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Everything posted by Nathalie

  1. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey Ladies - Checking in. Work is kicking my azz -- not only from the tasks, but political games ppl are playing. I am exhausted. Things are going great though. I love being challenged. Last night I pumped out 45 minutes on the elliptical. I'm going for a solid hour tonight. I need to eat something before I get on that thing. I have had tea, 4 crackers with cheese and a handful of teddy grahams today. (laugh) That is pitiful! One of these days I'm going to get around to doing personals. I'm just a selfish lil bitch, I guess. *laugh* Love to see you guys here and posting! I love you more than ever! I'll be back in the swing of things soon. And I think I'm taking pictures this Sunday. 10 months out! I need to share my progress. More later! Nat
  2. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    BooBooTitty! YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!!! I am sooooooooo impressed with that photo of you in the white shirt with your hipbones sticking out! Congratulations! And I am forever in envy of your ample busoms. My girls are going the way of the dodo, unfortunately. I was only a pleasant C to begin with, and now they're a stingy C, moving into a modest B. Oh well. bkwalling - how was your move? I'm checking in for the week (haha) Seriously, things are still great. I was out of town for a working weekend and am incredibly proud to report I resisted all snacking the ENTIRE WEEKEND! No pizza, chips, candy, or huge plates of food. I ate in moderation and made good food choices. I also exercised every day I was gone. I effing rock! Now for the question at hand. Has anyone calculated the nutritional value of a 20oz., soy, sugar-free vanilla latte? Cuz I've been drinking one every day. I am (wishfully) thinking it's probably around about 150 calories with 6 or 7g sugar and 10g protein. But I'm not sure. Anyone? Have a great day! Nathalie
  3. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey Ladies - I feel like such an awful friend. I haven't had the energy to get online at night, and work has gotten so busy I don't really have the downtime to post during the day. I tried to post the other day, and as soon as I logged in somebody busted in my office and I was off and running again. I didn't mean to lurk! Things are great with me. I had a really bad time early to mid August. I had a front tooth extracted and it hit me hard. Like a death or a break up or something. I get my implant (tooth, not breast) in December/January. During that time my weight crept up a few pounds (back up to 238!!!) but I am on the road to recovery and weighed in this morning at 228.5. I also started my period today, so by week's end I should be close to 220. I'm exercising every other day. Long walks, elliptical, and running! YES RUNNING! I put DS in the stroller and we go out. I walk/run, but I can go longer and longer periods of time running, so I am really proud. The weather is gorgeous, so I'm enjoying the rest of summer while it lasts. I've been traveling a LOT with my job - at least 2 trips per month for the past few months. That means eating out a lot, and not really staying on program. I've also been in lots of meetings, and lots of people have been in town through work. Even more eating out and not staying on program. Sadly, until recently, the job came first, and I wasn't taking time for me. So the funny thing about gaining weight is this: had I been eating just regular food I would have been okay. But nooooooo, I had to go for the sweets, chips/dip and booze. After 2 weeks of cutting out sugar and 1 week off the wine I'm feeling so energetic and in control again. The ability to recover after a bender makes me feel like a normal person! I'm back to eating the zig zag calories again. Weekends I am eating more because I'm doing less. I typically take Sunday as a "free" day - so I eat (a bag of microwave) popcorn, juice, pasta. Otherwise I am sticking to that UltraFit plan I posted in Yahoo. Oatmeal for b'fast, salad w/ground turkey for lunch and a yogurt or fruit for dinner. I'm taking a protein shot each day, so I'm getting enough protein as well. I'm not bloated, I'm not lethargic, and I'm sleeping well. I'm feeling really good about me, and that feels awesome! I haven't had time to read everything I've missed since the last time I was here. It's good to see you guys posting strong, and I'm glad you kept the lights on for me! Love and Love and Love and Love and Love, Nathalie P.S. My goal is to be under 220 by the end of the month. I'm less than 10 pounds away! WOO HOO!
