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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by GraciesMom

  1. Getting banded tomorrow!! I hope it all goes well. I will be back to post on how it went.

    Good luck to you!! Are you going to be overnight, or same day?

    I'm going to be overnight when I have my surgery, but from what I am told the rooms that I will be in are like hotel suites. Private rooms, pullout bed sofa for a guest, flat screen televisions, private bath, wireless internet...BUT I hear the food service sucks!:drool:

    Be sure to let us know how it all went!:thumbup:

  2. Had my surgery last Tues... Yesterday I was okay, now I woke up feeling very nauseous, trying to drink slimfast blended with little milk (to reduce thickness) because it has nutritions in it, that I've been missing out for the past 3 days. I'm feeling so weak and it's hard to drink and not feel like throwing up...

    any advices please?! :thumbup:

    I tried calling my dr's office to speak with a nurse, but they aren't open til 9 or 10 am.

    Are you drinking your Water? ? When I went to my preop seminar on Monday, the nutritionist said that if we do not get the h2o in like we should , we start dehydrating and that causes nausea. Be sure you are drinking your liquids.< /p>

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Let us know how you are doing and what the Dr. says.


  3. Michelle Bachman says she wants her constituents armed and dangerous and the tea baggers say the tree of liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants and this protest outside of Lieberman's office offends you?

    Well, here it is and I am proud of these people. Good for them. If they were protesting abortions outside of a clinic you would want them considered for sainthood. What a hypocrite you are.

    YouTube - Nine People Arrested - Protest Outside Lieberman's Senate Office

    I thought we were all speaking as equals in a debate, but I see you are very bitter and angry, with no debate.

    I am done, you my friend are dangerous.

  4. Cleo's Mom, clearly, your view is one in the same as the liberal media, the ones that push anything Obama and Pelosi are spinning.

    Unfortunatley, they and all their cronies would have you believe that all American's are all to be equalized

    in everything, and that the haves should dole out to the have nots on a continuing basis, so that everyone may have equal pay, healthcare, housing, etc..., but with one exception, they pay no taxes on anything, and the haves ( or what is left of having) must pay for all the benefits that the have not's are reaping.

    People who think the rich are always on a free ride cracks me up too. I know and have friends who are very wealthy, and they pay mega taxes,and expenses for that privilege

    However, they are also credited with;

    1. Hospital wings, medical research and various programs
    2. Huge donantions' for college and university scholarships', wings, and programs
    3. Large various charitable donations
    4. Sponserships for thousands and thousands of poverty level people for various groups and organizations on state and local levels.
    5. They own the business' and companies that employ you and I and hopefully will be stable enough to someday employ Cleo, and Sam, and Roberto, and Anna, etc...

    By selectively labeling those to whom you believe are the anti-Obama Healthcare plan as greedy, is a very weak and closed minded slant. And as far as Christians, well I do believe in what the bible says, and if that is wrong, then that is calling God a liar. I believe in Him and His word, I would rather live my life believing in Him and his word and die to find out there isn't a God, than to live my life as if there isn't a God, and His word is all a lie, then die and find out God exsists!

    I am a Republican, Christian woman, but I am also of a strong belief that we are all Americans who all want the same thing, however, it is our values that differ, and I value all I, and my family has worked very hard for, and I want the right to be able to keep what we have earned, and to share it with those of whom I choose to share it with. I don't want a government telling me I must keep giving and giving until I am not able to meet my bills and eat because I must pay for everyones less than standard medical care? (And be forewarned, it would be substandard medical care that we would be getting if this bill passes).

    In that case this soon could be a country with no working people, we will be endentured slaves to the government, with no rights left at all, just mere existence

  5. Wowwie Kazowee, That is Lap Band loan sharking

    Do do, do do (that is the the music sound of when the shark coming in the movie "Jaws") :tongue2:

    Seriously, if you don't pay it, does the surgeon break your legs and not do the surgery???

    That is absolutley crazy money, because you know they are pocketing that money too telling you that they are doing this, and doing that for you, when in fact, the insurance has already paid them a nice chunk of change.

