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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Just found this site!

    Welcome to LBT ! Join in anytime ... read, respond, learn, get support .......
  2. Humming Bird

    Tired and cold?

    I feel the same way. I was banded July 9, 09. I have been taking B12 for a couple months and feel no different. I feel cold too. There's not much fuel going in and my body can live off the fat of the land,but does not seem to know how to make energy or warmth from it.
  3. Humming Bird

    gifts! how do you deal?

    THEN, take the food delivery to a nursing home or someplace like that where I am sure it will be much appreciated. :thumbup: Ah yes, learn the art of re-gifting! sometimes it can be a good thing.
  4. Humming Bird


    I was self pay and had surgery in Denver. I live about 1 1/2 - 2 hour drive from Denver. I have not had health insurance for several years and was even turned down by one insurance company because of "my hight and weight." Well, it couldn't be my hight. I'm not a giant or midget. I am 5'7" and at the time weighed 230lbs. It really ticked me off. I have no other health problems and take no Rx meds. Now I fear that I won't be able to get insurance in the future because I have the band. I just hope nothing goes wrong with my band. I am trying to pay off my surgery as fast as I can because it is interest free for 6 months and then it will be 10%.
  5. Humming Bird

    when will I be myself again?

    I took one week off work, but it took me a good 3 weeks to feel like I could really handle working. I have bills to pay, so I just dealt with it. I still have fatigue issues. I hope you are feeling better soon.
  6. Humming Bird

    saggy boobs

    Building muscle on any part of the body is a very good thing, but ........ The pectoral muscles are located behind the breasts and will not lift saggy breasts. Jachut is right ..... breasts have zero muscle. They are mostly fat, glandular tissue and skin. It also depends on how large they start out and how many years gravity has been working on them. If you start out with a DD or larger and you take off 100 pounds ....... no amount of exercise is gonna give you perkys. I myself will cross that bridge when I get to it. I will have to live with saggy deflated breasts or pay for a boob job.
  7. Humming Bird

    First Fill Tomorrow

    I've had 2 fills and they did not hurt at all. They gave me instructions to not eat before I go and only drink a little. I usually go late morning, so it has not been a problem. Many Drs do fills different .... mine has me drink water to see how it feels going down, then fills some, then has me drink more water ..... I can feel when the water feels slower going down. Both fills really helped me with restriction and continued weight loss.
  8. I am on strict orders not to swallow any pills, and at this point I fear one would get stuck, (band tight right now)so I try to always find some other way. chewable, strips, liquid ....... maybe try a little prune juice?
  9. I had the same problem and I had some stool softeners that were gelcaps .....soft gel on the outside and liquid on the inside. I put a hole in it and squirted the liquid in my mouth. Do NOT try this!!! OMG! it was SO BAD! It was the worst thing I have ever tasted in my life!!!! It burned and stayed on my tongue forever! After that I went and got some childrens laxitive strips to keep on hand. I have not tried them yet, but they have to be better than what I did with that other thing,
  10. I am a 39 y/o artist, Mom and Wife and have been fussing over my weight since I was 13. A day hasn't gone by in that many years that I haven't thought about food or my weight from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. I feel your pain! I too have had weight problems most of my life and it is a constant in my mind. I love fashion but can't wear what I want. I am running out of sizes and styles that are wearable. My next fashion step is the mu-mu and I REFUSE to go there. I agree. It seems like everything larger than a size 14 or 16 tends to look like a mu-mu to me and I hate it! I have saved many clothes over the years thinking I will get back in them someday. I have everything from a size 9 to a size 24. It feels so good when the sizes start dropping. I have also entered menopause and all my fat (which I carry around the waist) seemed to drop overnight. I had surgical menopause and after that is when the weight really packed on and sent me up the obesity scale. Sometimes, I have to take a shower after using the toilet because I can't reach my butt to clean it properly. That hurts to type but it's time to be honest. Again, you are not alone. What if I can't stop myself from eating past the full point? In my case, the band stops me from eating past my full point. If I take even one more bite past full, it does not feel good (pain). I learned very fast to stop. How will the lap-band® stop me? Being full doesn't stop me now. I am full right this second and planning to go find a snack any minute now. It is a very different full with the band I really have no choice but to stop. The seminar host told us that what stops her from overeating is the throwing up process. For me it is not throwing up, it's pain. I have only thrown up one time since being banded and it was not from eating too much. It was from eating the wrong thing (5 french fries) I am dead-set against Gastric Bypass and lap-band® is the only procedure I would ever consider. I feel the same way about GB. I know a few people who have had it done, and after seeing and hearing the problems they have had, it is not for me. Since I can't seem to do it on my own, it's either this or die fat and early. I can't do that to myself or my family. I have the most perfect, darling little boy and I need to be here for a long time to watch him grow up. Great motivators. How did you deal with the emotional/head/obsessive eating? So far I have not had too much trouble with this, but if I do, I will go talk to someone and get help. What did you say to yourself when visions of cupcakes floated into your consciousness? I agree with others. I can get by with a bite or 2 and do not feel deprived. Does anyone have TriCare Standard who can talk to me about options and OOP costs? can't help with insurance. I have no insurance and was self-pay. Who is having a hard time with the band/lifestyle changes and what are you doing to change your thinking or behaviors in order to make it work? I don't have children at home, but think it may be hard to deal with the cooking changes. I do have my 7 yr old grandson 3 days a week. There will be times when you cook something for your son that you just can not eat. Is there anyone here who regrets having it done? I do not regret it at this point. The weight is coming off! How does losing the weight (or having the band) affect your relationships with others? I have not noticed a change at this point. Would you do it again if you could? Oh YES! wish I could have done it sooner. Do you tell people you had surgery? I ask because so many people consider it "cheating" even though we know it is hard work. (I have considered not telling anyone BUT I have a big mouth and probably can't keep it shut even if I try) I have pretty much told everyone. These people around me are great a support team. If it's cheating, then oh well, it works and that is the most important part! Good luck to you on your journey!!
  11. To me a "garbage truck person" is someone who has had many problems, disapointments, and general negative things happen in their life. They gather all this negativity much like a garbage truck that is overloaded, then they dump a little of this garbage on other people they encounter. I try to just stay clear of these garbage truck people. I too have had a very rough life sometimes, but try not to take it out on others and be a garbage truck myself. The law of the garbage truck comes from a guy named David J. Polly. Here is a link to his site : David J. Pollay's Blog: David J. Pollay's "The Law of The Garbage Truck™" I am sure Headhunter has much experience that could help us all in this journey, but with all the garbage, the help/support is lost. I am just starting my lapband journey. I was banded 07/09/09, but will post my experience below to your questions ....
  12. I have tried eggs twice since being banded and both times had problems. I have accepted the fact that I just can not have eggs.
  13. Humming Bird

