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Everything posted by MsFab1988

  1. thanks 2 everybody that replied, ur comments made me feel alot better! :blushing: Im going to continue to do my best and keep those pounds off! & I hope a year from now I will be the one sayin I lost over 100lbs! :biggrin: good luck 2 everybody
  2. yea i kno skymoon, im always lookin at ur videos n stuff lol she encouraged me so now i wanna do the same as her...im bout 2 let her kno that I watch her videos n dat im bout 2 do da same thing she doing...I kno its gonna encourage me to lose the weight faster

  3. im glad ur gettin thru that horrible liquid diet...i kno ur excited 2 get ur surgury! we need to go shoppin together when we both lose like 50+ pounds :)

  4. yeah imma def upload some post op pics whenever I see big differences lol right now im 2 months post op...well tomorrow makes 2 months lol..im doin good...i hope ur surgury is a success. Im sure ull do good

  5. MsFab1988

    oct 08 270

    ur gorgous! ur shinning now so imagine when all the weight comes off good luck!
  6. heyy yeah ive been banded since july 17, what about u?

  7. yea we do need 2 hang out! let me kno when ur available after ur banded

  8. hey gurl hows everything?

  9. sak pase! I was born in queens, raised in li and now living in both li n brooklyn..im in bk so i can b closer 2 college (city tech) n then i go back to li on the weekends 2 visit fam....good luck wit Liz tho cuz she messed up my appointments lmao

  10. Hey every1! 10 months ago I made a video called "Haitian Big Girl 4 Bow Wow". I made it for this "Big Girls contest" that my fav rapper (Bow Wow) was throwing. And ofcourse, I won it! :biggrin: I recieved a spa treatment courtesy of Bow and I used that on my birthday. So far I have 10 thousand views! In general dats not alot but its alot to me. Because I was banded on July 17, I will be able to do my "Haitian Big Girl loses weight" video lol. I hope to finish that by May 2010! So if anybody has a chance, please check out my current video. Feel free to rate and comment and pass it around to your friends. Thanks and good luck on your weight loss journey Link below
  11. Hey every1! 10 months ago I made a video called "Haitian Big Girl 4 Bow Wow". I made it for this "Big Girls contest" that my fav rapper (Bow Wow) was throwing. And ofcourse, I won it! :biggrin: I recieved a spa treatment courtesy of Bow and I used that on my birthday. So far I have 10 thousand views! In general dats not alot but its alot to me. Because I was banded on July 17, I will be able to do my "Haitian Big Girl loses weight" video lol. I hope to finish that by May 2010! So if anybody has a chance, please check out my current video. Feel free to rate and comment and pass it around to your friends. Thanks and good luck on your weight loss journey Link below
  12. thats good...let me kno what happens..n which part of long island u live at

  13. hey wussup! I had my fill last week and it was not painful. Just when they numbed my stomache hurt a lil but its nothing serious...good luck with ur fill

  14. hey gurl..I got my date as soon as I told them I had everything. They held onto it until my insurance approved me. So then that date became official. So u should ask them if they can hold a date for you. My insurance took about a week and a half to 2 weeks to approve me

  15. somtimes im thirsty and stavin at the same time so I drink something then wait maybe 15 min to eat..sometimes i take a sip while eating. It doesnt harm me but its not something I do on purpose. Sometimes I jus feel like I NEED to drink! but I get better each day. Today I did great. I had dinner and waited a whole hour and then drank water :thumbup:
  16. MsFab1988

    Exhausted by 3pm

    I find that happening to me around 4pm! Im always tired and neep to take a nap...I could be doing NOTHING all day but around 4pm I jus need 2 nap....Even when I go class, walk around, take long trips, I need to nap by 4pm...I think its because of lack of nutrition or something
  17. Don't you hate when the people who kno about ur surgury are watchin what u eat? Its so annoying! I never asked anyone 2 b my doctor! They dont need to tell me what to eat! I feel like im in jail! They all act like I cant eat ANYTHING! Just cuz I had 2 do the stupid liquid diet for 4 weeks, they think I have to be on that for the rest of my life! Like give me a freakin break! I move on to soft foods and they acting like I cant do that. And solids are like Im disobeying my diet to them..Im 1 month post op if I want a small portion of rice let me freakin have it! Im human just like everybody else and it makes me mad when people look at me like Im some alien just because im eating chicken! Like what the hell do u exspect me to eat? salade and water all day?!?! Its like they want to see me starve and thats how Im suppost to lose weight in their eyes. B4 the lap band, ppl would be like "u shouldnt be eatin all of that" buttt now after the lap band they wanna be like "ARE YOU SUPPOST 2 BE EATING THAT?!" or "ISNT THE LAP BAND SUPPOST 2 B MAKING U EAT LESS"...Like no shit dumbass I have no fill n no restriction, Im still hungry. I'll be gettin my first fill in like 2 days. This is not a miracle weight loss plan its going to take time. It took time for me to gain weight it will take some time to lose it. Im just gettin frustrated with ppl looking to see what I eat. I have to defend myself all the time and yell at them because they are so IGNORANT! They cant ever look at the positive things that I did. Such as gettin up every morning to walk 4 miles and at night another 4 miles. Drink water constantly and I watch my calorie intake. I lost 19 pounds so far, maybe more, I'll know when I go to the doctor. But nobody wants to see that, they just look at what I put in my mouth! But I got so fed up with the bullshit I just ignore negative comments. Anybody else going thru this?
  18. Yay I got my first fill today! :thumbup: im on liquids den movin on to soft foods n then solids..if this fill isnt enough den I'll be getting another 1 in 3 weeks
  19. LOL @ ur story..I cant wait 2 get my fill tomorrow!
  20. LMAOOO Im def gonna start using that "ARE YOU SUPPOST 2 BE EATING THAT?!"...LOL thats gonna b my answer 4 now on lol
  21. lol..once u tell 1 person its like ur tellin the world! lol
  22. yea were almost the same date! good luck 2 u..Im sure we'll do great
  23. Yea I tell ppl that I wanna weight 160 and they look at me like im insane...im 5'8 how much do u want me to weigh? I didnt get the lap band to weight 200 pounds!

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