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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dezadoo

  1. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Happy holidays, july bandsters!!! May the new year being us lots of love, joy and less weight! :girl_hug:
  2. dezadoo


    Happy Holidays! I am up for a meeting! it will be great to match faces with names, real and screen. I don't mind driving and will car pool with others from the north shore if necessary. i hope we all lose more of ourselves in the new year!!! dez
  3. dezadoo

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Hi all! Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah! Feliz Navivdad! Joyeaux Noel! Habari Ghani(sp?)! May the upcoming new year being joy, and SMALLER SIZES to us all! Desma
  4. dezadoo


    sherry - you look fabulous!!!! nana - keep pluggin along! it'll happen. laphappy - how are you doin? chris and deb - how are you all? i went to the support group tonite, run by june, who i LOVE! i think i am finally out of my slump, down a bit more than 50 lbs and i may just make my goal of 60 by Christmas is i don't screw up too bad. i am going to my hometown of toledo, ohio next week to meet my family (they moved to indiana a few years back), my in-laws, and see my oldest and dearest friend, who just turned 40!!!! a big nite out will be in the plans fer sure!!! i can't wait to see if people notice a difference. they all know about the surgery and about how much i am down but i wonder if they will think its a big change or not. i'm a little nervous! i hope you all have a wonderful holiday!!! if i get through tomorrow without killing any students it willbe a miracle! dez
  5. dezadoo


    yup urinary catheter, what fun! as far as the procedure, i guess it takes a couple of hours, maybe 3 or so i don't remember ANYTHING until later in the evening, except throwing up, the gas made me sick!!!! i also remember feeling REALLY groggy until the next morning and i kept worrying that something was wrong since i couldn't wake up but i was fine!
  6. congrats, zannie!!! what a supportive family you have and you know they will continue to help you for sure! for thanksgiving i ate 1 sm pice of turkey a spoonful of green bean casserole, a spoonful of squash, and some stuffing. i had a very small sliver of pumpkin pie with fatfree cool whip for dessert but it was a while after dinner. i just had my 4 month check up and my doc reminded me that my meals should be about 1/4 cup or so since that is how big my tummy is. it's not too bad. i am a snacker and am trying to curb that habit. look to your clinics psych staff for counseling, it helps. my clinic;s counselor is a loon but i am looking for someone else. you can eat reg foods about 2 mos after sx. good luck!
  7. dezadoo

    What's in a Name

    dezadoo is a nickname from an old roommate, my name is desma and i am a big univ of louisville fan!!! it's my alma mater!
  8. dezadoo


    welcome laphappy! first, no preop pix are taken, although i would take some of your own for reference. i did not and now regret it. i went home by 3-4pm the next day, you can't leave until you are up and walking around and keeping liquids down alright. i was told i left pretty early. also, no ng tube thank god! no girdle wither, you will have dressings on your wounds, about 5. no pills from here on out, chewable only. you will leave with a rx for a liquid painkiller, i still have some of mine, i didn't use too much! lastly, good luck!!! you will be fine! and welcome to our band of "losers"!
  9. dezadoo


    dr jones said that usu the first fill is 1.5cc i guess i am just strange, no big surprise there! funny thing is i really have not beenthat hungry since my appt. it alsmost like right after sx and you forget about food. these past 2 days on liq haven't been bad, last time it was harder! weird,huh? well maybe my losing is back on track...keepyour fingers crossed! dez
  10. hi all! down 9 lbs from my last checkup 2 mos ago, not much but better than nuthin! only 2 weeks until christmas! my christmas goal...10 lbs more! wishful thinking?
  11. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    congrats on the nsv's! 50 lbs, onederland, twoterville! sorry i have been busy and had to read pages of postings to get up to date...sorry about dr. sanchez, what a loss the pix posted are great! i really need to do that soon. i can really relate to the problems eating!!! i was pb's a few times a week for almost a month. i went to the dr. yesterday for my 4 month check up and got yelled at! he said if it happens again to call cuz he doesn't want me to hurt myself. so he wanted to find out why and filled my 4 cc band to 1.5cc's. after i chugged the water...up it came!!!twice!!! then he took out .25cc's and up it came again! now i am just over 1 cc a smidge over where i was before we started. so he said to eat slowly and only protein just to jump start my metabolism so i can lose more weight. he also reminded me that our tummies are the size of a thumb and i am NOT!!!! to eat more than 1/4 cup per meal. we'll see! is everyone ready for the holiday season? i am soo excited...only 2 weeks left! dez
  12. dezadoo


