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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by incolorado

  1. No I don't think they are doing it with most lap bands at all - it seems to be exception based right now but i'm guessing. I know that she personally had not done a lot at all (I can count on my hands basically and she does that many surgeries probably in 1-2 days). A little bit of blind faith here - and not how i operate but I do trust her (the decision to do the surgery was made jointly with a lot of input from me and her presenting the options and me deciding; but once the decision was made she worked out the details - she knew exactly what she wanted to do LOL :) I do trust her - she is one of the best in a big city full of top doctors.

    Maybe they do it on revisions or evaluate whether they should do this -probably case by case. But as they learn more w/ their patients they may be doing it more (or less!). I think in my case it was warranted. I could not be without unfills (could gain 3 lbs a week w/ a loose band); i needed to be tight to lose; and now that i think on it should i be prone to these hiatal hernias or get thrown off my horse again (again we don't know if that was it and i don't anticipate ever having another bad fall like that); and need to live w/ my band loosened this could be the answer. I mean the good thing is my surgeon has been seeing a lot of me since i've been banded so has been close to the situation where she could have made a good judgement call.

    This sounds very promising! Your doc must be Dr. Ren? I have a few blogging friends who went to that practice. I look forward to hearing how you do with this new procedure!

    I am just like you - the slightest bit loose and I will start to regain. For me it is all about the hunger. I need to have the band somewhat tight to keep the hunger at bay.

  2. I second that toast! I just figured out that I had an additional procedure done when they fixed the band - called a plication I am reading up on it in this site. They pleat the stomach.

    That is really interesting, I read a little about the plication. Is your practice doing this with most lapbands now? I hope it does the trick for you!

  3. Hi gang not sure if everyone checks in any more - I've stayed at that 60 lbs loss but had more to go - we realized there was an issue and guess what a slight slip and hernia. Just had a revision this past saturday. boy was it more painful than the first go! She was just going to reposition it but too much scarring so needed a complete replacement. We think it is possible this happened when I took a bad fall off my horse in sept it was subtle so not the glaring signs you read about that if you slip you know it. In fact it looked more like a hiatal hernia. Boy am i happy I am in a practice that sees a zillion of these.

    Hey, great to hear from you! So sorry about the problems you have had. I hope you are feeling better! I totally worry about a slip or some other complication. What do you mean your practice sees a zillion of these? How bad was your heartburn? I get this at night sometimes.

    I have been plateaued for nearly a year, going up and down within a 10 pound range. Right now I am at about 53 pounds lost - my original goal was to lose 80, but now I'm just hoping for 70. I feel great though, I'm working out with a trainer and feel strong and healthy. I am wearing a size 12 easily, and I finally fit into designer jeans!

    I would love to hear from everyone else too!

  4. I am feeling really frustrated right now. I am going to schedule a fill tomorrow because I am just not losing the weight anymore. I have been battling with the same 4-5 lbs for the last two months. So I have been thinkng about what I have been doing wrong and trying to get motivated to exercise. I have been exercising but not like I should and I have my good days and bad for my diet. Like today was a very bad day. I just don't have any restriction anymore. I mean there are still things I can't eat but other things like pizza I have no problem with. So say a little prayer for me and I restart this journey tomorrow. I also think my metabolism is shot and I have hit a major plateau and if I don't get to 140 so be it but can I least get back to 160. That is the lowest weight I have been in my adult life. Any suggestions? Anybody else having this problem? I did get in a size 12 though and I am happy. Just 30 more pounds! Como on lap-band®, work for me! Later!!!

    Amanda, I am in exactly the same place!!! I have lost 6 pounds in the last 3 MONTHS and have been battling the 185-188 range for weeks. Something about hitting this point, I guess. I also fit into some 12s now, which is great...but I have 30 to go too!

    I don't know if I should get a fill or not. I have one scheduled for next week, but I just had a fill 3 weeks ago and some days it seems good, other days...well, I can eat pizza too!

    Let me know how it goes. I hope we figure it out! :thumbup:

  5. Frst off... congrats on your decision.

    I have to agree with the other great ladies who have answered you so far, it is a personal choice. You need to go with whoever you feel most comfortable with.

    I have never met Dr K, though I do meet up fairly often with his patients, and I have heard nothing but good about him.

    I was operated on by someone who is no longer in the state, and was tranferred for my aftercare to Dr Metz (who was Dr Brown's partner). Dr Metz is now gone also, so now Dr Brown is my doctor. I just met him last week when I was in for a fill. He seems to be a very nice guy. I know some other people that were banded by him, and they were quite happy with him too.

    Whoever you end up chosing, I'm sure you will be happy you made this decision. :thumbup:

    Hi Julie! I did not realize Dr. Metz was gone. I never even met him. I really like Dr. Brown - he is quiet and has a dry sense of humor, but nice guy, not full of himself like some doctors are!

    How is the latest fill? I am not sure if I am going back at the end of this month or not...my bad fill is getting better. If I do, I will let you know!

  6. I am very happy with Dr. Brown's office. I was self-pay and chose Dr. Brown for a few reasons: 1) I liked that they do pre-and post-op psychologist and nutritionist consultations. Both the nutritionists and the psychs. are great.

