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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by GraciesMom

  1. The BIG problem is "empty calories", I think. Often one or two alcoholic drinks isn't worth the 200+ calories (I don't do wine) so I often just decide I'd rather have food than liquor. Nice to know I can have a drink, though, if I want. Unfortunately most of my drinks of choice involved carbonation so I usually just pass.

    I agree 100% RM, this being a main point, any cocktail or alcoholic drink is just a drink with totally empty calories, and when we are all on our journey of losing, why would we waste those few and precious calories on any drink that isn't to our benefit. I know that there are occassions where a cocktail is almost the main event, especially with the holidays coming up, but those are especially the times we all have to keep our guards up and keep plugging through our weight loss paths to the promised land of our goals.:scared2:

    I LOVE the seasonal beers, and white wines, but these are very high in calories, and I will be giving those up until I reach my goal. Maybe I am being a bit naive, and

    optimistic, but it sure does give me yet another reason to strive for that goal number ever harder.:drool:

  2. Sorry to say this, but I think its a damn shame that you are more worried about you not getting sick in order to be able to have a surgery that can easily be rescheduled. You should be more focused on your sick family and hoping they bounce back from this nasty bug. Good luck to you and I hope your family recovers soon. Surgery dates will always be available-you do realize people have been dying from this sickness...hard to get them back.

    I think that all things being put in prospective Mrs.G, most people who actually die from the H1N1 have underlying physical problems, and that there are many other types of seasonal illnesses out there that can be a cause for concern.

    Moxi,like myself is simply worried about catching "ANYTHING" that would delay our oh so close surgeries.

    For you to assume that Moxi is not concerned about family members is a huge leap, and as Moxi stated, this is a forum where we are suppose to be voicing our questions and concerns about our lap band journeys. Yes , our surgeries could be rescheduled, but hey, we have all worked hard for our surgery dates, we have earned them, and any delays would be severely disappointing, that should be understood.

    Moxi, I am sooo with you about not catching anything, it is so close now, a vaccine would not be to our advantage,I wouldn't have one anyway (just my personal opinion),

    So I`ll keep my fingers crossed that we all stay healthy and get through this awful flu season healthy and hail, and a lot thinner!:drool:

  3. Just started cleaning out my kitchen. Which is easy since I live alone. I didn't waste much since I haven't gone shopping for a while. Was guilty of living off take out. But, I cleaned out the fridge completely and my cupboard. Its a shame that I'm already tired and need to take a break. Exactly why I need to get this weight off. Gonna clean my apartment from top to bottom this weekend and get rid of clutter. Emotionally, I need this. Day 6 of the pre op diet and still going strong!

    What a GREAT motivating idea:thumbup:, LOVE this idea! This especially is a great idea when on the pre-op diet, keep those hands busy so they aren't in the cookie jar

    so to speak:tt2:

    I will plan on doing the exact same thing Mello, and I think I will warn hubby now.

    Thanks for the idea!

  4. I woke up this morning with a swollen throat, :Yawn: and I am sooo trying not to get ill because of having my surgery Nov 24th.

    I go to college, where my classes at times are almost 1/3 empty due to the flu:sad:, so I practice ( as well as I can) hand washing, hand sanitizing, and avoiding as much as I can those who are obviously ill.

    With that all said, I would never have the shot for H1N1, I have and don't plan to ever allow any vaccine for any flu to enter my body.:laugh: :lol: That is just my personal choice, but I wonder if I am alone.

  5. 2 1/2 years ago is when I first started the process of a 6 month medically supervised diet and then making and visiting all my appointments, I waited to see the cardiologist untill last. I was all hyped at getting through everything and just biding my time, that is until I went to the cardioligist. I had the stress test, then immediately was brought into another room for a echocardiogram, then a nuclear stress test, then a hospital visit for a transesophageal echocardiogram, then another echocardiogram, all to find out that I had a deformed heart valve. I had to have open heart surgery,:Yawn: a valve replacement and 1 bypass. It was actually the testing that saved my life, as I was not symtomatic, at least to the point where I could just brush off my symtoms as from being overweight.

