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Everything posted by mikeross

  1. I guess I was lucky in the sense that at 1 month I could eat anything and keep it down. chicken, steak ect was no problem. Soft foods would be thicker Soups, cheeses, meats cooked in a slow cooker ect. Do a search and you will find plenty of good choices. I would stay clear of the juices and watermelon unless they are sugar free or calorie free. I know early out its great to be able to eat these things because its hard to eat just about anything. At a month out its time to really start tracking your foods and thinking twice about things you are eating.
  2. mikeross

    Almost 100 lbs gone! :)

    you look great....
  3. mikeross


    upcalD... Its a tasteless calcium powder that you can mix into anything. I mix it into my protein shakes and cant taste a thing. They are 500mg of calcium each packet. I take 2 a day and get the rest of my calcium from the food I eat.
  4. mikeross

    Scar therapy

    wow your scars look better then mine do... I am a little over 7 weeks, just started using something the wife gave me lol.
  5. mikeross

    How early did you start?

    I pretty much played it by how my body felt. I was back in the gym doing full on cardio at about 3 weeks and lifting heavy at 1 month out.
  6. Here is what is recommended if you mess up on your preop diet. 1. Relax and don't stress or over think the situation 2. If you cheat again refer to rule number one. Dont be like me and eat a 12oz steak the night before surgery and you will be fine.
  7. mikeross

    Scar therapy

    how long have you been using them and how long until you noticed a difference.
  8. mikeross

    Fat Pockets

    What are "fat pockets"? If you are referring to fatty trouble areas on your body there is nothing you can do besides watching your diet and cardio. You can not spot reduce fat in any certain area of your body. Well you can but that would require another surgery or lipo. Old fashion way is diet and cardio.
  9. mikeross

    To much protein?

    Most guys looking to build muscle mass are eating 1g of Protein per pound of lean body weight. You are no where close to eating to much. I am actually a little worried that your trainer would tell you 100g is to much protein. That protein is preserving your muscles. Do you want to lose weight faster at the expense that the weight lost is actually muscle? I eat over 100g a day and notice I am losing huge amounts on a measuring tape, doing decent in actual weight numbers but I lift 5 days a week and cardio 7 days. I am 7 weeks out and have stalled 3 times but the weight catches up. Once I am close to goal I plan to up my daily protein intake to around 200g daily. Just make sure you are spacing out your protein intake... its to much protein if your drinking 100g in 1 hour. Are you getting enough Water. The minimum 64oz is really not a lot if your exercising. I ate over 120g of protein and 120oz of water every day for 3 days and it broke my last stall... dropped 5lbs over night.
  10. mikeross

    Bariatric Patient Cooking Show?

    Just got home from the gym and entered in the above daily meal plan into myfitnesspal. Under 900 calories, 115g Protein, 39g carbs, 28g fat, 13g sugar and only 985 sodium. These numbers are including my 2 flintstone Vitamins, 2 upcalD Calcium packs, a b12 pill.and 15g of Glutamine I actually enjoy preparing my meals in advance now, before I never enjoyed cooking. I decide what I want to eat for the week and usually prepare enough food to last 3 days. I find 3 days in the fridge allows the food to taste as if I just cooked it when I heat it up up to 3 days later. Here a little trick I do to make my prepared meals taste like I just cooked them. I keep a little spray bottle filled with Water next to the microwave. I take my prepacked meal in tupperware, mist it 2-3 times, close the lid tightly but leave just one corner slightly open. When I microwave it, it almost steams the meal and makes everything juicy and fresh tasting as if I just cooked it.
  11. mikeross

    Bariatric Patient Cooking Show?

    I never really had gas or heartburn prior to surgery and now post op I rarely experience it either. I was sleeved Jan 22nd, 2013... I advanced through the diet stages pretty quickly though and feel I have a bulletproof sleeve. I was eating and keeping down chicken and steak at 4 weeks. Had no issues getting my minimum Protein and Water requirements 1 week out.
  12. mikeross

    Bariatric Patient Cooking Show?

