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Posts posted by Nathalie

  1. Hi Ladies!

    OMG it has been SO FUCKING LONG since I was here the last time - I'd try to catch up n do personals, but I don't know where to start.

    I am almost in TEARS. I feel so bad, like I abandoned you. I didn't, my life is a whirlwind! I think of you all often. I'm doing well. I'll give you the abbreviated version to catch you up with the Natster.

    I'm weighing in at about 190 these days. I "shoulda, woulda, coulda" myself to death, but I am happy in my size 14 slacks. I look better than I have since I graduated college. I am 30 pounds to goal and plan to hit it by Dec 14! I actually joined a gym today - I finally feel ready to work out in public. Can you believe we're 6 months away?

    I am still working my same job. I have gotten a promotion and am working directly for the CIO now. My job is keeping me extremely busy, but it is going well. I am leading a huge project (which is why I'm over 190 yet again) but it is winding down, and then I'm taking a LONG vacation!

    DS turned 3 in June, and I turned 40 last week. I got my hair colored, and I am happier now than I have been in years. I look better now than I did in my 20's. I've been maintaining on my own, but I'm going back to therapy trying to release the negative and embrace the positive. I feel under a lot of pressure and I'm not coping too well right now. I'm feeling hopeful. That's a good sign!

    I'm dating actively now. Not just the minister (Steph, remember him?!) but I still see him. He no longer works for me, so we go out openly. It's so funny - he tells me he loves me but doesn't want a relationship. I adore him, but I don't want to be tied down. I look and feel normal for the first time in my adult life; why settle down now?!? I have several male friends in the area and am keeping relatively busy. I've put sex on the back burner for now and am just enjoying the company of men. I feel free and open and full of hope.

    I'm trying to sell my condo and buy a house. I am in the process of painting and "dressing" my condo. I am hopeful it will sell quickly. I want to buy a house nearby. We need more space. I've got bicycles in my living room. That's not cool.

    I expect that I'll be needing a Tummy Tuck in about a year. I need to catch up with Annie to see how her lift went. I may look into that as well. But first I need to hit 160 to make it worth the drama.

    I'm so sorry I've been away. Being a single mother with a full time job and no help has taken its toll on me. I love you all more than ever, and I truly do think of you often! I'll take time this weekend to find the last time I posted so I can catch up on your lives and truly rejoin the group.



  2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY B'man! So glad you found something so quickly! YOU GO GIRL! *Big Hugs* I'm glad glad glad for you! I hope you are more appreciated and find greater challenges at CITI. And I hope the people there kick azz! :rolleyes: Glad you're feeling better, too. Go get yourself checked out and let us know how you're doing.

    Nikkles - great news on the baby! He is a big strapping boy already!

    I am fine - my p'rot came today. I have never been so happy to see her, I swear! I'm off the D for now. :mad:

    Going to eat dinner and put ds in bed!



  3. I am SO happy it's the weekend! I'm here for confessionals and personals and to share my NSV...

    Personals first:

    SweetHot: YOU GO GIRL! If it's not too personal to ask, how far does your dunlap fall? Yeast infections are NO GOOD! My tummy is just now starting to hang, but I'm also still over 200 lbs. By the time I'm down to 170, I'm sure it'll just be a lump of soft flesh. Good luck with the loss! I'd be motivated, too!

    B'man: Keep your chin up. I know I asked before, but have you ever thought about anti-depressants? The're not a permanent solution, but girl, they could help to bouy your spirits during this tough time. I'm sorry your Gramma is tripping. We love you. Just keep in touch periodically. *hugs*

    Jill: I know all about daycare woes! You poor thing! Does your city have a county agency you can call for licensed child care referrals? Does your job have any kind of Employee Assistance Center/Program (EAC or EAP)? If so, call them and see if they can't help. If not, I can call my company for you to see if I can't get some direction. Bless your heart. And give your tummy a love rub for me! SO excited about our 2nd band baby! I assure you, if you eat sensibly, the baby will continue to grow even if you're losing weight. I lost a TON of weight when I was pregnant! I had huge fibroid tumors (14cm and 16cm) while I was pregnant! I could barely eat. Still managed to give birth to an 8lb 4oz healthy, bouncing baby boy! :thumbup:

    Nikki: How's our first band baby doing, you sexy mama? It's summer for you, right? How's the weather? How far along are you? You crack me up talking about your wobblies. Give yourself a love rub for me, too! Sending positive energy to you and that baby!

