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Posts posted by LargeMediumSmall

  1. Hummm, which ones don't I like would be a shorter list. :rolleyes:

    I'm a cosmopolitian kind of girl. I like mine with Absolute Citron, Triple Sec & Pomegranate juice with a HUGE twist of lemon. I keep my alcohol to a limit because of the empty calories but sometimes a little cosmo is just hits the spot.

    They have a ton of calories as most alcoholic beverages do but they are pretty, small & tasty.

    Happy anniversary. Hope your hubby likes the the gift of the new you.

  2. Fabulous advice HeatherinCa! "Do what you'd normally do." Just because they offer a ton of food doesn't mean you have to eat it. You'll still be able to enjoy the foods and you'll stay on track. Remember, the band isn't just about controlling your food intake it's also there to help teach you lifestyle changes and a healthy relationship with food.

    I LOVE cruises too and have had some of the same questions you have had. I've even avoided book one because of the food issue, but when I saw HeatherinCa's post it all became clear. "Do what you normally do." Duh, why didn't I think of that? ;)

    I swear, sometimes I get so wrapped up in 'food issues' I fail to see the obvious. That's why I love this board!

    Have a great time on your cruise, enjoy yourself and if you find that you aren't interested in the buffet when everyone else is headed that way consider booking yourself a spa treatment at that hour or hit the shipboard shops. Besides, during mealtimes are when the services and shops are generally less crowded.

    Thanks for this question and post. Your question actually helped me a lot.

  3. A quick question. Anybody out there have the Zumba for Wii? My huband bought me a Wii for Christmas and I see that Zumba came out with a version for Wii.

    I'm not very coordinated. As a matter of fact it took me about 6 months just to learn how to march when I was in the Army. That's how uncoordinated I am. :lol: My gym offers it but I feel like such a fool that I'm to embarrassed to take the classes.

    I've checked out some of the Zumba videos on Youtube and I think I can do it. I totally need to do ab work and I tend to avoid it in the gym because no matter what I do it always seems like my neck or some other area of my body is being worked out besides my pouchy tummy. They say Zumba will really work your abs.

    I've heard great things about the regular Zumba video and am ready to take the plunge. I figured if I could do the Belly Dancy workout video I could do this. After all, they show hundreds of people working out at the same time on TV. The odds are that some of those folks are bigger klutzes than I am.

    I'm about 30 pounds from my goal weight and half of that is sitting right around my abs. I'm a little stalled in my weight loss and I'm getting tired of running. Besides, running isn't tightening my abs.

    So, do you Zumba and do you Zumba for Wii?

    Would love to hear your input.

  4. Congratulations on giving yourself the gift of a new you and the permission to become the fabulous person on the outside that you already are on the inside. What a great way to start off a new year. The lap band will not only help you become a smaller you but more importantly, a healthier you, a happier you, an all around best you can be you! I'm excited for you.

    You don't need to tell anyone if you don't want to. And please, please, please don't be embarrassed. I went through the same thing then I realized something....

    Smokers have Chantix & Wellbutrin. Drug addicts have re-hab. Alcoholics have Antibuse. Almost all other personal 'issues' or disorders have socially acceptable help. What makes you think that you don't deserve help too? You do. You deserve help just like everyone else. The lap band is the tool you will use to gain control over your food issues and help you develop a great relationship with food. And the best part is, you'll lose weight in the process.

    Being overweight isn't about lack of self control or laziness, we know that, but sometimes other's dont. As you look around and try to figure out what everyone else is thinking about you, remember this...."They don't know you! They don't know what your life is like. They have no right to judge." Do not give your personal power away to anyone. Walk on proudly knowing that you had the guts to make a change in your life. I guarantee that all those 'perfect' people you see out there, male or female, have got some 'issue' hidden somewhere. We, as overweight people, just keep our issues a little more visible than they do. But not for long.:D

    Just remember, the lap band is a tool and like any tool you can chose to use it to its fullest potential or you can throw it in the shed with all the other tools. Use it and all the resources your doctor's office provides and you should do well.

    Best of luck for you and enjoy this lap-band journey.

  5. Hello,

    I might actually be able to help you out here as I am a Certified Herbalist by trade and have gone through some of the same pill issues as you have.

    You can get your Probiotics in liquid form. Just check with your health food store or even vitacost.com A great website that carries many of my favorite quality brands at fabulous prices.

