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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    280+ Lb Bulimic.

    I did not imply it was "self inflected" nor "fun". Read my post again.......
  2. Humming Bird

    Post Surgery Complications

    I'm in no way a doctor, but ........ some of your symptoms sound like fibromyalgia to me .... just a thought (gallbladder is on the right isn't it?)
  3. Humming Bird

    Left Shoulder Pain

    I had the left shoulder pain for quite a few months after surgery. After the first few days it can't be blamed on gas. It is pressure on the phrenic nerve and the pain is refered to the shoulder. It became my full signal for the first few months. There were times it was constant and quite anoying. I found that putting a menthol pain patch (walmart $4) on my shoulder before I went to bed helped. The pressure on the nerve stopped (mostly) after I dropped about 45 pounds. There is a bandster who used to post here (Elfiepoo) who had her band removed because she had the shoulder pain constantly for 18 months and she just could no longer stand it.
  4. Maybe you could figure out a way to turn it on them and milk it for attention for awhile
  5. Humming Bird

    Did A Very Bad Thing

    I bet if you weigh in the morning before eating or drinking you will find you weigh much less. I only weigh in the morning, never evening as the weight from drinking fluids and such will make it look like you gained.
  6. I was turned down/denied private health insurance a few years back because I was overweight. Maybe I should contact that same insurance and see if they turn me down because of the band. I bet they would and now my BMI is "normal".
  7. Humming Bird

    How Long Do Fills Last?

    In the beginning it seems like the fills/restriction level goes away sooner. The surgeon usually includes some fat between the band and the stomach. As you lose the weight the restriction level seems to go away a bit. When you reach your true green zone/sweet spot, it seems like the restriction lasts much longer. I had 2.7cc at surgery and then reached my green zone on the 2nd fill after that (5.3cc tatal). I went back in 10 months after fill number 2 and had dropped 100 pounds! I needed a fill at that point because I was getting way too hungry. Now I go in about every 10 months or so ..... I'm thinking I need a little fill here pretty soon. Some of the Fluid DOES go away over long periods of time. It is not a leak. My last maintance fill was in Sept 2011 (5.7cc). Some of the fill had gone away ( 4.?cc). I feared a leak, so I went back a couple weeks later to have the fluid removed and checked. It measured exactly as it should (5.7cc). This time when I go back I would expect some of the fill is gone ...... think osmosis.
  8. Humming Bird

    Fibro Friends

    They suspected Lupus and thyroid problems with me for years, but all the tests always came out fine. I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) in 2006. Stress brings it on full blown. My mom died toward the end of 2005 and it was so stressful for me. It caused the fibro to be full blown and I went to a new PCP. It didn't take him long to diagnose and I believe he has the correct diagnosis finally. It sure does explain all the symptoms I had for so many years. I think I've had fibro most of my life including childhood. He put me on cymbalta, Ultram, and a fab med for the fatigue ....... I'll have to think of the name of it and get back with you ........ It worked GREAT!!!! but then my husband's job changed and we no longer had insurance, so I had to stop the meds. Since then I have been able to control the fibro with stress reduction. I do still have to use some NSAIDS. I know they are contraindicated with the band, but I just take a double does of Jr. Strength liquid ibuprophen. I don't have to take it often because the stress reduction really works like a charm. I think that Rx for CFS is called Provagil. At the time it was new and very expensive. They may have a generic out now. The problem now is that with the band taking pills whole is bad and these can not be crushed. I don't take and Rx meds right now and only take vits. and things in liquid, sublingual, or chewable forms. I don't exercise. I'm not sure if the fibro & CFS can be part of the reason or not. I do find it much easier to be more active in general with all the excess weight gone. I know the FMS & CFS can be blamed for some of my excess weight gain over the years.
  9. Humming Bird

    Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

    Thanks Jean! You bring up some very good points to toss around.
  10. Humming Bird

    Best Compliment Ever!

    Gotta love comments like that!
  11. Humming Bird

    Beat The Band Syndrome...need Help

    When I am in the green zone/sweet spot with my restriction I simply can not drink while eating solid food. When was your last fill? The reason I ask is because over time some of the Fluid does go away. I still go in for a tiny fill about every 10-12 months for this reason. You still have your band so it is worth giving the process another try. Go get a fill. Do not have a drink at the table with you. Of course there will always be ways to sabotage, but maybe if you give it a chance long enough to fit in normal sizes it will be motivation to stay there. I encourage you to never give up and do this for yourself.
  12. Humming Bird

    Over-Eating With Good Restriction?