  4. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Just popping in to say HI. Stressed, my weight is still up. BACK TO BASICS! NSV - the cashier in the cafeteria asked if I was losing weight. I do look cute today, too. I smiled and told her yes. She encouraged me to keep it up. I had a salad today for lunch. No juice, no bread, no crackers, no croutons. I'm going biking today when I get home. DS will appreciate the effort. Glad to hear you're all doing well. Sweethot did you take down your picture? I went to see it, but couldn't find it. I suck - I still haven't posted my pics yet. I need to do that. Later gals! Nathalie
  5. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Just checking in. My bitch ass scale read 232 this morning. Fugging peesa crap. I know it's my period, but that's 5 pounds up from 227 and I'm eating WELL. Except for tonight, when I ate pan seared salmon and steamed broccoli, followed by a sweet vodka drink chaser. Steph - eat slower. I don't think you're too tight, personally. Not if you ate well during vacation. Back to basics, girlfriend. Slow down, chew well, make good choices, follow the rules. If you're still PBing, you're too tight, but I think you would have known long before now unless you have ONLY been eating junk since your last fill. BooBoo - almost to goal? YOU ROCK! B'man - don't be so hard on yourself. You're losing inches, your body has no choice physiologically but to react to the input/output formula. Chill out, chica! you're doing FABULOUSLY! Annie - I totally owe you an email! I know what you mean about needing new friends. I NEED friends. I adore you girlfriend. Welcome MrsLance - we're a great group of girls here, losing steadily. That's all from me. Hope I didn't miss anyone. I'm sick (cold), bleeding like a murder victim, irritable, sore, tipsy and fat. LOL Love you guys! Nathalie
  6. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    What about the tape measure? Has the tape measure moved?
  7. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hi Darling Friends! I just popped in to say.... 227!!!!!! I am 3 pounds from my birthday goal weight! My p'rot is on its way (God willing!) and I have been eating like a birthday girl! And I'm STILL 227 today. I rock. I! ROCK! I'm refocusing myself, planning to exercise every day, and eat well to clean my system. I'm definitely going to hit my under 200 goal by 12/14. And maybe even by T'gvg - right Annie?!?! Thanks for the birthday wishes! Brandy you look effing great! I am amazed at your transformation! You went from looking like Carnie Wilson (red top pic) to a bitchin' buxom beauty! I'm so proud of you! Brandi work out that bike, chile! You are so motivated again. Don't be so hard on yourself, ya hear? Take it one day at a time and be as supportive to yourself as you are to others. Claudi - be safe. Sorry you won't be on TV, but cool that your brother can be a part of the program! VaB - how's it going, gal? Are you getting back into the swing of real life? I know it can be hard, especially after being on such a fabulous vacation! Steph - hope you're having fun on vaca! KayDoll - I MISS YOU! I think I have your email address, and am going to drop you a line. I know you're busy with family, school and work. I am sure you're kicking butt with your band, too. *HUGS* BTW, I went out on Friday night and met a man. He's 6'4" and broad with a narrow waist and muscular thighs. (Just like I like 'em) 2 grown kids, employed, and called me yesterday. We have a date to go to my company picnic on August 4 together. When I went out I felt gross, fat, old, dressed like a geek, never thought I'd fit in. In spite of it all, I got asked to dance (by my friend's friend) and picked up by this cutie pie (whose name I have forgotten... HA! I was tipsy!). I left feeling quite hot and sexy. hehehe Okay, getting up now. Walking DS to the park, and then going to go bike riding this afternoon with my friend Sue. Love you guys! Nathalie
  8. Nathalie


    So so so so so sorry for your loss, Sissy. Life sometimes interrupts our journey. I'll say a special prayer for you and your family. It's okay to cry and feel the loss, too. I know it hurts so much when you're still, but it's okay to feel her loss in your life. *HUG* Nathalie
  9. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Checking in. I am a horse. I was out of town this week and ate like food was going out of style. UGH. Tomorrow is my b'day and i will be eating cake. But on Sunday I'm back on it. hard. I need to weigh tomorrow as a "baseline." PLUS my period is on its way. UGH. Glad to hear you are all doing so well! More Later. Nathalie
