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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by pjoy2009

  1. To answer your question about starting over, I would say: get to your doctor and don't be ashamed at all, because there are lots of people in the same situation.

    I am sort of in the same boat, banded October 26 '09, I have lost only 15# and am read to start being more accountable.

    I want a buddy!!!!

    I just got a fill last week, but do not feel any more restriction than before the fill.

    I need to get off sugar, because I eat candy & can't stop the revolving problem w/ sweets & need to just get back on a low-glycemic, sugar busters type of eating.

    Today I started to log food on fitday.com.

    I would like a fitday.com buddy, maybe to exchange calories eaten during the day, and to be accountable for 30 minutes of exercise a day.

    I live in Illinois, would like buddy and/or buddies.

    That is where I am starting.

  2. This is why I came here tonight. I am having my first fill in two days. Looking forward to having better restriction. It will be 4 weeks on Monday since surgery, I've only lost about 6 pounds, about 9 before surgery---totaling 15#. I am not complaining, I feel pretty good... but at this point I can eat too much, and I don't want too!

    Yesterday we made turkey dinner for DH mom & I ate a little platefull, then went back for a 2nd helping of turkey & got stuck & had to throw up! It was the first time that happened. I have been stuck & it's gone down, this was the first time it actually came up! Yikes.

    For turkey-day I am planning on being fully restricted (hopefully) & not being able to eat anything substantial.

  3. I had surgery on Monday, and have given myself hooker baths since then, but haven't taken a shower :sad:

    I am afraid to take my bandages off, and am afraid to really even look at them - I am such a wuss.

    The pain has gotten better every day, I am still a bit gassy, I've got the shoulder gas pains... From what I can tell there is quite a bit of bruising around my incisions.

    How long did it take for you to take your bandages off?

  4. This is very brave to put yourself out there, yes you need to refocus. I can see myself doing the same thing as you, I am only 4 days out & I am very hungry for some real food.

    You are at the point that everyone refers to as "bandster hell" - right around 6 weeks. Your healing up nicely, and you haven't had your first fill, you have no restriction, so you are able to eat what you want & everyone that goes thru this asks themselves "what did I do this for?"

    Just be easy on yourself. Eat a all of the Protein (high Protein shakes & lean meat) you are supposed to, that often keeps hunger at bay.

    Good luck!

  5. thank you everybody and good luck cindy and pj!!! wow all on the same day....im going in at 8:30!:cursing:

    GOOD LUCK!!! My surgery is tomorrow also, I have to be there at 6:00 am. I am feeling the same things as you right now. It has been months and months of research, and now it is finally here!!! I wish you all the best!!

    Cindy & CrazyChica - How are you guys feeling?

    I slept most of the day yesterday (I was outpatient, came home in a few hours). Woke up today, my belly is pretty sore, but I just took more liquid vicodin & am hoping it kicks in quickly. I am a wuss about pain!

    It hurts when I cough!

    But it's all good.

    Hope you all recovery quickly

  6. Tomorrow in about 12 hours, the surgeons office will be beginning my surgery.

    I can't believe I have been waiting for YEARS to do this, and the day is finally here.

    UGGH I am really nervous and I have to get on the road at 4:45AM tomorrow to get there by 6AM. It's going to be a sleepless night.

    I keep on thinking how this will change so much of my life, yet I am scared that it will change my life TOO much. Me? Skinny? Will it really happen?

    Pray for me guys! xoxo Pam

  7. I love these yogurt ideas!

    I will defiantly be trying yogurt & Peanut Butter.

    I was on Body for Life in one of my loosing phases in the past and was introduced to yogurt & cottage cheese. It sounds gross but it's really good, and it makes a perfect Breakfast. How does everyone do with cottage cheese? ???? It's high in Protein too (11g 1/2 cup)??????????????

    I will try: a little Greek yogurt, splenda, cottage cheese & maybe some fruit (after I get to eat again...)

  8. Jamie - I will be banded the same day 10/26 - less than a week away. The liquid diet is SOOOOO hard, my stomach is constantly all gurggly ughh.

    I am freaking out a bit about being put under anesthesia - and not waking up ever again.... those are my most irrational fears. But can't wait to start this journey and know that it's a permanent not temporary solution.