    Learn to cook... its not that hard. Most WLS recipes I have used are pretty easy to follow. For instance today I am eating... 5am Breakfast- oatmeal + torani banana syrup 7am pre workout Protein shake 9am post workout Protein Shake 10am Brunch- 2 scrabled eggs + 2 pieces of turkey bacon 12pm Snack-beef jerkey 2:30pm Late lunch- 4oz grilled chicken + honey garlic sauce + asparagus 6:30pm Dinner- 4oz steak + veggies About an hour or two before bed I might have a late night snack which is usually a hard boiled egg or beef Jerky. Everything I listed above is very easy to prepare. The above is usually what I eat daily and just mix up the Proteins between steaks, chicken, pork, tuna and salmon. I usually change up the marinades and seasonings of the proteins too. But like I said most of the weight loss recipes I have founds online are pretty easy to follow and I am no cook. I actually made a pretty awesome pizza last week from scratch. Here are some links to check out... recipes look pretty straight forward and easy. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.ca/ http://www.emilybites.com/ http://dashingdish.com/ http://www.lowcarb360.com/ http://bariatricfoodie.blogspot.ca/p/favorite-recipes.html http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=123281581
  13. mikeross


    I have always felt I was a very big boned person... large/wide shoulders and back. With that said I choose to set my goal weight on the heavy end of a healthy BMI range.
  14. mikeross

    I'm I mean?

    Yes "a*****e are everwhere" but the difference is I don't hang around assholes and don't make friends with them. I also look forward to put an a*****e in his/her place. I dont lower myself to their standards and play mind games with them.
  15. mikeross

    I'm I mean?

    I wouldn't call it mean... Its being bitter. You cant be angry at people because they aren't attracted to you. I think its worse what your planning to do because they aren't out to get you, just not attracted. You might miss out on a great relationship not wanting to date any of them. Lastly, why do you hang out with assholes? Great first thread/post
  16. Looking great bud. How do you go about your day to day activities, work/exercise ect, with those drains in? Why are they in so long and when do you expect to have them out?
  17. I first weighted myself 5 days after surgery... was down 11 pounds,
  18. I buy mine in a powdered form and mix it in my protein shake or morning coffee. If mixed in a drink you wont taste it. I started taking it at 3 weeks when I started going to the gym. IMO the sooner the better because it will preserve the muscle you currently have. I would start taking it on preop diet... again my opinion only.
  19. mikeross

    Daily caloric intake

    Yes, at a week out your main concerns should be focusing on your protein and Water intake.You want to preserve as much muscle as you can as well as keep hydrated. In a couple weeks though your really need to watch those calories and carbs it you want to lose fast.
  20. mikeross

    Daily caloric intake

    well in theory after surgery they all should be the same diameter if the same bougie size is used. The difference comes in the length of the persons torso. I notice taller people can eat more. Lastly the bougie is just a guide. If one surgeon is 1 mm further away from the bougie while stapling is does actually make a difference. The size between a 32 and 42 bougie isnt much. With that said I believe torso/stomach length has a lot more to do with how much one can eat compared to bougie size. Thus, the reason a taller male can eat 1400 calories while a shorted woman may struggle to get 800.
  21. mikeross

    Daily caloric intake

    Its all about a caloric deficit. You people staying under 800 calories per day will lose more than those eating 1200 per day... You can not dispute this fact. Which is more healthier is up for discussion though. You can eat all the carbs you want... if your in a caloric deficit you will lose weight. Its fact
  22. mikeross

    Daily caloric intake

    You in your first stall... it will pass in about a week. You better get use to it because thats the process in losing weight. Your body is just catching up, readjusting. When it breaks you should lose a couple pounds overnight. I am 7 weeks out and just broke my second stall.
  23. I am actually very surprised you dont here about this supplement more on these forums. Aside from aiding in recovery it also slows the rate of muscle breakdown which is huge with the caloric deficit we eat. By preserving muscle we are able to burn more fat. Most people eating healthy balanced diets get enough glutamine from eating regular food. It kinda of gets a bad rap in the sense that most people believe its not needed or is a waste because you get enough levels of it in your daily intake. As VSG patients, especially newly sleeved ones, we can not eat enough to bring our glutamine levels high enough. This supplement is perfect for VSG patients. Its also a very cheap supplement compared to most. I think I pay about 10 bucks for a months supply when taking 15g per day which is a decent amount.
  24. I currently take about 15g of glutamine daily. I use it for muscle recovery from exercise. I take 5grams, 3 times per day... post/preop shake and 5g before bed.
  25. I can't wait to get to goal so I can switch up my diet and start bulking up. I have been frequenting bodybuilding.com and some of those guys are eating huge amounts of carbs/protein to gain muscle mass. Are these amounts possible with the sleeve. At a minimum most of those guys are consuming 1-1.5g Protein per pound of body weight and well over 200g of carbs daily. Are any of you guys consuming this much to maintain or increase your gains? I know a lot of runners on this forum are consuming a ton of carbs but are you able to eat tons of protein too? thanks

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