    Steph: What are you doing with your time these days? Are you doing any skiing this year at all? I remember how much you enjoyed it last year. You have company this weekend, I think. Did you get all your cleaning done? Wish you could come over and help with MY cleaning! :angry: My house is okay, but my room is a friggin disaster area! I have clothes. everywhere. *sigh* I just need to stop bullshitting and get busy! ...maybe later.

    VaB: How did the job interviews go? *fingers crossed* How's the exercising coming along? I haven't exercised a single day all year long. Well, not since I got back from FL. I have been sooooo tired! Well, today I am determined to get up onto that elliptical for an hour - even if I have to break it into 4 sessions of 15 minutes each. I'm so close to crossing the continental divide, I am ready and willing to WORK for it! :tt1: How's the man situation? Meeting any new cuties at all? Did I tell y'all I joined some online dating sites? *giggling* I DID! No luck yet...

    Claudia: So you moved to Chicago? I'm confused, I'm sorry. I can't remember if you were moving or visiting. And do you have a job there yet? If you are in Chicago, how are you finding the weather? Chicago is one of my favorite cities! I'm a huge Bear fan, too! I live across the lake in SW Michigan, about a 2 hour drive. Next time I'm headed that way, I'll let you know. Maybe we can meet up for a cup of coffee or something. :tt2:

    So I'm hoping to fill yall in without writing a novel. I have a raging case of PMS. Well, it's either PMS or I'm pregnant, too. And I swear to y'all I'm praying for PMS. It hasn't been this bad in months. I'm irritable, bloated, my nipples are really tender, I've got a headache, and I've got some (TMI) discharge that is making me itch. It's not yeast. If there's no motion in the ocean by 2/15, I'll be getting a HPT. Again, I am praying for my p'rot to fall. Until then, I'm struggling to keep my mood swings under control.

    I took measurements today! I have lost a total of 55.875" since 12/1/2006 (when I started my pre-op diet). I measure neck, bust, ribs, waist, hips, arms (2), thighs (2) and calves (2). I have lost 9.75" from my hips alone! Can you believe that? Almost 10 inches! And I've taken off 7.5" from each thigh. My thighs are under 30" around for the first time in 15 years, I bet. It's just amazing. AMAZING! I'm determined to be under 200 by 1 March.

    To help me with my loss I gave up sugar and alcohol for Lent. I think part of my headache and moodiness is from sugar withdrawal.

    So while I was taking measurements and changing clothes, DS was in my living room scribbling on the arm of my sofa with a permanent marker. OMG! I completely lost my mind! I spanked him and threw him in his room. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed - the marker came out of the sofa. I thought the couch was ruined. Anyhow, he's still in his room. This happened about 2 hours ago. I can't even deal with him now. I feel like BAD MOMMY, but I need a break.

    Not much else to report. About to get on my elliptical for a while to work off some of this frustration and weight!



  4. VA - Great idea. The problem is, I'm not going to a party where I can take a tiny plate and sample bites of food. If I were, it would be totally easy to get the tastes of what I want without going overboard.

    But it dawned on me that I'm making too much of this. There's a very easy solution, isn't there? I just won't go to the store and buy all that crappy food! If I don't have it in the house, I can't eat it!

    I think I will have Chinese tonight. That will be my "treat" food. Between now and then I'm getting on the elliptical for an hour and drinking TONS of Water. Who knows, maybe I won't want the Chinese later on.

