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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dfav3412

  1. dfav3412

    Medical bracelet

    I have one that just says lapband
  2. Lippo is what my plastic surgeon said would be the only thing to take care of that...mean while get fitted for a bra-it helps to really have the right fit. I wear a light weight spanx that smooths me out in that area when I am wearing something form fitting. I have a pretty flat belly, decent boobs, and decent arms (plastic surgery) but I have that yucky ole back fat or I call it bra fat. Lippo isn't cheap. It can be done on an out patient basis but my plastic surgeon told me that she would require an overnight hosptial stay.
  3. dfav3412


    Are you drinking plenty of liquids? That could cause some of your problem. Since you are going to your doc this coming week, you need to let him know because it is true that a fill isn't necessarily what you may need. And, if you are too tight it can actually derail your weight loss and even set you back with fills/defills etc.
  4. dfav3412

    doctor wouldn't fill my band!

    Maybe your doctor is thinking like I have been taught and from personal experience...fills aren't the end all to everything meaning after you have been banded for a couple of years. I know I could lose more weight should I choose to by cutting back on the calories and exercising more. I am at maintenance but in all honesty I could lose another 10 to 20 pounds. Maybe you should point blank ask him why he doesn't want to give you a fill aside from the fact he thinks your weight is fine. You might find a surprising answer coming from him with all his experience with lapband patients. And if his answer isn't good enough then press him for a tiny fill.
  5. Nope, I never forget because my soft stop stops me....runny nose and or hiccups and it has be 5 1/2 years.
  6. Holly, I had plastic surgery on tummy, breast lift these done together then 4 months later had my arms done and didn't have to have any fluid removed. I guess everything depends on the plastic surgeon and their experiences with weight loss patients. I didn't have any problems. The plastic surgeon wasn't sure if she would have to reposition the port or not (she didn't) however my bariatrics surgeon said if she did that she could call him (they work at the same hosptial) and he would pop in and do it. He popped in anyway during the surgery just to see what was going on
  7. dfav3412

    HELP! Prep for Colonoscopy

    I didn't have a problem with it if that helps
  8. It goes to show you that everyone reacts so differently. I was rebanded in 2009 (org. surgery 2007) and I cannot take as much fill....was 6cc now am 4cc's in a 10cc band. Also in 2010 had a port revision so when surgeon snipped the tubing and hooked it back up (lost my fluid then) was refilled slowly and go back up to 4cc's. That is a perfect amount for me. I had an upper GI in Oct. which indicated I needed more fill but I know my own body and I know I cannot take anymore so even the upper GI isn't accurate...you just got to know you body and how it responds. I have maintained for 3 1/2 years.
  9. dfav3412

    Can we get a unlike button?

    Dee, I'm with you...even a tone it down button would do
  10. dfav3412

    people judgmental on what i eat

    That happens to all new banders when someone knows they have had the surgery. People tend to watch every morsel you put in your mouth but eventually that goes away after YOUR surgery and band isn't new to them anymore. People need to think about what they are going to say before putting their mouth in gear especially when they do not have a clue about any of the weight loss surgeries and what they entail.
  11. dfav3412

    I burp now.

    Luuluu we must have both posted at the same time....I would ask to have an upper GI especially if you haven't had one since the surgery. My center now requires an Upper GI once a year. Better safe than sorry.
  12. dfav3412

    I burp now.

    Luuluu, have you been banded long and how long were you too tight? Probably nothing but I burped excessively and when I had it checked out (upper GI) I had slipped big time. Chris your symptoms will subside eventually...I hope anyway lol...mine did.
  13. dfav3412

    I took Mistress Band out for Indian tonight...

    Glad you enjoyed it. There will probably come a time sometime within the year that your band will not like rice or bread but that is a small price to pay in my opinion. I can eat most anything but rice and bread are a no go for me. Heck, I even eat steak...love New York strip steaks as I have never had a tough one.
  14. dfav3412

    I got my first fill today!!

