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Everything posted by MsFab1988

  1. MsFab1988

    Gas pain after surgury

    thanks Jodi, im hanging in there
  2. GNC has the glass bottles? if so im going to get some today
  3. I keep goin over there and they dont have none..thats why I left my number so they can just call me when they have it lol
  4. MsFab1988

    Gas pain after surgury

    Good news is that I finally burped! band news is that it still gets trapped in my chest from time to time..and now, the pain wants to stay in my left shoulder! Damn I didnt know I was going to suffer like this! lap band comes with all different types of surprises! lol
  5. im glad I helped some people find something to like...I hope every1 is satisfied with their diet cuz I kno it sucks not liking it...For some reason I cant stand isopure anymore...im 6 days post op and im really tired of drinking it...They sold out on raspberry blue so I drink alpine punch...i can do that but i dont enjoy drinking it...I would rather enjoy raspberry blue but somebody keeps stackin up on them...vitamin shoppe was suppost to call me when it comes back into the store but they never did....I dont kno how im goin to finish this liquid diet for the next 11 days I need the raspberry blue
  6. hey gurl thanks 4 da comment...yeah im tryna get sexier lol I already put in my mind dat jus cuz im big dont mean im not sexy...I kno im sexy, we all are ;) And you look great! wow I cant wait to lose more weight...how much did u lose so far?

  7. MsFab1988

    Gas pain after surgury

    I've experienced all 3 types of gas but the 1 im feelin now is the 2nd one..the one where its stuck in my chest and wont let me burp. Its the worst one
  8. MsFab1988

    Gas pain after surgury

    oh ok that makes sense...I wont be seeing my doctor until next friday though
  9. MsFab1988

    Gas pain after surgury

    I asked my mom to buy me some gas medication, I guess I prob wouldnt need that anymore? a week and a half? aww man Im diening over here...bad enough I cant even eat..I walk around makin funny noises all day cuz of the gas..but I always tell myself if I want something I have 2 suffer..so I guess imma continue to jus suck it up for a few more days
  10. yes I had soo much pain..especially when I woke up from surgury. All I could do is cry. And yesterday I was in soo much pain. Pain was killing me. But now I feel alotttt better. I was able to use the bathroom and I feel great. I cant wait for all the gas to be gone. And I cant wait to lose all this weight I want to accomplish my goal asap! good luck to you all, lap bad is worth the pain!
  11. REAL EARLY...I have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 5:30am...Surgury will begin at 7:00am...Im so excited! Its already 4:30pm and I only drank 1 Isopure for the day. I guess when your excited you feel full all day! lol Im about to go drink my protein shake I will update you guys when I can.
  12. As days go by the pain gets better...I jus had to use the bathroom so half the gas is gone! :wink2: I feel sooooo much better. I feel great! Im not even hungry. Im just so excited to drop these pounds! I cannot wait to lose 50 cause then I kno I can lose the other 50! :biggrin:
  13. omgggggg all I can say is PAIN PAIN n more PAIN! I dont remember anything cuz they gave me this cocktail drug that made me feel real drunk before gettin the anesthia. I remember wakin up n them tellin me that everything was successful. I started crying cuz I was soo thanksful that things went well plus I was in sooo much pain..All I could do is cry I couldnt even speak...All night I was in pain, gas pain...I woke up cryin today lol..I couldnt handle the pain. I got like 3 shots in my stomache, 1 in my arm and 1 in my buttocks. Hurt alot but I needed it...Right now Im home Im gonna go back to bed..I had 2 walk around alot to prevent blood clots. I still have pain but its gettin better...Hopefully tomorrow things will b alright!
  14. thanks guys..im up and ready to go 2 the hospital..I'll update every1 soon
  15. Thanks every1!!!! I couldnt even sleep last night...now im up and ready to go 2 the hospital...I hope everything goes well...Boldcall dont worry u'll do just fine today :scared2:
  16. ur right everybody has different taste buds...And I think theres diff Isopures though. I didnt buy the ones in the BOTTLE I brought the one in the GLASS...which one did u buy?
  17. So I went into the preop diet feeling REAL confident like I wasnt going to have any problems sticking to the diet...But as soon as I tasted the protien drink, I wanted to DIE! drinkin it for lunch made me just want to starve for the rest of the 2 weeks...it tasted so bad cuz I used the whole protein pack n mixed it with water, it was real creamy and disgusting! I couldnt wait 2 have dinner lol...for the first 3 days I cheated :frown: I found myself eating rice. My mom hasnt been cookin rice latley but for some odd reason she cooked a big pot of rice 1 day and then the next day she made another type of rice and then the next day the same thing! And I knew I had my own type of meals but I couldnt control myself I didnt kno wut was happening. But I knew if I didnt follow my diet I would b puttin myself at risk. So I decided to remain strong and not be tempted to eat. I changed the way I made the drink, instead of mixing the whole pouch I just add two spoons of it and mix it with a lil bit of fruit punch. When I wake up I walk a mile and then later on in the day I walk another mile. I drink the shakes for breakfast and lunch and sometimes in between I can have unsalted peanuts (for protein) or applesauce and drink alot of water. For dinner I have chicken with small salad with balsamic vinegar. I go 2 parties and I dont eat or drink alcohol. Im impressed with myself Im really trying and I pray I dont mess up for the next 5 days! Its gettin easier for me because my surgury is this friday and the more I think about it the more I want to do good. So Im guessin when your surgury date is near, its easier.
  18. lmao..so with the 4 days I have left, u think if I drink isopure 40g 2 bottles a day (80g of protein) ill b safe? cuz the Protein mix isnt working for me I can only do like 2 spoons...tomorrow im going to start doing half the pack
  19. thanks I jus brought some Isopure drinks...1 bottle has 40g of Protein and 0 carbs! Cant wait to try it..This is what I should of brought since day 1
  20. Kristine & Grey yeahhh I agree...its not worth risking your surgury...im bout to go buy some isopure right now so I can get more protein!
  21. yeah the rice was a really bad choice dat I made...yes I will be careful I havent made any mistakes for the past few days

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