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Everything posted by GoingforGoal

  1. GoingforGoal

    2 days away and sick...

    Conner is it probably that you may have your surgery postponed. The reason being your immune system is compromised. It's working overtime trying to combat whatever is making you sick at this time. With a preoccupied immune system, you have depleted resources to heal after surgery and to combat and potential infection risk. This will result in a prolonged healing phase (Incisions take longer to heal, Fluid retention, prolonged inflammation etc). There's also complications with the surgery unto itself. Realize you will be intubated and under anesthesia. If you have any lung infection brewing this can result in poor ventilation support. The last thing you want is to be in surgery and them having to stop prematurely due to poor vitals etc. I am not trying to scare nor upset you. I am an RN and am rambling off all the possible issues you may face so you can make an informed decision. Be upfront w/ your physician and allow him/her to make the final determination. Good luck hon, hang in there
  2. GoingforGoal

    Doing my homework and getting serious

    It's imperative we all do our research to get a basic knowledge of the procedure, the lifestyle etc and determine if it's right for us. However, statistics are just that, statistics. The variables are left out of the picture. Unlike quantifying how many people are successful after a cholecytectomy where there is very little patient demand and compliance requirements, the band is a whole new beast. It requires patience, followup, compliance and a good sense of mind. Again, variables that can and will drastically effect the longterm success of the lapband. The numbers I see associated with the lapband can be discouraging. I'm disappointed that we can't do better. True, they combine old bands and new bands, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the patient is the #1 factor. The band was never designed to simply take care of your weight. It's a tool to assist you in that goal. Bottom line, you sound like a smart woman and I'm sure you already know how tweeking the compliance can tweek the results. Follow the rules and you'll be at goal in no time.
  3. GoingforGoal

    The profound difference.....

    Makes me want to get a panel done to check up on my levels. Great job
  4. GoingforGoal

    Starting my Journey Today

    I didn't have to do the preop diet but I just wanted to wish you g'luck on your surgery and congrats on your decision to get banded. There's no doubt the preop diet will be a challenge. Only advice I can give you is to stay preoccupied to get your mind off food (or the lack thereof). If there was every a time to start a DIY project, this is it ahhaha
  5. GoingforGoal

    24 and getting banded!!

    Congrats on your decision. What a perfect time to get banded. I was 32 when I got banded and would have preferred to have done this 10 years earlier. You are giving yourself the greatest gift
  6. GoingforGoal

    Happy Birthday

    and a pinch for g'luck
  7. GoingforGoal

    Is it possible to lose too much?

    Hello Ltnt, My husband also played football and has more muscle mass than fat, although combined has put him in a considerably higher weight range than desired. I understand your issues/goals completely. Like you, he also bought an additional year to convince himself it was time for help. I think the band will help you considerably. As for reaching a min BMI. I believe once you qualify for the band and insurance approves the procedure you are no longer on the watch clock per say. They prefer wl prior to the procedure to minimize fatty liver and to assist in a speedy recovery and this is per doc orders so it should not be an obstacle.
  8. GoingforGoal

    Just banded

    Welcome to bandland and congrats
  9. I use to be vegan, not anymore. But I understand wanting to be true to your beliefs and not having to sacrifice them for some silly band. There are vegan friendly Protein shakes http://www.mensfitness.com/training/build-muscle/best-protein-powders-for-vegetarians-and-vegans Soy milk contends with bovine milk except in the calcium category supplements are the same Tofu, huge variety of Beans, tempeh, quinoa, Peanut Butter, nuts, potatoes, and veggies are all good sources of protein However, I think you will be more successful cooking at home opposed to eating out to maximize the protein punch in your meals without too many additives like frying oils, sauces etc as most meals are catered to flavors not protein content
  10. Woohoo back down to 151.8

  11. I assume this is up to solids, here's a partial list Supplements: Multi Vitamins, Calcium, Biotin are some of the common ones. Initially you may be more comfortable with any liquid versions you can find (but it tastes horrible) and than transition to chewies. Drinks: crystal lite (or similar product), gatorade and Protein shakes and nondairy milks (ie rice/soy) Foods: broths than thicker Soups like tomato, applesauce, v8 juice, pudding, icepops, Jello, mash potato, canned (or soft or well cooked) fruit/vegs, Beans, chili, watery cream of wheat, nondairy yogurts (never tried them but its worth a try) Some of these can be eaten straight and some will need to be blenderized to make them mushies.
  12. GoingforGoal

    Tmi question?

    Cant be the gallbladder if its out Rather, many people have GI upset and either constipation/diarrhea as they transition through the phases. Some of it is because of meds, part because there are no solids to digest, some due to the fact that we are not taking in enough fluids.
  13. GoingforGoal

    Newbie Here! One week 9 pounds!!