    Many of the medical people I talked to during my heart surgery ordeal actually said that more times than not, many lives are saved because of pre-surgical testing, and what they find and then correct before a heart attack or other condition hits.

    When I started the process again this past summer, I did have extra cardiac testing than what is normal, and quite honestly, I was VERY fearful, but everthing was a-ok, and I will be having by surgery Nov. 24!!!!:laugh::thumbup::lol:

  6. Hi Jess, based on your list, it looks like you already have much of the requirements done.

    Didn't your surgeon give you all the requirements?

    From your list, it looks like you just need a cardiologist and pulmonary clearance, and you should be good to go.

    The reduction of 3 month supervised diet from the original 6 months just makes time go by...but the absolute longest time is from when they remit your stuff and the wait for final approval. It seems that BCBSIL is running about 2 weeks before you get approval, but dog- gone- it, that is one long time to wait after going through everything we have to go through to get approval!!!

    Good luck, it will happen for you soon!:thumbdown:

  7. I am so sorry you are having pain Miss I, but I am glad everything went well considering the extra repair work that had to be done.

    Remember to take your pain meds, and when you can walk, walk, walk. That will help from what I hear.

    I think I am going to make my husband sign a contract, no matter how many SOB's and Pain in the As--s I call him, he is to get my rosey round butt up and make me walk when I get home from the hospital.

    Get some rest, and we will talk to you soon.

  8. :(

    A Big CONGRATS Barb, I am sure right now you are absolutely floating. I sooo understand the reflecting of all it took to get you to this very point in time, and just how elated you are.

    I truly believe that with this entire process, each step and how we preceive and react to it is what will ultimately decide how we finish this new chapter to our lifes story.

    Once Upon a Time:.............................

  9. Congrats Mel,

    We will be holding our pillows to our tummies this turkey day, but no problems, because just think about how good we will look next Thanksgiviing...only smaller too:thumbup:!!!!

    I'm so excited I'm actually giddy.

  10. Hey CENT!

    I have BCBS of IL and just found out yesterday the final approval letter was mailed 10/23/09, exactly 2 weeks from being submitted. So, with all the patience:cursing: that you can gather, perhaps you can call BCBS Nov 5th to find out.

    My surgeon's office called me today to tell me my date is Nov. 24th, I could have had the 17th, but opted for the week of Thanksgiving so I do not have to miss to many classes.

    So maybe, just maybe we might have surgery at the same time, depending on just when your surgeon has openings!

    I know they call post op "Bandster's Hell", but the waiting time has got to qualify for pre-op Bandster's Hell!!!

  11. I am so sorry to hear this story happened to you, but I agree with the other posters, you have been swindled.

    First thing I would do would be is talk to an attorney and see what he/she has to say about this situation.

    Another suggestion is get in touch with your local TV station news, actually you can probably go online to the web site and see if they have a investigating reporter. I know in the Chicago area each of the local channels have one. I would blow the whistle LOUDLY on these rip-offs. I can promise you you are not alone either. The thing about the media, is others who have sat back quietly making these idiots rich, suddenly realize they have a voice as well and start standing up.

    You know, for all of history, there are those who prey on those who are in need. When they see that there is a way to make money, they will because they know that in a weaken and fretful state, the victim usually will just go away.

    Again, I am sooooo sorry.

    Please talk to someone you trust, and then get some help with this, this is not right...do not let them victimize you anymore! Go get these scum.

  12. A BIG congrats Stacy, I know you have got to be doing the

    "I gotta bandster daaate, I gotta banster daaate" dance about now. And what an exception to the rule that you had an immediate date that you actually had to change!!! WOWee! Awesome, but I know that you will be happy that you stopped (after the initial date shock), regrouped and thought it out so it will work for you.

    I am still waiting for my approval, (any day now), but I am elated at the news that I received today.

