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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by petrafarmer

  1. Hi everyone,

    I was banded on 6/29, just the band, no fill. I have just started taking weight off this week . I lose between 1/2 to 1 pound a day.

    I am posting this because I know some people get upset when the weight does not start to come off immediately. After your body has been through trauma it needs time to heal. At this time it holds on to all of the calories it can so weight loss is slowed. It's a self preservation response.

    I teach science so in my head I knew what was going on but I still doubted if I would ever see the scale move. I have been on so many diets that did not work that I believe it was a natural response. I eat pretty much whatever I want just much less of it. I still get full and remain full for quite some time so I am not ready for a fill. I do plan to go for a fill at the end of September. I live in NJ and I was banded in Mexico so it's no small trip for me. By then I will probably need a fill and some time away from the job!!!!!

    So, those of you newly banded, if you are not losing as quickly as you would like remain patient, it will happen.:thumbup:

  2. I had the biggest, ugliest, most purple bruise on my belly. It wasn't too bad just out of surgery but it grew in the days following. It was quite interesting watching it spread. (I'm a science teacher and find things that gross others out fascinating). It didn't hurt like other bruises do. It took quite a few weeks for it to go away. I was surprised because I don't consider myself sensitive but I guess my belly is!

  3. Hi everyone,

    I live in NJ and went to Mexico to have Dr. Ortiz do my surgery. I am going back at the end of September for my first fill.

    I had a wonderful experience. Tijuana may be dangerous but so is Philadelphia. I just made sure to stay in the hotel and did not venture out although some of the other Americans did.

    I did not qualify for surgery here. My BMI is only 37 (sounds funny to say ONLY 37) and I have no co-morbidities so my insurance would not cover it. I refused to gain more weight and make myself sicker so that they would pay to make me better.

    I recently went to my doctor here and he was very impressed with what he saw of my surgery. He also pointed out an article to me about Medical Tourism he had been reading.

    It seems to me that the biggest problem here is our insurance. They want you to be so sick before you are approved for some procedures that many people never get the help they need.

    Example: My mother died of ovarian cancer. When I was 45 my doctor and I decided I should have a hysterectomy because of my increased risk. My insurance company denied me. I am not the type to give up however and she and I kept fighting and I eventually was approved. It would have cost them much more had I gotten cancer!! Also, they do not have the brightest people working for them. They called and said they would approve removal of the uterus but not the ovaries! HELLO we were doing this because of the chance of OVARIAN CANCER. Total genius!!!!!!

    So all of you thinking about going to Mexico...do your homework, use common sense, choose wisely. My background is in scientific research so you know I did my homework.

  4. I haven't had a fill yet so I don't know how much I will get but in the book my surgeon and his team wrote, he states "The standard protocol in the United States adopted by most surgeons is a gradual adding of volume. This works well, but the author prefers to get the restriction level to the correct amount as soon as possible.This can be achieved more easily with the aid of fluoroscopy." He also talks about being sure there is no air in the system at the time of the fill. If there is air in there it will make the fill seem more restrictive but, the air will leak out thereby reducing the restriction and then you will need more fill. So, my surgeon uses fluoroscopy to see the level of restriction and is sure to purge the air from the system at the time of the fill. That way all of the resticton is from the saline solution and no restriction will be lost because of loss of air.

    We'll see. I don't think I need a fill it has only been about a month and I still get full. I'm planning on my first fill sometime in the months of Sept, Oct, or Nov. if I need one.

  5. The gas actually caused me less pain than when I had another abdominal surgery years ago. I was banded in Mexico and I had a private nurse with me and before she got me up to walk the first time she gave me the best back massage. At the time it didn't register with me that it was to alleviate the back and shoulder pain but it sure helped! I have a very high tolerance for pain and so there was very little pain involved with the actual incisions. What surprised me was the amount of bruising I had. Some people have a lot some don't. It kind of freaked me out but it's gone now.

    I don't have trouble with hunger like some people do but, when I do get hungry, it comes on very quickly so I always keep a Protein Bar close by.

    Also, my bathroom habits have changed. I have a bowel movement every day now sometimes two and some foods, especially green leafy ones really make me go. I don't know why this changed but, I'm not complaining. I figure keep it moving and it's OK.

    I found that I have to retrain my brain. I still put too much food on my plate and then I can't finish. I've gotten very good at bringing home boxes from restaurants.

    Also, don't be upset if the weight doesn't fall off. The body needs at least 6 weeks to heal at which time it holds on to every calorie it can. And, if your calorie count goes too low your body will think it is in starvation mode and slow your metabolism.

  6. I went to Mexico. My package included pre-op tests ( cardiology, pulmonary, dental), anesthesia, stay in the surgery center, 3 days of hotel in Mexico, transport to and from San Diego airport, nutritional counseling, private cell phone numbers of all doctors and the nutritionist. Unlimited online support. I will have to pay for fills and the cost of travel to get there but....they do fills with fluoroscopy so they are more likely to get it right than just guessing and, most of their patients require only 1-2 fills per lifetime.

    Total cost $7000.

  7. Slow loss is better loss, healthier loss. I was banded on 6/29 and have lost 2 pounds. I am eating far less than before but my body is holding on to every calorie because it has been traumatized, I know this. I also know that it will get better and the weight will come off. It took me a long time to get this heavy and it will not be an overnight fix. Hang in there, it will get better.

  8. Happened to me too, 20 years ago and it still bothers me. You have to do what is right for you. If you want him to stay then let him but definitely go to counseling. If not, kick him to the curb! Children are better off living with divorced, happy parents than married, miserable ones. We worked through it and are still together but, it always nags me in my mind. Betrayal is difficult to get over if you ever do. Maybe he was afraid you would not want him anymore now that you are a new, beautiful you and he needed to seek validation elsewhere. He may have needed to see if he was attractive too.

    Here is something I have just recently learned and I am going to be 50 in 6 days.....forgive him. I'm still working on it obviously.If you forgive him it puts all of the onus on him. You will release yourself emotionally from the burden and he wiill have to carry ALL of it. Forgiving does NOT mean forgetting or becoming a doormat, it's just saying you did the wrong now you have to deal with it because I will not pollute my soul by carrying this ugly thing around within me every day...I am done with it because I forgive you but you have to live with it every day now, you did the wrong, you suffer, not me.

    I always thought forgiving was absolving the other person of the wrongdoing and that I would never forgive but it's really about letting the ugliness go and realizing you had nothing to do with it. It's a gift to yourself.

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