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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by incolorado

  1. I was instructed to do clear liquids only (broth, crystal light, sf popcicles, sf jello) for three days prior to surgery. I have never fasted, so this will be interesting....
  2. incolorado

    Colorado Anyone

    I have my surgery date! Sept. 1 with CBSI - Dr. Brown. I really liked everyone in their office. So excited!
  3. Hi all, I am new here. I have my first consult with a surgeon in Denver this Friday, and will also do my psych, nutrition, and other consults on the same day. I was told I could have a surgery date as early as next month! (I am self pay, hence the speed....) My question is, how much is it realistic to plan on losing? I am pretty close to my all-time highest weight right now, 230. My high school weight, while I was running track, was around 130. My college weight was 140-150. Pre-kids, in my 20s, was 160-170. And after my 4 kids were born, for the past 12 years, I have been at, close to, or over, 200, dieting and exercising constantly only to gain more than I could ever lose. Anyone with similar BMI or weight who can share their experience? Thanks!
  4. incolorado

    BMI 40 and 230 lbs - how much can I lose?

    He was very much like a psychologist. We went over many, many things, including possible stressors in my life, what I think my eating issues are, whether I had any trauma in my past, who will serve as my support system, and how to handle telling certain people and not others about the surgery. He talked about handling social situations with the band, and issues that come up in families. He talked about "addiction transfer," where someone who no longer overeats turns to alcohol, shopping, gambling, etc. addictions, and how to watch out for that behavior. He gave me a list of recommended reading, including books on general well being. And he was just a really good listener and gave me great ideas and feedback. I can see how meeting with him in the future would be really helpful. Okay, I just read what I wrote and I am going to edit this to say he was better than the one psychologist I had way back when. (Many psychologists don't talk, they just sit there and let you talk). This guy at Dr. Brown's had a real kindness, compassion, and obvious desire to help. It was not just about assessing whether I was psychologically suited to the surgery (that was part of it), but also an effort to help, and let me know that he would be there to help in the future as I progress with the band. I really, really appreciated that meeting.
  5. incolorado

    BMI 40 and 230 lbs - how much can I lose?

    Awesome!!!! Way to work the band! The Dr told me yesterday he thought I could lose 80 lbs! Which is more like 95% of my excess weight.
  6. incolorado

    BMI 40 and 230 lbs - how much can I lose?

    Just an idea - I know many love Dr. K here, he sounds great, but Drs. Brown and Metz in Denver also charge $9900 and they were able to schedule me VERY quickly (3 weeks from first appointment, 4 weeks from first phone inquiry - I skipped the seminar). I was impressed with their office staff - they have you meet with a social worker to chat about various issues and I found that helpful. They totally stress the importance of follow up visits with the nutritionist, social worker, and support groups. Good luck!
  7. Hi Ladies, I am jumping on your bandwagon, if there is room (?)....My surgery with Dr. Brown in Denver is set for Sept 1st., and so I am a total newbie hoping to learn from you all. New as I am, I got to have lunch with KayleighsMommy yesterday after my first meeting with Dr. B! I am so grateful for her efforts to reach out and help me! Thank you KayleighsMommy! How cool to meet IRL. She told me a little bit about you all and the Red Robin meetings - I look forward to meeting you some day when I return to Denver for one of my fills. Counting down the days until this surgery!!!! Have a great weekend!
  8. incolorado

    Colorado Anyone

    Another Colorado newbie here...I have my pre-op consult tomorrow with Dr. Brown in Denver. Looking forward to getting to know you all! :tongue2:
  9. Following up on the thread below, I am just wondering how much surgeons in Mexico charge? I am self pay and probably will go with a Dr. in Denver (Drs. Brown and Metz charge only $9900 for self-pay), but curious if it is really that much cheaper in Mexico?
  10. incolorado

    BMI 40 and 230 lbs - how much can I lose?

    Thank you, more helpful insights! I understand that losing 100% of excess weight does not happen for everyone. Still, amazing!
  11. incolorado

    BMI 40 and 230 lbs - how much can I lose?

    Thank you. I think I am starting to understand what you all are saying about this surgery being a "tool." And I am hopeful because I do think a big part of my problem is constant hunger. With that removed, I really hope I will finally find success. I did have a small glimpse of what life could be like as a "not always hungry person" when I started taking Wellbutrin for depression. It really helped reduce my appetite, and I found it much easier to stick to a diet. Sadly, that effect wore off after 6 months or so......And my hunger returned with a vengeance. I also am in a good place (mentally and literally) for exercise - I currently run/walk several times a week, and one of my big motivators in getting the surgery is the desire to go back to running like I used to. It is a life-long love of mine, and not being able to run without stopping constantly just makes me sad. I live in a place where EVERYONE is extremely active and in good shape (including my husband and ALL of my friends). I want so much to be like that again. So, I am hopeful. Congrats to all of you, and thanks again.
  12. Very new newbie here, another question for you: Describe a typical day of eating, after the liquid and mushy stages - typical meals and favorite foods? I am trying to picture how this will be, as I am the primary (um, make that only) cook for my husband and 4 kids. Do you generally make some of the same stuff and just eat less? Or have you totally changed the types of meals you make (ie less Pasta, more Soup or whatever). Many thanks!
  13. I have my first appt with the surgeon this Friday, and will be doing all the psych and nutrition consults on the same day. I was told my surgery could be scheduled as soon as Sept 17! Next month! I am paying myself since my insurance has a blanket exclusion for WLS. Thanks again, it truly sounds like the band has been miraculous for you and so many others.
  14. Restless, Thanks so much for the very helpful reply. Your way of eating makes a lot of sense and seems very reasonable and do-able. I am so excited!
  15. incolorado

    Josephine Photo The Beginning of Maintaining

    OMG amazing! Wow! Congrats!
  16. incolorado

    BMI 40 and 230 lbs - how much can I lose?

    That would really be a dream come true. For so many years I have not even dared to imagine losing enough to be in the "normal" weight range. How amazing, congratulations to you both. And thanks. :thumbdown:

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