    Mine charged $300.00 and that covered the nutritionist, Vitamins, a great goodie bag with cool stuff, and the 3 1/2 hr pre surgical seminar. But $4000.00 just about pays the surgeons fee alone.

    That is rediculous, find a different one.

  6. im new to the site! my surgery is scheduled for Nov 30th! Im super excited but nervous at the same time... My dad is being extra "supportive" (sarcasm intended) his only response to me was "wow Nov 30th... what about Christmas dinner? ?"... like I really need another big unnecessary meal....:smile2:....

    LOL oh well luckily I have a super supportive husband and wonderful friends and co-workers... wish me luck!! :)

    Welcome, and congratulations on your new journey. This is a great place for a lot of info in regards to LB WLS, but always call your surgeon when it comes to the medical questions.

    The 30th will be here before you know it, so be sure to check back here often to help make time go by a wee bit faster reading all the posts. One good one to check out for all that are waiting for thier day to come is:


    Again, welcome Ready4Life, and keep us updated on your progress!


  7. I am fortunate to have very good health insurance paid 100% by my company.

    That being said, it's not just the people who are out of work that can't afford good health insurance. Not all companies provide as well as mine and others do. It doesn't always have to do with "people sitting on their butts".

    Most of your small business owners don't have insurance and I'd bet my bottom dollar that they're not sitting on their butts.

    You are 100 % correct Paigey, my boss is now an owner of 1 Curves for Women, where as a brief few years ago she had 5 Curves, and still did not provide any of the employees any type of insurance.

    But I think (at the risk of putting words in her mouth), TN Girl was just venting that we tax payers for far to long have foot the bills for people who have made generations of taking without ever putting anything back. And the politicians who want to spend, spend, spend on those people are the ones who are driving this bill home.

    The media will have you believe that this new "reform" is more about covering all without medical health insurance, instead of only fixing what is broke. It is only a small amount of people in the US that actually have no coverage at all, so all this money will be spent for a small amount of people?

    The thing is that any bill/law that is being pushed so quickly and recklessly does send up warning flags, it's sneaky, and its dirty business.

    No one will debate that the healthcare system is a mess, but the option of socialized medicine is clearly not the sole answer.

  8. Has anyone been apporoved by bcbsil. If so how long does it take for them to apporove LAP-BAND®. I was denied for lack of information :crying: !

    Hi Tiff, yeap sirree bob, that's exactly what I have, BCBS of IL, mine is PPO and I was approved in exactly 2 weeks, 1st time. :unsure:

    I hate it when I hear someone is denied because of something like your lack of info.:wink2:

    At the risk of offending you or others,IMHO, this is most likely someone at your surgeons' office dropped the ball when sending your paperwork to BCBS. I talked to a rep at BCBS and she was very clear what was needed for approval.

    You can call BCBS yourself and get a better explaination so you can move forward.

    But on the otherhand, I did read somewhere that those people at the insurance companies have to decline a % of summitted requests for pre certification. :w00t: If that's the case, that would explain why people who are denied the 1st time,are easily approved the 2nd time around.

    Keep us updated on how this all turns out for you, we are rooting ya !!!!

  9. When I started this process, I was obviously seeing a varity of Dr.s and health professionals, PLUS, I had an eye infection and was seeing a specialist for that as well.

    EVERY single doctor and health professional mentioned to me ( without any prompting on my part) their total dissapproval of this bill. The funny thing is, most of them really not knowing one another all stated had the same point- their fear of the progression of medical advancement will slow way down, and virtually eventually be ceasing.

    Anything the goverment takes from the people and then runs, eventually profoundly fails, and we spend billions consistantly trying to fix it.

    Where are all these trillions of estamated dollars going to come from???? Yeap, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren, etc...

    I heard a brilliant quote the other day, and it was in reference to endangered species, but it very much applies to this as well. It said:

    "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

  10. Hey gals, I`m the 24th, so all we are missing here is the friday ( the 27th) after turkey day.

    DFL, just think, next year you'll be able to have a taste or two of those oowey, gooey, sweet tators, but just imagine a much smaller figure delighting in those tators!