  10. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    DerickM - Tell her you'd like to make a deposit *wink*wink* Or you could do like in the Nelly video and slide your bank card down her crack (or clevage) to make a withdrawal. b'man - You changed up your body. Probably had more calories than in a few weeks, and your body reacted. STAY OFF THE SCALE AND STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF! You're doing great, girlfriend! VaB - glad you're back! I thought of you while you were in Vegas! What kind of car did you get? I know what you mean about being w/family and needing space! BooBoo - HI! I hope the rest of you are doing well. I have a "talk" date tonight with the dummy. We'll see how it goes. He told me he doesn't feel he owes me an apology. I told him that much was obvious. I'm on a tear to hit the 220's by Saturday. That's 2 lbs away. I am going to bust my ass this week and weigh on Saturday. I don't care if I'm 229.5, I need to see 22x. I went to the mall today and tried on some size 16w pants. They looked like sausage skin on me. I was rippled, dimpled, stuffed, plumped, misshapen and uncomfortable in those damn pants. I took them off, disgusted, and went to On The Border for dinner with my friend who talked about her "lard ass" and then bought some size 6 trousers. *sigh* By summer's end I will have this 30 pounds offa me. I need to quit bullshitting and get on the good foot! HAHAH Oh the irony of me telling B'man to stop being so hard on herself! Seriously though. I'm going to work hard this week, enjoy my cake on Saturday (my b'day) and then get back on it come Sunday until I hit the 190's. I've launched a campaign of shock and awe against the subcutaneous fat jiggling under my skin. I went to the pool today and felt like one of the dancing hippos from Fantasia. not because I felt gigantic, but because that damn suit I chose has one of those skirt things on it. I don't know why I got it. I hate it. And now it's too big for me. I should have gotten the 16 instead of the 18. Whatever. Not much else to report. Just wanted to pop in and say HI. Bye! nathalie
  11. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    I went to Wikipedia right after I posted. I don't think he's a fanboy, he's just dumb. We had a painful dinner last night - barely spoke. I won't be seeing him again. So, DerickM... wanna go see Transformers?
  12. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey hey hey now! Don't be sneaking in here, making a wise crack and running away! :confused: What's a "fanboy"?? And btw, he has the same name as you! (2 R's though...) What a coinkidink!
  13. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Can i be grumpy? HUH? CAN I? SO I have a date tonight with the guy. He asked me out early in the week. We're going to see Transformers and then to dinner. WHY did he go see the movie last night with his friends? And TOLD me about it. Then he goes, 'But I want to see it again, so we can still go tonight." I totally don't even want to go now. Seriously, just forget it. I don't even WANT TO GO. Is that me being spoiled and selfish? I feel impacted by this, but I'm not sure why - it just makes me feel slighted or something. I think I'm going to take myself to dinner and then go on home. Alone.
  14. Nathalie

    I have no clothes

    Prior to banding I would have never set foot in one, but I have been getting some of my things from Salvation Army and the Goodwill stores. I figure I'm only in a size for 4-6 weeks before I've shrunk out of it, so there's no point in spending good money on things I will wear for that short amount of time. I've found some nice things there, too! I also shop on eBay for clothes. Whatever happened to the clothes swap that was mentioned here before? I have some size 18/20 business clothes that I am ready to send away. Otherwise I'll just donate them locally. What a fabulous problem to have!!! nathalie
  15. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hi Guys - I AM STARVING! It is 1am and I refuse to eat. I had a handful of crackers at 11:30 (protein crackers) and am going to try and get some sleep. I'm awake for some reason. I think it's tooth drama. I also had a bird in my house today. It came in through the vent on the roof and was stuck in my mechanical closet for hours. I got it out myself but it took 90 minutes to do it. Had a great 45 minute bike ride today w/DS. I should be whipped and sound asleep by now. B'man - Keep rational about the scale. I swear I feel so much more HUMAN and less obsessive now that it's locked in my closet. Boobooz - you are doing soooo well with your band, girlfriend! I am proud of you. I'm determined to hit the 100 mark by 12/14. I have less than 40 pounds to go! Annie - that is one helluva bike! I owe you an email. And an answer to your challenge! I think I'm sad tonight. Or lonely. My sister is here w/her kids - she came in and got on the phone. They got here and turned on the tv. WTF? I totally feel... something not-quite-right. 1 more day of work, then a break! WOO HOO! More tomorrow. Nathalie
  16. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Annie - Rock on with the bike! I opted for a Trek Navigator. Not so sleek, but it's an upright seated bike so I'm not leaned forward. It's also perfect for pulling the boy in the buggy. I have a nice big cushion seat for my nice big cushioned rump. That lil itty bitty thing would disappear if I sat on it. HAHAH I love that you guys are on the bikes too! Isn't is a blast! It is a great workout, too. I am careful not to put on my headphones so I can hear the traffic around me.
