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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sweetviolet

  1. went to a support meeting--speaker said its NOT the food...hummmmguess its time for some serious soul searching!! and maybe a counselor,,,I wonder how long I can dig my heels in on this one LOL!! banded 6/13/06...lots of problems with the band...unbanded/rny converted 11/27/07 Feel SOOOOO much better and finially having decent BMs Thank G-d!! total loss 140lbs...35 to goal!!!

  2. had lots of trouble with the band-had it removed 11/27/07 and had rny at the same time...was shocked that bc/bs approved it so quickly--feel soooo much better and cannot believe how much trouble the band really was...and now its like I never had another surgery, I feel GREAT..wishing you the same luck and a happy and healthy new year.....pam

  3. you all are not the only one to have a problem!! my band was removed and i had gastric bypass on Nov 27....had reflux and got pnuemomia several times...cannot begin to tell you how much better i feel!! do whatever it takes to correct the problem--the influx of your food into the lungs caused pnuemonia that is neither bacterial or viral and hard to treat--causes much distress!!!! I am on the mend--and while I have not lost any weight I am feeling 100 percent better--guess my body did not like a foreign object--for it also caused MUCH scar tissue that had to be removed!! I am only 30 lbs from goal and feeling happy with my 133# loss so far....I know that I will make it!! ...and happy even if I never lose another pound!! wishing you all an easy journey,a good year and above all health and happiness!!

  4. I wanted to live long enough to be an aggravation to my children!! With high sugar/blood pressure and blook clots I had to do SOMETHING!! It has been a difficult journey-and I lost my band on Nov 27--and had a gastric bypass on the same day...can't go through being fat at this age!! Lost 133# with the band and am sure the rny will help me lose the last 30 lbs...I have never felt better!! If you are having trouble with the band act on it immediately!!! It could cause permanent damage to the esophagus!! No more heartburn for me!!

  5. I was banded on 6/13/06 and lost 133#--due to a hernia/gall bladder removal/scar tissue i could not keep anything down ...so out came the band on 11/27/07 and converted to a rny...I am feeling MUCH better and its like I did not have ANY surgery. I cannot believe how troubled I was with the band...I I see that many of you also have problems....rest assured that if you HAVE to lose the band there is hope and life after the band!! I absolutely did not want the rny...but now am very happy I could do that instead--too damn old to be fat again and lose the regular way with no help....

  6. Sadley after a most successful weightloss of 133# I will be losing my band due to a problem w/my esophagus....I am soooo sad!!! I am scheduled for removal on Dec 4th and will convert to a gastric bypass. My doctor does not do vg!! Since I do trust him I am putting myself into the surgeons and G-ds hands. Being on this forum has taught me a lot--I am 30# from goal and would be happy if I never lost another pound..that being said, I know I cannot keep the weight off without a tool to work with, hence the gbp. Honestly, I am scared out of my mind (what little I have left) and just had surgery to have my galbladder removed made me get my life in order LOL!!! soooo, I guess I am ready for anything ....will keep you posted!!

  7. I got a fill to 1.25cc about 4 weeks ago...and it was just fine...then I started throwing up black stuff..thought it was bile. Had my gall bladder out on Oct 24th--it was very diseased and full of stones. Continued to throw up even in the hospital...was back in the hospital for 4 days and finially was told to go on full liquids until I can have my band removed. I am DEVASTATED to say the least. I am 17months out and down 133# and scared to death of gaining the weight back...I already have eaten the kitchen wallpaper and will start on the family room paneling tonight!! All kidding aside,I am VERY upset...and sick of being sick!! I have another upper GI on Nov 29 and then to the doc on Friday to make a decision about gastric bypass....any comments appreciated here or pm me!! thanks!!

  8. I currently am 3 lbs from my doctors projected weight loss at 2 yrs...I am 16 months out and have surpassed his prediction already...MY goal is 40 more lbs. Currently I have lost 120# and EVERY thing I sit on/sleep on/ride in HURTS!! I cannot imagine the new furniture bills...and my husband was worried about clothes LOL!! My doctor does more rny...the lap band was said not to be as successful and certainly not as quick....but alas I thought it would be a better venue for me so I dug my heels in and got the lapband--and a better set of eating habits in spite of myself...to be very honest with all of you, if I never lost another lb it would be ok...I am a normal size and a 60 yr old grandmother...not a model on the cover of a bathing suit magazine!! I went from a 5x to a loose 16 and thinner than the day I married...I AM DONE WITH DIETS!! I have learned to eat a healthy proportioned meal and have taken the adult responsibility that comes with th band program..have I had temptation???of course but so its 1 cup of ice cream once in a while...don't ya think thin people live this way??? I want to live a normal life that the band affords me...all my life I did ww/exchange/atkins/south beach etc etc etc.........I am now a normal size, can sit in any seat ,wear a seatbelt, go on rides, and I am going to eat like a normal person and not give thought ever again to any crazy program that entices a fat person to think by doing or using their plan they will have instant success....whew!!! thanks for letting me say this!!!

  9. Well here I am at work, and feeling fine...surgery on 24 oct--sunday drove myself to have my nails done and yesterday swept and washed the floor!! not to mention baking and cooking in the interm. hard to believe i had surgery but I have the stones in a jar to prove it. incision is a little larger cause the gb was enlarged and filled w/infection and 2 stones were stuck in the bile duct...if you have to have this surgery don't be afaid...it really went well and the doc did not take out the fill. I am down 120# banded 6/13/06. I am thinner now than the day I married 36yrs ago!!