    SE, a reprieve for the chef!!!! Good for you, because I honestly think you really won't feel up to it anyway. Besides,

    "you deserve a break today" but not at McDonalds!!!!

    Relax and enjoy the parades!

    Best of everything to ya both!

    See ya on the other side!


  11. wow you are super prepared with some great questions. I would add the question, which I am worried about since we are staying in a hotel the night of surgery do I need to get anything like a bed wedge or something to make the toilet easier to sit on?? I just started worrying about these things. I am so excited for you and thanks for the shout out lol. :crying:

    This is a very valid concern as I have a friend who only had breast implant surgery. She was a new divorcee and wanted to do something for herself. Any way she shared a story with me that your question reminded me of.

    As a new divorcee, she was not at all interested in any heavey relationships, but she had been dating a guy for about 3 weeks when she had her surgery. She had no clue at just how painfully restricting this surgery would be. So when her friend drove her home, he picked up her pain meds, helped to get her settled and comfy, then the urge to use the bathroom hit :w00t:, welllllllll, needless to say from that point her new "friend" became a a personal bathroom buddy :unsure:.

    My point here is, with you having so much more done than my friend had, well um, ya know, have your bathroom buddy at the ready!:wink2:

    Good luck to you both!

  12. Hello Everyone!! :w00t:

    I wanted to drop in and keep you updated:

    I went for my Esophogram and it was fine. I received Cardiac Clearance from my Cardiologist last week and had my yearly pap smear. I'm finished with all my pre-op testing. I will see my surgeon in the next week or two and will be having the surgery probably at the beginning of the year.

    Why am I waiting til the beginning of the year?? I am having other health issues. I have a growth on my thyroid which is being tested for cancer. The doctors think it is the growth that attributed to my weight loss. I will know the results of the test this coming week and then I will be able to better access the situation and make a decision regarding surgery.

    Thank you for your comments and support!!


    Hey Girl, WOW, you sure have been a buzy bee getting through all those appointments. I will most certainly keep you in prayer until you get your surgery done...once and for all!

    Keep in touch Miss Amy, you are sure an inspiration to me my friend.



  13. Tomorrow's the day (Nov. 9) and I'm soooo excited. A little nervous, too. More afraid of the post-op gas than anything else.

    I keep thinking about that mantra from the 70's (yes, I'm that old :w00t:). "Today is the first day of the rest of your life". A life with a little less pain, a little less medication, a little less exertion and a lot more living.

    Good luck to all my fellow November Knockouts! See you on the flip-side.


    I bow to you, your highness:blushing: BEST of everything wishes going out to you my nervous but soon to be healthy friend!

    I can only think about all you must be feeling because as my date rapidly approachs, I too have the elate/fear factors. I do notice that as the 24th closes in, those feelings get more profound.

    I get to go to my pre-op nutriention/information seminar tomorrow and get the heck scared out of me with all the

    "could happen" scenarios and be told I will be drinking my meals for the next few weeks:frown:

    It is amazing all the very intense emotions that this surgery brings out.

  14. Yeap, Ms. Cent, that is the letter you have been waiting for:thumbup::w00t::thumbup:, and chances are you will be receiving that long awaited call tomorrow (Monday), you might not have to call...

    Your letter sounds like the one I got, exactly, and when mine came I called too, and had to leave a message. It wasn't 10 mintues later when the odffice called me with the date for surgery, and she had not even got to he "flashing" messages yet, and when I asked about the letter because I questioned mine too, she said that's what insurance companys do.

    So let me be the 1st to send you a big CONGRATS, and see ya on the other Bandster side!!!!


  15. I decided after tons of research and delibiration to go with the Realize band. My opinion is that you are comparing apples to apples. Sure they have some minor differences but not enough to sway me one way or the other. Some jackass spent quite a while trashing the realize band on this site and would have you believe that the LAP-BAND® is a gift from the gods. Bottom line is they both work and are good, quality products.

    Good Luck,



    I think you and I perhaps are refering to the same poster!

    Your term of Jackass" cracks me up!

  16. Hey everyone, we are all excited about our dates and what will be happening, but if you read the posts today, you will see we have a very giving offer by counselor-is-in.