    FIRST; I went to my cardiologist ( not my band cardiologist) today for my bi-annual exam. I told him about my plans for my upcoming surgery and he said that when I have my surgery I can get off all my meds. I asked him to repeat that, and he re-read my blood work up results, looked up at me and repeated that I can get off all my meds, and start from scratch when I see him next!!!

    The thing that makes this all so amazing, is my intro to this cariologist was an attempt to have lap band surgery 3 years ago and had to end up having open heart surgey instead. Seeking approval for surgery with dr. saved my life! Now he is shaking my hand congratulating me for doing this surgery and telling me I can be "healthy" and med free!!!!

    SECOND; at 54 I am going back to school, and my first mid term report is 2-A's and 1- B!!!! I feel pretty happy dance myself Miss Stacy!:scared2:

  13. Do you mind if I ask you if your pre-op care was covered and if you know if the fills and post-op care are covered?

    It did pay all the other appointments that I had to make, however I still had to pay the % it doesn't cover. i.e. $5.00 per surgeon visit, $20.00 here, $10 there, but that was how my husbands insurance has it written, I believe they pay up to a certain percent and then we cover the rest. PLUS my sureon has a add on of $300.00 that he charges that insurance doesn't cover. It does however cover the cost of getting a nutritionist ( he has one come in and give a class), he also supplys us with vitamines, and some other stuff, so it is a value.

    Nuttin my friend is free, it just ain't gonna happen, but having BCBS of Il is pretty great insurance and is truely the only way I could do this.

    Good questions, keep asking because these are great people here, but keep the actual medical stuff to ask to your surgeon.

    BTW, where are you going? I am going to Dr Lahmann in Joliet.

  14. Hi Pickles, I think the preop diet ( just before surgery)is what the surgeon requires , not the insurance.

    But they do require a medically supervised diet (the three months supervised visits), a phyc eval, a cardio release, and the rest is up to your surgeon. I just heard of a surgeon that requires a pap smear before hand too.

    Just do what your sureon says that they require, they are the experts at getting approval with the insurance companys...and if you have a approved Bariatric Surgeon of Excellence as listed on the BCBS of Il PPO web site, you are good to go.


  15. Yeap, BCBS of IL has dropped it to a three months, just did my last weigh in yesterday. I hopefully will know within 2 weeks that I have my final approval and get a surgery date.

    Congrats on getting the ball started, that is the hardest part (besides all the waiting). Just keep them foots a moving in the right direction and it will be done and over before ya know it!.

    Best of Luck!


  16. I think we all can agree that if it were that we only had to lose our weight , we all would not be here.

    We all are experts at weight loss, and can you imagine if we were to somehow be able to calculate all the pounds that we all have lost...total??? Betcha we could literally rock the world,... right off it's everloving axis.

    What we also are experts at is gaining it all back (oops, there goes that doggone shifting axis thing again) and then a few extra pounds ta-boot.

    I cannot believe that people (Dr.s included) would even mildly suggest that anyone who seeks WLS can do this "on their own". No one does weight loss "on their own" .

    We have personal relationships with Jenny, WW, Nutrisystems, Southbeach, Atlkins, Cabbage Soup, etc... and don't forget those Gyms, Curves, Woman's Worlds, Butterfly Lifes, and others that become homes away from home.

    Rare is the person ( like a snowman in July) who can do this weightloss thing and keep it off permanetly all on their own.

    The Biggest Loser is a great example of just how far people will go to lose the fat! Imagine, for the entire world to see, your weight, your fat, your stretchmarks, the pain....

    I for one am elated that I am here at a time in history where there are these fabulous weight loss tools that help with weight loss, but more importantly finally assist with the ever eluding maintenance of the weight loss.

    I believe what umystifyme has shown is the ability to do what it takes to win the battle, not just because she wants it with all her being, but that she will come out on the other side a complete winner because she knows what it will take and complies with that, the big difference is this time she'll have a tool that will support her with maintaining her weight loss.

    Kudos to you Amy, you are my HERO!:wink2:

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