    You can, if you choose, switch to flax seed oil. It is actually higher in Omega 3's than fish oils. Barlean's makes some great flavored flax seed oils. The strawberry banana is so good you can take it by the spoonfull. Even my 8 year lold will happily take a spoonful of Barlean's strawberry banana Flax Oil. I know that some people don't like to swtich but they are both excellent sources of Omega's and the flax doesn't have that nasty fishy flavor.

    N-Acetyl Cystine does come in a liquid . Just google it online and find a brand you are confident in. You could also crush it into a smoothie or Protein drink (which you can also add your flax seed oil to for great flavor). If you are also interested, Coenzyme Q10 also comes in a liquid.

    You'd be surprised at how we can get in our herbs, supplements & Vitamins even with a lap band. Almost everything comes in more than one form. There are only a few supplements out there that, due to their nature, don't come in anything other than a tablet. But nature usually provides us with an alternative that does the same trick. I'd consult your closest natural health care provider if you get really stuck. Most smaller natural health stores are happy to help.

    I hate to say it but generally places like GNC don't really know their herbs and supplements unless you get lucky and find a knowledgeable staff member.

    Your ginger and valerian also come in tea form. As I type I'm sipping on some Fenugreek & Skullcap Tea for a sinus headache I developed yesterday and it's doing the trick.

    I actually teach a class in medicinal teas. Teas are just as effective as pills and for we banders, much easier to swallow. And the good news is that they are much more cost effective. And if the valerian doesn't work well for you, I would suggest Kava Kava, Melissa, Chamomile, or Melatonin. All come in liquid forms. A few drops in Water, tea or juice will usually do the trick. There's always something soothing about a hot cup of tea.

    Oh, and don't forget about your multi-vitamins. There are some amazing liquid vitamins out there. Life's Fortune, Nature's Sunshine Vita-Wave, and many others are comprehensive, decent tasting & best of all, liquid!

    I hope this helps and feel free to ask any other herbal questions. I'm here to help. I've spent the last 15 years of my life studying natural health & herbal healing. So feel free to pick my brain anytime.

  6. Amazing! I bet you feel fabulous. Congratulations!!!

    I always say, the lap band is a tool to help you lose weight and gain perspective on your relationship with food.

    It not only gives you the tools you need to become a smaller you but more important, a better you.

    I bet you are feeling more like a whole person now than you ever did before.

    You are an inspiration to all of us!

    I'll meet you in the 100 pounders club in 20 more pounds. :)

  7. Great advice for a the pain and gas.

    Just remember that you just had your band put in and while you may experience natural swelling from the surgery your band is not 'turned on' yet. So until you have your first fill you very well may be able to eat and drink quite normally (especially as a few weeks passes) and you will probably feel like, "Hey, this thing isn't working!"

    At about 2 1/2 weeks in I had to call my docs office with just that complaint. I was in a bit of a minor panic. I said, I'm hungry and I can eat and drink anything I want. They reminded me that essentially the band is in but not turned on yet.

    After I had my first fill at 4 weeks and started to feel that restriction and sense of fullness after much less food.

    It's just all part of the journey. Just keep asking questions and you'll do great.

  8. I noticed after I started losing weight how uncomfortable just sitting used to be. I'd been overweight for so long I guess I didn't realize that sitting down was very uncomfortable and you could forget crossing the legs.

    At about 50 pounds gone I was sitting on the couch one evening just totally relaxed, legs crossed and on the floor and I realized, "Hey, I havn't sat down comfortably without putting my feet up on the coffee table for 10 years!" It was the weight loss!

    So now, when I'm out having coffee at Starbucks, sitting at the playground after I pick my daughter up from school, or just relaxing on the couch I think of how comfy it is to just sit and I take pleasure in it.

    It's the little things about weight loss that make it all worth it.

    And yes...I've had jeans that were so tight I'd get a stomach ache or gas from wearing them. And the first thing I'd do when I walked in the door was put on my 'fat pants' and get comfy.

  9. Had my surgery in August of 2009. An awesome experience. Long story short, God told me it was the right thing to do and that all would be fine. As a natural health advocate and Certified Herbalist you can imagine surgery wasn't exactly something I considered lightly.

    But with the Divine okie dokie I'd received to go ahead with the surgery I felt 100% confident. I mean really, how could you be worried with a guarantee from God?

