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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sweetviolet

  1. if you make the thigh meat of chicken w/teryaki sauce and add some manderin oranges to the salad, you will not even need dressing--my mouth is watering just thinking about it!! and yes you will be able to eat salad--you just won't be using it as a filler so as not to eat higher calorie foods!! you will run out of space and not be able to eat the protien you need!!

  2. I was banded 6/13/06...and had my first fill of 1cc about amonth later..at 3months out I had a fill to 1.5cc...had been very sick with a throat thing and took an antibioticc--thought that was the problem cause I was fine for 11 days before I could not eat anything or drink--lost 13 lbs before I had everything removed--waited 1 week and got 1.25cc...lasted 6 days and was completely unfilled for 2 weeks...got 1cc back again..lasted 4 days!!!!! could not even swallow my own saliva !!! ugh!!! got an unfill of .5cc and am still restricted but able to eat most things w/out pbing...all si well and still losing...66lbs to date...doc says noone else has been w/this problem and I am the first!! mMight as well be first at something!! w/all the troubles I still feel quite well and am losing weight and sizes!! Hang in ther, you will find your right level....pam

  3. I am NOT pregnant!! but unable to keep even my own saliva down!! Had a fill 4 weeks ago--got it out 11 days later--waited a week and got refilled but less--lasted a week and couldn't swallow--out again the day before thanksgiving--waited 2 weeks filled again to level of first fill--that was last Friday--today is wednesday and I am throwing up every thing I drink--solids are out of the question!! help help help I don't know what to do!! want to get this under control--going to Fla for the winter and don't want any problems!! any suggestions?? am currently VERY thirsty!!!! thanks for any advise--have a call into the doc and an appt tomorrow...scared! banded june 13 06...down 56lbs

  4. I had a fill 10 days ago--all was just dandy....I last ate or drank on Saturday--8 days after the fill and on Sunday no go--couln't even keep Water down--gave in and had all fill removed this am--couldn't even swqllow and keep down my own saliva--threw up all night--I am exhausted. after the fill was removed I could drink without any problem--and the doc is out of town till monday..tried to eat a little soft lunch and just gave it up--don't know what to do with myself--any suggestions??

  5. don't give up on the band---to most it is the miracle they have been praying for...you must have had a psyc evluation in your process--what was the outcome of that input?? the worst is over--now you just have to follow the plan...is there something i am missing??? I don't understand !!

  6. of all the afore mentioned--i too have been in those shoes all of my life--however, i thought i was huge at high school grad 180lbs--wish i were there now!! there are 2 eating plans i would suggest...seattle sutton NOT BUDGET or lean cusine BUDGET MINDED seattle sutton is healthy eating and Portion Control at about 80 dollars a week--lean cusine can be purchased for about 2 dollars a meal and supplimented with salad and fruit from the family budget. the most important thing is to accept her the way she is--don't reward with promised of clothing/trips/extra treats--all of those things are necessary to our well being regardless....i am still waiting for the trip to hawaii from an aunt that pulled this crap when i was young...i lost 111lbs and still did not get the trip!!!! PORTION CONTROL is the most important part--and sugarfree treats!!!! even now with the band they are my saving grace

  7. was soooo sick--started w/tickle in throat--after 10 days i got zithromax--not a good reaction--had to be unfilled and get a stomach xray--thought i coughed my band loose--all is ok--but irrittion was only releived by unfill and when better a refill--couldn't even swallow water--lost 12 lbs in one week.....great now...never waiting to get meds again!! hope everyone has a healthy and happy turkey day....

  8. I think this site is a wonderful place to post this info--not too many people know this....but if you drive a Honda you cannot get a seat belt extension...they do not offer them and do not let you know where you can get one that will fit your belt system. If you drive a Honda you must be able to use the unit provided...and if you are more than 6ft and 215 lbs they do not fit. NAFA has this info posted--since it is the law in most states that you must wear a belt this does not work--in our family we have 5 Hondas and 2 people who do not fit the belt...I have done all in my power to fight the system, including forwarding my ticket to honda directly but to no avail--now I have contacted the attny gen of Il..waiting for an answer...this is just info, but i am banning Hondas and the next car I but will be a toyota....and thank G-d I am on my way to being a normal size...

