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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dfav3412

  1. I had the panni surgery along with breast lift. I slept in a chair for 4 days per my ps advice and mostly because of the breast lift. Pain wise, well, I didn't have any however with the hernia repair that might be a different story. My advice is to follow the ps advice and take pain pills on schedule.

  2. Oh my, you really need to go to a bariatrics surgeon and he needs to order an upper GI to see what is going on. Acid reflux is usually a sign of a too tight band and gaining the weight could also be a side effect of a slip. You need intervention to rule out a slip and/or have it addressed. Wishing you the best.

  3. Just an fyi, sometimes a person thinks he/she needs a fill because they are hungry between meals but in reality they need to look at the types of food they are eating. Solid foods are better than sliders or "easy" food for lack of better wording at keeping hunger at bay. And by the way, lapband people should get hungry when it is time for their meals although it will not be the same type of hunger as a non banded person has...that is the beauty of the band atleast for me meaning yes I get hungry but not the starving type of hunger prior to being banded. I am 6 years out, have maintained for 4 years, and realize how blessed I am to have had this helper placed in side of me.

  4. If you are able to keep any liquids down, get gatoraide (sp) and put into the freezer until not quite frozen then break it up and eat that....helps to sooth the throat and the band but if you can't keep anything down you really need to call your surgeon. FYI for people who don't realize this....Getting an unfill can make you swell too so liquids are also recommended after that (just thought I would throw that out to you) as most banded people aren't aware of this.

  5. I've been thinking about this for a long time and I just wonder if anyone has noticed this. First of all let me say I am a successful bandster of 6 years and so very happy I had this procedure done....now on to what I have observed.

    I get alot of compliments on my looks and how I dress even though I am not a small person meaning I am not a size 6 because- I am a 14/16 which is good for my frame and height. I have maintained this size for 4 years now (coming from a 26/28). When I was a teen, I was this size, 14/16 but was ridiculed about my size by peers and even adults. I think it is brought to my mind when I see young kids who are overweight and even obese which I saw yesterday and the pain that their little hearts and mind have to endure for not measuring up so to speak. Well, that is just what I was thinking and wanted to share.

  6. Not really sure at this point but trying drinking all that you are suppose to and maybe if you like hot tea that might help to thin it out. Everyone has the mucus in their stomach but once banded we notice it. I would recommend, if this keeps up, to advise your bariatrics team as they may be able to help even if it means a little "defill".. Some can be from sinus drainage.

  7. You need to go back to your surgeon and most likely have an upper GI done to see what is going on. Believe it or not but if the band is positioned correctly and no problems in that area you just may be too tight and need Fluid removed. It is really sad that the majority of lap band patients have the surgery but are orphaned meaning they do not get follow up from their centers and I don't mean a once a month meeting...I mean a one on one with the bariatics coordinator a minimum of once a month but prefereable every week for a year or two. And too many times the lapband patient's idea of "restriction" is not what it is suppose to mean in the lapband world-that word needs to be banned. So, please do make an appointment with your surgeon because you started this journey for a reason which most likely was to get healthier and to feel better about yourself. You are worth the effort and good luck!

  8. The band was never meant to restrict the types of foods eaten with the exception of foods that might ball up when chewed liked bread and rice. The purpose of the band isn't to stop you from eating a certain amount although it will, the purpose is for you to eat solid food in the amounts recommened by your bariatrics center and be satisfied until your next meal. The key is to measure and to eat solid food not sliders and in the amounts recommened. If you don't learn this concept then you will never reach the green zone because you will be eating slider foods that will not carry you thru until your next meal. Fills are great when warranted but many times a fill isn't the answer you are seeking. The two big keys are to eat solid foods not soft/mushy foods and the other is to eat the recommened amount of food.

