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Status Updates posted by bdbmamaw

  1. I am feeling so much better. Pain from the gas is almost gone. I weighed this morning and have lost 5 lbs. since my surgery. Had I checked during the first couple of days, I probably would have seen a gain with all the fluids they pump into you. I am only taking liquid tylenol for any pain and have only used it once today! Yippee! Actually got out of the house today, but was pretty weak so we didn't go far. But it was nice seeing some new scenery besides the inside of my house. I am on solid liquids (non-clear), grits and Malt-O-Meal. And I still drink two protein shakes a day. I used only 4 ozs of skim milk, but still use the same amount of protein shake mix. I am eating every 2.5 - 3 hrs each day. Still not hungry. Really looking forward to those solid foods, though!! Trying to decide what I'll eat first...hmmmm... Well, I'm glad to hear you are doing well. And keep me posted!

  2. Hey Maggie! My band date is the 25th also! I thought I was the only one on that date. So glad to have a fellow 25'r! Are you nervous yet? Brenda

  3. Hey MaggieGT. Glad you are doing well. The only thing that I am having a problem with is getting my strength back. Are you experiencing this? I have gone on short errands with my hubby, but can't do too much. I just got back from visiting his grandmother and then hubby wanted to know if I could make it to Walmart, but I just couldn't. I'm about to go lay down again for a little while. Are you still weak? Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. I love having the grits and malt-o-meal too. I made some potato soup also, and then just made it really creamy with no chunks. That's reall good and filling also. Stay in touch! Brenda

  4. Hmmm... what am I looking forward to the most??? How do you choose? I was recently diagnosed with diabetes, so that going into remission is going to be exciting. I want to go country western dancing with my hubby and him being able to put his arms comfortably around me. Having the energy to run with my grandkids is another. Just feeling good in how I feel and how I look is a biggy!


    Like you I'm nervous, but excited about this coming Tuesday, and I definitely feel like I'm doing the right thing to get the weight off. 3 of our grandkids are coming to spend the night tonight. That will keep me busy this evening and tomorrow so I don't have to think about the upcoming surgery every minute of the day...lol. Let's definitely touch base Monday and wish each other the best!

  5. Mimi, Is that a little chocolate yorkie in your avatar? Or is it the camera flash turning that sweet little nose a chocolate color? Sure is a cutie! We have 5 yorkies, which is why I ask.

  6. Hi Maggie,

    I woke up this morning feeling a lot better. Had a melt down yesterday evening. I was telling my husband how weak I felt and whether I had made the right decision and then just broke down. (Go figure...) Anyway, he just held me and told me that I was going to do great and let me know that he would be with me the whole way. Wow! I did hit the jackpot when I married him! Are you married? Children? We have four. All grown with lives of their own. 2 nurses, a cop and an assistant principal.


    We recently had a police officer shot and killed just recently. Was really scared until I heard from our son that it wasn't him. Then I just got mad! The weird thing is my son is one of the officers that has to sit outside the shooters door at the hospital (the shooter was also shot) on guard duty. OMG! He says it's the hardest assignment he's ever had.

    Sheesh... didn't mean to rattle on. Sorry! Anyway, I hope you have a great day. And a strong one :)

  7. I'll be on line tomorrow, so I'll check in with you then. If I can't get online for some reason, be good for the doctors and I'll be thinking of you too.

  8. I too was not expecting the soreness being this bad. I was told it was gas pain from the gas they use to blow you up during surgery, so it can rest anywhere inside and hurt. Maybe that's it. Mine is stuck under my diaphram so it feels like heartburn. I was told to walk to get rid of it, so I'm up walking at least once an hour. And it should get better by the weekend. I have no hunger at all, so I am forcing myself to eat the things I was told to eat. How about you? I was thinking about you yesterday... looking at the clock and wondering if you were in surgery and when you got out. Keep in touch and let me know how you're doing.

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