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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lessofm3

  1. Yesterday my family and I went to an amusement park. I got one one of the rides and the bar was pressed against my stomach. The operator of the ride was pressing the bar down, I finally told him to unlock the ride and let me adjust my seating. After that the bar was fine. My question is from the operator pushing and trying to slide the bar down along my stomach could that cause any damage to the port? I have heard of ports flipping. How would I know if my port flipped. Also how would I know if my band slipped? I probably don't have anything to worry about, but last night all of a sudden that thought had popped into my mind.
  2. lessofm3


    I just went to the movies, and took a bottle of flavored water. The dietician I see in the program I'm in doesn't allow snacking between meals, only 3 meals a day with measured portion sizes.
  3. Sorry Tory I misread your name!
  4. Tony, you will be in my thoughts. I'm sorry to hear your family isn't behind you in YOUR decision. Remember this is your decision, and yes it would be nice if your family was behind you in this, but ultimately YOU know what is best for you. I'm assuming you had to show that you have tried diets in the past and if you could lose the weight on your own you would have and you wouldn't be having surgery. Keep your chin up, if you can't have the support from your family you can get it here. Good luck!
  5. lessofm3

    Discouraged - aftercare?

    I did buy a recipe book called eating well after weight loss surgery. What I like about it is the recipes are meals that can be prepared for the whole family. At the bottom of each recipe is the serving size for Lapband, bypass, BPD-DS (not sure what ths is) and others (meaning rest of the family). Maybe that will help if you don't have access to a dietician?
  6. lessofm3

    Never Again...

    Amanda, Yes you can do this! We all can! I went shopping today because my pants are sooooooooooo loose on me I can literally take them off without unzipping them. I have already gone from a size 24 to an 18. Yes that's still a big size, but that's 3 sizes smaller than I began with. I don't remember when I was in a size 18. Good luck in your recovery Amanda
  7. Mia, Congratulations! I know this has to be VERY exciting for you! Keep us updated!
  8. There was a post on p'bing. I have tried to look for it, but I can't find it now. I apologize for having to ask this, but what exxactly is p'bing?
  9. lessofm3


    Thank you!
  10. Thanks! That clears things up!
  11. I was wondering how many different types of bands there are out there? I myself have the realize band in place.
  12. I agree with others I wouldn't risk having a drink or two so close to your surgery. I was told if I didn't follow the liquid diet and my liver hadn't shrunk the surgery would be cancelled. The coordinator of the program I am in told me she has seen the doctor cancel a surgery in the operating room because the patient did not follow the liquid diet and that patients liver was not pliable.
  13. I'm sorry but I don't mean to sound stupid, but what is a sweet spot?
  14. Jade, I also had lap band surgery. Mine was done in Hickory. If you got to Hickory surgical clinic then click on specialties then weight loss you will learn about the surgeons in Hickory that are qualified. My surgeon was Dr. Cox, there are 2 other surgeons there that are qualified for both banding and bypass. The weight loss center has a specialized team that works with the patients. I have not had any problems since my banding in June of this year, and am very confident in the team in Hickory. The doctors will do the surgery out of either Catawba or Frye hospital. I hope this has helped.
  15. lessofm3

    First Fill today!!

    Hi Diva I had my first fill July 16th and was instructed by my surgeon that I had to go back on thin liquids for 24 hours, then mushies for 2 days then soft foods for 2 days. I haven't heard of anyone having to go back on liquids for 2 weeks.
  16. lessofm3

    Chicken broth

    When I was drinking chicken broth during my pre op stage I was given the ok to add butter buds to the broth to give it a little better flavor. Butter buds are artificial butter flakes. I also used swanson chicken broth. One word though, you may end up disliking the broth after a while. Since I drank so much of the chicken broth for my pre op I now cannot stomach the taste much less the smell of chicken broth. Good luck!
  17. lessofm3

    Who measures food?

    I also weigh and measure my foods. I'm with greytz I don't feel secure enough right now to be able to eyeball my food and know that I'm not eating too much. Eventually I'm sure I'll be able to eyeball my food and know that I'm eating the proper portion.
  18. lessofm3

    Discouraged - aftercare?

    I agree with maclynn, it sounds like you have received very vague instructions. The weight loss clinic I went through is very thorough. Before the surgery I had to go to a seminar, then I sat down one on one with the dietician to go over what my eating guidelines would be before (pre op liquid diet), during (diet right after surgery) and after (diet to follow in the weeks following surgery). When I go for my fills, I have to see the program coordinator where I will get weighed and the coordinator will answer any questions I may have. Then I see the dietician to go over what my eating habits have been and to give me ideas on what I can eat that would be helpful in my weight loss. After that I see the surgeon who then fills my band and asks me if I have any questions. The next time you see your doctor, ask if there's a dietician you can speak with or try to talk to your doctor about your concerns. Good luck!
  19. lessofm3


    Can anyone tell me when it is possible to eat the same meals I prepare for my family? I had my surgery June 15th and am still preparing two separate meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I know if I do eat the same meals I prepare for my family the portions will be much smaller. Or is eating the same meals I prepare for my family something I will never be able to do?
  20. lessofm3


    Thanks everyone for your replies. I go for my second fill on the 21st of August, so I'll ask the doctor then. Right now for breakfast I eat either soft scrambled eggs, or oatmeal, for lunch it's usually a cup of egg drop soup and 1/4 cup 1% lowfat cottage cheese, and for dinner I have 2 ounces of chicken breast, and either half of a sweet potato, or mashed cauliflower (similiar to mashed potatoes). No snacks ever, and at least 5-16.9 ounce bottles of water oh also 2 cups one in the morning and one in the evening of decaf coffee. I'm just so scared to eat anything different or more solid mainly because I'm so worried that I will gain weight back since what I am currently eating is dropping the pounds. Thanks again for the replies! They were all very helpful!
  21. Hello everyone! I just joined this site to learn more about post op banding and to talk with others who have been through a similiar experience. I'm happily married to the most wonderful man in the world. He has been a great support to me in my decision to have the procedure done. I have 3 sons 2 of which are still in elementary school and my oldest graduated from high school. For most of my life I have had high blood pressure, and borderline diabetes never to the point of having to take medication for it though. However, had I not decided to do something about my weight, there is no doubt in my mind that I would have eventually been put on medication. As a child I was overweight. My parents would say "she's just chubby, she will grow out of it when she reaches puberty". Let's just say either I have not reached puberty or my parents were wrong! LOL. I have tried every diet under the sun. Atkins, cabbage Soup diet, south beach, weight watchers, diet pills, starvation, the fat busters diet with Ian Smith. You name it I tried it! Finally, I decided to check into bariatric surgery. I know of many people who have had bariatric surgery and been successful. My friends who have had the procedure have had the bypass. I did not want something that invasive, so I decided to check out the band. After extensive research and talking with my husband about this, I decided to have the band. I chose the band simply because it is less invasive, and it is a gradual weight loss. Sure I would love a "miracle cure" however, I did not gain all this excessive weight overnight, so I am not going to lose this excessive weight overnight. Also by having the band, it is teaching me to eat slower, and eat much smaller portions, and to choose what I eat wisely. I am also making sure I exercise daily by walking at least a mile a day. I do not regret for one minute making this life changing decision. I have never felt better, happier, or healthier. I still have a long way to go, but I know I will reach my goal with the help and support of my family and friends.

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