    Being Banded this Monday

    I don't know why others would tell you that the band will not work for someone with a BMI over 50. I would think that your weight will drop even faster than mine has. I started with a BMI of 42. I'm glad you found LBT. I have found it very helpful to read what other people post and the support here is great. I hope all goes well for you Monday !!! See ya on the other side!
  14. Humming Bird

    I did it, I lost 100 pounds!!

    WOW !! That is so wonderful !! You are an inspiration to me. I hope I will do as well as you have. You should do something for yourself to celebrate (non-food) . GREAT JOB!
  15. wow, have you heard of garbage truck people? I think headhunter may be one.
  16. Humming Bird

    July 09 banders

    I was banded July 9,09 and have lost 44 lbs. The weight loss has slowed down a bit and today I'm still feeling so obese, but I'm keepin' on ....
  17. I have sister issues too. Very close to the same you have. Cheating or not cheating ...... It really doesn't matter at this point..... What matters is YOU ARE DOWN BY ALMOST 70 POUNDS !!!!!!!! WHOOO !!!! HOOOO!!!! YOU SHOULD BE DOING A HAPPY DANCE!!!!!:cursing:
  18. I drove to denver. There is a super8 hotel about a block from the hospital it had the lowest rates. I only had to stay at the hotel one night as I live in state. Yes, you should rent a car and print out maps/directions from google maps or mapquest so you can find his office from the airport and the surgery center and hotel.
  19. Humming Bird

    Vitamin water ....V. Isopure

    Vit. water doesn't have any protein does it? From what I hear, Vit. water is a waste of money and sometimes has way too many carbs in some brands. The Isopure that I have seen/tried is a protein drink. I tried the clear/red isopure and it did not taste good to me. It had a very strange aftertaste, like hairspray. I have not tried the shake type isopure.
  20. On my pre-op paperwork the only meds I listed were all NSAIDS, Aleve, ibuprophen for frequent headaches and other pain related to fibromyalgia. I take no Rx meds. Every time I have gone in for a fill they have me fill out a paper with a few questions on it and one of the questions is what kind of medication do you take. I always write ibuprophen. I can not take pill form at this point, so I use a double dose of Jr. strength chewable or liquid. I will have to ask about it at my next visit.
  21. Humming Bird

    I was Size __ now I'm a Size __

    Oh yea, I was a "DD" Now I'm a "D" ....and they are already saggin' bad. I wouldn't mind being a "C" when I reach goal, but so sad about the deflated and saggy part.
  22. Humming Bird

    How often do you vomit/PB?

    Latrice, Have you talked with your surgeon about this? Throwing up all the time can cause you many problems with the band and with other things as well.
  23. I have to admit, I am not exercising much at all .... Bad ! Very Bad! I was going on a few walks in the beginning, but had 16" of snow this past Thursday and it put me in winter mode. I did buy an elliptical though ..... now I just need to get on the darn thing and use it!
  24. I was banded 07/09/09. I have had 2 fills and a 3rd one is scheduled for this Friday, 11/06, but I think I might reschedule that one because I still feel pretty tight from the last fill. (it may be a sweet spot for awhile, we'll see) Overall I am pretty pleased with the band and my results. Last time I weighed I was down 44 pounds. It may be 45 by now. Long road ahead still......
  25. Humming Bird

    I was Size __ now I'm a Size __

    I was size 24 & 3x ("street clothes") and size 2X tight (scrubs/work clothes) Now I am size 18 / 20 (street clothes) and sixe 1X loose (scrubs/work clothes) WoooHooo I'm on my way down to see size Med. scrubs someday in my future!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
