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Posts posted by ThePoolGirl

  1. Hi Ebony, Torky and CC. Nice to see some familiar folks here. CC, I watched Grey's....oh wow. Can't wait for next week.

    I never really intro'd myself here but here goes: I'm waiting for a surgery date. I had one, it was cancelled and I submitted info to a new place. I've been overweight most of my life and refuse to keep battling this demon without some kind of support...whether that support is here on LBT, on FB or with the WLS itself, I don't know. I'm on a journey here, folks. And I appreciate any friends, support and help that I find.

    I do keep myself kind of private but feel free to PM me if you want to know anything. Yes, I am still friends with the former PJTPers and communicate with them on FB. Yes, I am a friend of HH... Just in case there was any confusion :scared2:.

    Eb, thanks for starting this thread. CC - love your blog. Torky - feel better and gargle with salt Water, girl


  2. Happy Birthday, Fanny!! Hope it's a good one. My fingers are crossed that all your drama works out...life does like to cause us stress, huh?

    This deserves another hit: Ebony, Whooo hoooo on your return to Onderland!!

    Torky, be strong. Your DD is gonna be just fine - you raised her right!

    Hey to everyone else! Happy Wednesday! Hump-Day is here. This makes my dog especially happy. His abnormal usual behavior can be attributed to the day of the week and I don't come out looking like mom o' the doggy freak :tongue2:.

  3. But this is wrong. If so many cogent, intelligent, long term members are ticked, odds are it isn't because we're all giddy about a certain poster and piqued that he was banned. Odds are there is something wrong on a deeper level, there's a rat in the walls, as it were.

    You must know this. I assume you've built the "infrastructure" of the board. Maybe it's time to look at it, check for cracks and stresses. Maybe you should hire some mods, enforce the rules across the board. That would be a good start. I don't know how to fix it, I just know it needs to be fixed.

    Well said, RestlessMonkey :biggrin:

  4. Count me in on this. I'd like to see the warnings. I know that he rec'd those wrist slaps about attacking the idea, not the person, but what about PMs to him? Were those done? I may have spoken out of turn earlier if there were actually no official warnings.

    NOTE: I DID have this wrong. Sorry. HeadHunter said he never rec'd any official warnings..

  5. Wow, I went to work, then to a ballgame, and come home to 15 pages---and in all honesty I am totally overwhelmed.

    I am a VERY uninvolved mod. I admit that, I warned Alex that I would be when approached about it. I am not very computer savvy, and therefore leave the deleting posts and moving posts to other mods. I have spent most of my time as a mod welcoming new bandsters. Well to be honest, I USED to. Then I went back to work full time. I seldom do more than check in with my friends here and on a few other select threads.

    Very likely you are right, and I need to step aside as a mod, simply because I am not around and able to do the job as I once was.

    This is the first time I have ever heard that you were a mod. Earlier tonight someone mentioned "Kat" but I didn't know it was you.

  6. Anytime that hapeens, report the post.

    I reported one the other night and got a nice response from Jack.


    The issue with the alternates was just that. Alternates. The person is banned, not the name.

    In the interest of full disclosure, I'll admit I voted to ban HH. I'll tell everybody something else (I believe I told either Beth, pool girl, or the monkey in a PM and asked them to keep it private): Susan was way more lenient than me. I was voting ban early on when she was all for giving him warnings.

    Oh, but he says he was never warned about anything. Whatever.

    HH isn't saying that he wasn't warned. He was, we know he was. That's not his complaint.

  7. I am going to step in and defend myself. I cannot believe what is going on here. Yes, I was slammed in a thread and got tired of seeing all the complaints going on over the moderator team deciding to ban someone. I had worked about 70 hours that week putting on a major event at work, and ended the week with the flu. So, as I admitted then, I was a bit on edge. I am a human being, we all are. My statement on Facebook never mentioned anyone's name. NEVER! It said I wish people would quit whining and have another glass of wine. As soon as I posted it, I realized I shouldn't have, even though I didn't in any way, shape or form indicate who or what I was talking about. I deleted the status within two minutes of posting it. I told Alex about it as well.

    Now seriously, is that what this is all about? Because, it really seems blown way, way out of proportion to me.


    I'd like to remind you that I did send you a message on FB after what happened here. I was angry that you posted a comment to my comment on FB about LBT. I was also angry about your posting/deleting issues here with Glou. But I gave you a second chance, told you that we're all human and we make mistakes. I also know that Glou gave you a second chance after the blow up.

