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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dezadoo

  1. dezadoo


    hi all! it's been a busy week with school starting. things are still the same no losses yet but here's to hoping!
  2. dezadoo

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    has anyone heard of a support group mtg for bandsters up in billerica, run by someone named Eileen? my friend met her and passed some info onto me. i think the next mtg is next week.
  3. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    sorry it's been a while since i've been on, i made it thru the 1st week of school and no there's only 179 days left till summer vacation! lol! i'm in a slump, no wt loss since going on mushies and it's really starting to annoy me! i need to measure to see if inches are gone but i'm afraid there will be no change and i'll just get more depressed! hang in there sherry! that's what we do here vent and congratulate! men run hot and cold, my hubby's the same! he can be such a weenie! it sounds like a lot of people are doing great though...smaller jeans zipped up, pounds and inches shrinking! excellent work july lb'ers dez
  4. here's to hoping that will happen. i too am at a "pause" - good term! i haven't lost a thing since going on mushies. and last nite i went to a get-together to celebrate surviving our first wk of school and ate crap and drank too much. here's to the start of a new day!
  5. dezadoo

    new october challenge!!!!!!!!!

    ok - we did a biggest loser at work last spring and i think our school psych as a program i;ll talk to her about it! the winner made $600, we all pitched in $20. i went to the gym today, 35 min on treadmill and several arm machines, i will try to go again tommorrow! good luck all!
  6. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    stephanie - talk about small 5th grades, try the 3 & 4 yo and K kids. god they;re cute!!! school stareted today with K screenings and as a professional SLP and special educator...i am in BIG trouble this year. ugh! i'm not sure who is worse the kids or the parents?!? but they sure are cute!! beth - if you don;t feel like cooking while you're sick Boston Market has great chix soup! feel better soon! susan and ruthie - don't worry about the 60 in 7 years - 60 is the new 30! besides with all this wt loss you're both going to look 20 anyway! july lb'ers are the BEST! dez
  7. dezadoo

    No "crunches" for 3 months?!?!?

    my doc says no abdominal exer until i go back at 8-9 wks for just that reason. give your body time to heal, you don;t want to pop stiches or create a new prob. i will say it's killing me! that's where i want to lose and i miss my pilates dvd!
  8. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    karik - awesome pix - if you look that good after 18 wait until 50!:eek: michelle - omg! i really had to laugh cuz my hubby and i got an invitation to a wedding several years ago that actually said...wait, i'm laughing uncontrollably...no pastels and no farm animals! lololololol! well, he was in the air force at the time with the groom and if you know anything about enlisted personnel, they are warped! so a bunch of us went to the sex toy store and bought a blow up sheep, inflated it and tied a pink bow on it and placed it in their honeymoon suite! are we great friends to have?!? stetsi - date now! if they don't like you the way you are now, you may ot like them in the future cuz what does it say about their soul? i'd date now, unfortunately i'm married. do you want mine? i'm ready to trade him in for an upgrade! lol!
  9. dezadoo

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    hi all! my name is Desma and i live in wakefield, ma. i was banded 7/25 by dr. jones at bidmc. i think we are lucky to be in this area, good docs, good insurance and GREAT support! i am married, no kids yet, IVF will be a go when my BMI drops a little more and i have healed longer. i work in the public schools as a SLP and don't want to go back to work tommorrow:(
  10. dezadoo


    thanks, sherry i will try diet green tea. i brew a lot of tea, i don't drink coffee, when it gets cooler, mostly green. i love arizona's blueberry no carb green tea but its hard to find anymore except in glass jars. nanaviv - yes most of the protein shakes have milk &/or soy products in them talk to june or kelly about any alternatives. so whens our get-together?
  11. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    michelle - omg! lol! loud enought that my hubby wants to know whats goin on!!!! can you top it ruthie?!? steph - congrats on the 26/28 pants! i bet it feels great!!! big girl p = send us a pix of you in the dress! mary - i LOVe roller coasters, i grew up near the greatest amusement park of all time, Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH. a few years ago i stopped trying to get on roller coasters because of the exact situation you described! it was always my fear that i'll be the fat chick on the 6 o'closck news who died falling out of a roller coaster! once i am small again i am going to be in the first car on the biggest roller coaster in the US! have a great wk everyone! dez
  12. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    oh - i forgot! i don;t know if i will be annoying as a skinny person. i hope not as i will always be a fat chick on the inside. my wish for the july 06 band crew is that we all remember where we were when we started so we are kind and encouraging to everyone regardless of size! then again i may be so into my new "persona" i may become a bar fly, a floozie and a biatch! who knows?! lol!
  13. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    biggirlpantiez - you are gonna look HOT! congrats on the 1x! wooohooo! as to the 2 ?'s NO- my hubby doesn not, nor will he ever know how much i weigh! he's blissfully ignorant but a little scared of losing his bbw. i think it'll be some time before bbw doesn't describe me. as for the second ? - i am a teacher and kids will tell me how fat i am, well, no shit sherlock! i don't mind the ones who are just dumb and/or innocent, i would love to smack the ones who are devious and mean-spirited, which, unfortunately is the majority. and you're right some of us are misssing...where are you???
  14. dezadoo


    i love the mushies but i have not dropped 1 oz since going on them 2 wks ago! it's not like i'm eating like iwas pre-sx. i don;'t know whats going on....
  15. ok - i am not eating a ton although i am eating too quickly, no sliming but sometimes i feel full. my concern is why have i not dropped 1 oz of wt since going on mushies 2 wks ago?!?!?!?! i am still eating a LOT less than pre-band so help me? what the hell is going on? thanks guys for letting me rant!
  16. dezadoo


    what drama?!?!?!?!?!
  17. dezadoo

    I need party ideas Please!

