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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Dreamer

  1. I am rather disappointed in the results I have had. I had hoped for more after a year. I am unable to drink Water or Protein drinks until the afternoon. I sip Water as much as possible to keep from embarrassing myself in class by pbing. As a result I have developed kidney stones. The urologist says drink more water or expect more of the same.

    I cannot eat many things that I know my body needs. My long blond hair has become so thin, that it looks pitiful. If you don't get enough Protein it's gonna' fall out.

    My last fill was 2cc last October. At this point, I have been at a standstill in losing. My daughter thinks that by the time of day that I can tolerate food, that I'm so hungry that I eat too fast. Now I am eating from a baby spoon to see if that helps.

    I wonder what that ellusive "sweet spot" feels like?

  2. Hello everyone....looks like many of you are progressing nicely from the sound of your posts! Way to go Okies!!!

    I will soon be at my one year anniversary, and I have lost 35 pounds total. My restriction is so tight that I cannot tolerate "anything" (food or drink) before noon. I was hoping for better results...but I'm thankful for the weight loss I have obtained.

    I remind myself that my band is only a tool....the rest is up to me. It's sometimes hard to see the future with tears in your eyes. Good luck everyone! Dreamer

  3. Oh my goodness Rockn4u....you had a bad experience that's for sure. I too prefer the Viactiv Multiple Vitamins...they are like chocolate caramels...(my last purchase which was yesterday I opted to try Chocolate Cherry flavor woo-hoooooo)and they leave no after taste. But like Jack said...when you begin burning fat look out for ketosis which is your body's way of alerting you that "It's workin' Baby" by sending you a horrible taste in your mouth.

    Good luck and take your Vitamins darlin', whatever choice you make! Dreamer

  4. We all have days....sometimes even several days in a row like that Lisah. Emotional eating used to be my mainstay. I could justify a slice of pecan pie in a New York minute...had to feed my nerves! And it showed.

    Aren't you glad that lapband changes so many things? I know I am!

    Keep your chin up and packets of peanuts at your desk....smilin'!

    Good luck hun!


  5. Hi Dana...and congratualtions on being a new Mommy!

    As far as your LB goes, I think you should think optimistically until you have the fill on March 7. The flouroscopy should let you see how rapidly your intake passes from your pouch into the lower tummy. Without any restriction since your surgery...it is probably normal for it to pass thru rather quickly. Keep in mind that you made need more than one fill before feeling restriction...we are all different in that respect.

    Keep your chin up...and let us know how it goes! Good luck Sweetie and hug Lily for me! Dreamer

  6. Amy....I was private pay! The total cost was $8500.00...plus the plane fair. Could have had it done in Oklahoma City for $37,000.00.

    Both my daughter's and I had the surgery the same day.

    We think very highly of Dr. Ortiz and his staff. With both daughters' being nurses...they were very impressed with the facilities in TJ. The clinic could not have been more sterile and the care was excellent.

    We made one trip back for our first fill which was free....but cannot afford the long and expensive trips. So we have our fills done in Paris, TX....$350.00/per fill.

    Hope this helps......Dreamer

  7. LOL...I love Jack's way with words....he always makes me smile!!

    I've noticed many improvements in my stamina in a variety of areas.

    When my daughters' and I go to the mall...I don't have to struggle to keep up the pace with them.

    When I sing, I hold my notes longer without turning blue in the face, gasping for breath.

    And I can dance...oh man that feels wonderful...to dance and not feel like you've just run a triathlon...yes indeed, life is good! Dreamer

  8. Hi Amy...did you go to the forum where you can talk to fellow bandsters in Texas? It's down clsoe to the bottom of the page..that might help!

    I was banded in TJ, Mexico by Dr Ortiz, who is second to none in this procedure....in fact he is a proctor, teaching it all over the world!

    Good luck...surely Amarillo, Lubbock, Midland-Odessa has surgeons that do this.....it has certainly grown as a preferred bariatric procedure! Dreamer

  9. Sleepyjean....I've had 3 fills and NEVER once removed my underwire bra. Perhaps the doc was just fearful of my 36's or of how much time would be lost in containing the girls once the fluoroscope was done...LOL I do recall us laughing once about the underwires showing up in the fluoro....I discreetly placed my hand under the ladies and pulled things up a tad.

    I think a sports bra is an excellent idea. I wore one for a few weeks after my lapband surgery just for comfort. Good luck with you fill ...


  10. Jess...

    I wanted to share a few more thoughts with you. The feeling of fullness that you once knew when you just finished a meal, is probably a thing of the past....it was for me. Your new top tummy is so much smaller than the lower part, and it doesn't register that sense of saiety. You have to learn new techniques to gauge when you've had enough...or your body will do it for you by forcing the food back up. My signal is a hiccup....AND I better listen!!!

