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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by GraciesMom

  1. Dear Devotion, I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly.

    You did not mention when you were banded, and when this all started.

    I suggest the ER if you cannot eat or drink anything in the past 12 hrs.

    If you can, put yourself on a clear liquid diet until you can get in to see the doctor. Do not lay flat, elevate your upper half as much as possible when you relax. And I would stress to the person you talk to at the dr.s office that you are in distress, and need to be seen ASAP.

    As far as insurance goes, they all vary, so to say for sure whether they cover after care or removal is impossible to say.

    Keep us posted and gentle hugs are being sent to you.


  2. Congrats PoppyRed on your upcoming surgery.

    I know this is not an easy decision, especially at 50 ( I'm 54 and was just banded Tuesday). But being overweight is such a struggle in so many ways that to finally be able to get a tool that can not only help with the weightloss, but more importantly (especially at our age) greatly improve our chances at finally keeping it off!!

    KUDOS to you, and keep reading and posting, it really is helpful.

  3. So many times I have come to LBT to read the many threads that are posted only to find so many filled with terrible advice, non- medical based opinions, suger coated rah-rah replies, and just general comments that could be medically harmful.

    When someone posts that their doctor will not let them do something, then so be it! That dr. has a reason for his orders, and often it can be specified just for that individual. What right do we have, not knowing that person to tell them, "it's ok, because my doctor says I can".

    With that said, I would like to summit to you 5 New Years Resolutions for us all, with a commitment if you will, to do the following:

    1) Agree that all dr.s and their requirements are different, and as such, will no longer impart your opinion over what the posters dr. has told them.

    2) No longer give medical advice based soley on your experience, but in fact support what the posters dr.s instuctions are, and refer them back to their dr. to answer the questions.

    3.) Will inspire and encourage without neglecting the reality of what this journey entails. Another words, do not suger coat when someone faulters, but help them caringly to get back up and walk the path of their new lifes journey.

    4.) Share only what you know, do not speculate on this persons emotions. We all are anxious as we advance through this journeys stages, so be kind and honest or don't post at all!

    5.) Above all, be truly supportive. If people want sympathy for their errors they can just cry on their family and friends shoulders and get all they want, but they come here to get the support and truth they really need. Each of us here needs to hear what others have accomplished and how they overcame their personal struggles.

    Lets be all we can be inside and out, and live our new lives with honesty, integrity, and a heart full of caring sharing for each other and those who have yet to join LBT.

  4. I know when I went to my first orientation, they had a insurance specialist that worked for the surgeons get all my insurance info to see if they in fact even covered my planned lap band surgery. She called me two days later saying they approved this surgery, but it was NOT the final approval we all wait so breathlessly for. That most often comes after you complete what your surgeons Nurse/ Bariatric Surgey Coordinater or Office Manager tells you you are to do. My requirements were releases from a Psychologist,Pulmonologist, and Cardiologist, and Nutionalist (probably all spelled wrong).

    All insurance companys are different, just as are how the Doctors requirements are. I have read here where people have received their approval and still had a few dr. visits left to complete.

    Don't sweat this one out, it sounds like your surgeon and his staff have it all under control.:Yawn:


  5. I was going to write about these awhile back when I was looking for something for my 1 Protein meal on my pre-op diet. I was in awe when I read the package's nutrition info.

    They are called chicken Grillables by Barber Foods. They are absolutely scrumptious as they are ( as the package states)"lightly seasoned, all-white chicken meat" They go from freezer to grill (or broiler, fry pan, or griddle/grill) then to plate in less than 15 minutes. I used to mash avocado with red onion, Tomato, cilanto, salt, pepper, and garlic powder, then squeeze some lime over it all. I would spread this on the chicken and place some bacon over all of that and serve on bakery Buns.< /span>

    So what I did for my pre-op diet was indoor grilled the chicken patty, and then grilled some onions and green pepper for my 1/2 cup of veggies. WOW, that chicken was awesome, and could stand on it's own without any other flavorings. I can't wait to again play around with them and flavoring alternatives once I get back to eattin solids.

    We bought ours at Sam's Club, and bought extra at the end of the summer season, as that is when (summer) Sams carries these. But I went to their site and they do carry them at other stores and maybe they will have them all year round.

    Anyway, the best news about these are the nutrition values:

    Calories: 140

    Fat: 5g

    Carbs: 2g

    Protein: 23g

    The ingredient list is as follows:



  6. This must be REALLY common, becaise my doc had to do a large hernia repair on me as well. He told my husband I should have had a tremendous amout of heartburn, which I never did.