    I don't think people who have good restriction can overeat in one sitting. If they say they can, they don't know what good restriction feels like. The only way I can overeat would be to graze on junkfood throughout the day.
  13. Humming Bird

    Exploring Lap Band

    huh? This site is for the "real" gastric band ........ go advertise someplace else
  14. Humming Bird

    Exploring Lap Band

    If you are going to travel consider the Denver area. You can get cheap flights sometimes from Cali to Denver. Quite a few bandsters do it from what I've seen. They do phone consults and such. Dr. Weaver offers specials under $9,000. Here is a thread with some of his info. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/139401-considering-dr-john-weaver-in-colorado-for-lap-band-surgery/page__p__1721980__hl__considering%20weaver__fromsearch__1#entry1721980
  15. Humming Bird

    Should I Be This Tired?

    Make sure you take your vits and get in the Protein ....... The fatigue may last awhile even if you are following all the rules. There is a chance you have other things going on that will make the fatigue last longer as well. I don't know how the young gals with toddlers do it ! Those little buggers could wear out even the healthiest person. My fatigue lasted many months, but I had other things going on. I have fibromyalgia and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) goes hand-in-hand with fibro. If you are doing all you should be with the vits and such, getting the proper hours of sleep, and think your fatigue is lasting longer than it should, consider things outside the box and always talk to your doc. I hope it gets better for you soon.
  16. Humming Bird

    Too Fat For The Band?

    There are many people who get the band with a BMI over 50. After speaking with your doc and doing all your research you will figure out what is best for you. I have had very good results with the band and am a big cheerleader for it. (I started with a BMI of 43.1) I know it must be hard to know what is best when you go to a meeting like that, but try to keep an open mind when you choose what is best for your own situation. I think the worst choice would be to do nothing and stay obese. For me the band seemed so much better for my organs.
  17. Humming Bird

    Midlife Crisis?

    I think getting the band was part of my midlife crisis (in a good way of course). I didn't want to spend any more years being obese and frumpy! Shopping is great therapy! On a side note: I would urge you to stop the tanning. I got squamous cell carcinoma on my nose from tanning in the sun and tanning beds.
  18. Humming Bird

    No Ground Beef?

    Ground beef is pretty much the only type of beef I can eat. It has to be in chili, soup, taco salad and other ways like that. I can not just eat a hamburger patty.
  19. Humming Bird

    Finally Hit Normal Bmi 24.9!

    Whoo Hooo! so happy for you. It feels so great to hit that "normal" range.
  20. Humming Bird

    One Year, 100 Pounds

    You have done so well and I am so happy for you! Whooo Hooo! It's time for your 100 pound reward! What will it be?
  21. Humming Bird

    Always Constipated/never Poop!

    Here's another vote for Vitafusion brand Fiber gummies! They saved me from this issue and I've been taking them for over 2 years now. All it takes for me is one gummie every morning. They taste great, chew well, do not swell, and work great! I get them at Target.
  22. Humming Bird

    280+ Lb Bulimic.

    I do understand how this can happen. I fear you may stay bulimic even after you get the band out. Is there any way you can go talk with someone who deals with eating disorders?
  23. Humming Bird

    I'm Back With Some New Insights About Hell.

    I like having areas of LBT that don't have to be about WLS. I get to know people a bit here because we all have WLS in common, but I can only talk about fills, constipation, restriction, Protein and tickers so much. I'm still happy to see Patty return to the site and continue to post. I don't agree with her all the time, but have great respect for her. She really makes people give thought to many issues and have connections to others here that have nothing to do with WLS. Patty, when I have time after work I want to send you a PM. I was given what I consider an offensive Christmas gift by someone and want your take on it
  24. Last time I checked ensure was way too high cal and too high carb. I don't know if they changed it. Isn't ensure made more for elderly people who don't get in enough calories? I didn't have to do that type of pre-op diet (I did Atkins for 2 weeks). I know for the post op shakes they told me to stay under 150 calories and above 15g protein. I don't remember the carbs, I would have to look it up.
  25. Humming Bird

    I'm Back With Some New Insights About Hell.

    Have you thought about going in and getting a fill? When was your last one? I bet the band could help you drop another 50 pounds. I like icecream and other "bad" things and still eat them. I just don't live on them. I also never did start exercising. I sure am more active in general now that I'm not lugging around the extra 100+ pounds.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