  9. I was banded 13jun2006 and have had good results--down 49lbs--got a second fill 10/25/06--all was well until Monday when the zithramax I am taking for a horrible something did not let ANYTHING go down--off I went to the doc this am--yesterday was a throw up /nothing down day--5 times!! It just goes to show that if you cannot get anything down incluing Water you DO lose weight--12 lbs of it!! needless to say it has not been good throwing up water! yuk!! whatever is going around here is not good. the doc took out all of my fill--1st and 2nd--will put it in next friday again when the swelling goes away and i feel better...WOW what a journey!! writing this so that if anyone is ill they should not wait to call the doc like i did!! NEVER want to do this again or want you to..12lbs in one week sure does look good--but not to feel the way I did..welll junbies...keep up the good work and feel great!!

  10. she will never really be gone....always in your heart! You did the right thing for your loyal friend. I have a spaniel/cocker mix who turned 16 last march--and i know when the time comes i will have to do the same...my heart aches for you...remember the best times and Celebrate her life!!

  11. sorry cloe--using your thread also...got 2nd fill on wednesday 25oct...total is 49lbs..banded 13june06 and now am a twoterville--yeah!! have been losing about 2lbs a week--seemed slow at first--but look what has come off...amazing!! I am crazed/crazy--I knit custom socks!! they take 40 hrs a pair--working on x-mas orders now!! i also have lurked for these months--enjoy all the info and support..Thanks!!

  12. those are available in the goodwill or salvation army!! I am buying all my clothes from thrift stores cause old fabrics are better!! today i am wearing a grey cashmere sweater 3.20 usd and jeans that have been hanging in my closet for 8 years unworn--it amazes me still that i can wear a pair of pants, wash them and still fit in them 2 weeks later OH HAPPY DAY!! I live in the Chicago area and have been trying to give clothes away--thing I wore to a fancier office but no one seems to want them around here--guess they have unlimited $$$$ my suits are havre' bernard ,albert nippon etc...some still have the tags!! you know how that happens when your big and you see something good in your size you don't wait--you buy!! by the time it hits the season you have outgrown it! NOT ANY MORE!!!

  13. my husband always refers to any anatomy in their correct terms to our 3 now adult daughters...the oldest one was always asked if she had to move her bowels...imagine the laughter when one day at a very young age she came running to him and said daddy,help me quick...i have to move my bottles!!! by the way--we call the vaginal area a fortune cookie...must be too much chinese food!!

  14. my first goal was to get my diabetes under control....and to rid myself of the horrible health problems that have plagued me for 4 years...that included lymphodemia,leg wrappings all 90 degree summer,2 broken ankles, a pacemaker when i couldn't get off the chair for therapy,a thyroid that was not working, and the worst experience of travel i have ever had to a function that i never would have missed under any circumstance, my daughter's MA degree graduation from Harvard.....I got the band 6/13/06 and I will never have to face these problems again--I am now 49 lbs lighter...I know that a pair of pants will not be to tight the next weeks wearing, and that is better than any food tasted ever!! I am ever grateful for my band and the support I receive from you all.....a world I would have never known!!

  15. the best...fittitng into jeans that have been hanging in my closet for 8 yrs--out of style but they do fit, buying new jeans at goodwill, and being able to fit into clothes that have been in my closet for many years the worst...not being able to have a soft bm....never thought i would be grateful for that, but i thought i had delivered a new baby!!

  16. there was a lady on a world cruise who asked a waiter for an alcholic beverage at 10am on the pool deck. his response was that drinks were not to be served until 5pm. the lady refered to her watch and said " it must be 5pm somewhere!"....its kinda the same with a fat body--there is a size 6 inside here somewhere just fighting to get out!! thought you all would appreciate a little laughter/sarcasm for this serious situation!!

  17. my number 1 goal on this weight loss journey is to be able to buy my clothes at the local amvets store/goodwill/salvation army/etc....lots have hang tags--new!! and these days the fabric quality is better than whats made now....i have always worn classic styles, so ,so far all is well!! my ultimate goal is to have a clothing exchange in the Chicago area--i am all for recycling and helping the cause!! anyone interested can write to me . supersweetviolet@hotmail.com

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