  17. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey Claudi! Glad to hear from you. Brandi - glad you worked that out. You don't need to burn 3500 calories per day to lose 1 lb per week. That's why I was confused. Your body is doing just fine. Stay off the scale. You can't weigh everyday, that's inviting schizophrenia into your brain! LOL Every 1/2 pound you're up/down elicits a totally different reaction. See? I can be superior now that I have locked that demon's tool in my storage closet. I vow to bust my ass for the next 2 weeks and be pleasantly surprised when I step up on it again. And like I said before: stop being so hard on yourself! :eek: I'm at work. (BOOOOOOOOO!) I have a dentist appointment at 1:00 (DOUBLE BOOOOOOO!) More later! (YAAAAAY!) Nat
  18. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    I'm confused. If you burn 3200 calories per day, why wouldnt' you be losing a couple pounds per week? You're eating 800 - 1000 calories per day, right? So you're burning more than you eat. I missed your logic, I think. Anyhow, your body is reacting to your exercise, especially if you've lost 7 inches in 2 weeks, girl! More later, I was just checking in. Stop being so hard on yourself! Nathalie
  19. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hola Mamacitas! ((Where is Claudia??!)) As promised a few days ago, here are my personals. I'm finally in a place where I can sit and think about things other than MYSELF! SassyAssy -- We miss you when you're not here, but it's great to know you're taking care of yourself! I take it that means eating well and exercising, too! We're so proud of you for getting back on that wagon! YOU GO GIRL! And yes, Steph posted that picture. It was a forward. B'man - your pictures are amazing! You look like your own younger, skinnier sister. Look at your face, your neck, your chin and your delicate woman bones! When are you going blonde? **laugh** I can see it coming! You're gonna start feeling HOT and then you'll be posting pictures with a sexy blonde 'do! I have that self-critical stuff going on, too. At 63 pounds, I'm just now starting to see a physical difference in myself. It's odd isn't it? I think it's because I never really saw myself as HUGELY FAT when I looked in the mirror to begin with. Go figure. Maurdan - How is your fill working out? How is the home elliptical working out? Are you finding the energy and the time to get on it? Man, it took me some time to get into a rhythm, but right now I'm going 20 minutes in the morning (sometimes longer) and 45 - 60 minutes at night. How's the eating? How are YOU? Check in when you can! bk - I agree with you. In my pre-band dreams, I was already 155 pounds, dating a fabulous guy and rich by now. **laughing** But realistically, I am delighted with my results. I love that there is more effort required and that success isn't just handed to me. I love that I have to WORK at my results. That is so odd that you get yeast infections from the bike. I've never heard that. :confused: That would make me sad. Congrats on the new job! transformer! YOU GO GIRL! Any loss is an accomplishment, so don't sell yourself short. As for the psycho hunger, I have a few tricks. I drink water. I eat a few spoonfulls of cottage cheese. I chew a few pieces of boiled chicken. I also do push ups if I KNOW I'm not hungry. Or crunches. Sometimes I go 10 minutes on the elliptical. Or go try on clothes. I think that my idle mind turns to food, so I busy my mind with other things. I hope things in your office are better. My office drama was blown out of proportion thanks to PMS. I cried so much last week, and then my p'rot started on Thursday out of the blue. DUH. Crisis over. Hope you're still transforming, momma! Work it out girl! B'man (again) - I think you did the right thing with the guy. I mean, if you didn't really even like him, why waste your time or his? All that cleaning counts, girl! that's all the exercise I did last Friday - cleaning, moving, building, vaccuming, etc. I got a helluva work out! I agree, I think some people are jealous and don't want anyone else to do/have things they can't acquire on their own. My Mom has always been about a size 8/10. Now she's a 12/14 and complains that she can't find clothes. Whatever. I was a size 26 and found PLENTY of clothes. Shut up and go to Lane Giant like the rest of us porcine bitches. *LAUGH* StephC!!!!!!!!!!! Hey girl! I said this before, but I love that you are happy with your body right now. That has got to feel SO GOOD! I love that you're enjoying life and appreciating yourself and the good weather. When you're ready you'll hop back on the band rules, or maybe you'll look up and will have lost a bit of weight without even trying. Work must be going well and everything. So glad to hear from you. Check