    Honestly, I feel better just admitting that I'm feeling weak and bingey today. :rolleyes: Gosh, I have been reading in some other threads around here and given my surgery date and total loss, my surgeon is absolutely correct: I'm doing GREAT! I feel really bad for others who can't overcome their desires to eat all the bad foods and the too-big portions. I think that helped me more than anything else. (I feel bad just saying that.) We really have done splendidly working with our band and using powers of self control and moderation, haven't we?

    Once I was driving my sister back to school and we stopped at a Meijer (like a Super Target/Wal*Mart, but not as nice) for Snacks. We were going to buy some candy and chips and stuff like that. Anyhow, we had been talking about the kind of junk food we wanted and had a game plan. Got to the candy aisle and saw this gigantically fat lady picking out different candy. She had to have been 350 lbs or bigger. And it was as if she was standing there, licking her chops and salivating at the idea of laying on her couch in the dark, watching hours of tv and devouring all that candy. My sister and I looked at each other and left without buying a thing.

    I felt so bad for that woman. I wonder where she is now and what she's doing with her life. But most of all I'm glad that I'm not in that position anymore. I related to her because she reminded me of myself. Earlier today, that's how I felt. Like I just wanted to sit in a room by myself and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat. I'm glad I've got you guys to lean on! Just being able to talk with you empowers me and makes me stronger. My girlfriends on LBT totally rock!

    I feel better already - going to get on the elliptical now!



  5. Hi Steph - SO sorry DIL got her cycle. :rolleyes: I was really hoping you were going to have a grandbaby! It'll happen.

    BK - What's the scoop with the new baby? Foster baby? I am too lazy to go back to the last thread to catch up. :biggrin: Did you post pictures? I love babies!

    jilly Jill - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I am so excited for you! I'm glad you're feeling better, too. Girlfriend, I'd cry like a 16 year old girl if I found out I was pregnant right now.

    Steph, thanks too, for the words of wisdom. It's Superbowl Sunday and I am having a fat bitch moment. I sat and listed all the things I want to eat today. I'm having a craving for Chinese food (And I don't eat Chinee EVER)! I want French onion dip with chips and seven layer dip with tortillas. I'd kill for a pitcher of margaritas. I want a burrito smothered in cheese and sour cream. I have fallen prey to the commercials for those damn pizza rolls. I also want a bowl of tater tots (for some odd reason) with malt vinegar and salt. I want queso dip with sourdough bread. And then I want chocolate - a nice moist chocolate cake with thick fudgy frosting. I am CRAVING FOOD! And I know that I physically can't hold all that, but my fat brain is betraying me.

    I ate ice cream last night. A pint of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia (over a 4 hour period).

    I think I'm just stressed, and it's manifesting itself in poor eating and cravings. *sigh* Instead I'm Water loading and am about to go out here and get on my elliptical for a while. I'd love to burn 1,000 calories on it today - that would at least knock off the B&J from last night. What is that, 2 hours on the elliptical? ((laugh)) Fat chance of that happening.

    Any words of wisdom girls? Cuz if I don't get this under control, I think I'm going to have a binge!

    Fat Nat

  6. In reading these responses, I'm just tickled to see how everyone handles their band differently!

    I am a little over a year post op. I date. And I haven't told anyone anything. I am 39, and have scars from a gall bladder removal, a C-section and my lapband. No one has asked about my scars. And when I go out, I just say "I'm eating light." So I have a house salad with mashed potatoes or something that won't get caught up in my band and I won't slime on.

    My band is a private thing for me. I've only told 5 or 6 people in the entire world about it! There's no way I'd tell a guy I'm just starting to date. I haven't figured out how to address it with a serious partner, but it would be months into the dating. Probably when he asked to see my family albums and "fat Nat" showed up. *laugh*


  7. Checking in for real this time. Last one was a drive by posting. (tee hee)

    Nikkles - you look GORGEOUS! Not like a big preggo at all, but truly beautiful! You were workin that dress girl!!!