    I did Reiki for myself (and asked other Reiki practitioners to do it for me as well) the day of my surgery and afterwards. I was so calm that when the doc asked me pre-op if I wanted something to help me relax I said, "I couldn't be more relaxed unless I was asleep." Of course he didn't believe that Reiki and meditation could really put me in a state of complete peace but I was. After all, 4000 years of oriental theories and practices can't be all wrong.

    Post surgery I had no nausea. Of course, it felt like I had been kicked in the stomach but I felt pretty good other than that. I needed no pain meds. Yes, I could feel the band and had a little referred shoulder pain but it wasn't bad considering I'd been opened up & poked around in. I was up and driving my kiddo to school the next day. I rested and relaxed most of the time for about 3 days but needed no pain meds. Yeah, it was a bit uncomfortable but nothing I couldn't handle.

    But as I've said before, I'm a positive kinda person. I believe that mindset and attitude can take you farther than you could ever imagine. Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right....as the saying goes. Over the years I've seen some amazing healing happen with the mind.

    All was well and I was on my way to weight loss. It's been an interesting journey and I wouldn't change it for anything.

  10. Yes, I too have had those toughts. But like you, I am thinking that I would love for those folks to have the happiness and success I have had with WLS.

    But, as others have said, just because someone is overweight, it doesn't mean they WANT to lose weight. I have a dear friend who is well over 400 pounds. She has admitted to considering the surgery but boldly says she doesn't want to give up food. Clearly her priorities and mine are completely different.

    Post surgery I also had problems watching certain food shows like "Man Vs. Food". For me, a person overcoming food addiction, it was like a drug addict watching a show where people were getting high. It just made me sick.

    I'm a chatty person by nature and can talk to anyone. So no matter where I am I seem to end up talking about my weight loss inadvertantly. I'll be shopping and be so excited about a purchase that I'll say..."I'm just loving this skirt. I just recently lost 80 pounds and I'm excited about shopping for the first time in 10 years." Sometimes the listener is overweight, sometimes not. It doesn't matter. I'm not saying it because I think they should have the surgery but who knows, maybe they know someone who is considering it and they can say..."Hey, I just met a person at the mall who said they had that surgery and loved it." You never know how all the pieces will fit together in someone's life and help them.

    I think you'll know when it's appropriate to say something and when it isn't. But yes, I think those of us who have had positive experiences with our lap-bands want to share that positivity with others. We don't want to see others suffer as we have but we must remember, to each his own.

  11. About 4 days into my band I was having the same problems. Just absolutely starving, belching non-stop, and just in what I could only describe as dieters hell.

    I called my doc and he ok'd thicker Soups and soft stuff on that 5th day which helpd tremendously. His office confessed that not many people make the full 10 days on liquids with ease.

    My suggestion for ANY situation you go through with your band is to.....Call your doctor's office. There are a lot of ins and outs to the band. Each person's body reacts differently. Ask questions all the time. You should never feel alone during this process. They know that the band works differently for each person so they expect you to call and ask silly questions.

    Personally, I paid a lot of money for my surgery and I was going to get all the support I needed, even if I had to put his office on speed dial! So needless to say, my doctor's office knows me personally.

    You might think that's a bad thing but it's not. I got all the information I needed and have had what I would consider a pretty problem free year and 3 months.

    My doctor's office knows me so well that they have asked me several times to speak at their monthly informational seminars. This Saturday will be the next time I speak, probably in front of a ton of people.

    This is probably the hardest and scariest time for you. You just had surgery. You are wondering if this is really going to work and now you are uncomfortable and freaking out. Don't worry. You'll get through it like we all did. Just keep on the board and on the phone with your doctor and you'll do great!

  12. Heck yes, it's difficult. I was on liquids for about 4 days before I called my doc and said I was very hungry, belching a lot, & frustrated. He ok'd semi-soft foods at that point and I was off and running. Thank goodness because I think I would have been swimming in broth if I had to keep to the full 10 days.

    Keep in touch with your doc. Sometimes those timelines they give you can be modified. Just check first.

  13. Oh, oh, oh, here's one that sort of snuck up on me. Sitting comfortably with my legs crossed.

    I was sitting on the couch one day and I didn't want to move. I was comfortable and happy there just helping my daughter with her homework. I wondered why I was so content but didn't get it until a few days later when I was, once again, sitting.... at the park watching my daughter play.