    She requests that you put:( just copy and paste)

    LBT Name:


    Surgery date:

    Starting Weight:

    Surgery Weight:

    Current Weight:

    She then will be spending alot of time making a spread sheet that we all will be able to refer to easily to track our November surgery list status'. I know that if you ar not included in this list you will question why. So please, share , and read others posts, and share in this and others Novembers good news!

  17. Well, after much deliberation, I'm just going to go with the surgeon I like best, and once he gets me open, he can decide what to go with then. I'm literally trusting this man with my life, I guess I can trust him to put the right band in my body.

    Please Abby, do not guess, PLEASE feel 100% comfortable with your choice of surgeons, not depending on someone who you eeney, meany mineey moe choose.

    There are so many obstacles you must tackle with this surgery, it is VITAL that you feel you trust your surgeon


    Best of everything to you, we are all rooting for ya :)!

  18. Hey Counselor, I hope this is pro bo'no, I am broke from all of this LB stuff!


    Thanks in advance for all the work this will involve, that's very kind of you to do for us all!


    LBT Name: Gracies Mom

    Height: 5'2.5"

    Surgery date: Nov 24

    Starting Weight: 231.5

    Surgery Weight: :unsure:

    Current Weight: 223.5

  19. You just have to allow people to be ignorant.

    There is so much information out there that can educate people about WLS's that there is no excuse for such statements out of anyone to that degree of ignorance, believing that you are "cheating"

    IMHO, I truely feel your sisters hurtful words were more spoken through a siblings competitive, jealous nature. The disconserting point to this entire situation is to whom she was allowing these emotions and thoughts to be communicated to.

    The belittling of an Aunt to a young person speaks, no shouts volumes about her, and her charater.

    Stay strong, you my friend are doing something about your health and weight, unlike your bitter tongued sis. You know what is right for you so do not allow anyone elses uneducated and hateful words pull you down!

    Big Hugs from all your more knowledgable "Sisters" here at LBT!

  20. I really think this decision should be made only after much research and imput from people you trust.

    I remember when I started this process, I actually came to this site long before I joined it because I googled

    "Realize vs. Lap Band" or something to that effect and read a V-E-R-Y long, angry post against the Realize Band and how antique-ish it was and how the Lap band was the only up-to- date band there was,etc...

    Well I went in with downloaded copies of all this posters BS that he had stated and argued and ranted and raved:thumbdown: like I knew what I was talking about to my surgeon.

    He very patiently let me go on and on, and then he gently and softly spoke to me about my fears, anxieties and questions and showed me proof that what the poster had said was not true at all.:smile: In fact by the time I left my very intelligent surgeons office, I was humbled & ashamed :thumbup: that I allowed just one persons expression of his opinion to make me look like an idiot. I am having surgery in a little over 2 weeks, and my surgeon will be placing the REALIZE band around my stomach!:smile2:

    Get the facts ma'am, just the facts, and trust those of whom you respect to find your "truth" of which band is right for you. And don't forget to come back here and ask lots of questions too!:lol:

    To add more confusion:


    Good Luck, and let us know which you decide on, ultimately it is your choice, and you have to live with it, no matter what anyone here says, so be comfortable with your choice.:frown:

  21. Ewwwwwwwww, :eek:

    I just talked to my surgeon today at my last pre-op appointment, and he said I will have staples.:tt2:

    YUK, :crying:I sooo wanted just to be glued and taped.

    My stomach already looks like a map of Los Angeles, and my chest looks like a RR track in the foot hills of the Dakotas, and then I have the 2 dashes from drainage tubes from my heart surgery, so why not just add a few more scars.:cursing:

    You think Rand McNally could use me???:thumbup:

  22. Hello everyone,

    This is my first time posting. I will be banded on Moday November 9, 2009 by Dr. C. Brathwaite at Winthrop Hospital.

    Looking for to a new start. Good Luck to everyone.



    Welcome Dayana!

    Thanks for the good wish, I'll take it! I need all I can get. We November Bandsters are an excited lot, and welcome to our group. Best of luck back atcha and keep posting to let us know how you are doing.


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