in again soon. jill - First of all, you're right. You are a loser. A 5 pounds every month type loser. YOU WORK IT GIRL! Amazing, isn't it? 5 pounds per month is 60 pounds per year - nothing to beat yourself up over. Even if you don't have any fancy equipment at home, can you take a 15 minute walk after dinner? Maybe make it family time together? Or dance. Or run up and down the stairs. Or even go outside and play in the yard with your children. (How is your DD by the way?) Don't be so hard on yourself! When you're ready to get back to basics, you'll do it. I think all of us ebb and flow in terms of working hard at losing weight and just enjoying our newly found selves. Keep up the great work! How was your Pampered Chef party? AnnieAngel - where are you girlfriend? How are you doing? How's the exercise? How's the eating? Are you back to basics? I know you are rocking the shit outta your band, girl! I think I owe you an email, too. SweetHot - KayDoll? Where are you my loves? I hope you're doing well. As for me... my fill from Monday is working like gangbusters. I am still on liquids, and totally can't guzzle water like I used to. Small sips. I was starving last night and tried to eat some Wendy's chili that I put through the food processor. My band said "HELL NO!" - it was too thick. I stuck with one of my pre-op drinks. I was trying on clothes last night and am into a size 16/1X! Some of my 18's are still fitting, and others are too big. I have some size 20 things that also still fit, but they are straight cut. Regardless, I am excited and feel fabulous! I think I may wear a skirt to work tomorrow for the FIRST TIME EVER. I tried to work out on the elliptical last night, but after about 5 minutes I felt dizzy. I think it's because I didn't eat too much yesterday (only about 300 calories). I slept like an angel! This morning I was up and ellipticizing at 6:30. I only went for 20 minutes, but that was 200 calories. If it's not raining, we're going biking tonight after work. I just got my bike out of the shop - it wouldn't shift to first gear for some reason. Can't wait to get on it again. I may even wear some bike leggings (capris) tonight! MAYBE. I need someone to take a picture of DS and I in our bike gear. hehehe DRAT! Still haven't managed to post those damn pictures, have I? I'll work on it tonight. I hired a cleaning woman to help keep me organized. She starts tomorrow. That is a LOAD OFF MY MIND! I definitely need the help. $40 per cleaning - and she does dishes, windows and laundry. WOO HOOOOOOOO! Work is better. My new team lead started Monday and he's made a good impression on the team. That makes me feel great. Like I finally have some support in that position. And I feel kinda cute today in my sassy top (kinda clingy with a ruffle down the front) and my cocoa brown slacks. 3" heels, my hair is wild and curly and my lips are kissable fresh with a gloss called "Soda Pop." I can't stop smiling lately. For the first time in a LONG time I feel like my goal weight is attainable. I'll be there by this time next year. Right now I'm totally focusing on cardio - and when the weather turns ugly, I'll be ready to join the gym and bust it out with some weights. LOL I've rambled long enough - KUDOS to anyone who read this entire post! I love you guys! Hope you're all having a beautiful day! BIG LOVE! Nathalie
  20. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hi! I am being selfish with my time again... I saw the doc for my check up. I've lost 17.5 pounds in the past 6 weeks! I'm down to 236, and my surgeon is very proud of me! He said that for a LB patient, I've done extremely well! My goal is to be under 200 by December 14. That's 37 pounds away! He was reluctant to give me another adjustment, but I talked him into another tweak. He doesn't want me in the "red zone" - where I'm too tight that I can't eat anything but soft foods and junk. I know that eating well and exercising is the way to go. Steph- so good to see you! When you're ready to get back to basics, you'll resume your weight loss efforts! I'm so glad to hear that you're happy with yourself right now! that rocks. Elle - if you look at the tickers on the site, you'll see various losses from the group. Our success comes from doing our part. That means exercising and eating sensibly. We splurge on alcohol, desserts and snacks, but we'd all admit that our weight drops when we leave those things alone. No, the success rate for LB patients didn't deter me. Good luck with your decision! B'man - posting pics tonight. I know there's more I wanted to reply to, I just need to get DS taken care of. We are going for a walk (hopefully another hour) and then I'll be back. It took the doc 2 tries before he found my port. I have needle anxieties! He said I have 9.5cc's in my band and it holds about 11cc's. So I am hoping to be at my "sweet spot" now. I go back December 13 for my 1 year check up. It's taken me 60+ pounds but I finally feel like I'm losing weight! *laugh* My scale is in the storage closet for now, and I won't see it again until my b'day. (over 2 weeks away) I'm hoping to be 224 by then. It's 12 pounds... *laugh* I totally feel like I can do that! 12 pounds in 20 days. Uh huh... K. I did 2 hours of cardio last night. I was in a ZONE! I'm going to take DS for a walk now, and hopefully do another hour on the elliptical when I get home. Later kids! Nat