    Jill - lovely family, and yes, I can tell a difference. The sideways 7 month shot shows off your curves like WOW! Did you post more recent pictures? I think I'm going to take some 13 month pictures today. and do the ole comparison thing. We'll see. I'm not motivated to do much.

    Steph - still no news on the baby front? I've got my fingers crossed for you, Nana! I love babies, too! Unless they have diarrhea for 10 days (like DS) and the doctor tells you to keep him home until it clears up (like DS' doc did this morning). So I'm stuck in the house with a typhoid booty baby til Monday.

    VA - Ignore him. Tell him you understand he's not ready, and then say "I'm going to pursue some other options" and ignore the sh*t outta that man. He'll be back. Trust me. Remember the guy from work I was seeing? The one I constantly argue with? The one who gets on my LAST nerve? I gave him the ole "I am pursuing other options" routine and ignored him for 3 weeks. He told me he loves me on Tuesday night. Too little too late. But not being so eager/available works wonders. Men like to chase a woman. Give him something to chase. Be a little mysterious.

    sweethot - rest the knee. Your running ass has gone from one extreme (couch potato) to quite the other (blowing out your knee from exercise)! I'm so proud of you, girlfriend! I wish I had more motivation to exercise. Being a single mother in the middle of Michigan winter with a hard job is no joke. I'm always exhausted. I think I am going to ask my doc about taking a prescription Vitamin. Maybe even pre-natals. We'll see. But rest the knee. The more you stay off of it, the faster it'll heal. Like you don't know that already! :biggrin:

    Not much else to report. I bought some knee high boots. First time in EVER that I could find some to fit. I got a black pair and a brown pair. TOO CUTE! I have about 10 pounds to lose and then I'm going to wear the brown boots with a tan skirt (slit up the back) and a cream colored sweater. I also have a denim skirt I am going to wear the black ones with. I am turning into a lil fashionista! The admin in my department asked me how much weight I've lost and told me how fabulous I look! I told her the truth about the weight, but not about the HOW. I feel bad for lying, but it's not her business. I just said "Weight Watchers." I can't wait to cross the great divide. Only 11 pounds away. I want to cross it by the end of February. That's 28 days away.

    Do we have any other team goals set up? I really am trying to hit 185 by April (when I see my gorgeous ex-bf, DS' father). I'd be happy as a kid in a candy store to be 170 by my b'day (July). Maybe I need to JOIN WW to make it happen! LOL Oh, and exercising can only help get me to those goals.

    HOpe all is well. Where is Kaydoll? Where is B'man? Where is Annie? OOOH! When I was in Seattle in November, I met Annie - did she tell you? I have a picture of us. it's so funny because neither of us looks like that anymore. AHHAHA I'll check with her and if she agrees one of us will post it in Yahoo. That news is all late. LOL Comedy.

    Oh, also, as soon as I get under 200 lbs, I am going to join a local dating service. One of the in person dating services. That way I can say I'm a few pounds overweight. Not BBW or LARGE or any of those other euphamisms for FAT AS F*CK. ((laugh))

    Love yall!


  8. Hey Y'all!

    So I am really tired and about to get in bed here, but wanted to check in.

    Where is B'man? I'm worried about her!

    jill - I pureed some taco meat to have a taco whip. It was soooooo gross. And another time I ate pudding because I desperately wanted something sweet. You don't understand. I HATE PUDDING!

    Steph - I'll keep my fingers crossed! If DIL is preggers, what will you have the grandbabies call you? Nanny? Nana? Granny? *giggling*

    sweets - how's the knee?

    BooBoo - hold on, sis. Or maybe you do need to leave. Maybe that's what's best for you. Life is too short to be unhappy.

