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Posts posted by use-to-be-cute

  1. I had a fill yesterday and everything seemed fine. I had homemade chicken Tortilla Soup (all mushy...but a tad bit spicy) for dinner and a little bit of lite popcorn (No butter) later. The food went down with no problems. However, all night long, just as I would start to fall asleep, I would gag. I even propped my head up so I was almost in a sitting position and yet once I relaxed, food would come up. Needless to say, my throat and chest is very raw and sore now.

    Do you think it was the spicy soup, the popcorn or am I too tight? I cannot go another night without sleep! I hope I dont need an unfill...I got a fill yesterday, then right after, she took a little out...So I am already brused and tender in my port from two pokes yesterday. Ugh.

  2. I am 5 months post op. The last month, my band mysteriously got tight on its own. I have been baby'ing it and eating mostly mushies and Soup. Last night I had pork & Beans, tiny salad and two bites of mac and cheese. Within 5 minutes, everything came up (mostly liquid). I emptied my stomach about 5 times. (Not much was in there though).

    Anyways, I woke up at 3 am feeling heaviness on my chest. I went to the bathroom (felt like my stomach was upset) and then started getting hot tinglying sensations all over my body. Then a hot wave took over my body, my skin was clamy, my heart beating and I was scared to death (I almost fainted). I woke up my husband and said I needed to go to the hospital. He walked me downstairs and I called my doctor at 3am. Doctor said my esophogus is probably swollen and just drink liquids for 24 hours. That was 12 hours ago. I havent had that fainting feeling again, but my chest, stomach and back are really really sore. My chest feels tight too.

    It is Christmas Eve and I dont want to bug the doctor again since he told me to drink liquids for 24 hours. Could I just be sore? Could something else be going on? Anyone here ever have these symptoms? I really could use some advice.


  3. A few days ago I had a PB. Ever since, everytime I eat it hurts. (Even soft stuff like cottage cheese hurts). The band feels tight but I havent had it tighten in over a month. Could I just be swollen from PB'ing? How long before the swelling goes down? Could I have dislodged the band?

    I am not having trouble sleeping or breathing or drinking...Just painful when eating.

    I got laid off (due to the economy) and no longer have insurance so going to the doctors office is out. So I am posting on here to see if what I am experiencing is normal after food comes back up.

  4. Hello. I woke up 3 days post op with a terrible itchy rash. Here is the link to my post: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/woke-up-rash-119208/

    The nurse said it could be a reaction to the pre-op sterilization solution or the Hydrocondine. I think it was the Hydrocondine (pain med) so I threw it out. And the rash went away after a week.

    I suggest using Calamine or Caladryl (the pink stuff). It really helps with itching.

  5. I was banded July 30th and had 2 fills so far. First time I had 3cc's and second time I had 2cc's. After my first fill, I felt no different, always hungry and food never got stuck. Now that I have had a second fill, I notice that food gets stuck on occasion.

    I noticed that some foods seems to stick more that others and wondering if you can tell me what gets stuck in your band?

    For me, string cheese and meats gets mildly stuck (Unsticks after a minute or two). Grits on the other hand....gets terribly stuck. I had a good 30 minutes of pain and slime this morning....no more grits for me.

    I would like to know what sticks in your bands so I can avoid and how many CC's are in your band?

  6. Hi! I am loosing my creative ability to figure out lunches to take to work. Here is what I have been taking:

    • Low Fat Cottage cheese with Pineapples (sometimes tomatoes)
    • Soup (not so appetizing when its 108 degrees outside)
    • Garbanzo Beans with onion, blk olives, garlic & drizzle of Italian dressing.
    • Plain tuna with tomatoe and a drizzle of olive oil (too dry but I eat it anyway)

    That's it. That is what I have been alternating for lunch and it is getting old. I am trying to stay away from rices, Pasta and bread. Can you help me think of other ideas pretty please?

    Thanks:smile: New ideas would be appreciated. :thumbup:

  7. Thanks everyone. So here is the update:

    I called the Doctors office and talked to the nurse. Nurse says it sounds like I may be allergic to the pre-op sterilizing solution they used to wash me down prior to surgery. She said it does not sound like the medicine. So she wants me to take liquid Benedryl and rub Caladryl on it. She also said if I can tolerate the pain to stop the pain med (just in case it was the pain med giving me the rash) and to expect the rash to clear up in a week to ten days and NO SCRATCHING. Lol.

    The good news is that food is not on my mind anymore. Here is a picture of the rash. I had to crop out the really red stuff because it was on the bottom of my boobs. For the record, those spots on my tummy are the rash, not freckles.


  8. I am 3 days post op.

    This morning I woke up and felt a little itchy. But when I was putting on my bra, I felt sore (like raw skin). So I looked down and underneath my breast are huge raw red spots and my entire trunk is covered in red dots. My guess is that I must be allergic to the Hydrocodone (pain med).

    So I havent taken any in several hours and the rash is looking a little better but now I have a throbbing headache and my surgical area hurts a little. Does anyone know if I can take Aceteminophen? If so, do I crush it?

    I left the Doctor a message first thing this morning but dont want to keep calling since it isnt an emergency.

  9. Hi Everyone. I had surgery on the 30th too. I am still very sore and have the gas pain. The pain med my Doc prescribed seems to help A LOT but makes me sleepy. Nicole74, it definately sounds like gas in your chest. I have it too. The walking and taking Gas X really helps. I know you dont feel like it, I certainly dont, but I am doing it and it is helping.

    To date, I have no appetite. I am eating because I know that I need to but very small amounts. (That is a good thing). Hopefully, I will stay this way for a while.

    I jumped on the scale and I see no difference from Thursday night (pre-op) but then again, I am full of air and swelling....so who knows...maybe that is adding some weight?

    Has anyone else that had surgery Friday step on the scale yet?

  10. I am new to the board and getting banded tomorrow morning. I am at the end of day two of the Clear liquids and all clean from the inside out. I even cleaned my naval! Lol. I am feeling pretty good, just nervous.

    I am wondering if I am doing the right thing? Every once in a while, I have doubts and wonder if everything will go smooth. Reading the possible things that can go wrong scares me. I am hoping that I can fall asleep quickly tonight.

  11. I had to deal with this issue yesterday. (I am 5 days pre-op). We went to the inlaws for a big family BBQ and I made a huge plate of food to "share" with hubby. He ate all the good stuff on the plate (Tri-tip, potatoes, corn, etc) and I scarfed down the watermelon. Honestly, no one noticed that all I was eating was watermelon! And because I got up and served the plate, no one took notice that I wasn't really eating. When dinner was up, I walked out the the front porch alone and drank my Protein Shake. When I was offered cake, I passed and said I was trying to watch my weight.

    I was so proud of myself because not only did I get through a family gathering without slipping my secret surgery but I made it through a day of temptation without cheating.

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