    These are only suggestion Jess, and it's like taking baby steps until you learn through trial and error what works for YOU. I would caution you (when you introduce solids back into your diet) to go "s-l-o-w". This is hard to do when your body is screaming "I'm starving"!!! Use whatever tools you need to assist....I eat at home with a baby spoon. I try to drink a glass of Water about 30 minutes before I take in solids...this helps me. If I allow myself to get too hungry, I over do it. I eat too fast, don't chew each bite the recommended 20 chews, and I pay for it. Eating smaller meals (6) works best for me. I nibble on peanuts for Protein if I am unable to have my next feed in 3 hours or so. When I eat out, I try not to draw attention to myself by simply moving the food around on my plate while chatting with my companion...(I failed to think about possibly ruining someone elses meal for them...it was brought to my attention by my son that it ruins things for him when I say "I can't have that", or "that might cause me to PB", or by eating too fast and rushing for the ladies room). After awhile folks tend to get tired of meals being all about you and your needs...I was foolish not to have known this and wound up nursing hurt feelings when I had to be told. Remember this is your journey, not theirs!

    Avoid foods that tend to pack or stick together....like rice, potatoes, eggs, breads. Never understood how I can eat Fritos chips but a bite of baked potato won't go down! Go figure!!!

    A good rule to incorporate into your process is to ask yourself how little you can eat and keep losing weight, instead of how much you can eat!

    Hope this gives you some "food for thought", Good luck sweetie!


  11. Walking is key to a faster recovery. The surgery is the easy part! Getting the fill adjusted properly is a bit more difficult as far as I see it. But as Kat said ..we are all different.

    I cannot feel the band itself around my tummy...but Yes, I do feel the port which is just to the left of my belly button...it feels like a hardened area just underneath the skin. The port is attached by a few stitches to muscle and during the healing process, you may have an occasional twinge, but it's not even to say "uncomfortable"...it's just an awareness that you have a foreign object inside your body. Your band will be empty of saline until your healing process is over. After six weeks I was gaining weight back that I had lost pre-op....but I had no restriction. So don't be suprised to feel more hunger as you heal.

    Yes, I do sometimes feel hungry even now. I've had 3 fills since my surgery last April. I do best when I eat several small meals a day. When I allow myself to get to feeling hungry, I tend to eat too fast and take too large of bites.....that's big No-No. PBing is no fun!

    Try to look at your surgery as a new beginning...a journey that will take you where ever you want to go with it. Lapband is just a tool...how you use it is up to you. Good luck and let us hear how you are doing. Folks here are a wonderful support team. You'll never go through anything that someone here has not experienced. So don't be shy!

    Sending you a big hug and lot's of good wishes! Welcome to LBT.


  12. Jess...I think the surgery is the easy part! Getting the correct amount of fill is the hard part. And everyone is different! I gained weight back my first 6 weeks post-op. That first fill made some difference...the 2nd fill made all the difference in the world. It was at this point in time that I truly knew what restriction was.

    Lovingly tell your b/f that monitering your food intake is a No-No for him or anyone else. That this is your sole responsibility and that'll you'll love him dearly for his continued support.

    Good luck sweetie and keep your chin up, the best is yet to come!



  13. I was an overnight patient (totally anestisized). Released the following morning and returned to the hotel long enough to store luggage...and hailed a taxi to Revolution Blvd in TJ and shopped all that afternoon. Never had a pain pill one, walking was recommended to get rid of the gas that they use to blow your tummy up for the surgery. Left San Diego the following morning, flew to Dallas, then drove to my home in Oklahoma. I was tired but in NO pain.

  14. Hello everyone...I am from Atoka in southeastern Oklahoma. Many in our area are still without power, but God bless the linemen who have worked around the clock to restore power as quickly as possible.

    I was banded in Tijuana, MX and the surgical center was state of the art. I get my fills from Paris Imaging in Paris, Tx for $350.00....and that is very reasonable from what I've heard. It is a self-referal...done under floroscopy and Radiologist....takes about 15 minutes!

    Good luck fellow Okies...stay warm and safe! Dreamer

  15. Just when I think I've heard it "all"...something like this crops up! Stop this jerk (because it should be illegal to even suggest that he is a physician)!!

    Good luck in your search for a reputable doctor. Dealing with issues such as this is a needless emotional bandwagon, one that you don't need, but thank God that you had the courage to say ENOUGH ALREADY!! Hugggs Dreamer

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