    I had my 1 year check up last week. I have officially lost 87 lbs since my first appt. My surgeon is very happy for me - he said that I did extremely well my first year with the lapband. I am so proud of myself! I weighed in at 212.5, and feel like I've lost since then. I got a 0.5 cc fill at my appt. I've got a solid 10cc in my band, so he's reluctant to add too much more, as we max out at 11 with this band. He also got me on the first poke!

    Love you all - things are so so so hectic. I'll find my way to Yahoo and fill you in, as it's a lot of work stuff.


  9. Hi lovely ladies --

    The cable is out and I got online to check email. Next thing I knew I was poking around LBT to see what all the hub bub is about!

    So what's up with you skinny bitches?!

    B'man? Fired? Do you know that you can fight that mess? With all of the items that led up to your dismissal it sounds like retalliation. And you can prove it. Go to the EEOC or call a labor lawyer. They'll tell you. How's your stomach? Do you still have your gall bladder?

    Brandy - what's up with you? What's wrong with your stomach?

    faith? Welcome! Don't be shy. Join in and use the support here to your advantage!

    Steph - thanks for pulling me out of my hermit's nest! :lol:

    sweethot - sorry about the knee, but awesome that you're busting ass on the 5k!!! I am so impressed! So saddened by your landlord's loss. And I agree, it's not too late to show an act of kindness.

    maurdan - how's the body bugg working for you? Tell that sugar to kiss your ass, and keep on doing right!

    Claudi - Good luck with your move to Chicago! And how cool that your boss was so affirming. I know it made you feel fabulous!

    VaB - Sorry about the guys. You know what I'm finding? The men I want to hang out with arent interested until I'm no longer interested. Then suddenly they want my attention and time. So you have to treat the ones you like the same way (or worse than) you treat the ones you DON'T like. Hard, I know, but it works!

    Lots to report, but I am literally falling asleep. I'll be back tomorrow or Sunday to catch you up and post some pictures.

    Love you guys and happy to be back!


  10. Hi Ladies!

    Just popping in to say HI and I missed you! We had a fabulous T'gvg. We were on the West Coast in Seattle, Los Angeles and San Diego. My DS and I are still jet lagged and struggling to get back onto East Coast time.

    Work is work.

    I came back 4 lbs heavier than when I left, but started my cycle yesterday, so I guess that's why. No worries, I'm still walking around like Foxxy Cleopatra in my size 16w pants. Working to hit "goal" by 12/14 - which is a 17 pound loss. *sigh*

    I'll read tonight and do personals then. Hope everyone had a fabulous turkey day! I need a fill, by the way. I am eating WAY too much food!

    Steph - you look FABULOUS!


  11. Just popped in to say HI!

    B'man - you're gorgeous, honey!

    Boo - love the hair!

    Sweet - Congrats on week 3!

    Transformer - congrats on the cute suit! 2 weeks and the pants will fit perfectly!

    Nikki - Fuggem. If you feel cute, you're cute dammit.

    Steph - Awesome that you're the positive topic of conversation and everybody was giving you love!

    VaB - how's things?

    Kaydoll - you back from Vegas yet? I'm still jealous!

    Annie - I'll see you in less than a week! Or more than a week if you go east... happy.gif

    Claudia - how's things? And a belated LOL @ "at least he didn't call me fat."

    I'm fine. 217 this morning. I failed at my exercise goal last week, but I'm about to put DS in bed and hop on elliptical. Work is MUCH better. And I'm happy with myself. My size 16's are getting too big. Amazing, isn't it? Saw my Dad yesterday and he told me "I sure am proud of you daughter! You're disappearing right before my eyes!" He also said if I lose any more weight I'll have to walk around with rocks in my pockets to keep me from floating away.

    Glad everyone is well! Sorry if I missed anyone w/my brief but heartfelt personals.

    Big Love!