  21. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hi Ladies! Just checking in. DS and I just in from a walk. We were going to the park to play, but I decided to just keep walking. He enjoyed getting pushed around. We walked for an HOUR! I am so proud of myself for walking that entire time! I imagine we walked about 2.5 miles or so. I'll drive the path tomorrow morning to track our mileage. I am proud to say I did not go hog wild at the party. I ate in moderation - small portions, but I had a little of everything, including cake and ice cream. We walked to the park and back yesterday, so I got in some exercise. I ate more cake and ice cream today (booo!) which is why I took the hour long walk tonight. I tossed the rest of the cake in the trash today, along with the rest of the party food. (chips, dips, pinwheel sandwiches) I'm not proud to say it, but I took fiber laxatives to help push the rest of this junk out of me. I should be "clean" by morning. My goal is to ride on the elliptical for an hour after DS gets in bed. So, my sister is very supportive of my weight loss. She says "You look so good!" I am so proud of her for being vocal and supportive of me. She doesn't know about my banding. My mother, on the other hand, has said nothing about my weight loss. I know she noticed, because I saw her looking at my body yesterday while I was playing with Charlie. But she hasn't said anything complimentary to me at all. Whatever. I could jabber on, but I need to get my boy bathed and in bed. UGH another day tomorrow. I'll be back on later tonight to give personals and to give my elliptical report! OH! And I have some pictures to post in Yahoo tonight. My fat brain isn't really letting me see how far I've come, but rationally I know that losing 60+ pounds has my body looking more healthy. Even with all this ass I'm still carrying around. Later Kids! Nathalie
  22. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    AnnieKins? THANKS! :clap2: I am SOOOOO excited to be back on track again. I don't know why it's so hard for me to eat right sometimes, and so easy other times. But the exercise and eating right is working well for me! The pants in my closet fit a little better, and some other pairs of slacks are too big for me! I also know why I had that crazy emotional jag earlier this week: PMS. I thought that may have been the culprit, but my p-rot wasn't due til the 28th. The dirty hooker showed up last night. I feel so much better! And I bet that by Monday when I go in to weigh, I'll be another pound or two down. My body is dropping water and fat like it's hot. (ahah - drop it like it's hot) I don't know if I'll have time for the bikeride today but I will get on that elliptical for 45 minutes tonight if it kills me. Maybe 15 minutes during the day and 30 minutes after DS is in bed. Brandi - I hope that scale moves for you soon. My friend Darrell is a very athletic dude. He told me to put the scale away for 2 weeks. LONGER if I could. And eat right, work out hard. He said when I do weigh, I'd be pleasantly surprised. And the longer I waited, the more I'd lose, as long as I did my part. That's my plan anyhow. But the tape measure? As frequently as I want! heheh Keep working that elliptical out, girl! It's doing you good whether the scale moves or not. Jill - Glad that you've checked in! Hope things slow down for you soon, girlfriend! VaB - I wish I had some advice for that Vegas trip. Just have fun, sheesh. But be mindful of what you're putting in your mouth. That's all I can suggest. Don't deprive yourself, but don't over-indulge. And be ready to get back on plan when you return. Call your nutritionist for a pep-talk. That's what I did and immediately felt more in control. I guess that's all for me today. I am taking on a HUGE project today, and need to get my day started soon. Make it a good one, everybody! Nathalie
