my tummy too and it speaks .. in many ways. :thumbup:
  23. Finally .. a bonus for hot flashes! :thumbup:
  24. Oh my gosh, cottage cheese and scrambled eggs .. really? I hope my nutritionist is of that mindset. I'm drooling now. My husband asked me what the difference is anyway between pureering things in a blender or doing it with your teeth inside your mouth. Good question. And if I have to puree things, I'm asking it.
  25. wow jre! 32 lbs is huge! congrats! My one week post-op is tomorrow. I hope I can move my ticker even a little bit. Congrats again!

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