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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tranquility

  1. Tranquility

    hard time breathing???

    Yes, I had a very hard time breathing. I am 11 days post op and it all has been quite an eye opener. I had much difficulty breathing and even posted here on the message boards just like you, trying to ease my mind. If you want, you can click on my posts to read some of the good messages I received about breathing! Others have many different theories about the why -of the problems, and that helps me to understand the pain and work through it. You will be ok, it just takes time. I feel for you! Take it easy and try to find ways to pamper yourself while you heal.
  2. Tranquility

    too tight always too tight?

    Hi holli,we are about the same weight and everything! Just to update: I talked with the nurse and she said that they only put a small fill in to check to make sure that the port and all are working. But I am going in on Monday to have that removed. I hope all of you will keep your fingers crossed that I do not get dehydrated this weekend. I am looking forward to feeling good again -maybe after Monday...Keep up the good work!
  3. Tranquility

    too tight always too tight?

    Thanks so much. I don't think she was trying to scare me or discourage me...she was kind of like thinking out loud. I believe that she was just trying to give me options. I do think they are concerned, but the doctor is just not there. I doubt that they would call the doctor unless they thought the problem was ciritical. I just wanted to know if the chances of the band becoming less restrictive is a possibility and I see that according to the amount of swelling that goes down, which it should some? that I will be somewhat ok, but I am definitely watching my fluids. Nothing about this has been easy for me and I am just tryig to get by hoping that time will make things better. It is two hours round trip to see my doctor -I just don't want to have more problems than are necessary under the circumstances. I still regeret this decision. I think if I had known all of this, I would have chosen to take a defferent action, even though I know I needed something drastic...I probably would have shipped myself off to an obesity clinic...don't know,,,it allseems to be too much...I just wanted to have a better life....maybe even a date now and then? :crying: Now all I want is the old me back and a barbeque sandwich...
  4. Tranquility

    tight pain in chest

    I am 8 days post op and cannot stand to eat anything but broth. The milk based drinks are just too heavy for me...and water is also a problem...I called the nurse today and she told me I had to get some protein and to try some muscle milk. I drank about one or two ounces -the most I've drunk at one time so far -and was reaaly full. About twohours later, I thought it was time to try again to get some nutrition in my body. I just ate about 10 teaspoons of cream of tomato soup. I was feeling full, but thought it would be good for me -OUCH My chest hurts! I feel like I have 'the golfball' in my throat. Like a heart attack! Is this what it feels like to be too full? Is it always going to be like this? I am afraid to ever eat again. I just cannot eat very much at all. Do any of you have the same problem with not being able to eat hardly anything? I do not even think I have a fill in my band, but do not know for sure... ps. what do I do to make this feeling go away!!
  5. Tranquility

    tight pain in chest

    I am so sorry for you too :laugh: How did you know that you were dehydrated? I am so afraid that I will eventually have to go into the hospital. I can't take much more of this! and, no standing up straight is not a problem. The stiches pull some, but I don't feel the same as you...hopefully someone else will come along here to help you with that.
  6. AmyNsaint, Yes, I was in the worst pain imaginable, but can tell you now, (I am 7 days post op), that it will get better. At your point in time, I thought I would never feel good again. I am Still taking the pain medication, hydrocodone, but every 6-7 hours instead of every four hours. I have only a few more days meds left and think I will be able to go to regular tylenol. Do everything you can to make yourself more comfortable. If you have support at home, use them to help you when you need to move about. Also, if you can, use one of those things that heightens the toilet seat. I wish I had had that. Most all I've read about also used the recliner much more or instead of a bed. I was afriad of the pain becuse it was so unexpected to me, You can get through it! Yes, you can! Good luck and try to sleep as much as possible! Take care of yourself.
  7. I am 7 days post op. Wow! This has been so much more difficult than I thought it would be. But, I am doing everything I am supposed to do -except eating a variety of foods. I have been consuming only broth and cream of tomato soup. For some reason, I do not want to eat cold food. And when I say I do not want to...it is weird...kind of like I Really don't want to and I do not want to throw up! :thumbup: I've been avoiding the other foods up to now, because I am basically healing and my priority has been to just get by, but today I am going to try to make myself at least sip on something else. I can have fat free skim milk, slim fast, powdered protein drink, broth, strained creamy soups, juice, Popsicles (make my stomach hurt), v-8 and carnation instant breakfast. :thumbup: I think slim fast is too high in carbs and not enough protein. Before surgery, I had changed to low carb slim fast, but at the very end; I was nauseous and throwing up when I smelled it. :biggrin: SO, can anyone relate or give me advice on how you got through this? I have one more week at this stage. PS>I plan to heat some apple juice and put in a cinnamon stick so that it will be like hot cider...AND I am following my doctor's advice...but I wonder why my diet is SO high in carbs and most others are not???
  8. Great question. I am so surprised that I cannot drink my water. I used to drink water easily and lots, but now, I just take a sip and stop. Water feels 'heavy' to me, if that makes any sense :thumbup: I am anxious to hear others' answers.
  9. I was banded on Wednesday and am absolutely miserable. This has been hell and I wish I had not had the surgery. I was not at all prepared for the pain and the uncertainty of what's going on inside my body. It's like I have an aliens body -The incisions hurt terribly, but when i take the pain med, I feel bad in a different way. It is hard to describe other than I feel like I am not in control of my own body. I am practically holding my breath all day long. I cannot sleep -I wake up short of breath or in pain. I can't really drink much water without feeling too full, but not full in a good way. It feels kind of like i have no stomach at all, but just an esophagus that has a big bubble in the way. So far, I've been living on small amounts of broth and Popsicles. I worry about my nutrition. Can anyone tell me what to expect for the next several days? Will I ever be able to feel comfortable again? When and how? Help please
  10. Tranquility

    Anyone Have Breathing Difficulty?

