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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jacksdad

  1. thanks to everyone that replied. I though I knew what good restriction was before but now I really know. All those classes for 6 months where they were telling me how small of a portion I'd be able to eat is finally a reality.

    I've got a long way to go but moving in the right direction. It's helped me refocus that this is really a long term process as well as a behavioral change.

    Keep it up everyone.


  2. Hi all,

    I'm usually more of an observer and reader on this site but wanted some opinions. I was banded in July, lost like 15 lbs in the first two weeks then slowed down immensely. My doc is pretty tight with following routine and not rushing it and while frustrating at times it makes sense. Right before xmas I was down 30 lbs since band, 40 since starting the program, and did not lose an ounce from xmas until two weeks ago when I saw the doc.

    He said that he thought 9 ccs in when in actuality it was 7 ccs. I rarely got full and could eat an entire turkey sandwich including toasted bread. I now have 8.5 cc's in and really get full very quickly and feel like it is rally working. Before the fill I was powering down my typical morning whey drink and now since the fill , have to actually drink it slowly or else it will come right back. I don't think I'm overfilled cause I still can eat but really need to take small, small bites and fill up right away, like the said would happen. Sometimes if I'm having some steamed chicken, its like 3 or 4 small bites and I'm good. Does that seem right. I'm not hungry so I guess it is and I've lost 12 lbs int he last two weeks so I'm psyched with that.

    On a very positive note, with the working out and everything else, I've lost 10% body fat since the surgery so I'm psyched.

    I love this site and find it incredibly helpful.

    Best wishes to all.

  3. Good morning. I had my 3rd fill two weeks ago (I have a total of 9 ccs) and now feel like I have some good restriction. Lost 6 lbs in two weeks which I think is a good pace. 4 lbs away from my first goal which is to get under 300 for the first time in 4 years. Clothes are starting to fit much better and I was actually able to find something in a non big and tall section to fit so I am excited. Still feel like I need maybe 1 more cc to be at perfect fill spot. Cannot eat bread at all so I think that has been a help. I can eat weight watchers english muffins when toasted and the whole wheat ones are pretty good and filling. The challenge for me is the fullness does not get rid of the cravings so I am really focusing on controlling those because lately, all I crave is ice cream. When I do give in, I make it a weight watchers pop.

    Gotta run. Take care all and keep after it.

  4. Hi Agnes,

    I got banded on July 15th and had lost 25 lbs before my first fill in late August which was 3.5 cc's. Lost another 3 to make it 28 lost and then had my second fill last week. Another 3.5 cc's for 7 total. Since my second fill I gained 4 lbs but definitely had some restriction. I'm starting to lose again now. I do find I do alot better when I write it down and may actually do ww online again because it is so damn easy to do, at least for a little bit to see how much I really am eating. The other thing is to definitely make sure you are eating enough. For a little bit I was not eating a high Protein snack/drink in the am and afternoon and I found that definitely hurt me int eh weight loss department so I am back on track with that now.

    Good luck and hang in there.


  5. Good morning all. I just had my second fill this past Tuesday. I have a realize band and now am up to 7ccs. After my first fill, 3.5, I had no restriction and could eat everything, although I didn't and did not gain nor lose weight.

    Now, after the 2nd fill, I definitely have pretty good restriction and am eating about half as much but have gained about 5 lbs.

    My guess is my body thinks it is being starved and is hanging onto eveything it has and will readjust in another few days and start burning the food again.

    Anyone else go through this or am I just crazy.



  6. Congrats on meeting your first goal. I was banded on the 16th and had my first fill August 28th, 3 cc's. I did not feel any restriction from my first fill and have my next in 9 days and I am hoping to finally get some restriction. Right now I can eat anything I want and it is only will power keeping me from doing that. I'm down 28lbs since the surgery and have been at this weight for about 1.5 months. I think folks here call it bandster hell.

    I exercise about 5 days a week. I've got awful knees due to abusing them playing football so i'm restricted to a bike.

    Looking forward to that second fill. congrats to you and keep up the good work.

  7. Hi all,

    Just need to vent. Surgery was on July 15th and I'm down 28 lbs but I'm int hat stuck phase and I need to vent. Had one fill so far (3cc's) and no restriction. I go in for another on October 13th. I have not been gaining but it is all due to self-control which I know I need but the hunger is still there.

    I know from reading posts it will get better but i'm just frustrated. I'm really going to push hard to make sure I get a good size fill due to absolutely no restriction after 3 cc's.

    Thanks for listening.

  8. Hi all,

    Had my first fill last week. I have a Realize band and he put 3 cc's in. My doc is pretty conservative and doesn't want to have to put cc's in only to take them out later. He even said, I may not feel a huge amount of restriction so i'll need to make sure to work had at eating right which I'm fine doing.