    I also noticed when I signed the consent forms at the hospital it said something about giving permission for hernia repair too.

  7. Erin, there is a wonderful series of DVD's by a woman named Leslie Sansone. They are called "Walk Away The Pounds" and she often has weights and bands that work with her workouts, thus being able to get some strength training while you are doing your cardio at the same time. I know I lost tonages of weight when I was using those and doing Nutra Systems years ago. Check them out: http://www.walkathome.com/

    You can also find these on Ebay at real nice prices.

    Good Luck

  8. This looks AWESOME, can't wait until I can try this as these are all my favorite parts of the pizza.:thumbup:

    Pssssst, please don't tell anyone that I am admitting my wanting to try this, I will loose my Chicago pizza #1 card.

    Cuz everyone knows, Chicago makes the best pizzas in the world!!!!!:biggrin:

  9. OK so here I am, banded on Wednesday and feeling so much better. I took a short walk around the block today and it was nice to get some air but felt kindof dizzy afterwards. So...just trying to drink Water..its super hard to do now for some reason!

    I know what you mean, there is NO WAY in God's green earth that I can possibly drink the 64 oz of Water my Dr wants me to. That includes broth, tea, Jello or any other clear liquid!

    My new and improved tummy just will not hold that amount!:thumbup:

  10. Congratulations, and welcome to the band babies club. I am just a day ahead of you, so we both have a bunch yet to discover.

    Sounds like you are doing great, no gas pain? I didn't have any either, in fact yesterday morning was the last time I took a pain pill. Tylenol worked fine for me, and I have only had one of those last night at bed time. I am sleeping great, actually better than I have in over a year!

    I know that I am O so very lucky with how easy this has been, but my hubby said it is because I have followed the Drs. orders to a Tee.

    I hope all continues to go so well for you Miss Amy, get your rest, but also don't forget to walk!

    Gentle Hugs


  11. I'm so glad you understood what it was I was really saying. It was not intented to be mean spirited, it was meant to remind you (and myself) that this is a life time commitment.

    I know you will do well, and as I said before I am sure I will be leaning on you as well when I need my big (well maybe a bit smaller) girl pants pulled up where they need to be too!

    Thank You also for your honesty, cuz I am betting there are a TON of others out there who did the exact same thing you did today, only they will be suffering in silence because they are to proud to admit their foody indescrection:sneaky:

  12. I had my surgery on Tuesday too, and I am a burping fool.

    I woke up in recovery after surgery because I was consistantly burping. They were baby burps, but enough to arouse me from my anesthesia induced sleep.< /span>

    I too feel like I have a balloon in my stomach, but that is because I cannot possibly get in the 64 ounces of liquids they want me to. 2 teaspoons of broth, and a few sips of Water and I am done! It is hard, but I have noticed when I sip my water I often will burp too. So be sure to try and sip away at your liquids. Also, try a Gas X strip if you have one, it might relieve some of the pressure. Most importantly, as others have said take a walk, go outside and try to walk a block or two, that will help greatly.

    Let us know how you are doing, but if you are not feeling better tomorrow, call your doctor, he will know what you should do!

    Gentle Hugs,


  13. Common sense is absolutely the key to success, but pre and post surgery is strickly what your doctors tell you.

    I just was explaining to a new friend how I have seen unexcusable ignorance posted here at LBT when someone reaches out with questions that in all honesty should only be answered by their personal doctors, not anyone of us. They should be refered to their dr.s, not given speculative opinions to someone you don't know anything about.

    This is a particulary hard time for all of us, as food and treats are just everywhere, that is where common sense, and real truthfulness in helping should really be brought forefront.

  14. Ok, I'll be the only truthful one here...yeah, as stated above you are probably going to be fine, and it is Thanksgiving and all. But then it is doing to be a Christmas party, and after all that only happens once a year, and then you must bake Cookies for a kids party at school and you just have to try one or two. Ok, Christmas only comes around once a year and Aunt Millie is making all those special treats that she makes for just you, etc.. Get my point.

    Life has so very many "But I only ate" and "its only once a year" time,from holidays, birthdays, weddings, funerals etc.. and food will always be the center of it all. The bands we just had placed into our bodies are but mere tools and if we can't or won't get a hold of ourselves and restrain, that very expensive piece of plastic we had inserted inside of our bodies is not going to do a darn thing.

    This is not a flame, or even a chewing out (cause even if it was who really cares anywho) it is just a reminder of why we are all here, and when we struggle someone here will stand up and remind us of what brought us here to begin with. Please take this in the context it was intended and not as me trying to be mean spirited.

