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Everything posted by mikeross

  1. mikeross

    Losing weight

    I have been in a stall for the last 5 days, pretty frustrating but I know its normal.
  2. mikeross


    I was so happy that I went alone. I was a little nervous but I know myself and I knew I would have preferred to be alone. Everything went smoothly and never at 1 point did I feel I would have needed my wife or a friend there for help or support. If there is any advise I would give is to make sure you upgrade to first class or an exit aisle seat for the flight home. It was so nice to be able to get up and stretch, move around and get in a more comfortable resting position. Good luck
  3. So glad to see you over here. I have been following you on youtube for awhile and just yesterday found you on obesityhelp.com because of a similar thread regarding your tummy tuck on there. I actually did a search on all your post on OH because I like your beliefs and attitude in regards to the VSG diets... learned a lot about your journy. Looking forward to updates and hope you post here more often.
  4. I left there on january 25th and it was free. I have read that people with more than 1 wifi device will be charged extra but I was not. My access code worked for both my phone and laptop.
  5. very fast for me but I dont see any of the pop ups.
  6. mikeross


    wow big difference... great job. May I ask what your weight was day of surgery.
  7. mikeross

    Huge ass boil ! Ouch ! ?

    Easy solution... you will need a knife, hot flame, some rubbing alcohol and something to bite down on. Just kidding... like someone else already mentioned you can put a hot cloth or warm Water pad on the boil/cyst. It should develop some type of white head sooner and will pop. dont force it to pop. If you are in pain for more then a couple days and if does not pop go see your doctor.
  8. mikeross


    3 weeks out and I can take 5-6 gulbs at one time.
  9. mikeross

    Post workout fuel

    I use to wrestle and play football in high school 15 years ago. The info I know regarding exercising stems from those days and are things I recall from over 15 years ago, so take what I say with a grain of salt lol. You should not look to start working out hard. 3 weeks is way to early. You should focus on building a workout plan and getting into the gym at least every other day minimum. For starters I would look online into certain stretches you should be doing to prepare your body for some light cardio workouts. I would start out doing cardio for a week or two... bike, eliptical ect. I wouldn't try and run on a treadmill just yet. You probably want to keep doing cardio for a few weeks until you figure out a good workout program. When I say workout program I am referring to light weight training. You dont want to just do cardio... You will end up just shrinking but staying the same shape. If you incorporate some weight training you can change the shape of your body to anything you want. Good luck
  10. mikeross

    3 weeks Post Op

    I am 3 weeks out today as well. I have tried a bite of bread and a some Pasta just to see how my sleeve would handle it and it went down and stayed down fine. I actually have no issues so far with anything I have eaten. I am 30lbs down since surgery and have been in a stall for the last 4 days, very frustrating. Maybe I ask what your starting weight was?
  11. mikeross

    Post workout fuel

    If you want to really take it to the extreme you should be doing your cardio on an empty stomach or something with carbs to give you energy for a hard workout, something like a banana. You have about a 20min window after your workout to drink a Protein shake to help rebuild muscle. This is coming from a more weight lifting background but I don't see why it wouldn't apply to weight loss. I think some people have the misconception that you should eat a big meal first then burn it off in the gym. Its actually the opposite. After your workout is when you want to eat your complex carbs and protein.
  12. mikeross

    If you dont take your vitamins...

    If you dont take your vitamins thats the least of your worries.
  13. I remember reading many post regarding reflux prior to surgery. I have never had a acid reflux issue before surgery... maybe once or twice a year I get heartburn but it goes away quickly and I dont recall taking anything to help subside it. Anyways, I am 3 weeks out and have completely forgot to take any type of medicine for acid reflux. I have none but am wondering if I should start taking it anyways. I remember reading the newly sleeved people should take something for the first 3-6 months. So do I need to take something even though I have no heartburn to speak of?
  14. LOL yes I do buy my milk in bellingham but now have converted to almond milk but still buy 2 jugs for my wife and daughter... can you believe its double the price up here in canada for milk and up to 3 times the price for cheese. Some of the locals are pissed about the amount of canadians shopping in bellingham. I always see many people of indian decent buying 50+ liters of milk, I am not sure what they need it all for. I always see at least 2-3 guys at costco with 1-2 cart fulls of milk.
  15. Thanks for the very informative reply. I am actually up in bellingham,wa every two weeks shopping and picking up items I buy online from a po box I setup over there. The prices of gas, food and import taxes here are just insane. I save around 800 per month doing my shopping in WA which is about 1 hour drive for me.
  16. I have loss 30lbs as of 3 days ago... I have been in a stall I assume for the last 3 days. I start going to the gym next week so I hope to break out of it then. I am very please with the weight loss thus far but I contribute it to 3 things. First, I am a guy and men lose a lot quicker then women do. Second, I didn't follow my pre-op diet at all and didnt lose anything prior to surgery. When I got home from surgery 5 days later I had already lost 12 lbs, the 30lbs is all weight lost after surgery. I think if I followed my pre-op diet and lost weight prior to surgery I would have probably lost more to date but less since surgery... lol does that make sense. Lastly I have been able to get all my Protein and Water requirements in since 3 days out of surgery... In fact I am getting over 100g of protein and well over my water requirements daily while staying around 6-800cal a day with fewer than 30g of carbs. I moved to this country when I was a young child, and although not born here I consider myself Canadian. I have traveled the world and every place I have been to loves us Canucks... well maybe not the states lol.
  17. I am currently taking Celebrate Multivitamins 3 times a day but am lucky to be able to keep 2 down a day... I am almost 3 weeks out. My surgeon suggest taking a Multivitamin only twice per day. I talked with a vsg patient who was about a year out only taking a one a day multivitamin and she claims her labs are perfect. So is there any type of multivitamin I can take only once per day or twice at the most? Are these Flintstone chewable Vitamins really all we need? I can't recall the name but I remember a while back before I had my VSG surgery i came across a 1 a day bariatric multivitamin but can't recall the name now... anyone know what I am talking about? Just looking for cheap multivitamin suggestions that wont make me feel queezy and one I dont have to take 3 times a day. thanks
  18. mikeross

