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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kjd612

  1. Hello all, I hope you all had a good weekend. Rubie, I hope you are doing better and possibly get to go home soon.

    I am doing much better, seemed to turn a corner over the weekend. pain is now minimal, it's much easier to eat and when I got on the scale this morning I have lost a total of 20 pounds since I started the pre-op diet. I am now wearing some of my smallest clothes and it feels great but I am wondering what I will do when these clothes don't fit. I have my post op check appointment today and I am a little concerned over my port incision that it is warm to the touch and draining a little bit so I expect to get some antibiotics.

    I haven't found a protien power I can stand, have tried the Gladiator powder from smoothie King, Muscle Milk and nectar Sweets chocolate. They all have such a nasty aftertaste that I gag just thinking about them. Anyone have any recomendations or ideas for disguiseing the aftertaste? I know I haven't been getting enough protien because I am craving scallops, chicken and fish something terrible. Any help will be great!!

  2. Rubie- I'm so sorry to hear about your blood clot. I hope you will recover soon and get to go home.

    I'm doing better today after 2 days of absolute misery. What changed? I finally figured out how to belch! So much relief now that I can do that. I had the absolute best tasting cream of wheat for Breakfast today, something I never would have touched pre-op but it was fantastic. I haven't needed pain meds for 2 days now but I keep waking up at night needing to belch, sigh. I have my post op appt on Monday and if all goes well I will get to be on mushies for 2 weeks, already planning my scrambled eggs.

    Everyone, keep up the good work. We are on the path to success!!

  3. Hi all, I've been reading this forum for a few weeks and I finally get to post that I got banded on Monday. I had a horrible Migraine going in to the surgery but my anesthesologist took great care of me and gave me some meds thru my iv that took it away almost instantly. I know the stress and anxiety of my surgery day is what brought it on and I've had no problems with it since. I have 5 incisions, 4 of them are less that an inch and then the port site is about 2 inches and it goes horizontally. Tha's the site that really hurts right now especially when i get up or down out of a chair. But altogether I think I'm doing ok. Had my first protien shake this morning but i know i draink it too fast because i got some bad pressure in my chest. I think going slowly is goning to be my biggest challenge. I have to do what my doc calls "protien based liquids" until next monday and then if i am doing well i can go to purees. I hope all you fellow april bandsters are doing well, for those of you who havent had the surgery yet, i have to say it was a much

    better experience than what i though it would be.

  4. ok, I'm wondering if we can start a list of things to take to the hospital with you. I am getting really nervous and when that happens I start organizing so.... here's my list for right now: lip gloss, gasx strips, my ipod, comfy clothes and step in shoes, a pillow for the ride home, that's all I can think of right now. Any ideas to add?

  5. Got my date for April 12th after 13 months of working toward this. I really had to fight my insurance company and also my primary care physician. I am so excited to finally get this done. I am dreading the pre-op diet because I am sure I will be starving but I will do what I need to do to get there. I look forward to meeting friends here and helping each other!! Karen

  6. Hi all, I've been a short time lurker and today I had my consult with the NP at my surgeons office and the meeting with the insurance coordinator. I'm a little disappointed that I have to have 6 months of supervised dieting prior to seeking approval from the insurance. However, I am determined to do whatever is necessary because I am determined to be banded. I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remeber and have never been successful in keeping weight off. I want the band to use as a tool in helping me be successful. I would love to hear from others in my situation, let's get together and support each other. I live in California's central valley. Thanks, Karen

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