    I never realized how uncomfortable I was just simply sitting. The weight made even something as simple as sitting oddly irritating.

    So now when I sit down and cross my legs I think....Hey, small victory, but well worth recognition. :D

  14. Uh ok, I'll be the first to say it....After all, I have been married for 10 years. Renewed sex life. :D

    Fitting into airplane seats.

    Hugs from my daughter.

    Being able to run more than 50 feet.

    Rubbing it in my family docs face that I don't need her stupid medications that would probably make me feel worse anyway.

    Feet that are an entire size smaller.

    Finding old 'skinny clothes' in your closet that are actually to large now.

    Fitting in to restaurant booths.

    Burning old granny panties in the fireplace!

    Shopping in regular stores, knowing that the clothes will fit.

    Not worrying that they wouldn't have a wet suit large enough for me when I went to snorkle in Florida this sumer.

    Ohhh, the list goes on and on and on....what are some of your favorite things about your new you.

    And best of all, bending over to empty the dishwaher just to have your hubby come up behind you and say..."Wow!" and not out of sheer horror, for once. That was my personal cherry on top moment. :P

  15. I caught the tail end of a cable show on obesity tonight. I think I have seen a little of it before. This poor young man had obviously lost a ton of weight with his lap band. He had gone into his docs office and requested that ALL Fluid be removed because he wanted to eat again. The doctor reluctantly agreed & said "You will be hungry."

    The next scene they show him a short time later at a restaurant ordering the Thanksgiving dinner. He ate it and got sick. Then he proceeded to order 3 milkshakes, 2 pieces of pie & a brownie. He claimed it was 'everything he imagined it would be.'

    He left the diner describing feelings of guilt, anger, & general depression. In general I hate TV shows like this because they are so dramatic but it hit a chord with me. It was quite obvious that this poor man had not come to terms with deep psychological issues and food addictions and my heart just went out to him.

    I had to turn it off. I don't know the name of the show but it came at an opportune time. I just had my dinner and a Weight Watchers ice cream bar for desert and it went down soooo easy. I was seriously considering another one simply for the fact that it went down easy, when I happened upon that channel.

    I had to ask myself which was more important, progress and being healty or 5 minutes alone with a frozen fudge bar? And what really was I trying to suplicate with that second bar? I think that show was divine intervention but I'd still like to know the name of it.

    I didn't have the second bar. I went and got a cup of hot tea and was fine. I think angels were around me at just the right time. Anytime I win a battle with food I am happy. Tonight I'm very happy.

  16. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Girrrrl, don't even go there. If I could do a cyper finger snap I would. :lol:

    You'll be glad that you didn't. One of the things I see a lot of on this board and am totally guilty of myself ,is 'comparisons'. Your banding process is as unique as you and your body are. There is no way to say what is average.

    I can't even remember what I lost post-op. That time is hard to tell anyway with swelling, and your body's natural reaction to the band. I didn't have a pre-op diet for very long...A. Because from the day I decided to do the surgery to actual surgery was only 3 weeks and B. because I could hardly stick to the pre-op diet.

    Whatever you lose will be a fantastic victory. In all honesty, in the beginning weight loss is just a number because most of us don't really 'see' a difference until a little later. But I guess that really depends on your start weight/size. I was a size 24.

    So, whatever you lose post-op will feel amazing and it will just get better and better, but beware of how you handle your comparisons to others, sometimes that can bite us in the tushie.

  17. Hey,

    Good luck. Just remember that the lap band is a tool, not a total cure. Use it as such and you'll be successful in so many ways. You are beginning a fabulous journey to discovering yourself and what makes you tick. The best part is you get to lose the weight, get healthy and be even more fabulous that you already are!

    I suggest that you keep the perspective of...."My lap band is a tool to help me keep control of my eating & get this weight off until the day comes when I am able to do it on my own." And that day will come. :)

    Stay calm, be patient, ask questions, keep in touch with your doc and people on this board. The band doesn't work exactly the same way for everyone so there's no one list of 'how to's' for everyone to follow. You sort of just have to figure it out as you go along.

    Don't panic, you'll do great. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  18. Oh yes! Such a yummy feeling....'Walking out of your pants' syndrome. I want to see that two more times. :rolleyes: And BTW, 30 pounds is a lot when you see it all on one space. You should be proud of yourself. We are proud of you!