  23. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Home. VaB - it hs helped that I'm planning my food and exercise the day before. And I stick to it for the most part. The ground turkey and brown rice is delicious! I put onions, green peppers, garlic and mushrooms in it. And I top it with hot sauce and salt free ketchup. I rode my bike 2 days in a row. it was only 30 minutes, but it was a hard 30 minutes! Up and downhills with a trailer in tow! I'm going to try and hit the elliptical tonight for another 30. I'm like B'man! Now that I'm back on the good foot, I want to do it all! I've also eaten well today. sweet potato and boiled chicken, watermelon slices, water. I'll have a protein shot and some more turkey/rice for dinner. I stepped on the scale today (I know - I'm so weak) and I'm down to 238!!! I feel SO GOOD about that! And I've lost 1" off my thigh since the last time I measured. I'm going to try on some of the clothes I have in my closet tonight after my shower. I think it's time to retire some of those pants and move to a smaller size. On Monday when I check in with the surgeon, I'm not going to weigh again for 1 month (if I can do it). And I plan to work REALLY REALLY HARD this month at keeping on track. I bet after a month I will have lost 10 or 15 pounds. I'll do measurements as frequently as I'd like though. Anyhow, I promised DS that we could go to the pool tonight, so I'm walking up there with him. (Even though all I want to do is recouperate from that bike ride!) Hope everyone is having a great day! Big Love! Nat
  24. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hi bk! How is your progress? And yes, the boy touches my heart. I'm having to work through the terrible twos. He had his first full blown temper tantrum today. I was shocked and dismayed. I'd never seen him act that way, and I tried a few different tactics before I just dragged him up the stairs and inside. Little punk. HA! b'man and VaB - All I can say is this: Isn't it wonderful being the one who is rejecting the men? I don't know about you all, but I'm the one who's been left in most of my relationships or romantic entanglements. It feels so totally empowering to be able to say "no." And to do it with respect and dignity, unlike so many men do when rejecting women. YOU GO, HOT MOMMAZ! DS and I were on the bike for over an hour. I worked up a good sweat, and even wore the dorky helmet. He loved it! Like I said, he didn't want to come inside when we were back home. I ate well today. 2 pre-op protein bars, a protein shot, and ground turkey/brown rice. I estimate that was about 800 calories today. I am going to eat a sugar free popsicle before bed. AFTER my shower! My day picked up, too. I'm over the drama and have moved on. However, I have a few loose ends to tie up before I'll feel 100% better. I guess that's all. Steph? KayDoll? SweetHot? Sassy? BooBoo? Jill? Maurdan? Claudia? Thinkin' about you - and I hope you're all doing great! (Sorry if I missed anyone!) Big Love! Nat
  25. Nathalie

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hi Friends - I'm having a really hard day. I had a negative encounter with an employee and feel as if I am failing in one aspect of my job. I feel beat down, and I am PMSing, so I'm emotional about this BS. While I was talking to a co-worker this morning, I almost cried when I was talking to her. I hate that. I've requested a conversation with my boss to discuss, but don't want to overload him as I know he has a TON of things on his plate. On a positive note, I'm eating very well. I've not been on the scale since Sunday, but I feel thinner. I'm hovering at about 500 cal with <20g fat and 80g protein. That's an estimated average. May be less fat (more like <15). I bought a bicycle and am going to ride tonight when I get home. I'm going to pick up my baby and we're going to ride all over the neighborhood. I may even drive to a bike trail and go about 15 miles tonight. We'll see. (I gotta find a bike trail first!) I know that in the scheme of things, this is not a huge deal. I was up at 3:45 this morning, not sleeping because of work crap. I hate feeling like I have failed, and I definitely feel that way right now. My stomach is in knots. I guess I need to change my outlook and my expectations. So funny - last night we went out to the beach to take pictures for DS. He turns 2 on Friday. In one picture the photographer had me sit and hold DS close to me. I swear I almost cried. I just told him "You make it all worth it, baby boy. You make everything better." Talk about perspective! I hope everyone is doing great. VaB - I'm so glad you're having fun. When you're ready, you'll get back to basics. Good luck with the guy. I'm so over men right now! With everything else going on, I don't have the energy to devote on the "Get to know you" stuff. B'man - work it out on that elliptical girlfriend! Congrats on the 5 pounds! Stop beating yourself up. Show yourself some of the love you give to the rest of us. You're awesome and have done a great job with your band. I'll check in later. Nath

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