  12. It's lil ole selfish me popping in to say how fucking HOT I looked at work today! The janitor said "I almost didn't recognize you!" the security guy blew me kisses, the IT guys were chatting me up and one said "You've lost a lot of weight, you look great!" and the local IT boss also told me how great I look and told me to keep it up. I had on my size 16w black pants and a tucked in blouse (black w/white polka dots) with 3" heels. My hair is gorgeous, my make up was perfect, and I am not kidding.... I felt like Grand Rapids' Next Top IT Model! I was switching around and actually had a great day today! There is LOTS of drama at work, but I was the observer, not a party to the games. HA!

    Personals later. Would you believe I'm back at the office? I have a sitter because I was supposed to have a date tonight but he's late getting back into town, and I didn't have anything to do while I waited. I suck, I know.

    Tonight, by the way, I have on black jeans with a criss-cross cut knit cranberry colored sweater. I have on a push up bra and the girls look faboo! I'm at a point where I amaze myself. And I'm only 218. Wait til I'm under 200 lbs. Jiminy Christmas I'm gonig to be a hard bitch to live with at 165! ahaha

    My sister, by the way, starved herself back down to a size 6. Little harlot. She is determined NOT to let me get skinnier than she is. Don't matter, cuz I'm smarter and prettier and make better life choices. (Damn that was catty... but it's true)


  13. Okay. I'm home. Can I share a retarded NSV?

    I have a routine when I get home. I have a lil "private time" in the quiet room. You know...the room with the tub and bowl in it. ANYHOW...

    Today while 'watering the flowers' I leaned forward and hugged my knees. Why? Something to do. Do you know I could get my arms all the way around my legs and touch my elbows effortlessly? I was astounded! I HAVE LOST SO MUCH WEIGHT!

    I don't remember whether I could hug my knees like that in the past. I could barely touch my arms together, and certainly couldn't touch my elbows. All the stuffins in my belly and thighs were prohibitive to the huggins I may have done. I don't weigh again until next week Friday, so I don't know where I am today. I am, however, skinny enough to hug my knees and touch my elbows.

    That rocks.

    More later!


  14. Just checking in to say HI. I missed you while the site was down.

    Glad to see everyone is A-OK. I'm okay, too!

    NSV: I had to buy new coats yesterday. Last year's coat was a 3X. THIS year's coat is an XL. And I can button it and have a little wigglin room in it. I was blown away by that! BLOWN. AWAY!


  15. AND BTW...Nat Nat quit saying that sh*t. I will be hopefull that it will not come!

    BooBoo? Quit saying what sh*t??

    I had a fabulous time shopping! In addition to some beauty products and perfume, I bought a pair of the most gorgeous, booty hugging, hunter green Ann Klein slacks. Size 16. NOT 16W. 16! They were MUCH more than I wanted to spend (entirely too friggin much, even at 40% off) but I could not pass them up. Everything else was for DS. He's all set for winter. I'm about to clear out his closet today, and get rid of the too-small, too-summery stuff.

    I want to buy this fabulous gorgeous cinch-waisted cashmere coat from Nordstrom to get me through Winter, but know that it is a total waste of money since I will only be in a size 16 for a few months. I'm going to get a JC Penny coat instead. Maybe a puffy Stadium coat. *shrug* Whatever.

    Nikkums - you'll gain weight while preggers, but in the end, 30 pounds are Water and baby. Don't sweat it, chica!

    BooB - sorry bout your Spartans. I thought they were going to pull it off last night. I was SO into the game! Man. I thought they had 'em.

    My goal for the week is to exercise 7 hours. I don't care if I do it 30 minutes M - F and then 6.5 hours on Saturday... I just want 7 hrs of moving my fat can this week.

    And by the way, broke as I am, I can't stop spending money. I wish my AmEx bill would friggin disappear! UGH. that is my goal for next year - to pay it down at least 50%. That's a HUGE chunk of change. *sigh*

    Not much else going on today. Just cleaning and getting ready for *gag* work tomorrow...