    I remember my first fill...long time ago...was scary and exciting! Congrats and now you are in for one of the best rides of your life.
  15. dfav3412


    Do what your doctor instructs you to do. You are going for a fill soon which should help. You have done awesome so far...congrats.
  16. dfav3412

    I DID IT

    Good for you! It is exciting...you will be a happier, healthier person as each day passes.
  17. Just letting you know there is a peanut butter powder PB2 that some health stores carry-none around me so I order online. You mix it with water, sugar free jelly if you want and can use it in a stir fry...yum. It doesn't have many calories and fat so you might want to look into it. It taste pretty good to me
  18. Vlp, insurance paid to move mine maybe your insurance would too if it is causing you pain by bumping into it etc
  19. I had my port moved Dec. 2010 because when I wore tight clothes at my waist it was uncomfortable. Since I had it moved, the surgeon put in a smaller one. I had it moved to about 2 inches below my belly button on my left side. It is a 20 min. out patient procedure. I was put to sleep to do it but didn't take long and I was home before I knew it.
  20. Wilona, see if you can take your hubs with you to the seminar. If he somewhat supports you now it would be good for him to listen and learn. Maybe even take your mom or whoever
  21. dfav3412

    Pain while eating

    It could be several things, taking too big of bites -needs to be no bigger than you pinky fingernail, not chewing well, eating too much food. I know you haven't had a fill but you may be of of the few lucky ones that won't need one. Try tiny bites, chew well, and make sure you follow your doctor's instructions regarding how much food he want you to have in one sitting. Oh, and specifically if this happens in the morning, try drinking two glasses of water 1/2 hr. before you eat anything to get the natural mucus that everyone has to thin out. Everyone has this mucus to help slide food down but we, lapbanders, notice it more than non lapband people. If this fails then talk to your doc.
  22. dfav3412

    slipped band :(

    I was rebanded in 2009 due to a slip and the slip was caused from violent throwing up (had vertigo...never had it before and never want it again). I was unfilled on a Tuesday and in surgery on Wed. My surgeon told me I would gain weight but not to worry because WE would get it back off (I love my surgeon!). I believe I gained 6 or 7 lbs before my first fill but I got it off. I, like you was at goal. You just got to watch it, watch the carbs etc. The only symptoms I had was excessive burping (while band was slipped) so my coordinator and I decided we should look into and I got an upper GI. Anyway, fast forward 3 1/2 years...I don't need as much fluid in my band now, your body changes and it changes all the time. I'm doing great and have maintained for 3 1/2 years. The one thing my center has done for the last two years is require an upper GI once a year for everyone just to make sure things are as they should be. They feel if problems are caught in the early stage then chances to fix them without surgery is greater. Oh, and I know this wasn't mentioned and probably not your case at all but I am so passionate about this.....Never, Never think it is ok to be tight or on the tight side...people are just asking for trouble thinking being tight is a good thing.
  23. dfav3412

    how to deal with judgement

    I said this in another post but it surely applies here: Opinions are like butt cracks, everyone has one....you do what your heart tells you to do....this chance may never come around again if people get in the way.
  24. Thanks to all of you who posted. One other thing I have to say is I am not a size 6 or 8...I am a size 14/16 but I am very happy with that. You don't have to be a size zero but everyone's goal does need to be healthy/healthier. The local magazine is called Jeffersonville Explorer Jan 2013 and the cover says Losing it! It is devoted to many different ways that people have successfully lost weight not only thru surgery.
  25. People post about their NSV's and I have had my share of them. I was blessed that I could have this surgery and have the surgery team and follow up that I do. Over the years and even up to now I have had and still get NSV's. The first one and one that is a biggie amoung weightloss patients is crossing their legs, now I will share some more: I have more confidence than I ever had in my life, I love having my picture taken (I don't have many pictures of me prior and that is sad), I love clothes shopping, I love dressing up, I can fit into a resturant booth with plenty room to spare, I fit in my seat on an airplane and not invade someone's space, my tray on the airplane comes all the way down, I have plenty of seatbelt left over and don't have to ask for a seat belt extender. I have made many good lapband friends all over the country and the world and one has turned out to be one of my best friends-Em, you know who you are . This year and it is early in the year...I have done an interview with a local magazine about my lapband story which was published this month. I was honored when asked to be a guest lapband speaker at the hospitial seminar (hosptial where I had my surgery) and I did good too. I reached the people attending...why because I've been in their shoes. I have lost a person or 2 small children in weight and I have maintained my weight for 3 1/2 years. Yep, I know there will be more to come.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
