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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lotusflwr

  1. Sorry, I've been absent! Daughter got married, and I've been doing wedding stuff.

    I'm down 35 lbs as of this morning. Just got my second fill last saturday and I am super tight. It is uncomfortable when I eat but doesn't hurt. I sure makes you NOT want to eat!!! LOL. I am making sure I get Protein by eating pureed meat.

    I cannot drink anything cold...it must be room temp or warm.

    I'm starting to doubt my decision to be this tight. Prior I was eating as much of anything as I wanted....to the point that I was beginning to doubt the decision to have even been banded. I need the deep restriction, however, I never imagined it would be this difficult. I'm not hungry except for in my head....hopefully when the carbs get out of my system the head hunger will leave as well.

    Anyway...missed ya'll bunches!!!


  2. Here's what i haven't figured out about the whole "lazy" thing. The band doesn't do the work for you. It's a tool, just like a food scale, or a treadmill. You don't get a band and then poof the magic fat fairy comes and takes it all away. We have to work at it.....lazy??? I don't think so!!! It sounds like it's time to do some garden weeding in the friend section!



  3. I have a bladder infection and have gained 4 pounds in 2 days. I know it's Water and will come right back off after the antibiotic takes over, but Geesh what a kill joy!

    My clothes are starting to hang on me, but my rings have gotten tighter since the infection kicked in. I start the antibiotics this afternoon, so hopefully I'll see it drop off in the next 72 hours!!!!

    I hate Water weight!!!


  4. On average I'm eating about 700 calories a day. I'm stuffed and not hungry until the next meal. My dr told me to watch my carb only 35 grams a day, protien 70-75 grams. I personaly keep my fats at about 30 percent of my calories. All my fats come from healthy Proteins and dairy sources. All my carbs come from fruits veggies, and dairy. I eat 3 meals a day. My dr said if I stall when my treadmill comes in then to add a fourth meal to my day. To up my intake some, because I can't physically eat anymore than I do, and that my ratios were good with what I was doing. He also stressed that I still must live my life. He said occasionally eat something I really wanted. Not as a reward, but just for the joy of it. He said plan it, for when your going to a party or some special event. He also said to have a margarita now and then. He also stressed that occasionally ment every 6 to 8 weeks not every day! He and psychiatrist stressed that this new way of life was about living. Real people eat! LOL

    I typically lose around 3/4's of a pound per day! Some days a little more, some days a little less.

    I'm not a nutritionalist, but I would make sure your getting at least 30 percent of your calories from healthy fats (lowfat cottage cheese, lowfat mozzarella, alvacado, olives, etc. I know in the past when I quit eating fat all together or really low....I never lose.

    Personally I no longer eat bread, rice, potatos and pasta! Those are triggers for me and what helped me get here. Plus after getting them out of my system I no longer crave them or other foods. I have found substitues for everything except bread for a sandwhich, so I just roll up the meat like a wrap with the goodies inside!

    Hang in there...the scale will start moving again. Patty

  5. I was banded 8/7/09. Dr has moved me from mushies to real food. I have never had any nausea. I'm back to my normal self, except for lifting. I've taken up a new hobby...cooking. I've tried tons of new recipes. I am sticking to soft food even though I can have anything. I've done alot of thinking during this stage, and have decided regardless of tolerence...bread, Pasta, rice, and potatoes are no longer a part of my life. I have found some good subs for everything except bread. I will schedule a fill for about 4 weeks from now. I have no restriction but keep my meals between 4 to 6 ounces...using the white knuckle technique! I am trying to drink more Water between my meas, especially when hungry.

    Yesterday I walked past a Cinnabon while shopping, you could tell they were making fresh waffle cones. It smelled wonderful. I had a "lightbulb" moment. I can appreciate the wonderful smell, without eating one! It's not that I couldn't, it's that I choose not to. After having a little talk with myself about it, I enjoyed the aroma without the guilt of wanting and feeling deprived. Life is full of wonderful things to enjoy, it's all about choices.

    Lane Bryany was having a sale, everything gold dotted was 6.99. I bought 4 items all very basic in sizes 22 to 28. They are blazers etc. It felt very liberating even though they don't fit now. It was too good of a deal to pass up. I work in an office and clothes are expensive. They were soo stylish!!! I currently where a large 30/32.

    Hugs to all,


    Anyway, I didn't mean to ramble. Life is good! I'm glad I did this and can't wait to get some restriction.

  6. I was banded 8/7/09. I have lost 6 pounds post op and 15 pre op for a total of 21. It moves slow but steady. I think as I continue to heal, move and eat more protien, it will move faster. My treadmill I ordered should be in by Sept. 2 so I'm hoping that will move things along.

    Hang in there it will happen!


  7. First clue,,,,I woke up on my stomach with no pain. (Consider we have a sleep number bed and have it sitting on 30 so it is very soft.)

    I went to a bbq for a friends birthday with my Soup in tow. Had an awesome time. It's the first time I've ever been the designated driver instead of the drunk. Everone felt so guilty eating. We have a very close nit group of friends. We are closer than most family's. I'm Miss Patty to them all, kinda of the momma bear. Our friends are all 10 to 15 years younger than my hubby and I. I finally set them all down, and told them to stop. I had made this choice, and there were going to be a lot of times, I am going to have to do things differnetly then they do. It didnt' mean I felt bad about it. I love them and am still Miss Patty whether I'm chowing on BBQ and Tequila, or swilling Soup and Water. Nothing has changed except the way I eat and drink. There is nothing to feel bad about, or guilty, or aqward! After that things went back to normal and we all had a wonderful time.