  9. In addition to using the band the way it is intended to be succesful there has to be a good bariatrics program too. If you are in a program where the surgeon just does the surgery but there isn't any regular follow up then that too can make a patient fail. Many centers orphan the patient after the surgery thank God that isn't my center...going on 6 years in Aug. and still can do weekly follow-up without cost if I choose to do so....and I choose to do so.

  10. just an fyi: continuous gurgling is a sign of being to tight, it means your food is not going down like it should (sitting too long in the pouch). That being said, I would give it a little time after being filled because we do swell at the band site along with the saline tighening the band. I will say this...if I were Roni77 and my coordinator caught wind of me gurgling then she would insist that I have a little saline taken out. She actually told my surgeon to take some Fluid back out after he did a fill because she heard the gurgling. She is on the cautious side and a very wonderful coordinator/mentor. All bariatrics centers have different rules and different takes on things. We should follow what they tell us (for the most part :) ). I have a tremendous amount of respect for her and her opinions...I have been seeing her pretty much weekly going on 6 years....I am blessed to be in such an awesome program.

  11. if it is just tightness in the morning you are ok because overnight as you sleep the muscle tighens up. When you get out of bed you need to drink a glass or two of water...some say something warm like tea which helps loosen you up. Even then you still may find it hard to eat Breakfast but as the days wears on you should get better. Also as long as you are not having trouble swallowing liquids, no reflux etc. you are ok. Just give it a few days because along with the fill tighening you up, you also have swelling from just getting the fill...the swelling should subside in a day or two....oh if you just got a fill then you may want to do liquids today then soft foods tomorrow....your doctor should have instructed you in the what to eat .... when to eat catagory.

  12. Just my thoughts but I think you need to have an upper GI to rule out slippage or esophugal (sp) dialation. Throwing up like you have stated, burning sensation, reflux indicate a problem. Now, on to the so called green zone....again my thoughts but it doesn't exist as most people's understanding of it to be. Most people equate being tight, not being able to eat most foods, as being the the green zone. That isn't, again in my opinion, what the green zone means. The green zone to me is being able to eat most anything healthy, meats, fruits, and veggies, in the recommended amounts 1/2 to 1 cup (depends on the amount your doctor dictates) and that amount last you for 4 hours or more. Most people think they should never feel hunger-that is not true because you should when it is time for your meal. The good news is, atleast for most people, the hunger isn't the starving type you felt when you were on a strict diet but more of a nagging kind which your body is telling you that it needs fuel. One last thing, although you should be able to eat most anything there will be some foods your band doesn't tolerate because some foods like bread and rice tend to ball up no matter how much you chew and cannot go thru the small opening. Again, this is my thinking and my experience, banded almost 6 years :) .

  13. The pain level is just different for each person but none the less it is nice to have something if you need it. I can't remember what was perscribed for me but I didn't take anything because I didn't have any pain, actually had the surgery twice and no pain either time. I was so blessed, I didn't even have the shoulder pain either (I have had that before way back when when tubes were tied so I know what that is).

  14. Just a thought, you probably have a little swelling just because of the act of just getting the fill and then the fill too. That is why many bariactric centers advise people to go on liquids then full liquids then mushies for at least 3 days. Also it is advised to do the same for an unfill because of possible swelling. It is just something we never know how our bodies and band will react so I guess the theory is better safe than sorry. Anyway, you are wise to do liquids since you got stuck so your band area can settle down.

  15. This is an interesting thread. I had arms, breast lift, and panni surgery. It never crossed my mind to think what someone else thought about it. Hubs was ok with it, even helped me pay for guess what....boobs....lol. Ins. paid for my tummy and since I had tummy and boobs done at the same time it was really a savings for me. Like I said insurance paid for my tummy and since I was already in an operating room and under ...having the boobs done at the same time saved me about 2500.00. I had my arms done 3 months later. One thing if you guys don't already know this....even if you pay out of pocked like I did for arms and boobs......you cannot claim as medical on taxes since it is considered cosmetic....maybe that is one of the points the orginal person who started the thread was thinking too.

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