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Irish Dancers

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Irish Dancers

  1. Irish Dancers

    Just saying Hi

    We have lived in the OKC area for about 10 months now. We really love it here. So, are you banded yet? Who is your surgeon? Tonja
  2. Irish Dancers

    Just saying Hi

    Welcome to Lapbandtalk.com ! How long have you been in the OKC area? Tonja
  3. :angry In two days, my 30 days will be up and I "should" receive an answer from insurance on approval/denial. But, here is the catcher - after them giving me that line of bull - they are now saying that it is 30 days from the day the "reviewer" receives the request. If that is the case - nothing would ever get approved. And, my Dr.'s office told me that their attorneys say it is 30 days from the day the green card/signature is received on the "return receipt" is signed. AND, the people who answer the phones are so mean. I don't understand why people have to be so hateful! If they don't like their job - they should find something else to do. Come on HEALTHSCOPE insurance - give me a break! Tonja
  4. Irish Dancers

    Self defence?

    I have a kubaton that I carry. It is suppose to be able to bring a man to his knees. Here's the link: http://www.selfdefenseproducts.com/kub.htm
  5. Irish Dancers


    Here in Oklahoma we have had our share of tornados - but, it seems as if they have slowed down. I had heard on the news a few months back that we were no longer considered "tornado alley" - yeah right! I've been told that we have earthquakes here in Oklahoma, but they are very - very small. Oh, and in Meers, Oklahoma - we have a sizemograph (sp?) that is able to pick up the quakes that are on the other side of the world - it's suppose to be the most sensitive either in the world or in the USA.
  6. Irish Dancers

    Just saying Hi

    As soon as I get banded - I plan on starting a support group for bandsters. I have talked to a few people who would be interested in this. It sure could be exciting.
  7. Irish Dancers

    New in Oklahoma

    I'm still waiting for my insurance company to come through for me.
  8. Irish Dancers

    New in Oklahoma

    Hello all! I am going to see a WLS doc on Tuesday, July 25th. I am excited and nervous. I have HealthSCOPE insurance. They told me I would need a letter of medical necessity, weight loss records over the years and psychological eval. It is my understanding that all this is normal. My bmi is 40 and I am 100+ overweight. I want this so badly. I want control! Anyone else have this insurance? Any suggestions for my first meeting with this WLS doc? Tonja
  9. Irish Dancers

    Weight-loss surgery proves fatal for driver

    Does anyone know a number on how many people have died from the actual lap band/surgery?
  10. Irish Dancers

    In the beginning...

    I've gone to see Dr. Gornichec. He seemed to be really nice. I also got to meet Janice. She seemed really nice as well. I got all my materials together and got them to Dr. Gornichec's office. I'm so glad that I mailed my medical requests off way before I saw the doctor. That way the insurance processing seems to be going fast from the get go. No papers to wait on. Today I got the phone call saying when my psychological is scheduled for and my blood work and x-rays, etc. I sure hope that my insurance company will move this fast as well. I'll try to remember to post again after each of my appointments this week. :kiss2:
  11. Irish Dancers

    In the beginning...

    I've gone to see Dr. Gornichec. He seemed to be really nice. I also got to meet Janice. She seemed really nice as well. I got all my materials together and got them to Dr. Gornichec's office. I'm so glad that I mailed my medical requests off way before I saw the doctor. That way the insurance processing seems to be going fast from the get go. No papers to wait on. Today I got the phone call saying when my psychological is scheduled for and my blood work and x-rays, etc. I sure hope that my insurance company will move this fast as well. I'll try to remember to post again after each of my appointments this week. :kiss2:
  12. Irish Dancers


    I am 33 years old, married and two daughters and one Shihtzu. I've lived in Oklahoma all my life. Not been banded yet - but hopefully will be soon!
  13. Irish Dancers

    Medic Alert Bracelets - Are they recommended?

    I'm curious if most people do wear a medic alert bracelet with having the band - how important is it? Tonja
  14. Irish Dancers

    The band just isn't working for me

    Have you had your thyroid checked? Not just TSH, but also FreeT3, FreeT4 and all the antibodies. A lot of docs don't like to check the antibodies - but when all else is normal - there could always be an off level in the antibodies (it happened to me). Best of luck! Tonja
  15. Irish Dancers

    Happy Day in Oklahoma

    Something that I appreciated with my surgeon Dr. Gornichec is that when I met with him for my consult - he told me to keep getting online and looking for information - he said you can't have too much information. I've had endocrinologist in the past who didn't want to hear about what I had read online - it's sad - there is a lot of good info out there. I'm hoping that soon we can have a "Greet N Meet" in Oklahoma and all of us 'neighbors' get together and support each other. I am so excited to have found this board. Tonja
  16. Irish Dancers

    HealthSCOPE Insurance

    :nervous Anyone here have HealthSCOPE Insurance? I can't find much info anywhere on my insurance. I know from contacting this carrier that it's all left up to the medical reviewers. I'm just curious how long it will take to get approved. Tonja
  17. Irish Dancers

    Happy Day in Oklahoma

    Congrats Chrissie from one Okie to Another! I live in the Edmond, OK area. On Tuesday I had my appointment with my surgeon to get the process going. This is all that I can think about. My BMI is 40.2 and I'm at 249 lbs. I too am looking forward to playing with the kids and hubby and riding rides and running and just being healthy and not taking any medications. Let's keep in touch! Tonja
  18. Irish Dancers

    Celebrity Twins...

    I'll do some pictures after I'm banded - but my dad always said that when I was thin - that I looked like Princes Diana. Tonja
  19. Irish Dancers

    What is your pirate name?

    Mine is Blackspot Eliza

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