  16. P.S. 22 lbs until I'm "overweight." I think I'm going to give myself a "Not so fat" party. **laughing**

    I can't wait to see DS's father this Christmas. I'll show up skinny and confident. Last time he saw me I was about 280lbs. And I won't give his big ole 6'8" handsome charming sexy-as-hell deadbeat azz the time of day. :heh: :clap2:

    I make myself laugh.

  17. You ladies made me laugh this morning...

    So I need to officially update my ticker. I was 218.5 this morning. I stepped on that scale 4x. Then I put it in the closet. (Stop laughing, Steph!)

    We're on our way for an all-day outing. I know that my insane toddler will be the death of me today, because he's already acting like crazy 2 year old Tazmanian devil child. I am out of clothes. It's a problem, but it's a good problem to have. All of the clothes in my closet are either too big (saggy ass pants) or too small (size 12 or 14).

    I am going to JC Penny to hopefully find some black slacks and a pair of jeans. Also going to Burlington Coat Factory for a winter coat. It's supposed to snow next week. I'm going to get more soap - my Valentine's soap gift (thanks again Annie!) is out. DS needs long sleeved shirts and turtle necks for winter, so we're going to pick a few up. Oh, and I am out of perfume - that was my 220lb reward. Our last stop is the grocery store. We're making chili tonight! (YUM) Did I mention it's supposed to snow next week? Winter is falling upon us. *sigh*

    I realized the other day that I am saving SO MUCH MONEY lately! Money that I used to spend on food and eating out! It's amazing. Truly truly amazing.

    B'man's "OH NO SHE DIDN'T" made me cackle. Ya nutty bitch ya! And yes, GO COLTS! *ducking out of Kdoll and VAB's reach* How are you feeling today, girlfriend? Glad you found a new friend! Lord knows I need a new friend. In a bad bad bad bad way.

    BBT - glad Betty is back in the old barn tonight! I love the flame-looking paint job. Looks really cool! What is that, a Jetta? Nice, chica!

    Kaydoll - I am seriously thinking about getting a BB. I just spent $1300 on plane tickets last night, and STILL have to buy tix for Christmas. I was panicking over finances until last night when I said "FUGGIT!" So we're going to travel for the rest of the year and then be total paupers through July.

    VAB - You didn't slip your band or stretch your pouch, your shit is too loose cuz you need a fill! Go and get a fill and you'll see the difference immediately! You probably just have no restriction, so you can suck down anything. Half chew a piece of steak and swallow it down to see what happens. I double dog dare ya! ((laughing))

    Maudie my love, I feel your pain. I am a total sugar whore. I admit it. Sugar is my downfall. I gave up smoking without a 2nd thought. I can go without eating meat and chips/dips and even do without wine/booze. But sugar is my pimp. I have to psych myself up NOT to eat it, and then go cold turkey. I recognize that I'll have headaches and be irritable for a week or so, but I take it 1 day at a time. Just do it. You have control over what you put in your mouth. And if that means that one day you need to sit and literally gorge yourself on sugar to the point where it makes you sick so that you don't WANT it, then do it. I challenge sugar. I keep a big bowl of candy on my desk at work and refuse to eat it. I have a FUGG YEW attitude toward that bowl. (Mind you, the first couple weeks I had it there, I would make MEALS out of the candy!)

    The best thing of all, Maudie my love, is that after a week you will see a difference on the scale. After 2 weeks you'll see MORE of a difference! For me, giving up sugar and sweets gives me the BIGGEST response on the scale. Eating sugar causes a chemical change in your body that causes addiction in some people. When I need sweet, I suck on sugar free hard candies (SF Cream Savers candies are SO good!) for a fix. You just have to be strong, be disciplined and do it. YOU CAN DO IT YOU CAN DO IT YOU CAN DO IT! Don't not post because of your lack of progress. I do that, too and it really isn't fair to any of us. :confused: We need you as much as you need to be here. I hope your unfill helps. Maybe do soft foods and liquids for a day or two to give your innards a rest? Or do they make you pukey, too?