    I sincerely hope all goes well with you, and that you heal well and healthy, and please, when it is my turn to hear some truths, I hope you will stand with me.

    Gentle Hugs


  15. hi ihave my surgery tomorrow on my wedding annaversary of all days but i saw my surgeon last week and paid for the op so tomoorrow is the first day of the rest of my life i cant wait

    Congrats Heidi, and what a wondeful present you are giving to yourself and your husband for your anniversary. Just follow your doctors orders and you will do perfect!

    Happy Thanksgiving, and best to you on your surgery tomorrow.


  16. I dont find coffee makes me hungrier.

    And if it does, I'd honestly rather be fat than give up coffee. It will never happen. I love everything about it - the ritual, the way it punctuates the day, I love good coffee.

    Luckily I was never told to.

    I am soooo with you Jachut, Everything about coffee effects all my senses. I have been known to eat a bean or two that escape the grinder when grinding the Beans. The smell of my husband grinding the beans and then making that coffee is incredibley heavenly!

    I have given it up for my pre-op diet, and will continue not drinking it while on my post op diet, but dog-gone-it, I have to have me some coffee after I start solids.

    My Dr said no coffee forever, but I say I have done everything he has asked (hard as it is), but coffee is where we part ways!

  17. Same to you Sweetie and also to everyone here.

    I just said in another post, that it is amazing to me how I will not be participating in the whole turkey dinner thing today, but I am enveloped in the spirit of Thanksgiving, with elation!

    I am now starting my new life, and the hard work is in front of me, but truly I am so thankful for this surgery that today means more than it probably ever did before.

    Turkey Hugs to everyone!

  18. :thumbup::thumbup:

    Hello friends!! Just wanted to let everyone know that I was finally banded yesterday, Nov. 24. Woo Hoo!!! And now the journey begins. Never thought I'd make it thru my 2 week pre-op diet especially the last 4 days of nothing but clear liquids, but I did it. I even lost 13 lbs in the two weeks. Woo Hoo!! Had my surgery yesterday and just two days before Thanksgiving. Everyone tried to talk me in to putting it off until after the holidays but I just couldn't do it. I was soooo ready!! I'm still very sore but time will heal that. Now I'm back on the clear liquids atleast until I go back to see my doc next Wednesday. I can do it!!! I'm new here to this site, so where do I go next? Is there any special forum that I need to concentrate on? There are so many. I don't even know where to begin. Am I an "official" November bandster now?? LOL. Any advice or words of encouragement are greatly appreciated!! I can use all the help I can get.

    Soooooooooooooo excited!!!

    Well congrats Harbottled, we were both banded on the same day! I hope you are doing as well as I am, and sucking down those liquids for our Turkey Day!

    Isn't is amazing how we will not be participating in the whole turkey dinner thing today, but that our whole spirit of thanksgiving is very much intact and with elation! Wow, this is truly a monumental point in our lives!

    Now, the hard work begins.

    Sit back ( with walks in between), relax and enjoy every moment of your new start!

  19. Hello Everyone!

    I have been watching as this thread grew and grew, and could not wait to add my name in this thread....Well it's offical, I am now banded as of approx. 2:00 pm yesterday(nov. 24th)! I am feeling and doing GREAT. I am on pain pills, but no gas pains, just general abdominal discomfort.

    I brought my laptop with me to the hospital so I could post, but they kept me so drugged up, I was in and out of it. And after reviewing the few emails I did send, well I am glad I did not post and have you all read my ramblings.

    Anyway, I am home, walking, sipping, and burping away!:frown:

    It's sooo good to be an official Bandster now!:thumbup:

  20. I have just a few days until my surgery and I'm starting to get really nervous. Anyone have any advice on what I should expect the first few days? Also I did my nutrition class and got a ton of information but was wondering what others did to make sure they got all their Protein. Thanks guys!


    TODAY'S OUR DAY,and to quote a very wise fat man (Jackie Gleason)


    Best wishes to all! Cheryl :(

  21. I just got off the phone with my surgeons office because I haven't heard from the hospital yet. My surgery is tomorrow, and I still don't know what time I have to be there, or when my surgery is scheduled. It just adds to the stress, or maybe it's just me, but darn....I've gone through all this and these last few weeks have been the S-l-o-w-e-s-t ever, and today's wait has me on hold so I can't go anywhere until they call. The girl at my surgeons said it could be up to 5:00 pm before they call. Geesh!!!:biggrin:

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