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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by mandie175lbs

  1. No warning? They just up and change the entire layout? I think they are trying to be another facebook/myspace. lol!

  2. Yea, I had the surgery on the 25th. Girl, It's been a painful journey! lol! I had the one incision through the belly button. My stomach is still very swollen! Read my post from from Saturday. Thanks for the picture compliment.... when you get a chance, read my response. Take care!

  3. I decided to go ahead a post updated pictures. Do I look like I've lost almost 30lbs? I can see my collar bone again, so that tells me that I've lost some inches! All comments welcomed.... good and bad!

    Thanks Shonette for encouraging me to post updates! I thought about how much I enjoy looking at other people during their transformations and I figured that it would only be fair that I do the same. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there for the world to see. And just so you guys know, I would never wear that all black w/ wide belt out in public. lol! It's just something I threw together to take before an after pictures in.

  4. I posted the updated pictures. Look at them and tell me what you think. Do I look like I've lost 28 lbs?

  5. Sometimes when I eat, it's less than 3 hours and I am thinking about eating again. Usually, I'm not hungry, but before, when I would eat, I felt full for up to 4 or 5 hours and eating between meals was the last thing on my mind.... so, as much as I hate thinking about the my doctor sticking that needle through my stomach to find a port, I guess I better go ahead and have it done before I start gaining weight and forget how I'm suppose to fill when I'm full! lol! Good Luck Guys! Oh! No one has said anything about the fills! Is it going to hurt?

  6. Hey Guys,

    I'm down 2 more pounds. It has really gotten slow. I thought I had a doctor. appointment on Oct. 2, 2010, but somehow I got mixed up. I think the 2nd was actually on a Saturday.... I don't know how I did that! Anyway, I called today and was told that my appointment is actually on the 11th of Oct. I'm trying to decide on a gym today. Hopefully by the end of today, I will have my mind made up. Yesterday was my first time eating out since I had the surgery. My daughter has a German exchange student staying with us for 3 weeks and we took her out to Apple Bees lastnight. I didn't eat hardly anything because I had half bottle of a protein drink 2 hours prior to going so I really wasn't hungry. I am feeling that I may need a fill.

  7. I'm calling my doctor in a few minutes to check on my first fill date. She told me that I did a great job on shrinking my liver by losing some weight and that the surgery was one of the easier ones that she's ever had to do (one incision through the belly button) and that she would see me in 3 weeks. Well, I think I need a date, so I'm going to call them so that I'll know what my next step is.

    I can't wait until I am able to eat some soup. This 2oz of protein every hour, 2oz of water every 15min is really getting played out! I'm not hungry, but I need to have a little more of a variety than that! Take care guys and keep in touch

    Weight Loss - Diet Ticker]


  8. Another question for you guys, when is a good time to start exercising? I'm talking weights, stair climber, and the whole gym experience! I'm ready to get my hands dirty. I always wished that I could start over with this weight issue.... here's my chance and I plan to be good to my body this time! I've been given a second chance and I'm going to take full advantage of it!

    I'm still having these crazy pains every now and then, but either I've gotten use to them or they are slowly going away.

    I am really hoping that I am able to get out of the 200lbs range before I go back to work! Not that anybody at work will ever notice, but I would really feel like I have worked my butt off if I was less than 200 lbs before then. Is this possible?


  9. Hello People!

    I'm feeling a lot better today. I've been walking and have picked up a little speed too! lol!

    I have been off of pain pills for at least 5 days now! I won't be taking anymore any time soon! Now, if I could just have a bowel movement.... yes people, I'm going here. I'm trying to figure out what to take as a laxative.... what did you guys take?


  10. Starting Over...

  11. Congratulations on your weight loss. Thanks for the compliment!

  12. You look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G in your photos! Keep up the good work!

  13. Congratulations on your success! Wow a comercial? You so deserve it! You look so cute in your pictures!

  14. Hey Shonette,

    For some reason I was thinking about you today when I went to my doctor's appointment! lol! It's sad but you and a few others on this website are the only friends that I have that I can talk to about this lapband. I haven't told any of my friends and don't plan to.... I don't feel that they will understand and to be honest, it's really not something that I want to discuss with them. I just know that if they knew, it would be ALL that we would discuss when we got together and I'd rather be on equal playing grounds when it comes to them. I dare not have something going on and they not be able to relate to it! lol!

  15. I say that to say this, I am so glad that you are out there and that you are willing to be a cyber friend to me and others. It's hard having this secret and it's even harder when it's on your mind all the time and you have to pretend that nothing has changed in your life. This surgery was HUGE for me and I sure it is for many of us. I am truly appreciative of your kind words and on-line friendship. I bet your girlfriends just love you to pieces! lol!