    Today I'm off to another bbq for another long time friends daughters sweet 16..with soup and Water in tow!

    I guess this is my new normal, and I think it's going to be fine!


  8. Wow! What a great idea. I think I'll make my first reward be when I hit Twoterville. I started this journey at 342, I'm down to 20 pounds with 22 to go. I'm not sure what my reward will be I'm going to have to think on that a little. I just ordered me a treadmill, so maybe I'll get the wii fit as the reward......let me think on it I'll get back to you when I decided. Patty

  9. First, I want to say congrats to everyone who has been banded and hope that your recovery is going well. I have not been on much, I've had a really tough time mentally with this surgery and the worry I caused my self with the "lasagna incident". I would like to say to everyone, DO NOT PUREE AND THIN LASAGNA 3 DAYS POST OP!!!!!!!!!!! Be very careful to read, reread, and reread your post op instructions. Do not make my mistake and go from memory. You will have just undergone major surgery, you may think your memory is on it's A game, but from my experience it may not be!! READ!!! Please, Please, Please!!! I apologize to those of you who were banded for not supporting you here. Please know that even though I didn't post you were always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Second, I want to thank all of you who supported me during this phase. It has been tough. I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Each of you that posted I want to thank for caring enough to respond. I don't know why but it is important for everyone to know that I didn't do the lasagna thing because I intended to cheat. In my mind I was following the rules. The problem is I had already lost my mind and didn't know it. I have spoke with the patient coordinator who is always in contact with the Dr. They both feel since I didn't have any nausea or vomiting it is unlikely that I did any damage. He did not think it necessary to look under fluoroscope, unless I wanted too. After much thought and counsel with my husband we decided to wait until I go back for my first fill in 5 to 6 weeks as I still have no nausea or vomitting issues. The Dr. said he would be more concerned if I had vommited or had nausea. If in the future if I have problems I will always wonder if I caused it. However, there is nothing I can do about it at this point, except pray and move on! I believe in my heart that I am fine and extremely lucky to this point! I get to move to full liquids today per the Dr's insturctions!!! Thanks ladies!!!


  10. I had surgery 8/7/09 and don't return to work until 8/17 which is Monday. Physically I have done great. No nausea, no shoulder and chest pain. I've been a little gassy a couple of days especially later in the day. Physically I could have returned to work probably Tues or Wed after my Fri surgery. However, mentally this has been really hard. Lots of tears, lots of depression, lots of "what have I done to myself"...why didn't I just stay fat I've lived with it this long". I am 100 percent better today. I have a great support system. I have gotten tons of support here and my close family and friends have really rallied around me. I never expected such a tough time mentally. It's been years since I have had such a total breakdown.

    My port site has been sore. Yesterday is was really sore, but I think I rolled over and slept on that side during the night. I put a pillow behind my back so I wouldn't do that last night, and a small rolled up towel under my belly to support it while sleeping on my good side and today it is tons better. I wish I had thought of supporting with the towel sooner.


  11. I've had no problems drinking, but did allow myself get dehydrated yesterday to the point of feeling like I was freezing. I set a timer and did my four ounces every 15 minutes, and today I feel much better, both mentally and physically.

    Hang in there girlies it will get better.

    I totally get the not feeling like drinking. It was 5:30pm yesterday before anything passed my lips!

    Hugs Patty

  12. I appreciate the support! Just for information purposes. I screwed up. The information was there, I just didn't pay attention enough. I tried to do it from memory. I can only pray I haven't screwed anything up. I have emailed the cooridnator and am awaiting a response. Thanks for all the support. Patty

  13. Unfortunetly, I had my surgery done in Mexico...because insurance wouldn't pay. I went back and reread my post op diet...and I have screwed up royally. I'm gonna go on faith that my stupidiy has not caused any permanent damage. I don't know what I was thinking. I must have read it the first time while I was stoned on anesthesia. I am suppose to be using a protien shake and getting at least 70 grams of protien and Clear Liquids for one week. Then full liquids for a week.

    I had my cry. There is really nothing I can do about what I have already done. I'm not having any symptoms so I'm gonna believe that my stupidity has not ruined anything.

    Thanks for being there for me I hope I can do the same for you someday!

    Patty...the clear liquid queen!

  14. Okay now I'm totally freaked out. I don't know what to drink! I was never told I had to do protien shakes. Only Clear liquids for a couple of days then full liquids. Which was anything I could blend to a thin consisitency.

    What if I've already done the damage??? I think I'm way in over my head here. I've cried all day. Not because of food, just tears. I can't take me one of my depression meds because it's time released. They made me a liquid compound but it tastes so bad I'll throw up if I try it again.

    So clear liquids? I just want to crawl in bed and wake up when the mushies come around. I've never been successful in anything else, I don't know what possessed me to think I could do this. On top of that everyone in the world knows I've had it done!!!!! What the hell I'm I gonna do????


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