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Posts posted by Stacy1980

  1. Hi Guys,

    So i am down 80 lbs and feeling great. And because I am looking great and feeling great, I guess man i beginning to notice me more. With that said, I am going on my first date this saturday. first date since my divorce and first date in about 12 years! :thumbup:

    We are going to go to Chillis for dinner and i am so worried about eating there. Since I got the band, I really have been good about cooking at home and if i do go out, I usually go out with a family and friends. So if I get a stuck episode they know all about it and its not a problem. I just got another fill done last week so i am very tight still. Just today, I went out for sushi and had 2.5 pieces and I am done. So any advice on how to do this on the date? What to order? I don't want to tell him about the band yet (just bc its personal) but what do i tell him if he asks why did i eat two bites?

    As i said before this is my first date in a very long time so i am already nervouse - I don't want eating portion of it to be an issue.

    thank you everybody :):laugh:

  2. I was talking to my friend today how i lost 57 lbs since my 10/26/09 surgery but i was telling her that I am not seeing SUCH a huge difference as everybody else is saying. So she told me to do the before and after. We had a party at our office today and there were pictures taken of me so i decided this would be a great time to do the before/after and what I saw...i have to admit I AM PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!





    post-17117-13813809741424_thumb.jpge :redface:






  3. I had my surgery on 10/26/09 and first fill 91 days later (due to insurance regulations and my doctor). My first fill was just fine -got 5CC i felt weird on the day of and after that i was eating anything that i was just in smaller portions. I didn't get sick and nothing got stuck.

    April 21st, I had another fill - and 5 days later I still can't eat! I had an addiitonal 3 cc put in and when looking on the ultra sound, the drink went down just fine - slow but fine.

    I was on liquids only for the first day. The next day, per doctor's instructions, I had a liquid Breakfast and tried to have chicken salad for lunch and it just got stuck from the first bite. I try to eat something mushy and slowly everyday and it just gets stuck.

    Finally, today i was able to eat yogurt and .5 banana with no problem. Decided to have sashimi for lunch (no rice)- had 2 small pieces and i have the stuck feeling again. and I am not throwing up but i keep sliming every minute or I slime. Sushi slime - EWWWWWW!!! lol

    Doctor said to go back on Mushies and that it should pass in a week - but do you think that its overfilled???

  4. Hi. where you overweight when you married her? Do you feel that you settled and now that you have your options, you no longer feel that "need" for her?

    I am trying to look at this from your side and her side.

    I have been on her side where after I gave birth to my daughter, my husband said that i was fat..i was a "great" person and deserved to be really loved. It hurt like a Mother F*er. But now that i am almost 2 years out of that relationship and loosing weight and feel better and better about myself i realized that when I got together with him and settled (eventhough I grew to love him because I kinda had to as a wife) most of my love came from settling. I didn't think I would be able to find another guy who cared for me as he did. (he was very much into me when we met eventhought i was overweight). But yeah, I loved him bc he was my husband and i settled. I think that if i was still married to him, I would take have of the crap he put me through and would have fallen out of love with him as well because I actually would feel better about myself and love myself enough to realize that.

    This might be two different stories but what i am saying is that i kind of understand where you are coming from. However, I do believe that she stuck with you through thick and thin and i don't know what kind of relationship you had with her before this, but i agree with the prior post that it sounds like you already made up your mind and that is why the counseling is not working. There must have been something that you loved about her and maybe she is in a rut and as her husband, her best friend, her life companion, you should help her get out of that and be as happy as you are now.

    No judgment here :biggrin: you have to do what you have to do but don't forget that you are not the only person in this relationship and what you decide will effect her life as well. I believe that marriage is a life time commitment unless you are physically and mentally abused. and i also believe that if you really want to - you can make this a great marriage but I have a feeling you don't as you are probably not used to the attention from other woman and now catching up with the lost time.

    Good luck :laugh:


  5. umm...i can tell you what i did that helped me.

    I signed up for Weight Watchers online and just in the past week it helped me loose 3 lbs. I was snacking so much and eventhough i thought i was eating little, i really was not at all.

    also, if I eat carbs (only good ones of course) I eat them at lunch or Breakfast. For dinner only veggies and lean Protein.

    And I stop eating afte 6:30-7 about 4 hours before i go to bed.

    Drink lots of Water.

    I have 2 cheat meals a week.

    Hope you get there :)

  6. My doctor said that he had attached my port so it won't move. Last night i was doing a yoga stretch and as i twisted my lefts to the right and my head and arms to the left...i felt something weird. I followed by doing set ups and i felt my port. I haven't felt m port in 2 months (i am 3.5 post op). So it is possible that i messed something up with that stretch?

    I have a doctor's appoitment this wednesday, but wanted to run it by you guys.



  7. Good Morning!!

    I woke up early this morning and did my first work out for the couch - 5K training program. I wanted to die but once i completed the workout, I felt great. The question i have is why does it feel like i have a sore throat and something is stuck in my checks. It hurts a little to breath in and i have to cough.

    I am sure its because i am out of shape, but i wanted to see why I felt that way and what can i do to prevent this from happening again. Maybe i am not breathing right?

    thankk you in advance!


  8. JoJo, thank you so much for your post. I have been using Nioxing Shampoo and conditioner since i got the surgery and i love it. Its a little on the expensive side but it lasts for a long time and its worth every penny.

    I did NOT know that we loose so much hair on regular basis. That explains a lot i guess. I have been growing my hair out which can explain why i am seeing more. I will stop stressing and just do whatever i have to do.

    thanks for the great explanation!

  9. i was just going to write a post about loosing hair. I am in my third month and just started loosing hair. I brush my hair and a whole bunch just comes out. I have a doctor's appoitment on Wednesday so i am going to ask, but just like you i am eating enough Protein, take vitamines, use the right Shampoo. Maybe i need to start taking Biotin. I have very thin hair to begin with, and if its temporary, i am not afraid but what do i do in the meantime to decrease amount of the loss?

  10. I am doing a 5 day pouch test now because I feel that my cravings have been out of control so back to the basics always does the trick.

    So today, I am on day 2 and I am doing really well, but the question I have is: Is there such a thing as too much Water.

    I am drinking 3 litters a day - thats 101.4 oz of water. I know i am not doing that much when i eat becaue of the whole waiting before and after, but i still average around 84 oz a day. I love water, especially when i put fresh lemon slices into my water bottle - yum yum!

    Can this be harmful in anyway?

    I know i have to ask my doctor, which I will on Wednesday, but wanted to see what your thoughts are.


  11. Go Todd!!!!

    I just gave away all my large sizes and my current jeans are falling off however i actually love the fact that i have to use a belt to hold them up :scared2: I don't want to my anything new yet. But if i do, bargain shopping at Old Navy or Khols is the best. you can get pants for $5 :crying:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