    Maudi, yes, yes, I am experiencing the breathing problem. I was really worried about it, but did not call because it is the weekend and I figured that the doctor would just say go to the emergency room and I knew that I did not want to do that. Today is somewhat better. I am hoping that the problem is the swelling of the abdomen, gas and all and not a clot! (If I really thought that it could be one, I would definitely go to the hospital) –I am just trying to take this one day at a time and as long as the symptoms do not increase, and as long as each day I experience fewer symptoms, I feel that all must be a natural part of the healing process. I just want to say thanks to all of you who post on this site…it is so helpful to hear that others have shared some of the same experiences. It is only because Of this that I do not freak out! Thanks guys!
  11. Tranquility

    Hi There - first day as a member!!

    My surgery is Wednesday! Are you prepared. What is on your list for the hospital and afterwrds>? Together we goooooo!!! good luck and God bless you and keep you pain free!!!
  12. Hey Erin! Well, the answers to your questions will vary! Each doctor has their own way of doing things. Some have not even had a pre op diet! But most do. Mine is 14 days, I had slim fast and protein shakes -4 times a day for the first 3 days. Then I added a small garden salad with fat free dressing the rest of the time. (my surgery is Tuesday.) I have gotton so tired of the shakes that I called and asked permission to have low sodium v-8. I haven't been as good as most people seem to be. I cheated with deviled eggs and a lean cuisine during this time. It amazes me because when I began, I thought that anyone would be crazy to be so near surgery and eat what you shouldn't. Don't do like I did, I regret it,,,lol. So, as for the times to have your protein shakes -I called and asked the nurse the same question. She said just whenever-to spread them out. Maybe you can call your nurse to check, though. I've lost 14 pounds, but I have a lot to lose. I think a lot is water weight also. Don't be afraid to call and ask questions. I am sure the doctors and nurses are very used to it. GOOD LUCK, sweetie! oh yes, do not forget to drink water all day. I did not drink enough at first and got legs cramps in the middle of the night -took potassium and upped the water after that.
  13. Tranquility

    Any July Bandsters out there?

    ito itsalmostime: It is like for sea sickness. My doctor gave me a patch that goes on the night before my surgery and I will wear it for three days...we'll see....
  14. SUE! Good Luck! And, if you figure out the ticker thing, will you please let me know?
  15. Yaaay Bashful!!!! We only have 6 more days to go!!!!!!!(not counting the surgery day) GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Hey guys. It seems that we all have different pre op diets! Weird, huh? Regardless, I have cheated twice and felt really bad about it until I read your posts because -My pre op diet is All Liquid, except for a small green salad. I drink slim fast and a protein drink. I think I am getting too many carbs and not enough protein. So -the cheat: day 5, I broke down and had a Lean Cuisine, then couldn't stop...had crackers and peanut butter. You know how you justify???? I was thinking, "I am so sick of this liquid diet that I gag when I try to drink it...so, maybe I need some real food like everybody else gets." (lol) see the insanity??).... So, I had the lean cuisine and THEN the peanut butter! :sneaky:And this, my friends, is the reason why I am having that lap band!!!! God help me! Today, day 8 -was out of town all day having my pre op testing and other errands...nowhere to get a slim fast, right? Hhhmmm..maybe I need some (real food) protein "like everybody else is doing".......So I ate deviled eggs from a cafeteria! NOW, I am home and wanting something so badly!! It was easier when I was drinking and only drinking because I was pretty much used to feeling like crap...can I say that?... How can I continue forward only drinking the slim fasts and a green salad when I feel that it is too many carbs and not enough protein? I should trust my doctor, but the devil keeps telling me to modify...
  17. Hi! I am being banded on July 22, 2009 also! Keep me posted on how your pre-op is going!

  18. Tranquility

    Help!! slim fast optima diarrhea

    Thanks so much for the reply and the good advice. After I began to feel to sick, dizzy, faint, bowel problems, and waking up in the middle of the night with severe leg cramps, I knew that I was dehydrated. I just did a key word search and found many posts about this and a few that had to go to the hospital, one with renal failure, and another just had to receive an IV to rehydrate. I am going to ask my doctor if I can use another liquid drink. (I thought that Slim Fast was a liver shrinking diet...just becasue I figured that they knew best)...Thanks for the suggestions.
  19. Tranquility

    Any July Bandsters out there?

    Hello to you all! My surgery date is July 22nd. I am also really excited, anxious, and so, so, so scared of the gas pain. :scared2:I am having problems (Yikes! diarrhea and leg cramps) with my pre-op diet of slim fast and will be calling the doctor on Monday. My surgery will be in Texarkana, Texas. Any other northeast Texans out there? Good luck to everyone!:frown: ps. How do I get that ticker thingy so that I can chart my weight loss??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