    Light Lifting

    I am interested to know as well.
  19. mikeross


    First off your doing great with the weight loss so early out. Secondly at this stage you can only eat 1-3oz of food at a time. You are throwing up or have the feeling like you will vomit because you are simply easting to much or eating the wrong foods to early. I would try and get in tune with your body and notice the signals it gives you when you are getting full. You dont want to stop eating when you feel full already... You want to stop eating 1 or 2 bites before you think you will be full, its a feeling you need to learn. You could also go out and buy a small food scale. Measure out 1oz of food and eat is slowly. Wait a little while and see if you feel ok. If you do then add .5oz and so on until you feel full. You might feel like throwing up testing your limits this way but at least you will really know what your limits are. Keep in mind that it could also be the types of food you are eating. You need to figure out which of the two issues it is... over eating or food choice. I would be out enjoying life if I were you, get your but to church. Just drink a Protein shake before hand or take one with you if this is the type of food that makes you comfortable eating in public without the worry of feeling sick. Experiment with new foods and your intake limits at home and drink shakes when your out of the house. You are very early out and these things you are going through are completely normal. This sleeve is a tool that must be learned how to use through trail and error. You know you are eating to much or eating the wrong foods if you feel like throwing up. You need to see if its the food or the amount that is making you ill. At 3 weeks out the 3oz of food you are eating is at the top of the scale intake wise... I would not eat as much at one sitting and see how I feel. what are you eating that makes you feel sick? good luck
  20. Like the title says, do men need to take an Iron supplement? I know women need to, but on my postop instructions from my doctor it says that women may need to take an iron supplement... does that mean that men do not? Currently I am only taking a Multivitamin, Calcium and b12. I am going to wait for my 3 month labs to see what my iron levels are like. Just thought I would ask because I have been reading some mixed opinions in my research. thanks
  21. wow great job. How much can you eat now that your almost a year out? What vitamins are you taking?
  22. yup very difficult... I cheated everyday on my 2 week pre-op diet.
  23. mikeross

    Protein shakes

    I am still new to Protein shakes being under 3 weeks out of surgery but I do alternate between chocolate, Cookies n cream and vanilla. I add 500mg of Calcium in the form of upcalD and don't use Water... I mix them with 8oz of almond milk which has 300mg of calcium and no flavor. I have 2 shakes a day because I try to get over 100+g of protein daily. With the added upcalD mixed with almond milk I am getting 1600mg of calcium and meeting my doctors minimum protein requirements. I enjoy the chocolate flavors straight up but sometimes add PB2 just to change it up. I use torani syrups with my vanilla shakes, coffer and french vanilla.
  24. mikeross

    Stop loosing

    Forgot to add that the 55lbs you lost is an amazing start but you can easily lose more. Post up what your diet looks like and what type of foods you may enjoy, and I can make some food recommendations for you. I also have tried many different types of protein drinks and can list the ones I really enjoy and actually look forward to drinking.
  25. mikeross

    Stop loosing

    If you want the results you need to follow your doctors instructions. You can still lose all the weight you wish... just need to go back to basics. You really need to focus on getting in all your Protein and Water. I personally would go back to a 600-800cal diet, 65+protein, less than 30g carbs and make sure you are taking all your needed Vitamins. If you follow the above you will lose weight... If you include some form of daily exercise you will lose even more. good luck.

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