    my niece just turned 11 and the spa thing was the bomb! slumber party, nails and toes and then a miss america pagent, i would still love just one more nite like that with my friends! also, when i was that age we played a game called "Doubles" if you are into favors, i am, wrap them in masking tape and newspaper, many times, like at least 4-9 times, have the kis sit in a circle. you have a scarf, a hat and mittens. the kids roll the dice and when someone gets doubles they have to put on the scarf, hat and mittens and try to unwrap the present. when someone else gets doubles they have to stop, pass the clothes on and wait theri turn to roll again. the person who FINALLY gets the present unwrapped gets to keep it. we could do this for hours!!! and..it kills time. good luck
  18. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    mbprn - i love your posts and the responses have cracked me up! not because they're not good advice but cuz mine is to sit on all those annoying skinny people, kids included! lol! my girlfriend who has 2 daughters, 20 and just 16 keeps telling me she may not make it until they leave her house, i think all teenage girls are psychotic so stock up on Valium, lock your bedroom door and wait it out! dez p.s. i'll pray for you
  19. wow! i love reading the daily diets so i will add mine breakfast - usu protein drink, i never eat breakfast and my nutritionist said that it jumpstarts you metabolism and pre-sx that was her biggest goal for me! sometimes i will eat yogurt or sramble 1 egg with chz and 1-2 slices deli ham (by the way, thin and trim homey ham is the BEST deli ham i have ever had..look for it!) lunch - 2-4 oz of tuma salad or ground meat with 2-4 crackers snack - 1 low fat string chz or crab dip w/2crackers dinner - grilled fish, ground turkey w/sauce, or pulled pork bbq , about 2-4 oz, with a 1/4-1/3 baked potaoto w/ either nacho cheese sauce or marg and ffree sour cream snack - sugar free fudlesicle kimm - hang in there! you're doing fine! and thanks for the heads up on OA. my clinic did suggest joining wt watchers after back on reg foods but NOT to tell them about the band. i'll try it in oct if i amstill at a standstill, whihc i have been since going to mushies! indianlight - i like your idea of the water! thanks, i'll be tryin THAT tomorrow!
  20. dezadoo

    new october challenge!!!!!!!!!

    ok - im on track worked out yesterday on legs on machines, 20 min on bike and 30 min on treadmill today - 35 min on treadmill and wt machines on arms i will try to go tommorrow cuz the gym is closed mon. i HATE being the biggest person at the gym even after 24 lbs!
  21. dezadoo


    Sherry - i'm up for a get together! anytime! rainbow - GREAT story and congrats on having your baby home safe and sound! thank him for me and my family for what he does to keep us safe! my husband is ex-AF and my cousin flies c130's for AF and just got home from Iraq a few mos ago so enjoy your time together i know how hard being separated is!!! i'll keep your partner in my prayers! nanviv-get your appts and join us in lapland! chris - don;t worry you're in the final countdown! work on getting some off now, they say it helps later! you'll do great! dez
  22. dezadoo

    weight training

    i am doing some wt training but it depends on the machine how much i lift. i mostly do 3 sets of 10 reps. my arms are weak and i am restricted on how much i can lift while i am healing (6 wks post). i am doing btwn 15 and 40 lbs on most arm exer and 30-45 on my legs. my exer physio at the clinic told me that lifting may not burn as many calories as cardio but that it would burn inches so thats not bad. can you ride a exer bike? that may be one way to get some cardio in. i also have a GREAt pilates dvd that gets my heart goin but most of the exer are on the floor on your back and side, it's the Marie Windsor set and the 20 min workout is fabulous!
  23. dezadoo

    new october challenge!!!!!!!!!

    i'm in! i am at 260 right now. i started at 284 before surgery. can we share exercise routines and ideas on how to tone and firm would be great! i am beginning to get chix wings!
  24. velvet kiss - wow! we were banded on the same day and i was happy with 25 lbs. but jeez.. i wish it were 60! i will say i have gotten into the gym thing and actually like going, esp lifting wts. kim - my doc says if i am losing 1-2 lbs/wk i am doing great so don't get discouraged..also, think about why you ate what you ate. i am thinking about trying overeaters anonymous to work on my own useless eating habits. do you think that might help?
  25. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    hi all! congrats on the wt loss and the execise. i have a ? how do you keep from getting extra skin as the wt drops off? i have been going to the gym at least 3 days/wk and trying to walk every day but i want to tone. any ideas?

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