    Today, you un-friended me (and several others) on FB. I know this has absolutely nothing to do with LBT and I'm sorry to take up the space...but...I will. Today, I posted a message on my FB page and changed the sentence under my avi on here. That seems to be when I got un-friended. I had made no comments on FB regarding you at all today UNTIL you got snarky.

    It is entirely my decision and right to be friends with HH or to "follow" him if I so choose. I don't agree with the lifetime banning but that is my opinion. I have the right to have one. I've said many times how much I like this site and get great info. But this site has a negative tone now. Many of us don't even bother to post on other threads because of the negative responses. THAT is something the mods should be working on and watching for.

    You chose to take info from FB and use it here. Not cool. They are two separate things. If you did not indeed come back here and contact Alex about the FB issues, I'd like to know who did. This has made even FB a negative place today. You asked for an explanation and this is my take on things.

    And, an aside: If you all (mods) have pissed off RestlessMonkey, that's a pretty sad state of affairs. She's a classy lady and has been nothing but beneficial to LBT. Actually, the other folks you've pissed off today also fit that catagory...classy dames with strong opinions but who bend over backwards to offer their support to each other. This is truly sad.:biggrin:

  8. I can't even agree with you more. ABSOLUTELY ridiculous that MANY people from here are friends with SUSAN on FB and saw her snotty ass comments on FB about Glouc and no one had the guts to point it out but me. Horrible, unprofessional, childish, rude.

    Sorry, Glou. I did NOT see this post from Susan on FB. I haven't been there long and don't always keep up. I would have commented if I had seen it.

  9. PJTP: The Cardinals' magic number is now 4 :biggrin:

    Okay, happy afternoon to everyone. As for being short and running...I'm with you there..over 3 mph and look out, wall. Crash, splat...OUCH :smile2:

    I admire those of you who run though. Think I'll stick to wogging. But I am thinking about starting the C25K...we'll see. I sent in all 27 pages of my paperwork to the WLC...crossing my fingers that my insurance moves quickly. I figure with my luck, I'll be doing a pre-op diet for the holidays or my b'day in Jan. That would suck especially since I already did a pre-op for my non-surgery. Oh well....life goes on.

    Take care and TTFN

  10. Miss Bandy was suspended? Huh, fancy that.

    Ebony, WTG!! Whooooo HOOOOOOooooo!!

    Tap, gonna miss you. Get back soon.

    Heartfire, glad you're feeling better.:wub:

    Beth, not so sure I believe the neighbors' story about their Woody. Something fishy there :w00t:.

    Lulu, happy cooking!

    Glou, honey, my family will swear that they gave you up at birth. You GOTTA be adopted. Holy crap, find a rock! Send me your birth cert and I'll doctor it for ya :biggrin:.

    Everyone else - howdy! Hope you're having great weekends. It's raining here and too cold for the pool :unsure::mad::biggrin::angry:

  11. Welcome and hello. Wow, you've been thru a lot! It sounds like you've done your reseach and it seems like the band will be a great tool for you. As for the hair loss, there are a lot of posts on this forum about it. There are several different supplements people recommend. I haven't had surgery yet so I haven't lost any hair...so far :biggrin:. Do a search on here and I'm sure you'll find lots of suggestions.

    My mom had Grave's Disease and used the radioactive iodine but she didn't have cancer. This was many years ago and she went thru many ups and downs with her weight until they got her meds under control. I have hypothyroidism but have been lucky so far...drugs help me.

    Best of luck to you! You have a great attitude and you have to be very strong to have gone thru so much at such a young age. I think you're gonna do just fine! :blushing:

  12. Totally PJTP: I taunt my dog. I am a bad dog mom. You see, his real name is Woodchuck. I did NOT name him. When I got him, I decided calling him Woody was close enough and not too traumatic for him. Poor dog has to contend with all those folks who make jokes... (a poet and didn't know it)

    But what's awful is...I ask him how much wood can a woodchuck chuck...etc. Woody is blonde. He never gets it. So sad. :blushing:

    Sad? I'm sitting here amusing myself taunting my blonde dog on a Sat night. Didn't even have wine. Just being bored.....Then I read Kat's post about wood cutting...

    Really good to hear from G4E though! Kat, please keep us updated.


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