    hi all! its been a while! welcome newbies! hello old gang! i have been busy. as fara as 1st appt to sx my first appt was in mid may and my sx was 7/24, dr. jones had a cancellation! i had my 4 mo follow up yesterday and boy was it eventful. remember how i was pb'ing alot? well, dr. jones wanted to know why so he filled me to 1.5cc and up it came! it sucked BIG TIME!!!! then he took out.25cc's and up it came again! when i chugged water. so he took out more so i have just over 1 cc of saline in the band and boy is it tight, funny thing is that it was the same after my last appt, just a smidge more he said so i guess i was eating too fast. have no desire to eat now, that's for sure! so i am back on liquids while i heal then mushies then back to real food next week. i just have to say i LOVE june! she is soo funny and easy to talk to. i got lots of good things to try and a lapband water bottle! by the way, we should all try to go to the reunion in march! i lost 9 lbs in 2 months, not bad, not great. dr. jones did say he won;t fill me again until i get to 200 which he thinks i will by feb?!?! i HOPE so:) is everyone getting ready for the holidays? hopefully, i will be going homes, toledo, ohio, after christmas to see family for a few days. sorry to dump and run but i have some more reports to write but i wanted to let ya'll know i miss you and i am thinking of all of you! dez
  13. congrats wheetsin! i agree i have lost in my back, upper chest, neck, face and legs but no tummy yet. i fo have kind of a funny story tho...my hubby and i were in bed last week and he kept rubbing his hand on my hip bone, kinda hard too, it hurt! finally he asked me "what is that?" when i told him it was my hip bone he seemed surprised! i'm not sure if that is a good story or a bad story?!?!
  14. dezadoo


    welcome to our gang crazycran! hello friends! nana - where are you? deb and chris - i'm glad you got to meet, you know the funny thing, i was supposed to go this past wed but had to resched til next wed cuz of my work sched. maybe next time! sherry - way to go girl, hit the gym! i say we keep each other on track with that as i loose more weight when i go! i need to reup my membership tomorrow am, i have slacked the last 3 weeks, grade cards, progress reports and LOTS of testing and reports to write up so no time for me. i am going to get my christmas shopping done next week and then hopefully after conferences and my drs appt i will be back on track, my goal is 230 by new years and my bday - 1/2! we'll see! hugs to all and...only 24 days til christmas! dez
  15. dezadoo


    hi gals! things are ok - i am still in my slump but my appt is next wed and i may get another fill, i'll talk to dr. jones then. i think i finally figured out that i eat too fast, esp at lunchtime. i only have a 1/2 hour and no time to snack or eat smaller meals throughout the day. i am going back to protein shakes, yogurt and soup for lunch so we'll see. a get together in jan sounds good, time seems to be flying! too bad we live so far or i would be dancing with you! dez
  16. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hi july bansters! Happy Thanksgiving! i am thankful for all of you and all the love and support i get here cuz noone knows what we go through but someone who has been there! may we all eat to satisfaction, may there be no pb'ing and may we all lose 20 lbs by christmas! Happy 4 month anniversay! hugs to all dez
  17. dezadoo


    hi kay! welcome to our gang of losers! Happy Thanksgiving gang! Be happy and healthy! hugs - dez
  18. dezadoo

    Harry Potter Anyone???