    Good luck next week... Keep me posted on how you are doing!


  9. I tend to think these sleep studies are a load of crap. The surgeon that I let go of (not my current surgeon) - was insisting that I have one done for an additional $1500 on top of my self pay, AND the office had me sign a document stating that I was aware that the surgeon's group had a financial interest in the sleep study group.

    I understand that they want to make sure you breath correctly so that when you have the surgery - when you are sleeping on your back, while breathing - you favor your stitches, you are on pain pills, so you may have shallow breathing.

    OK, I understand some people have sleep apnea - but to make it mandatory for everyone having the Lab Band is overkill.

  10. I am so excited for you all. Next week I will be going through the same thing w/ the headaches and all (I know IT). But the excitement of finally getting the surgery - - wowowow. Think about how you will feel in 2-3 months?

    I am praying that I can do the pre-op with no sneaking.... I've heard the first few days are the hardest. Good Luck you guys, you are going to get though this wonderfully!

  11. I am scared like you are right now, my date is 10/26 and my preop starts Monday, so I am thinking about all the food I won't be able to eat again... which isn't really true.

    I spoke to a nurse last night that had it done, we spoke of eating birthday cake. Yes she ate a small slice of cake, but only had a few bites & she was done. With the LAP-BAND®® you learn to know your limits.

    At first it will be difficult, especially the liquid diet... but after it heals it's just a tool to keep you mindful of your choices. Protein will be #1, everything else will be secondary.

    So down the road after you have healed, and you want a bear claw, then you have 1/4 of one and share the rest with someone else. That is really all you need anyway.

    Good luck on your decision making.

  12. I am starting my 2 week pre-op this coming Monday. I was told it is to shrink the liver for the surgeon and also so you can get used to the liquid phase after the surgery.

    All doctors are different on what they want for pre-op, it is strange, but just follow the instructions of the ones doing your surgery.

    I was given a bunch of Optifast shakes to use, along with very unspecific instructions to have (any) Protein shakes and low-sodium (no chunks) cream Soups.

    I am preparing myself that I will come back here on Monday and Tuesday, complaining that I can't do this, and I have a horrible headache.

  13. I understand about being at the end of your rope, I have struggled for 20-30 years of my life dieting & exercising as a fat person. I have managed to yo yo between sizes 12-16 & weighing between 180-210 - That is high for a woman, but I managed to wear it well. UP until after I turned 40 2 years ago, i have been steadily gaining more weight & my exercising has been all but nil. Anyway, I think if you don't feel like yourself at 235, you should get this. The lap band is a tool to help you with Portion Control & it is permanent, NO more yo-yoing will happen if you use this tool correctly, and have the restriction at the perfect spot.

    I considered the lap band for quite a few years, and am finally getting it on October 19th, I should have gotten it years ago, when I was at a little lower weight, then I wouldn't be struggling right now.

  14. Wow 123: you had your surgery after 3 days???? I am self pay but they are making me go thru all sorts of tests and stuff. One thing I am annoyed by is that they are insisting on me going to a sleep study.... I think its a racket!

    They have an interest in the sleep study place, I will not go!! I hope that doesn't stop them from letting me get the surgery. I can be stubborn like that.

    So how is it going for you then????

    michelle... i thought about going to CO too, because its so inexpensive. I changed my mind & thought I just want to be close to home when I am having something done like that. lost of people travel tho so....

  15. TZN: I am thinking I might have the surgery about the same time as you, that is what I am shooting for anyway... We will have to keep in touch!!! Where are you located? I am in NW suburbs Chicago.

    Cathy: I hear you about the payment plan...I am going to pay outright a portion of it & put the other half on my credit card at 7% interest... I really don't care, it will get paid off eventually. I've heard you spend a lot less on food.

    Congrats on 70# down in 6 months???? that is incredibly awesome.

  16. Hi Thanks for your response. How long ago did you get the band?

    Self Pay is that I am paying out of pocket myself. My insurance does not cover ANY weight loss issue of any kind.

    I just had my psychological exam last evening that went fine, there are a half dozen more steps I have to take including pulmonary exam & nutritional counseling, but I still do not have an official date... I am thinking September sometime.

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