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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lessofm3

  1. Congratulations! I can relate exactly to your story. I also refused to wear jeans because the only jeans I could fit into were the stretchy kind with the elastic waistband. One day while I was out shopping with my husband, I picked up a pair of jeans, I didn't try them on, I just bought them, assuming if I didn't fit into them now, I would eventually fit into them. Well I got home put on the size 18 jeans, and viola! They fit! Jeans with pockets a zipper, and button! So, yes I can relate to your story 100%

    Also, I noticed we were just about the same weight when we began our journey, and have lost about the same weight so far.

    Good luck in your journey!:thumbup:

  2. WOOO HOOOO, Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to get there too. I have 23 lbs to go so it's within reach. Keep up the great work. Pretty soon the 200's will be a distant memory.

    Thank you and congratulations to you as well in your accomplishments! Before you know it you will have lost those 23 pounds, and yes, the 200's will soon be a distant memory.

    Good luck in your journey! :o :confused:

  3. Well like usual every Monday morning I got on the scale. I was a bit reluctant because last week I didn't lose, in fact I had gained a pound or two. Also, this weekend my husband and I went to dinner. I did order a veggie wrap, skipped the chips that came with it and only had half and had the other half yesterday for lunch.

    Anyhow I got on the scale and FINALLY saw a 1 in front of the other two numbers! I haven't been in the 100's since before I had my first baby, and that was 19 years ago! So yes, while 199 is still heavy for me this is a hugh accomplishment.

    I am so very thankful for the ability to get the band. Without it I am positive I would have died at a young age due to complications from obesity.

    I hope everyone is doing well in their journey.

  4. I was just wondering if anyone has experience lactose intolerance since they have had the surgery?

    I am almost 4 months out from my surgery, and feel fine for the most part, however, I have noticed after I have lunch, which usuallly consists of string cheese, and cottage cheese, my stomach begins to rumble shortly after, and I am VERY gassy. Actually this just started probably last week, and it's after I have eaten any type of dairy products, so I'm thinking it does have something to do with lactose.

    If this is lactose intolerance is this something that needs to be taken care of by my php or do I address this with the surgeon?

    Also, I am about 3 pounds from entering onederland. These 3 pounds are very pesky!

    I hope everyone is doing well in their journey! :)

  5. Thank you everyone for your replies. Maybe it is just Fluid retention. I guess I just totally freaked out this morning when I saw I had gained. I sent an email to the coordinator of the program I'm in and now just waiting to hear back from her. Again, thanks!

    Oh btw, today I decided to go back to fluids to see if that will make a difference, so no solids for me at least for today. I don't know if that's the right thing to do or not, but like I said, I totally freaked out this morning!

  6. To Sue and Cathy

    My portions have not changed a bit, I still measure exact and I have not changed the type of food I'm eating. In fact, I haven't eaten anything different since the surgery. I eat the same thing day in and day out. I haven' t had anything salty or spicy, and it's not that time of the month, in fact, i'm two weeks post and I usually don't retain Water until I"m a week before my cycle. This morning because I'm SO freaked out about gaining, I decided to go back to basics, liquids and soft foods. I had a Protein drink and sugar free jell-o, lunch I'm planning on having Soup, dinner another Protein Drink and more Soup. I guess I'll call the surgeons office and see what they say. Thanks so much for your help.

  7. Well this morning I got on the scale, like I always do every Monday. According to the scale I have gained 2 pounds! UGH! I have been SO careful about what I eat, I don't snack, I haven't had an ounch of sugar since the surgery, even when my family has dessert, I pass it up. I haven't eaten fried fatty foods, no junk. Just healthy high Protein lean foods. I haven't changed my portion amount nor my diet.

    I have been so careful because I didn't want to gain anything, as long as I saw that I was losing, I was satisfied. Now that I've gained, I'm so terrified that I will continue to gain.

    I'm wondering if it has something to do with not getting a fill once again. I've gone for 3 fills, but only got one and that was back in July one month after my surgery.

    Does anyone have any advice?