    hello fellow harry potter geeks! i love the books and the movies, much to my surprise and movies are never as good as the books! i think dumbledore is dead and will/should remain so. harry needs to meet voldemort on his own, i am unsure of the outcome! i agree about neville! he is beginning to come into his own and i think will be a MAJOR figure in the last book. does anyone know when it is finally sched to come out? one last thing on the movies, i want them to keep the orig cast for the series, if ralph macchio can be the karate kid at 35 then the hogwarts gang can surely be 17 at 25!!!!
  19. dezadoo

    EVIL comes in many forms....

    first of all hugs to you! secondly, i am reminded of fried green tomatoes when kathy bates rams her car into the one belonging to the teenie boppers! you may be fat but you have more insurance! next, after watching one of my favorite tv shows, my name is earl, this man will be bitten in the ass by karma! one day he will do this to someone who is not as nice as you are and he will be beaten to a pulp, you will drive up in your truck, at your goal weight and be able to spit in his face!
  20. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    congrats july bandsters! it sounds like we are all doing pretty well! i am definitely on for the 20 lb by christmas wagon! i am at 249 and would love to be below 230 so let's roll! good idea about south beach. do they taste good. i like lean cuisine but haven't tried those. not much for smart ones, red box, variable on taste! i was lagging on the exer for about 2 weeks but am now back on sched of 3 days/week. i want o try to get in the habit of going every day. what does anyone else do about exer? i am in need of inspiration!
  21. dezadoo


    hi guys! deb-sorry to hear you are having porbs, try liquids and mushies i went back to that for both breakfast and yogurts, soft foods or cottage cheese for lunch and have not pb'd since last tues so good luck! i am definitely up for a get-together! i posted on the ma site for dec 2nd which is a sat i think for those of us on the north shore. how about meeting someplace in the middle, is that boston? we could meet at the pru or copley. i'm pretty flexible on eves and weekends, just so i give my hubby enough notice. men..they are so lost without us! chis- it sounds like you are doing well! nana-how are you? sherry-did you get ahold of someone? how are you?
  22. dezadoo

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    hi north shore gang! how about meeting for lunch on sat dec 2nd at 1 pm at the dockside? let me know if that would work. we can meet, chat and shop for smaller clothes for the holidays!
  23. dezadoo


    hi everyone! hows it goin? eating is getting a bit better and i am down 1.5 lbs so maybe the plateau is off now...i hope so! my goal at my last check up in sept was 20 lbs by thanksgiving and ther is no way that will happen so maybe 10-15 by my next appt the first wk of dec. when are we going to get together? i think before christmas would be great. any ideas? is boston central? is anyone going to the support mtg next week? i might it depends i am supposed to go out in somerville with friends. keep on losing! dez
  24. dezadoo

    July 2006 Band Crew

    mary good luck in mi, i am originally from ohio and cried when the tigers tanked:( i'll be preaying for your dad, i lost mine to cancer many years ago and its difficult but hang in there! way to go jane! you inspire me! my life has been hectic and i haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks and i miss it but its so hard to get back into the routine so now i will so we can compare exer notes! beth - how are you feeling? i try toeat slow but sometimes i am so busy that i try to grab a few bites on the fly! that may be it but who knows, it hasn't bothered me since fri good to hear from you stephanie! jess - it'll be fine! talk at you soon! dez
  25. dezadoo


    hi guys! my tummy is weird~today i had no prob with lunch, 2 pieces of a quesidilla or however you spell it!!! still in a rut re wt loss but 1 lb down this week after no change for weeks funny since a boatload of halloween candy has been around the office. have fun line dancing chris and sherry - i wish y'all lived in my area of town as i lived in ky for several years and love to line dance! i suck but it's fun! nana - yes! protein, protein, protein! i have never been much of a breakfast person so i just have a protein shake every am, i hate breakfast. also, as you know eating in the am seems to be hard for me. i may have yogurt occas and i LOVE oatmeal, esp now that its cold. i had my first bowl of cereal post sx last week, i actually was thinking about how we don't mix liquids with food and cereal does just that so maybe when i go back in dec i will ask june. good luck with the dog sitting! tak about exer! hugs to all dez

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