    2) I like the location of Dr. Brown's office right in downtown Denver rather than Aurora because I come from out of town and like to shop while I am there! :unsure: ;

    3) it was much easier to get an appointment with Dr. Brown than Dr. K. From my first phone call to the office till I was banded was less than 1 month

    4) the pre-op diet is only 3 days and the post-op diet is totally reasonable, with full liquids allowed from Day 1;

    5) Dr. Brown's office is generous with fills -- you get a good fill right from the beginning and every fill afterward. No Baby Fills!

    That said, I am sure I would have loved Dr. K as well. The end result is the same which ever doctor you choose! So think about which pre-op diet you want to do, which office you want to travel to, which office can give you the best surgery date.

    BTW I totally skipped the seminar phase. I knew what I wanted so they said it was not necessary.

    Good luck! :thumbup:

  7. Hello Girlfriends! I have not been here lately - for some reason I do not get updates to the threads anymore so I forget to check in. I spend a fair amount of time on my blog and reading and commenting on other lap band blogs.

    Amanda you should totally do a blog! It is easy, fun, and there is a wonderful community of band bloggers who support each other. I have found it to be incredibly helpful. Visit my blog! And to start one, anybody, just go to Blogger.com and set one up, it is totally easy, the template is right there for you.

    I am still trying to reach 50 lbs., I am at about 48 down right now. I have been off the exercise wagon since my gallbladder surgery, but now it is time to get going! I also had a vacation in Mexico and inhaled guacamole and pina coladas...luckily I only gained 2 lbs and finally got that 2 back off.

    I went in for my 5th (I think) fill and they took everything out, saw that I was at 7.2 instead of 7.4, and brought me back to 7.4. I am feeling pretty good, not hungry.

    I have some recent posts on my blog about not cheating the band, and trying to work with the band. It is a learning process, isn't it?

    I will try to post some pics. I have some Mexico and bathing suit shots!

    Hope you are all well. Dee, have a fab time on your vacay! :)

  8. I was banded three and a half weeks ago, and I have already lost 20 pounds. You can do!

    I lost 40 pounds in the first 4 months. Now it is going slower - at 6 months out I am 2 pounds away from 50 pounds lost! I do not weigh or measure food, but I do try to exercise regularly.

    I started with about 75 pounds to lose total, so I am about 2/3 of the way there! You can absolutely reach your goal.

  9. Coloradomom,

    Sorry to hear about your surgery and new scars. Too bad they couldn't go on top of the existing ones. My big cut from the LAP-BAND® was stitched...and it is still VERY ugly. The stitch marks are worse than the incision itself. Where in Mexico do you go for Spring Break. I would LOVE to get away somewhere warm, and its just not that warm in Florida right now. I saw an all inclusive, adults only resort in Cozumel. I think it was a Wyndham. That sounds wonderful. But I have never been to Mexico on vacation, only for day trips a few times and my LAP-BAND® surgery.

    Take care all.


    Thanks for the kind thoughts everyone. I am feeling better and will be able to get to the gym when I return from my vacation on th 14th. We are going to a resort outside of Puerto Vallarta, near Punta Mita. Leaving this weekend, yay! Cozumel is awesome, that would be a great choice. The snorkeling is incredible.

    So I have a bunch of new bathing suits and cute sundresses for my trip! I am going to model them on my blog later today, feel free to take a look :w00t:. Everything is size 14 or L and....I even got one size M top! (Okay, its Old Navy, but still!)

    On the gallstone issue - This was the result of rapid weight loss, according to the doc. (It did not feel all that rapid to me, but in the beginning it really was I suppose). What happens is when you eat much less, your gallbladder does not have as much opportunity to move the bile out of the gallbladder, and so stones form. Your gallbladder only works after you eat a meal, so if you are not eating much, it is working much less!

    It really sucked having surgery again so soon, let me tell you. And the scars are not as bad as that big lapband one, but the one near my belly button is pretty ugly. My belly is such a wreck right now! Thank goodness for tankinis!

    I have lost pretty much nothing this past month, mostly because of the GB surgery and no exercise. My eating is fine, I feel like I am at my Sweet spot, but I probably need to pay more attention to stuff like the occasional tortilla chip and chocolate!

    Hope everyone is doing well! :smile2:

  10. Welcome back!

    Well Ladies! I did it. I did my first day of P90X yesterday and boy am I sore but in a good way. I also lost 9 lbs in one week. Last Tuesday I weighed 195 and today I weighed in at 186. I almost fell off the scale. I haven't lost that much in one week since the pre-op liquid diet. It's crazy. Well hope all is well. Take care!:w00t:

    OMG that is amazing. I am in the opposite position - had gallbladder surgery 2.5 weeks ago and cannot exercise. So I have maintained at 186-187. At least I did not gain!

    Watch out for gallbladder problems Ladies!

    Congrats Amanda! You really have this thing figured out!:smile2:

  11. Real vomit? No, never?

    Slime coming up? YES! This is just like saliva, it is nothing like actual vomiting. I have found that if I feel stuck I can always wait it out with a little sliming - rather than vomiting the food up. I am 6 months out with excellent restriction, 7.4 ccs in a 10 cc band.