  10. so where are you?? have a friend that lives across the street from Warren Dunes State Park in Sawyer--go there almost evey other weekend....and COOK!!! Same at home COOK,COOK,COOK!!! Love it!! I am having my gall bladder removed tomorrow...cooked all weekend so that I will have food even if I don't have strength!! Just tickled to be able to stand on my feet and do creative thing once again...and get satisfaction from the activity..don't have to eat it now and enjoy seeing others so happy with the goodies...I make sweet tables for weddings and other special occasions...when I am not at my travel agents job!!

  11. I find extreme satisfaction in shopping for new clothes at a charity...getting my nails done every two weeks,reading cookbooks,cooking for guests/or childdren,going on weekends to Michigan and just hanging out, knitting socks and best of all having the energy to do so...down 120# banded 6/13/06...forty lbs from goal and loving every minute...thinner than on my wedding day...and best of all I have my first grandchild (3months old tomorrow) LIFE IS GOOD

  12. First let me say I don't smoke-never have...hate it!!! That being said , I cannot imagine how hard it is!!! My surgeon gives a test to see if your body is nicotine free...not a good result?? NO SURGERY!!! He is not going to risk his reputation on someone who isn't grown up enough to do something for the sake of their healing!! I know it is an addiction,however it is something that is very important to live without....make your choices carefully...

  13. wheetsin, I think the problem may be sugar and in the case of the apricot jam, the acid of that fruit. aslo i have had awful problems with the little seeds of strawberries-who knew?? my band is fickle and i never know what and when it will give trouble...like the tuna I ate from panera yesterday...just wouldn't stay down

  14. May is a better month or after Easter/Passover...You are bucking spring breakers!! Can get a block of rooms held if you wish..I am a travel agent... dwtvl@aol.com you can air from your city or I can do it for you. There are many fewer flights and so you have to book early please let me know if I can help!! I will be celebrating my 120# loss...and hope to be at goal by this trip!!! Only 40# to goal!!

  15. I knew I had gallstones BEFORE I had lap band...decided if they were not bothering me, I would not bother them!!! Well things have changed and I am not going through one more night of throwing up bile!! Oct 24th @ 7:30 AM is the date and they say I will be home before dinner (if I can find someone to pick me up!!) Will post how everything went on Oct 30th when I am at work at the computer!! My lapband doc will be doing the surgery--I trust him!!

  16. I also cannot part w/ the fat clothes--but finially did!! I now buy all of my clothes at Goodwill--just gave away size 18!!! I gave them to a person that could wear them....so hard to find large sizes, I felt better about having a person actually take them from me with a huge smile!!! It was definately worth the moment!! The thrift store is getting more expensive--especially if the item doesn't fit, so yesterday I bought a pair of jeans at the Eddie Bauer outlet near my house--size 16....and only 7.99!! Wearing them NOW--no more SAVING clothes and they fit and feel great!! Down from 5x!! NEVER thought it would happen,and while it COULD come back (there are no promises) hopefully the band will always work and so will I!!!

  17. you probably have not slipped--that takes a bit!! the band is fickle to say the least--maybe it did not like what you fed it--or you did not chew well enough or you ate too much or you drank too soon after eating....in any event don't be so quick to think its a slip!! there also might be a bug going around--not fun...but it passes!! I am 16 months out and have had it all..including a schedule for gall bladder surgery on oct 24th...thought it was just the band acting up till I threw up bile for 4 days....every day seems to bring both a new joy and/or malady:) best of luck...by the way I am 120 lost as of last friday...only 43lbs from goal!! it does happen!!

  18. From childhood stems my favorite comfort food..turkey legs and lima beans!! I used to eat it with heavily buttered fresh rye bread...but the bread phase is over:)!! here is the recipe: line a 9x13 pan with a layer of onions,add 1 cup of soaked lima Beans, place 2 or 3 turkey legs and season with seasoned salt and garlic ,or add any seasoning you like--I sometimes add rosemary also. put in enough Water to cover the beans and botton of legs and cover with foil and bake until meat fall off the bones--check Fluid level and add more water during baking. pull all the meat off the turkey legs being careful of the splinters. Add back to bean pan. If you serve the legs without tking the meat off the bones for the first serving you can debone leftovers for another meal. If and when I have leftovers, I sometimes add cooked carrots,celery barley and more water and make a thick Soup out of it. Very yummy on a cold evening...and can be made into something else easily if you are not really a "leftover" person. I find microwaved food hard to get down...so I make soup. This is a favorite in my house so there seldom makings for the soup!! Enjoy!!

  19. citracel is a better choice than metamucel because we have to drink slowly and citracel doesn't get thick!! comes either flavored or unflavored and sugar free....this will be an ongoing problem....I have been banded for 15 month and down 113#....not one moment goes by that I dont think of getting "stuck" somewhere along the line LOL :Banane30:!!!

  20. been there, done that!!!! I aslo tout milk of mag!! colace is also good--an senacot--all have been mentioned, however the problem does persist!! I am 15 months out and still sometimes have this problem. So I cal the Rear Admiral (the gastro man) and he told me either to use sugar free citracel EVERY day or a colace EVERY day. once when I had not gone for 6 days I used a supository with no results and then some milk of mag--won't do that again...almost didn't make it to the bathroom!! so whatever you do do it on a consistent basis and you won't have those problems--its not just for newbies, I SWEAR!! ....and good luck!!

  21. would absolutely be thrilled to block space on any cruise line that you would like!! a travel agent for 18 yrs in skokie illinois (outside chicago) just let me know where and when you would like to travel....and of course I would join you!!! you can book quads/triples/doubles...inside or out cabins. anything is possible... you can write to me at dwtvl@aol.com or at supersweetviolet@hotmail.com and of course here!!

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