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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lessofm3

  1. Thanks everyone for the advice. I guess I never really thought of compliments as being annoying but I guess they could be. I guess there's two sides to everything. One thing that does bother me is these are the same people who commented on my weight before the surgery. Comments such as "You're so pretty if you would just lose some weight you would be a knockout" or "that much weight can't be healthy" or even suggesting that I try weight watchers or Atkins. It's like HELLO! Don't you think I already have? It's just amazing to me I guess. Some people have no problem cutting another to pieces but have a very difficult time complimenting. My own mother is guilty of that exact thing.
  2. I'm sorry you have had to deal with that. I didn't tell anyone but my husband who I discuss everything with, and my boss since I needed the time off from work. After my surgery I eventuallly told my oldest son who is 18 and two of my 3 step daughters.
  3. lessofm3


    Congratulations! Keep us posted!
  4. Congratulations and good luck to you.
  5. I was wondering if gaining back a couple pounds is an indication that I may need an adjustment. My last adjustment was in July, I went in August but the doctor didn't give me a fill. I am scheduled for another fill on the 25th of this month. Over this Labor Day weekend I did eat differently than I normally eat. Aside from my normal Breakfast and lunch the following is what I had for supper. For example; I went to a friends house on Saturday for dinner. She served Vietmanese food. Spicy shrimp with rice and Pho (a Soup mainly made out of chicken broth, bean sprouts, and rice noodles) a bite of eggplant and literally a bite of an ice cream pie. (I might mention non of it was measured except for the dessert) Sunday my step daughter was over for her birthday, I prepared bbq baby back ribs, shells and cheese, corn on the cob, biscuits and of course birthday cake. I however, had 3 baby back ribs, 1/2 ear of corn with butter spray, and 1/2 of a biscuit, with again literally one bite of cake. Monday I was back on track eating what I normally eat and measuring portions exact. I did exercise this weekend once, 70 minutes of uphill walking (I live in the mountains). Anyhow with what I have eaten over the weekend do you think maybe that is why I had gained some weight back?
  6. lessofm3

    weight gain :(

    Thanks everyone who has relpied. You have really put my mind at ease. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens next week. Good luck to all of you.
  7. lessofm3

    weight gain :(

    k-baby, Thanks for the advice. I guess I just totally freaked out because I am so afraid of gaining any weight back. I guess I didn't put into consideration other factors. Thanks so much!
  8. I am only 2 1/2 months out from my surgery, however, I am positive I will need PS mainly a tummy tuck, and possibly breast reconstructive surgery. Has anyone been fortunate enough for their insurance company to cover this? As I said I am positive I will need PS however, I really don't think I can afford it. Also, I know it is still too soon to EVEN think about another surgery right now, but I like to look at options for the future.
  9. lessofm3

    Insurance Coverage

    Cathy, Thanks for the info, your plan is the same as mine. I figured I would start talking to my PCP even though I still have a long way until I'm at a year.
  10. Tonight while once I got home from school, I was cleaning the kitchen, putting away the meal my family ate earlier. I was not the least bit hungry as I had my dinner at work before I left for my class. Yet, as I was putting the food away just the aroma made me want to take a bite of what they had. It took everything in me to NOT take just one little nibble. It was at that very moment that I realized that is what I used to do. I would take bites here and there resulting in MANY bites here and there. I ate just to eat, not because I was hungry, but simply because I wanted to eat. Since I have had the band placed, I noticed I have completely changed my eating habits, mainly because I had to in order for this to succeed, and I certainly wasn't going to intnetionally destroy everything I had done through surgery just because I dont' have self control. No I did not take a nibble, but the temptation was almost overwhelming. If I have learned anything from this experience it is that I can beat this with the help of the band. Without it, I would surely have eventually died from obesity. I am so very thankful each and every day that I went ahead and had the surgery. I have learned self control and willpower and if I do then anyone can!
  11. I was banded on June 15th and went back to work on June 23rd. Although I have a sit down job in an office so I really didn't feel tired, the only thing I was instructed was to not lift anything heavy. My doctor told me I would probably be tired during the day and might not be able to work a full day, but I really didn't have any problems with that. I could have gone back on the 22nd, but I had a follow up with the surgeon that day and it was an hour drive each way so decided to just take that day off.
  12. lessofm3