    I'm jsut curious as to have other people only had 3 cc's ont he first fill and how much more did their doctor add ont he second fill , whcih mine is anotehr 6 weeks away.


  9. I was banded on July 15th and have my first fill next week, 6 weeks out. There have been some tough days but I didn't go through all this to mess it up. like others have said, I'm working eating healthier and I'm trying to fill up on veggies. I'm also drinking a ton of Water to make sure I keep feeling full. I lost 25 lbs the first four weeks and haven't lost since but also haven't gained so I'm happy. Ready for that fill though.

    Thanks to everyone on this site. It is very helpful.

  10. Hi all,

    I'm almost one month post bad, first fill coming on Aug 28th. I'm down 27 lbs so I am thrilled but am wondering about returning to coffee with caffeine. I've been off caffeine for a month and don't drink soda for many reasons but was wondering if a cup of non-decaf coffee once a day would hurt.



  11. Hang in there. I feel similar to you. Was banded on July 15th and my doc would do a fill until 6 weeks after so my first fill is August 28th. I'm going at it day by day and meal by meal and chewing a ton and eating slower than I ever have in my life. I had will power once and am getting it back. I didn't go through 6 months of prep classes for this surgery to blow it in a month. Hang in there man, we got this. Drink tons of Water, especially like 30 minutes before you eat and that will help keep that full feeling.

  12. Thanks guys and nice to meet you. I know there are a good number of women on thsi site so it is good to conenct with some guys since sometimes the weight loss can be a little different.

    Im excited about how its going and need to exert some will power for the next few weeks as I had not had a fill yet and am not getting as full.

    Done well the first two weeks, down 18.6 and now am exercising much more which helps.

    Thanks again.


  13. I was banded on July 15th and was on Clear Liquids for 4 days and then started full liquids day 5. Starting day 7 I was allowed to go to mushies (we really need a better name for that) and have been able to start soft foods as tolerated after day 14.

    Typical meal is two egg beaters with fat free cheese in the am, banana at 10:30, lunch, maybe 1/2 cup of baked Beans or two slices of deli turkey at noon, Protein drink like 3 pm and then for dinner maybe some more egg beaters, or really steamed soft veggies or maybe even 1/2 cup of chli (the Beans and meat are good Protein, just don't make it spicy).

    I pound Water all day long as to try to stay full feeling but the restriction is definitle eased up a ton. I feel like I could eat more.

    For me it helps to think about what I learned in the 6 month program leading up to the surgery that I had to attend. The band is a tool, not a fix all. I still need will power and to make good food decisions. I met one person who really failed with the lap band because all they ate was ice cream and starbucks iced drinks with full fat and cream.

    I find if I am at home and not busy I get hungry and my mind wanders to what my 9 year old son has for Snacks in the closet

    My first fill is August 28th, my doc wont do them before 6 weeks, and I'll work hard to keep losing through exercising and eating right for the next few weeks.

    I don't have a cool little weight loss chart but I'm down 18.6 int he first two weeks.

    Hang in there, we all will get through it.

  14. I was banded on 7/15 and lost 16 lbs during the first week. As with other folks, when I started eating "mushies" the loss slowed down pretty quickly. Lost 2.6 for a total of 18.6 in 2 weeks. Still happy with this. I'm definitely feeling less restricted and need to work hard and show some good will power until I get my first fill Aug. 28th. Eating slow and drinking a bunch of Water in between has helped. For mushies, I usually do egg beaters, maybe some mashed potatoes, refried Beans are pretty good as well. Green beans are good if you cook them long enough. Our program coordinator swaid you don't need to puree things as long as you are chewing them long enough. Use your teeth as a built in food processor.

  15. Thanks to everyone for posting their thoughts and experiences on this issue. I was banded 7/15 and had a great first week. Lost a ridiculous amount, 16.4 lbs. Now I'm starting mushies and am nervous that my body will want to hoard the calories. I'm sticking with the plan and got the okay to do some exercise. Its sooo hard not to, but I'm going to try to limit the scale to once a week. Of course the weight loss is going to slow down dramatically, just don't want to start going int he other direction.

    First fill will be 8/28

    Thanks again

  16. I was banded on the15th as well and hear what you are saying. After day 4, I was allowed to go to cream Soups as long as they are strained. Been lunching on cream of chicken and it is much better than the broth.

    I'm seeing the doc tomorrow so hoping I can get to some better foods. It's so tough cause my wife doesn't cook so I'm cooking my wife and son dinner then I cook myself my tasty Soup.

    I think I miss chewing and am going to take advantage of enjoying the taste of food instead of just shoveling the food down my throat.

    Still having a bit of diarrhea but with all liquid, what can you expect.

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