    I know sometimes you guys have got to think "why doesn't she just STFU" when I get going... Sorry. I don't mean to sound all preachy or know-it-ally. Just trying to help, really. *HUGS*

    Anyhow, it's noon. Time to hit the road. In 4 hours I'll be back, crazier and broker than I am right now. :(

    Love Y'all!


  18. I love all you guys!

    That's all I came in to say. I have had the best day today. Really. And I didn't do anything. I spent time with my friends here on LBT, I watched a little tv, took a nap, washed my hair, had a good cry, ate a South Beach wrap, did a few loads of laundry and straightened up the living room. It was absolute perfection! I am so happy right now I could cry all over again! I feel relieved and so so so very lucky to have friends to share my lunacy with!

    Kaydoll I 'll check in the exercise thread. I think I may want one of those BB things. I've still got $2k in tooth bills to pay, plus I know I'll need a car soon, but *shrug* It's only money, right? :)

    Steph - Enjoy the flowers, love up on your man and happiest of anniversaries! Girl, enjoy your dinner. You just have to be doubly choosy if you go to the buffet place now!

    sweethot - chocolate fountains? GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN! ((laughing)) Chocolate night sounds divine! I need girlfriends in town. I also need to win the lotto. *sigh*

    I didn't exercise today. I'm about to go get on the elliptical tho. 30 minutes while we watch Blue's Clues. *eye roll* I hate that Joe guy. Steve is SOOOO much better! (LOL @ ME!)

    Later Y'all! <---- I got the "Y'all" from Britney Spears. Saying it makes me laugh as much as saying Paris Hilton's "That's hot."


  19. I don't know how long it will keep me motivated but I am psyched right now. And another FYI, it is right now on sale for $180 at 24hr fitness. I paid 229 last week...just in case anyone is interested. There are some threads on it in the exercise forum.

    I'm at the 24hr fitness site and it's $349 there.

    bodybugg armband device

    Am I looking at the wrong place??

  20. It's like feast or famine with me.

    Kaydoll - YOU GO GIRL! 208?!?!? YOU ARE KICKING AZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Now I know it's time for me to get out of bed and go running or something. I dont' care if I shed 100 lbs by 12/14, I just want to be under 200 by my 1 year appointment. That's always been my goal. 92 lbs. The bodybugg sounds interesting. I will check out that link and see about it. I don't know that it would work for me, cuz I'm awful at tracking my intake. Are you faithfully doing that?

    I wish I could lease a BB for a month to see how I like it...

    I hate Rachel Ray. She is a little too damn enthusiastic for my tastes.

    is it awful that I'm still in bed? Yes, it's after 12pm. *sigh* And I am not motivated to get out of my bed, either. Though I do need to change my sheets.

    I called TiVo technical help for some assistance. I was on hold for 20 minutes. The tech answered, and instead of taking the phone off SPEAKER, I hung the bitch up. Didn't even realize it - i was steady talking. I had to call back, so I'm on hold one more time.

    B'man - you haven't failed! Let's think of this rationally. You put a certain amount of change on your 270 pound body. You ate differently, moved more, and what happened? Your body reacted! Your body changed. Not only that, but your brilliant body has the ability to reset and figure out how it's supposed to function in this new state it's in. Your body has adapted. It has strengthened. So your job now is to figure out what force or change you need to put on your new body to get it to react. You have certain expectations of your physical self, but you don't know/understand how your new physical self works. So how can you have expectations? Be proud of yourself. Stop comparing yourself to Annie or anyone else. You need to look at yourself and compare yourself to where you were at this time last year. And believe that your body continues to respond to the healthy and positive things you're doing for it, even if the scale isn't necessarily moving. Measure yourself, watch how your body reacts and feels and moves now, see how you're stronger than you used to be. Don't limit your measurement of success to the numbers on the scale.

    I think I need a nap...


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