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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MommyOf1

  1. My pre-op diet starts tomorrow! Just got home from the grocery store with all my goodies for it. I am so excited! I never thought I would be happy to do a liquid diet, lol. My date is October 8! Congrats everyone! So happy we all get the opportunity to take our lives back : ) Pre-Op Diet: 9/24/09 Surgery Date: 10/08/09 Current Weight: 238 Goal Weight: 145 Height: 5'2.75" SO READY FOR A BAND IN MY LIFE!
  2. Pre-op diet starts tomorrow! YAY! It's almost time! Pre Op Diet: 9/24/09 Current Weight: 238 Goal Weight: 145 Height: 5' 2.75" Surgery: October 8 SO READY FOR A BAND IN MY LIFE!:tongue2:
  3. You are beautiful! Thanks for your thread post. How much are you down since your January surgery? Just curious. My band date is October 8, 2009! I can't wait! Just 1 day before my 29th birthday!

  4. You are truly an inspiration sandi2004! I am sure I will have questions once I get my band. Thank you for being here. Pre Op Diet: 9/24/09 Current Weight: 238 Goal Weight: 145 Height: 5' 2.75" Surgery: October 8 SO READY FOR A BAND IN MY LIFE!:tongue2:
  5. You are truly an inspiration! Pre Op Diet: 9/24/09 Current Weight: 238 Goal Weight: 145 Height: 5' 2.75" Surgery: October 8 SO READY FOR A BAND IN MY LIFE!:tongue2: Today 05:24 AM
  6. I was told no more than 10 days before surgery, but no less than 3. That is why I am doing it right about 1 week before. And definitely, DC traffic, sheeeeesh, I will have to tell you about my one and only trip there. Hilarious adventure! Yeah you definitely want to do it early in the day because you do have to fast, and you definitely don't want to be all worked up either from gridlock. My job is being a Mommy/Wife, so unfortunately I have full access to eating whenever and whatever. But on the flip side I am chasing my 18 month old, which keeps me hopping. I just want to be so healthy for him, I want to do more with him, I feel guilty about that. He is only going to become more active the older he gets. But other than the blood work and following the pre-op diet rules, that's it until surgery. You just have to fast 8-10 hours before surgery, (or the night before) including no Water. Wonder how much we'll lose on this before surgery! What do you get to eat on your diet? Besides the basic liquids? And don't worry I am sure I will be a grumpy butt as well. Just keep yourself happy when thinking of how much weight will be gone with your band after surgery!!!! YAY! Pre Op Diet: 9/24/09 Current Weight: 238 Goal Weight: 145 Height: 5' 2.75" Surgery: October 8 SO READY FOR A BAND IN MY LIFE!:tongue2:
  7. Thank you for making me feel better : ) I have been doing the Protein shakes for Breakfast this week. It's just at lunch and dinner I go nuts on what I shouldn't be eating. I had a yummy shake for breakfast, but them leftovers in there don't stand a chance. Whatever isn't gone will be getting trashed tonight. I am the same as you. Deadlines are in black and white. We have to start tomorrow, not today. That is exactly what I am going to do, lol. I have to get blood work done a week prior to surgery. So I will do that next Thursday. How about you? So glad I am not the only one going through these food battles. Glad we found each other to vent to : ) Pre Op Diet: 9/24/09 Current Weight: 238 Goal Weight: 145 Height: 5' 2.75" Surgery: October 8 SO READY FOR A BAND IN MY LIFE!:tongue2:
  8. Well I am a liar, lol. We ordered pizza for dinner tonight. And I know I will cheat tomorrow with leftovers. So I talked big, but I am definitely not starting for real until Thursday. So enjoy tomorrow! I will too! And we should touch base with each other as our 2 week pre-op diets progress.
  9. Well Hello there! I just did my pre-op teaching today and met with the dietitian. That is really cool we have the same date. I am feeling just about every feeling possible right now. Most of all I am so very excited about losing this weight. I almost don't care what it takes to do it, as long as it goes away, lol. I am starting my 2 week diet tomorrow, I know I'd just add another day of eating crap I am not supposed to, so might as well put me outta my misery, lol. Looks like we are starting in similar places too. Pre-Op Diet: 9/23 Surgery: 10/8 First Fill: 10/30:thumbup: SO READY FOR A BAND IN MY LIFE!
  10. Thanks for the insight CO Mom. You make me extra excited to know how much you have lost so quickly :biggrin: That gives me hope to lose quickly as well. I noticed your goal of 150. That was mine, but I changed to 145, I am pretty short, lol. How tall are you? Congratulations to you and your success! I can't wait to be winning the weight battle with you :biggrin: We'll def. have to share our journey of pictures. And that is one thing everyone I have spoke with on here has said. Make sure you capture the photos of your journey! God Bless you all :smile: Pre op Diet Starts Monday, Sept. 21---and now 20 days until surgery!!!! YAYYYYYYYY
  11. Been waiting for months to do these little tickers!!!! I can't wait! Starting preop diet on Monday! Got my Protein shakes waiting in the kitchen!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!:thumbup:
  12. Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes it has been an emotional roller coaster already, I am just imagining what the future will hold after band. I am definitely heeding your advice about going slow and not being upset for it to go away slow. The most important factor is that you are going down. That is the crucial detail to always focus on. I am very happy for you. And I feel so lucky to be able to connect with people such as yourself who truly understand my pain and agony, physical and emotional. God Bless you as well. And there may come a day when I do need a shoulder, please know that mine is here for you too. : )
  13. Hello Everyone. So glad I found this thread. I feel so emotionally related to you guys right now after reading all the posts. My surgery is October 8, my 29th bday is the following day! What an amazing gift huh! I am self pay due to sucky insurance. My hubby is wonderfully supportive, we have been saving since June when I had my consultation. Proudly we have saved over a 1/3 of the cost! Unbelievable! I have been heavy my whole life, since I was probably 8 years old. I have lost a massive amount twice, at 15 and at 19. Both times of which I gained all back and more. I am an emotional eater through and through. My brother died in April 2006. By the end of the year I had gained over 50 lbs. If that says anything. Then I got pregnant (with my first) shortly after. I was almost to 300 lbs at the end of my pregnancy. My last weigh in a week before birth was 285. Since March 19, 2008 (my son's bday) I have lost, and gained, and lost and gained. Since last summer I actually have kept off some of what I lost. Since June and knowing I was getting the surgery, I have had that Last Supper syndrome like you would not believe. My 2 week pre op starts a week from today. I have been beating myself up all week, you know the vicious cycle I speak of. We went last night to GNC and Walmart and bought protein and a scale. I AM SO RELIEVED NOW. I swore I was back to 250. Thank the Lord above (well actually my son whom I have to chase around, lol) that I stayed the same since my consultation. 235.....WooooHoooooO! I am having 2 special yummy dinners over the weekend! ANd I am so ready for this Chapter in my life! Can't wait to join all you wonderful people in this beautiful, life saving journey!!!!!
  14. MommyOf1