  8. I have a very negative and judgmental boss, so I dont think I would tell her or my coworkers. When it comes to people that I don't eat with, or spend my free time with, I would consider it a personal thing, and I dont think I would share it with them. My boyfriend and my mom know that I am going to do it, but even as far as extended family that I dont talk to, I think I would prefer to take the credit instead of giving it away that I cheated :thumbup:

    What do you mean you cheated? If you think having this surgery is cheating or taking the easy way out, it certainly is not. Even with the band you have to be very careful of the choices you make with food, you have to have willpower. Just because you have a band wrapped around your stomach does not by any means mean you will lose weight. The band is a tool to help you along. I haven't had a bit of surgar since the surgery, no fried foods, no fatty foods, just lean high Protein foods.

    So to say you cheated by having the band, you are cheating yourself of the credit that is due with the weight loss you will potentially experience.

  9. Husband: Very supportive, told me if this is what I think I need he will be behind me 100%.

    Office mgr/boss: Very supportive, very happy for me.

    Family Physician: Very supportive, gave me literature to read up on it, and recommended two different surgeons.

    1 close friend: Not very knowledgeble about the process, but happy for me, and not judgemental.

    So far I haven't run into anyone who was not happy or supportive.

    Just remember you're doing this for yourself not for anyone else. About the one comment from the person who said something along the lines of you will fail with the surgery, how does this person know this? Where did this person get their information? I've had my band for about 3 1/2 months now and have lost 60 pounds so far. What you don't need right now is someone planting that seed of failure in your mind. If you decided to have this surgery, you need to surround yourself with people who will be supportive of YOUR decision.

    Good luck in what you decide.

  10. I am 5'3"(and a half)...lol...with a BMI of 46.

    I have hypothyroid, high blood pressure, and take meds for my heart racing and anxiety. I just recently had a sleep study and have sleep apnea, not that severe, but I was to get a Bi-Pap machine, with oxygen.

    As I was leaving the doctor's office (for the resluts of the sleep study) he made a flippant comment to the effect of lose 50 lbs and you won't need the Bi-pap.

    After finding out that the Bi-pap and oxygen would cost approx $3000, and I might not even like it, I decided to pursue other options.

    That's how I came to investigate LAP-BAND®® surgery. I had a co-worker who's sister had it done 6 weeks ago and some other acquaintances who have had gastric bypass.

    I have had my initial consultation with the surgeon, a dietician and the psych consult this week. I have an appt on Tuesday to have the lab, UGI, EKG, etc.

    Not sure how quickly I could have the surgery after that, but it is happenening so fast. It is scaring me to death. I don't deal with change very well, even if it's positive.

    From the information I have received and what I have read on the forums, I am feeling overwhelmed. :smile:

    Any advice/support is welcome.



    Did you go to a information seminar first? If you didn't, then yes this is going very fast! I had a seminar first, then had time to absorb everything. For me from start to finish it was a 4 month process.

    Good luck in your decision.

  11. I was given the option to stay or not. I chose to go "home" When I say home I mean I discharged myself from the hospital the same day, but stayed at a hotel near the hospital with my husband because I live more than an hour from the hospital. I just felt like I would be more comfortable even at a hotel than in the hospital, and if there were complications I was still close enough to the hospital if I needed to go back.

  12. Good morning all-

    I'm back to work today and was banded last Thursday. I can say I'm feeling good and I've lost 9lbs so far, well a total of 18 from the beginning of the pre op diet. I'm pretty pumped and surprised that I'm not hungry. It's amazing to get full on Jello and water-HAHA:ohmy:

    Congratulations to anyone else who was banded last week! WE are on our way!

    Just a quick note to let those who were so supportive know that I made it through the surgery fine. Wasnt much pain. Just soreness on one side. I was able to eat right after the surgery. Was surprised to still have a growling tummy. Looking forward to that going away.

    Congratulations to the two of you! You are both well on your way! Keep us posted!

  13. Does the Biotin come in liquid or chewable forms?

    I just had my 2nd fill yesterday and am very tight. I do not think it would be a good idea for me to take a pill.

    I am almost 3 months post-op. I am not sure if I am shedding more hair than I normally do or not. Today my hair does not feel thinner, but it just seems like I am finding more shed hairs on clothing and such.

    I already avoid social situations because of my weight. Hair loss would make it worse. I feel like my hair is one of my best features and I can't afford hair loss because my hair is already very fine.

    I want to treat it ASAP and will try anything and everything. I am very afraid to swallow a pill at this point. I am drinking plenty of Protein shakes, but fear that I am shedding more hair than normal.:seeya:

    The Biotin I have is in pill form. I got it at GNC. I think I"m going to start taking that again. If you feel too tight right now then I guess I would wait until you don't feel that much restriction before I try to take a pill. Also, you could check with GNC to see if they have biotin in liquid form.