    If the slime thing wigs you out, you might want to go some other route rather than the band. It will almost certainly happen at some point. But really, it is not that big of a deal, and nothing like vomiting - which I really hate too!

    Good luck with your decision. I am 100% thrilled with the band. :smile2:

  12. Down another pound although I have been eating more than I should, I just feel like I don't have much restriction and I still can eat about anything I want. I even had two slices of thin crust pizza the other night. Need to go for another fill just have been really busy to make the appt, but hopefully will call tomorrow. Take care.

    Amanda, you are doing so well!!!! How much fill do you have now? I find that I can eat plenty of some things - the stuff we are not really supposed to have, like Cereal, crackers. But last night I tried some chicken and could only manage 2 bites! I have 7.4 ccs in my 10 cc band.

    Also, a little update: I ended up having surgery to remove my gallbladder this week. Apparently gallstones are common after WLS/rapid weight loss. What a drag. Five new scars to add to my collection on my belly! Laprascopic surgery again - of course they could not use the incisions already there!

    The worst is no exercise for 3 weeks - and I am leaving for spring break in Mexico in 2.5 weeks! I was on a roll with Pilates and exercising about 5 days a week. Ugh.

    Hope you are all doing well.

  13. It's too bad you're in Nebraska...you could meet us at our Red Robin gathering if you were here. :confused:

    Hello friends, just checking in. I had surgery to remove my gallbladder this week. Apparently gallstones are common after WLS/rapid weight loss? Anyway, it sucks having 5 MORE incisions on my belly. I am surviving with the Lortab. This surgery was easier than lap band in terms of gas pains - I had none this time - but the cut near my belly button hurts more....

    Hope you are all doing well.


  14. Hi Ladies,

    I am happy to report I reached 45 lbs lost and out of the 190s today!

    I am totally at my sweet spot again. This is perfect. No problems eating, but not hungry, not thinking about food at all. Hope it sticks for a while!

    Is everyone doing well? I need to go back and read the old threads!

    By the way, is the other September thread active or is this the main one?

  15. I have been stuck for 2 weeks! Went for my monthly visit and I have been at my sweet spot but I don't feel like i have been the last two weeks (and PMS wreaking havoc)... he ended up doing a tiny fill .1 cc. I'm flying in a couple of weeks to the middle of nowhere in northern germany so I'm not into having any issues! i have a feeling this is a hungry pms (sometimes they are tight pms's).

    What a drag! Hope this tiny fill helps!

  16. Coloradomom, I just looked at your blog and you look awesome. I can't wait to be in a size 14. I'm straddling 16/18. I think my tummy is keeping me in that size. I've noticed you lost alot of tummy. Please tell me how. I am doing pilates like everyday and while I can tell my core is alot stronger it is still so big. I have only lost about 6 inches and while that is great I know it could be smaller at this weight. Tell me all the secrets.

    Thank you so much, you are so sweet! The tummy...mine really went down a BUNCH...From 39" waist to 33". But I think this is just because my weight was never meant to be stored there - I have always had a pear/hourglass shape. If you lost 6 inches in your waist that is the same as me! Now my thighs and hips...another story!

    So no secrets - I just lose weight around my middle easier than anywhere else.

    I bet you look great. Pilates helps a whole lot - keep doing it! Do you have a blog?

  17. Hi everyone. I had my 4th fill on wednesday (now at 6.7) wow! what a difference! finally a little relief from being hungry all the time. Yesterday I was full almost 4 hours from only a handful of almonds, it has been amazing. Trying not to get too excited since the restriction disappeared in a couple days last time :biggrin:

    Hi Dee - Hope this restriction lasts for a while! My last fill kept me in the sweet zone for about 5-6 weeks. Hopefully this next little bit will last longer!

  18. Bostonlady,,, I'm going for my third fill next week also. I'm at my 3 month mark after surgery, I've had 2 fills and lost 31 pounds,,, 17 of which I lost on the 2 week post op diet,,, so I too am hoping the third time is a charm for that sweet spot everyone talks about:-) Good Luck with your fill and your workouts!

    The third fill was great for me, totally hit the sweet spot. But it only lasted 6 weeks...back for another fill!

  19. Just wanted to post real quick. I am going back and forth on my weight. I was 201 this morning, so I guess I'm at a plateau finally, but I am going to keep on doing the same and hope that eventually the scale will start moving again. Wish me luck. Going to do some tae bo now.

    Hi Amanda, sorry about the plateau, it hit me too! I have not lost anything in 3+ weeks. I am no longer at my sweet spot, though I do have restriction...just going in for a tiny bit more next week.

    Good luck, and MOVE IT scale!!!:biggrin:

  20. Hey there everyone, Happy Holidays.

    Wishing you all healthy choices for the new year. Sounds like everyone is doing pretty good even loosing. I'm kind of at a stand still, a few bad choices last week....blah blah

    Hey Jess I'm right about where you are in terms of weight and total losses - I am thrilled and you should be too! You are doing great!

    Happy New Year!

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