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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by stephaniel71

  1. So for the past 2 1/2 weeks I was stalled and had been fighting with 2 pounds. I would lose it, then the next day it would be right back and I would have to lose it again. So frustrating. So I started thinking what I was doing before that I wasn't doing now.

    The answer was being deligent about my Protein. I was naive in thinking I could get my protein through food without drinking my daily shake. I would drink it maybe every other day or every 3rd day. It was because I didn't want to use up the calories. Wanted to save them for food. So I re-read my nutritionist info and reminded myself I need to be getting about 75 grams of protein. That task is impossible unless all you eat is protein all day. So for the past week, I have skipped my regular Breakfast and instead I do a 12 ounce Protein Shake (about 50 grams protein & 260 calories) in the morning. I eat normally the rest of the day. This way I can easily get the remaining 25 grams and even exceed my quota. I had been doing this for about a week and weighed in and...to my delight I was down 3 pounds & the next day another pound!!!

    All I can say is don't fight the process. We need our shakes. If you just start the day right, you don't have to worry the rest of the day. Your body NEEDS protein. So if your stalled, this might work for you too.

  2. I was just diagnosed with acid reflux after banding. This started right after surgery with no restriction. My best recommendation is go to a good ENT doctor. My ENT put me on Prilosec in the AM and Pepcid at night. I have not problems. Yeah, I have to take pills, but it is worth it because I am losing weight and have no symptoms of my reflux.

  3. Let me say your post touched my heart. My fiance has been fabulous through this and I know I have been quite difficult to deal with. I will say, the first 3-4 weeks will be the most difficult for her. Once I got through the physical pain, the emotional pain began. The food addiction took over. I regretted my decision, I wanted the band out. The best thing my fiance did was say hang in there. Give it a little more time. This will pass. You did the right thing. He held me when I cried and he listened to me when I ranted. But it passed. Now I am 10 weeks post op and so happy I got this surgery. Best thing I ever did for myself. I couldn't have made it through it without him. And your wife is lucky to have you.

  4. I suffered terribly for almost 7 days with gas issues. The combination of gas X strips and walking (try with your arms up sometimes) was the only thing that helped. It sucked because I had no energy to walk. I hated that was the only advise I got was walk, walk, walk. But it was the only thing that finally helped. Good luck. I know this is rough....but it will pass.

  5. Hi Everyone! I am from Westchester County NY. I was wondering if anyone knew of any groups for lapband patients or perhaps if anyone was interested in starting one. I was banded October 22nd. Doing well, but would love to be around others experiencing the same. Or at the very least, let's keep in contact on this thread. Check in with each other and see how we are doing....

  6. Numbing shot...didn't know that was an option LOL. Nah, I really didn't need it. If it is fear of needles, I don't think you have to worry. My doctor puts me on a table where my head is lower than my stomach, so I couldn't see what he is doing if I wanted to. Yes, there was some pinching. My second time was a little more difficult as they didn't get the port on the first try, but really its over before you know it.

  7. I don't want to be harsh, but what are you thinking??? Your stomach is in such a fragile state at this point. It needs time to heal. You can do damage to yourself.

    I have to agree with Just-Ice. You start like this, you are sure to be doomed. Please follow your surgeon's advice, not your Mom's. No offense Mom.

  8. This is a big decision and can really only be made by you. I will tell you that my Aunt had BP 2 months before I had Lapband. Comparing her to me...Every day I make hard food decisions. The work and committment I put in to the Lapband will result on the scale. BP is very different. It has many other challenges, but my Aunt is already eating junk food and not working out at all and she is down 55 pounds. In my opinion, my aunt would have never been successful with Lapband.

    Bottom line if you don't think you can put in the work necessary to be successful with lapband, then you might be a candidate for BP. Just my opinion.

  9. I feel for all of you. I am not bragging by any means or to make you feel bad. I just want to thank you both for making me appreciate my husband more. The first 2 weeks he would barely eat around or in front of me. I had to beg him to stop hiding from me. He didn't want to make me feel bad at all about not being able to eat.

    I get mad at him for so much silly stuff and this reminds me of how great he really is to me. Obviously not all men are sensitive. Hang in there.

  10. Ice cream....LOVE IT. 3 1/3 weeks without it so far. I won't even let DH bring it into the house. We had my mother in law come to stay the weekend and she wanted to go buy some for her and I begged her not to bring it into the house. I know that is selfish, but I just couldn't handle it being here.

  11. Just curious, how many calories are you getting in your diet? And how much Protein. I have learned on here a lot of people have this problem when they are eating too few calories. Your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to every bit of fat. Especially if you are working out and work hard at your job. Many have recommended between 1100-1200 calories if you are very active. I am only a little over 3 weeks in, but week 2 i didn't lose a thing, but I upped my calories and started dropping again.

    Good luck to you.

  12. Hi everone! Can anyone help. Everything I eat or drink, I cannot stop burping. I am falling all the rules, what I am eating, how I am eating, how much I am eating. Then by the end of the day, not only am I still burping, but it is coming out the other end (sorry, I know too much information). And it is painful sometimes.

    I figured this would pass by now. 3 weeks is a little crazy. Please, someone tell me if this goes away. Is this normal? Compared to the first 10 days, my gas issues are much better, but how long do I have to live with this.

    Thanks! Burp....oops excuse me. :thumbup:

  13. I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure this was so diffuclt to go through. Your life was already turned upside down with getting banded then to go through this, I cannot imagine. I am newly banded (3 weeks). I have lost 20 pounds so far. I am excited and moving along. I keep on here reading other peoples success to keep myself focused and motivated. I wish you all the best.

  14. It is different for everyone, but I really didn't start feeling myself until about 10 days or so. I still have some issues, but once I was getting enough Protein in my diet, that helped me with fatigue. I know it is hard, but try to get at least 50 or 60 grams of Protein per day. It will help with energy level.

    I am 3 weeks today and feel ok most of the time. Some gas issues still, but nothing compared to week one. Hang in and take it slow.

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