    The other day I said to my doc's nurse...I've only lost 80 pounds in the last 14 months. She happily informed me that I might not consider that much but my body sure does!

    I quickly had a flashback of carrying a 60 pound rucksack & and M16 around in the Army for miles and miles and thought, "Yep, 80 (or even 30) pounds is a lot when you are schlepping it around 24/7." I'm glad to even see 5 pounds go now.

  19. Wow! That's a tough one. I am in a bit of a stall-out myself. When I talked to my doc's exercise phisiologist she said to change up my workout routine a little. I had become kind of stagnant in my workouts. I increased the intensity a bit this week and I've already noticed a little drop in weight.

    Try the diet change suggestions, try changing up your exercise routine, heck, try anything and see what works. Stalls can be very frustrating but they can be overcome.

    Good luck.

  20. Been hypothyroid for 18 years. Been off and on meds, natural and synthetic. Done well on both as far as symptoms went, but thyroid treatment never actually helped me with weight loss, per se. Probably because, in reality, I had a terrible relationship with food.

    I had been off meds for quite a few years when it was re-diagnosed during my initial lap-band office visit. I went back on synthroid because I didn't want anything slowing or inhibiting my weight loss. As a Certified Herbalist I generally don't like meds but in this case my size 24 butt overruled my herbalist heart and I faithfull take my Synthroid each day.

    I'm a 'low & slow' loser but I can't really say if that's from my thyroid issues or my way of dealing with my band. But the bottom line is that even with hypothyroidism I am losing and feel great.

    I'm sure you'll do great as well.

    And on a personal note....Thyroid problems bite! What a pain in the ass. How can one little gland cause so much difficulty! :P

    P.S. I will assume that is an 'after' photo you have listed. Even if it isn't, you still look fab!

  21. Wow! I'm amazed at how many 'Wingers' there are out there. I was expecting to see a lot of 3/2ers.

    I generally wing it but after the last seminar I spoke at I was beginning to wonder if I was doing myself a disservice as the doctor that gave this particular seminar (not my surgeon) touted the necessity and benefits of the 3/2 way of life. My surgeon told me personally, "I don't care what you it, it's how much." Of course I know that both he and I would prefer that I don't consume 900 calories in ice cream each day, but I get his drift. The only thing he actually said to stay away from was high calorie sodas which I don't drink anyway.

    I am a winger out of years of habit. As I said, I can't even get a Breakfast in, I'm just to tight in the AM. I've been a little stalled for the last 8 weeks at 185 but my recent increase in exercise seems to have pushed me through that.

    I've cut my Starbucks down from a mocha to a skinny latte or plain coffe and my Godiva consumption has been put on hold as well. :) That should help a little.

    I was concerned that my winging it was still harboring avoidance issues with food but after reading your comments I see that it's not avoidance it's healthy ambivolence. Ahhh, I see...If food is no longer an issue then there's no need to monitor the heck out of it. So if I choose to wing it or 3/2 it, as long as I'm comfortable & healthy I think I'll be fine with either way.

    In the meantime I think I'll stick with my wing it & eyeballing the calories method. Seems to be working so far.

    Thank you for your comments. They really helped me understand a nother piece in the puzzle of my relationship with food. :D

  22. So folks, there are a lot of opnions out there on the best way to handle your food intake. There are a lot of metabolism theories and suggestions on what is best. I'm curious as to what everyone is doing and how well it works for you and most important, why do you do it that way.

    So do you..

    Wing it. Eat what you need. Let the band tell you when you are full and exercise.

    Calorie count. Keep track of what you eat but don't have a set eating schedule.

    3 meals/2 Snacks. Stay strictly on the metabolism booster 3/2 program.

    Which do you do? How well does it work for you? Why do you choose that particular format?

    I choose to 'wing it' but I do keep an eye on the calories & exercise 3 to 4 times a week. I'm a grazer from way back due to my love/hate relationship with food. I avoided food as much as possible but when it finally came time to give in and eat, I'd eat to much AND didn't do my metabolism any favors by doing it that way.

    I am slowly working towards 3/2 but I generally can't eat in the AM. I'm coming to terms with eating a lunch & dinner. But I generally don't even want lunch or Snacks. It's a slow process but I know I need to get there because even my doc says the 3/2 way helps boost the metabolism. I'm not worried about that as much as I am about developing a proper relationship with food and a 3/2 program feels like the best way to do that.

    So which way works best for you and why?

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