    Hair today gone tomarrow

    Texas Rose, I too am fearful that I will start losing my hair. Along with my Multivitamin I take two Biotin a day. I found them at GNC, it's for hair, and nails. I asked my php and the coordinator of the baratric program and both have said it is ok to take the biotin along with my multivitiman, but if you decide to take it, I would talk you the doctor first. Good luck.
  13. Thanks for pointing out the FAQ section on here. I guess I never really saw it before now, but at least I can go there with any "STUPID" questions I may have before I ask them on here.
  14. What you are feeling is common. I too was very anxious and going back and forth wondering if I am making the right decision. Up until the day I had the surgery I was going back and forth with having this done. Now that I have the band, I do not regret my decision for one minute. I am very happy that I went through with this, I am very thankful that my insurance covered and approved this. I'm thankful for my husband who has supported me through all of this.
  15. My lunch is at 1:00, then dinner at 5:00.....I try to eat the same time every day.
  16. Also I allow myself at least 20 minutes for my meals. I usually don't go over 30 minutes. I also chew, chew, chew! Good luck!
  17. Urs, I really don't have a secret. I eat only 3 times a day. I usually have Breakfast at around 7:30 in the morning (I have to leave early for work) my breakfast consists of 1/4 cup egg beaters, 1 ounce lean ham, 1 ounce 2% milkfat cheese cut into cubes. I slice of Sara Lee whole wheat toast with a spray of I can't believe it's not butter. Lunch: I'll have 1 cup egg drop soup; 1/2 cup 1% milkfat cottage cheese; 1 2% milkfat string cheese. Dinner: It usually consists of 3-4 ounces of roasted chicken breast. 1 1/2 cup chedd airs (it's an organic soy snack) and 1/2 of a small nectarine peeled. (I usually can't eat all of this food though) Before breakfast I have 1 cup of decaf coffee, and before bed 1 cup decaf coffee. During the day I drink anywhere from 4-6 16.9 ounce bottles of Water.
  18. I was told after you have a fill to not fly for one week, but I didn't realize that simply flying could be a problem because I have the band. What are some of the problems that can occur due to having the band when you fly? My husband and I are planning on flying to Washington State later this year, as well as Europe next summer.
  19. Urs, I started out at 262 that was on June 1st, so I guess I'm counting the amt of weight I lost from when I started the pre-op diet. The day of my surgery I was at 253 so since surgery I have lost 36 pounds, so I guess we're all pretty close to the amt of weight lost. I guess I list my starting weight at the weight I was when I started the pre-op diet simply because for me, to see those numbers it helps me in reaching my goal, and the day I started the pre-op liquid diet is the day I count as me starting my journey to a healthier, and thinner me. Does that make sense? Good luck to you!
  20. lessofm3


    Katlynn, I don't know what journal you're speaking of, but I do keep track of my daily food intake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you get the realize band they have a website for you to log your daily food intake, as well as recipes, and it will allow you to also keep track of your exercise. There is another site to log your food and that is FitDay.com
  21. lessofm3


    Katlynn, welcome to the group. You will find a lot of information here and there are MANY people who give great advice. Good luck in your journey and keep us posted.
  22. Melinda, I've lost 47 pounds so far. And my BMI has dropped from 45 to 36.9. But what I've found is that everyone loses at their own pace and I still have a long way to go! Good luck in your journey.
  23. Hi I was banded on June 15, 2009, I've had one fill went for a second but didn't get a fill. Good luck to the two of you in your journey.
  24. I hated the protein shakes until I found Atkins Advantage. Now the ONLY flavor I do like from Atkins is Dark Chocolate Royale.
  25. lessofm3


    The fact that you weight the exact same as you did 6 weeks ago is a VERY good indication that you are due for a fill. It may take many fills before you reach your "sweet spot". Don't be embarassed. Go for your fill and you will see a difference.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