    Good luck!

  14. Well yesterday I went for my 3rd fill. Again, no fill. I guess that's a good thing. I go back October 30th to see if I need a fill. The doctor told me if I do he will give me my fill, then stretch my appointments out so I'm not running back and forth each month if I don't need to since I live more than an hour away from the doctors office.

  15. Since I have lost the weight that I have lost so far I have noticed that my menstrual cycle has changed significantly. What used to be every 30 days has now become ever 20 days. It is much heavier and lasts longer. Could this be due in part to the weight loss? Has anyone else experienced a noticable change in their monthly?

  16. Good luck to both of you. Nervousness, and excitement are very normal. Up until the day of surgery I questioned if I was doing the right thing. I'm am so thankful that I had the surgery.

    I had my surgery on June 15 at 10:00 AM, was discharged at 4:00 PM off work for 1 week, and do not regret it one bit.

    Keep us posted.

  17. I have heard with WLS hair loss is expected. However, I went to my second appointment in August for a fill and saw the coordinator of the program and she commented that my hair is beautiful. I told her I was surprised that I haven't lost any hair. She told me I'm not losing my hair because I get more than enough Protein a day.

    Since the beginning of the week when I shower I have a handful of hair, more than usual. So now I'm starting to lose my hair in gobs. I have 100 + grams of Protein a day so I don't understand why the sudden Hair loss.< /p>

    Does anyone know of any other reasons for the hair loss? I am just a little more than 3 months out from my surgery.

  18. I am 3 months out from my surgery. I haven't had any problems with different foods. I've had steak, bread, and spare ribs with no problems. I don't drink 15 minutes before a meal, and wait 60 minutes after. I drink Water and Decaf coffee with non diary Creamer and sweet and low. I just make sure I chew my food well and give myself 20-30 minutes per meal. I only have 3 meals a day and no snacking.

    I also was nervous about having the procedure done. I was nervous up to the day of surgery and went back and forth wondering and questioning if I was doing the right thing. Since the surgery I am so thankful that I was able to have this done and went through with it. I do not regret having the surgery for one moment. I feel much better about myself, I'm not fatigued or winded from walking up a flight of stairs anymore, I can partake in more activities with my children now, and I have not had to take my blood pressure medication since the surgery.

    Good luck in your journey :thumbup:

  19. I am 3 months post op as well and I eat whatever I want. I have no restrictions regarding my diet accept my 30 grams of non vegetable carbs per day. I have eaten things like a cheeseburger from Mc'Ds and I have had pizza but I went for the thin crust. I haven't had a fill yet as my MD and I are happy with my weight loss thus far. Although these past 2 weeks I have been really struggling to stay within my carb limit so I am thinking of getting a fill on my next appt 9/30

    I think the reason I am sticking with the same thing day in and day out is for a couplel reasons.

    1. I am SO fearful to eat anything else for fear I will gain my weight back.

    2. It is satisfying me and I'm losing weight, so I guess if it isn't broken then why fix it.

    Does that make sense?

  20. People are funny, aren't they??!! I don't know why people think fat people never try to lose weight. My husband's great aunt, who turns 100 tomorrow, told me last time I saw her that I was too fat and that I'm too pretty to be this fat. What could I say, she's an old lady. I think the very old and the very young are the worst/best about saying just what's on their minds.

    Take this and learn from it...you might decide to be mindful of complimenting others when they do something (non weight related) that might otherwise go un-noticed.

    Yes they sure are funny. I think people think those of us who are heavy never try to lose weight because in their mind if we did try, we wouldn't be heavy. I wish others would realize it really is not that easy to drop the weight especially when you get older. Thanks for the advice. I'm also from North Carolina.

  21. Thanks everyone for the advice. I guess I never really thought of compliments as being annoying but I guess they could be. I guess there's two sides to everything. One thing that does bother me is these are the same people who commented on my weight before the surgery. Comments such as "You're so pretty if you would just lose some weight you would be a knockout" or "that much weight can't be healthy" or even suggesting that I try weight watchers or Atkins. It's like HELLO! Don't you think I already have? It's just amazing to me I guess. Some people have no problem cutting another to pieces but have a very difficult time complimenting. My own mother is guilty of that exact thing.

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