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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by babyka16

  1. i think it has to do with your weight. the more you weigh the more your feet have to carry, so there for your feet can get wider they dont grow longer just wider. im not a doctor or anything but that is what i think. karen
  2. babyka16

    I was Size __ now I'm a Size __

    yeah yeah rub it in LOL J/K im proud of you and cant wait to get to that point! think im going in for a fill next week would you like to go with me? ill let you know what day for sure and see if i can get someone to watch the kids
  3. babyka16

    Odd arm pain

    it could be the anastesea they used. when i went in they said that when i wake up i may have should and arm pain but would go away.
  4. ok so today im going to get off my ass and clean up and workout and take the kids out yeah lets see how far that goes lol! anyway Zac has AOD tomorrow so for 24 hours on the weekend its just me and the kids. Do you want to get together for a few or we could stop by your place let me know!

  5. babyka16

    Weird Dreams

    how long ago was your surgery? i know after mine i had weird dreams but its only when im on pain meds they went away when i did not need them any more. karen
  6. yes he does! as far as i know he has the whole time. there were allot of people with tricare that had the surgery before me. i think he came to tucson in march so maybe they where still working out everything with ins. or maybe they had someone new there that did not know about tricare. iknow that i had to get online to find him and then i called tricare to get him. they had put me in to see a surgen here in sierra vista but he did not do the surgery. so anyway thats how i found him lol karen
  7. hey Happy Halloween!!!! We will stop by your house for trick or treating so save some good candy for the kids!!!!!!!

  8. OK i know that you just left here but wanted to say thanks for stopping by! and thanks for the mush foods too, i dug right into them after you left. I'm sorry my house was a mess like it was. hate when it gets this bad but I'm going to try to do things around here today and think I'm going to get out tomorrow. maybe i could stop by your place sometime. id have to hall the kids with me though. i could wait for zac to come home and watch them and then stop by. feel bad that you always come here and i have not even stopped by your place. again thanks for the words of encouragement and when i lose about umm like 40 pounds or so we really need to go shopping!!!!! hey and if you want to get together and do whatever I'm up to anything!

  9. wow i will try that! thanks! got any other ideas for me!!??

  10. omg did you stop by??? hehehe i did not even hear you. i was sleeping on the couch while abs was playing and Logan was napping. Sorry i have not talked in a few but i just feel so slumpish my house is turned upside down zac is doing his best but he cleans his way and its not mine so it drives me nuts. having a hard time with Logan too because i cant pick him up at all but i do and just don't want to pay 100 plus bucks to have him go to the daycare. now I'm in this mood where i keep asking zac omg did i do the right thing here?????? i look at food and just want to eat it. also omg the TV and the food you see on it...just want to run out and get food! how long where you on the mushies for??? i want off of it and to just eat. why do i have to be on it for so long anyway. doc said i can come in in 3 weeks for my first fill or if i really wanted it i could come in in 2 weeks! anyway call me stop by. I'm here just not all the time ( sleep as much as i can because I'm losing my mind)

  11. feeling better apt went good short and sweet and onto mushies. so when did you get off of of having to eat mush all the time???? i just want to eat already!

  12. oh and good luck!!!!! let me know how it goes

  13. i was on liquids for a week and that was it. my doc is really laied back. now I'm on the mushes for the next 2 weeks then back to eating norm again

  14. i started on mushes yesterday! it was my post-op apt and he said I'm good to go on mushes then after about 2 weeks i can start real food again. right before surgery my surgeon came and and said so do you want the lap band or the realize band? i was like ummm ( because i was thinking i was getting the lap band) he said that he likes the realize better so thats what i ended up with. also just so you know after you have the surgery there is a card you can get from your surgeons office or lap band journey.com or for me the realize success. com it lets you order off the kids and senior menu at restraints. its pretty neat. just wanted to share that with you. and I'm sure you can have a few bites from Thanksgiving dont think it will hurt you much!!!

  15. i know sucks! i have my post op apt today in tucson so im leaving after i write you. dont want to go but going. zac and the kids are going too. wish my mom could have stayed longer. oh well tones of fun right bla bla bla. so yea stop by should be home around 3esh or so home all day tomorrow though

  16. so my surgery was on Tuesday it went great but they had to do an open procedure dont know why but ill find out tomorrow at my post-op apt. doing great down about 12 pounds, still in allot of pain though

  17. babyka16

    PAIN after surgery

    i just got banded this week and im in allot of pain. so i just called up the doctor and got stronger meds and man they work great! i can sleep and mover around in bed. i would just call the doc and get something stronger!
  18. the meds they gave me did nothing for the pain even when i went from taking them every 4 hours to every 2 hours. the stuff they gave me here is allot better and allot stronger. i dont need anything right now but i would like to get together some time!!!!

  19. in allot of pain!!!! sleeping allot. i go in for my post-op on monday. how are you doing???

  20. oh me too! LOL i did not think i was going to hurt this bad. got some stronger meds and seems to help but makes my mouth dry and very sleepy. i think i slepy all day yesterday after my mom got home! cant wait to talk to ya too. love having someone to talk to that is older then 5 lol

  21. yea call or stop by if you want. think i was you earlier but i was on my way to the clinic to get stronger pain meds. not sure if it was you or not but it looked like your car! my mom is out tring to get my meds but seems like no one carries what i need bla!!!!

  22. omg yes! its first thing in the morning so i have to leave here at 43o am! 9 got an hour and some drive!!!! good luck on ur pre-op diet

  23. hey what are ya doing the next few days? want to get together again before you take off? when r you going the day of my surgery right? anyway let me know!

  24. yes come by id love to have you here again! yeah thats all i will be doing is cleaning up too. bla hate it but love a clean house. hehe my house was a mess when you where here but most of the time it looks like no kids live here because all i do is clean lol need a life i know tell me about it!


  25. yes come by id love to have you here again! yeah thats all i will be doing is cleaning up too. bla hate it but love a clean house. hehe my house was a mess when you where here but most of the time it looks like no kids live here because all i do is clean lol need a life i know tell me about it!

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