    I saw on one of the forums where a group of women got together in one state to meet, hang out, and to just bond with each other.... I wish that some of us could get together and do something like that in the near future.

  16. She made a phone call to my insurance company and confirmed what I told her, so now , I don't have to pay anything out of pocket for my fills. I told her that I had already set up a payment plan at the hospital and that I didn't need them to collect money from me to pay on that bill.... All in a days work! lol! You guys may want to check with your insurance company, you may be spending unnecessary money.

  17. I went to the doctor today and I couldn't believe that my doctor thought she wasn't going to give me a fill today! lol! I told her that until I reach my goal weight, I am expecting a fill EVERY TIME I come! lol! She laughed and kept trying to convenience me that I didn't need it. She was strongly suggesting that I not get a fill, but I was not hearing it today! i told her that if she didn't give me a fill that I was seriously considering going to another doctor for it! I was bluffing, but I made a believer out of her and she gave me 1cc of fluid.... We laughed about it afterwords! I sipped the water that she gave me to test if the band was going to work for me with 5cc of fluid and I could drank water and talk at the same time and she said that that's what she was looking for. So, I'm satisfied.... I guess! lol. My next appointment is December 18. I don't think I'm going to be able to reach my goal by my birthday, but I know it's not going to happen. I'm finally at peace with that.

  18. Hello Guys,

    Just wanted to share some information with you. Every time I get a fill, I have to pay a $60 co-pay. Well, I've noticed that when I make a payment to the weight loss center, they would transfer that payment over to my account at the hospital that I had my surgery at. So, I called my insurance company and asked them about it and I was told that I had met all of my deductibles, co-insurance fees etc. and I really shouldn't have to pay the $60 when I visit the specialist for post-op because everything else is covered at 100%. Then she said that every doctor office is different because sometimes they will act as a hospital base facility and double up as a doctor's office. I called the weight loss center and asked why was I being charged when my insurance company is paying 100% and I also told her that I had met all of my deductibles and then some.

  19. How's thing going with you these days? Your pictures are soooo beautiful! You are truly an inspiration! You really carry your weight well. Most of the time when people lose weight, the weight just come off and they are left without curves and end up looking disproportionate. Your weight is really coming off gracefully. You do not look like you are any where near 300 lbs. Are you exercising? What do you eat on a regular? Keep in touch! I love your pictures. I will post some soon.

  20. I'm trying to send you a private message.

  21. Hey Guys,

    I went to the doctor today and had 1cc added to my band. I had to seriously beg and throw a tantrum to get it, but my doctor finally gave in and gave me a fill. She insisted that I was doing fine and didn't need a fill. She said that I have lost more weight than they ever expect I would in such a short period of time. I'm going to just calm down and let the cards fall where they may. I think I'm maybe a little too obsessed with this band! lol!

  22. I have a new appointment on June 29, 2010. I am going to make sure that my bmi is where it needs to be! you look great in your pictures. I tried to send you a private message. Didi you get it?

  23. I slept most of the day yesterday for some reason! I walk for an hour EVERY morning and I sip water while walking (usually drink a bottle before I'm done walking) Once I get home, I am so tired. I take a shower and then I sleep the remainder of the day. The nutritionist said that I was doing a lot better than I thought and to keep up the good work.... I hope he wasn't just brushing me off! I need a second opinion guys, do this sound alright? I just feel like I need more stuff in my stomach. I'm not hungry or anything, but this just don't feel right! What about my hair! lol! Is it gonna fall out if I don't get more nutrients in my body!


  24. Hey Guys,

    Yesterday was a REALLY BAD DAY! I spent most of the day forcing the fluids down(protein/water). I felt that I wasn't getting enough and I for some reason I remembered reading about this woman who's hair started to fall out because she wasn't taking her vitamins and doing her meal plans then way she was suppose to..... to make a long story short, I panicked and was drinking more protein and water than my body could handle. I almost vomited! I started getting dizzy and then the chest pains, sweats, hiccups(?) and the 1/2 belching.... you know the kind that really isn't a belch, but it is? Anyway, I was really struggling so I called my nutritionist and he told me not to do that. He said that if I am sleeping, just don't worry about it and that I only really need to be on that schedule religiously when I am awake. I told him that I got less than 2-bottles of water in and around 1- bottle of protein in ALL DAY!

  25. Hello Zendada,

    Thanks for the well wishes. I am doing my low carb, low fat and low everything else diet right now! lol! This is not so bad, but tomorrow, I will be on a 24hr clear liquid diet! yikes! I just hope by not having food, it won't make me want to vomit! I've tried to do this once before and for some reason I got very sick on the stomach! How are you doing?

    Please keep me posted on your status and take care.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