    October Surgery DATE!!

    Hello Everyone! First let me say Congratulations to those that have a date! And those who are working on it, don't give up! My insurance was a complete no from the get go. So I am self pay. My hubby and I have been saving for 4 months. We are gonna make a good dent in the Care Credit loan. Having said that, my date is October 8! My birthday is October 9! What a wonderful birthday present! I am so excited. However, beware of the Last Supper Syndrome. I have been on and off with that since June when we started saving and I knew I was getting surgery. Thank the Lord above for what I am about to tell you. I have been a wreck this week because my preop diet starts a week from today, and I would be so ashamed if I gained since June when I had my initial consultation. We went last night and bought some whey protein to start over on Monday and a scale. THANK THE LORD I AM STILL 235. I was so sick, I swore I gained over 10 lbs. This is my last weekend. And I want sushi for sure and one other luxury food before reality is here. I AM SO READY AND EXCITED FOR THE NEW ME!!! I HAVE BEEN HEAVY MY WHOLE LIFE! I SEE THE LIGHT OF FREEDOM! WOOOOHOOOOO!
  15. Well I did it! I am back on track. I have been doing very well this week. I think I will try that vitallady.com site to test out the protein shakes. Thanks Shar Pei. This week I have just been replacing a meal with a protein bar or a slim-fast to get used to the idea. As well as eating low carb, low fat, low sugar, & no caffeine. I thought it would be more difficult. It really hasn't been that bad. I have been exploring the foods others have mentioned that you can eat early on with the band. I have to get used to this idea now. Man I am so ready! I am so happy for everyone!
  16. MommyOf1

    October 2009 Here I come

    THanks all for your replies! I will heed the advice. Good Luck to you all too! Thanks for the wonderful motivation to stop my "Last Supper" syndrome! No more self destruction!
  17. You said it. That' s exactly what I have had. "The Last Supper" syndrome. I have to quit. I know I have gained at least 10lbs since June. It' s awful. I have to stop this. Total self destruction. That's it. I am done. Starting tom. when I wake up. Thanks Shar Pei for the reality check. I so needed to hear that.
  18. MommyOf1

    October 2009 Here I come

    Hello Everyone. My date is set for October 8. Congratulations on your weight loss so far. You guys are motivating me to get my butt in gear here. I have not been being good at all. In fact, I know I have gained since my consultation in June. I know. That's pretty yucky huh. Well, in my defense, I am going to start doing a South Beach style diet starting on Sept. 1 until my pre-op liquid diet which starts on the 24th. This is what my Doc suggested. I can't say for sure because I am scared to get on the scale at this point, but, I am probably 250. I am only 5'3" though :thumbup: I am very happy for you guys! I enjoy journeying with you! TAKE CARE! : ) What kind of diet are you guys doing?
  19. Guy, At my consultation back in June my Dr. only explained that I would be required to do a 2 week liquid diet prior to surgery, other than that, he didn't say anything else about it. I did ask him, if I wanted to get started in advance of that pre-op diet, what would he recommend that I do. He suggested the South Beach diet. It is still high in protein & carb-free, but also low-fat & low-sugar as well. At this point I haven't started doing it. Just been enjoying the bad stuff, lol. I need to get in gear don't I...
  20. I am so happy for everyone! I can't wait till we all have our little tickers----just going down, down, down! Yay for us october bandsters! So excited to be heading down this road with you all : )
  21. Dear Guy, I totally understand! I almost get depressed waiting. Then I remember, it's okay, that is going to be you soon! We will all be experiencing it at the same time! I too am so excited to be posting pictures of my progress. And holding my head high : ) I am so happy for everyone on here. It's amazing! :thumbdown:
  22. My date is October 8! I feel the same way! I just cannot wait! I am so ready for this change in my life. And yes 4 weeks of liquid diet sounds pretty harsh. Mine is 2 weeks. And I have heard that the Vitamin Shoppe is a good place to get protein powder. Take care! We will be facing our journey together : )
  23. i mean i say that word over and over again, lol

  24. Hello. LMAO had to say something. Goosefraba...haha, when i get really overwhelmed/pissed i saw that word over and over to calm me down, lol. And besides that common word we have, lol, i will be 29 this year and getting banded the day before my b-day! Congrats on your success!

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