    Sigh..this is one of the regrettable results of having a unsupervised/moderated forum. Everyone pitches in their experiences and ideas but instead of being informative it can sometimes scare people off. The reality is, we are individuals and we are approaching and experiencing this journey very differently from one another. Some are compliant, some not. Some are better informed, some not. Some are just plain irrational, some not hahaha. So you have to take it all with a grain of salt and let it apply when it becomes your reality. For instance, worry about complications if indeed you experience one. I am 4 yrs out with zero complications as an example. I am informed about slips, gerd, dilation etc but I focus on proper eating habits and working with my band opposed to being paralyzed with fear it could happen to me. I highly recommend that you nix smoking. Easier said than done granted. But I think it'll help greatly with keeping everything dilated, hydrated etc and not putting you at risk w/ the coughing etc. Take things one day at a time. I always say keep your expectations realistic. This is a learning experience. Once you transition through the phases it'll be a piece of pie
  14. Sorry to chime in late here. I also have only told maybe 2-3 people. I was fortunate when I first got banded because we moved a mere 6 months afterwards. So I had a fresh start if you will. However, we are all faced with the awkwardness of eating in social settings with the full realization people will notice. So here's what we do or what we say (my husband is banded too) 1. I say I just ate and am getting something light to top me off 2. I say that I am trying to lose weight and I do that by eating all the time but just small portions each meal 3. You can be sassy and just say 'yeah and i noticed you ate SO much' ahhaha j/k 4. I stick to foods that look large but in reality are not, like Soups or I get an appetizer to keep portions small and so it looks like there's less leftover. I get Water even if I dont drink it. 5. Rave about a food you order and say its your fav and its all you'll eat there (to justify eating an app lol) These excuses can be recycled time and time again if you are w/ new people. But at some point, if you feel you are with the same people all the time, or ultimately you start dating it's probably better to share your news so they can stop asking the q's and start supporting the decision. I kind of like the idea of telling them after losing 50+ lbs so that they can be impressed <snicker> Happy Dating
  15. GoingforGoal

    Cancelled My Surgery

    I remember your post asking anyone if they had Barrett's and I silently questioned if that was really safe w/ the band. There are people without GERD who unfortunately develop it. If you already have some form of it, how the heck is the band going to make matters better? Unfortunately I know that you can suffer the same from the sleeve, just not sure about bypass. I think it is ALWAYS wise to question your doctors. As a nurse, I have learned that docs have different levels of experience and philosophies. Some do a job and some actually care. Always get a 2nd consult whenever a doc says something that just doesnt sound or sit right.
  16. GoingforGoal

    My Morning Rant...

    Man, not so sure I agree. Take aside my own personal philosophies and practices, there is more than just one tool to facilitate wl. I think it is extremely important to not only hilite that fat people=overeaters but that many fat people are also uneducated on how to eat healthy. I am not assuming everyone here is an overeating ignorant beings LOL, rather the reality is they can be one or both. I find that most of the education patient's receive is very specific to the band and transitioning them to solids. I know my guidelines were very vague and certainly was not an education. So for some, they still lack the education. For others, they have the education but now they are implementing it for the very first time. Tools like weight management logs, apps, calorie logging etc is a way to be accountable by understanding what goes in mouth may result in a loss or gain. They need to understand the relationship between the foods they eat and the outcome of that choice. Naturally, with time, they will become versed in that relationship and most will no longer needs their apps etc. That timeline is different for everyone and some use them for life to some capacity. It is also important to recognize that when we are new to any program we typically fixate on the program. Why do you think LBT is so successful. Because the more we involve ourselves and surround ourselves with other like minded people we increase chances of success because there is increased knowledge, accountability, and support. So yes, there are different tools. Some hogwash to one, lifesavers to others. I am a calorie counter. It's the only thing that works for me. I know that 1200 calories makes me gain and it's very easy to get to 1200 cals. I cannot simply eat when Im hungry and eat healthy. Even healthy food has calories. This is how I retrain myself to not only eat healthy but eat healthy portions. I also have a medical condition that limits my ability to exercise the way I'd like to, so you bet calories count. Bottom line, we all have different circumstances, preferences and just like learning- different wl styles.
  17. GoingforGoal

    Can i eat bananas?

    Not sure what your transition plan looks like, but I was on solids by week 6. I have never had any issues with bananas other than they fill me up quickly. Unlike more fibrous fruits, like oranges, it never caused a stuck episode
  18. GoingforGoal

    Other peoples opinions

    Actually I would associate internal bleeding with something like bypass and the sleeve because they are actually cutting and reconnecting parts that are prone to tear, adhesions, infection etc where they are resutured. In those uncomfortable situations, simply be polite and ask "oh, did you do alot of personal research and which surgery did you end up choosing?" "no, and you never needed it? Than why are you qualified to dissuade me from a medical decision you are clearly unqualified to talk about" just for sh*ts and giggles
  19. GoingforGoal

    Lap Band on August 19th

    Good luck and congrats
  20. GoingforGoal

    port awareness?

    I know in the beginning I was very aware of the port. Mostly because I am a belly sleeper and had to sleep 'unnaturally' to avoid damaging the port site. But in time I stopped focusing on it. However, 3 years later and at goal I can feel my port more. Some ppl lose so much weight that the port just sticks out from under the skin, hard to miss ey? lol You'll notice as you lose weigh that your port may migrate towards midline. I am more conscientious of my port because it's easier to palpate nowadays
  21. GoingforGoal

    band reminder...

    Isn't that the worse... as sick as it is keep a empty oversized cup in your car for emergency purposes. I've been caught where I couldn't pull over (turning green as I type this)
  22. GoingforGoal

    Curious about salad

    total meal = 1 cup max for me not 1 cup per type of food. It's a volume issue to not stretch your pouch.
  23. GoingforGoal

    Post-Pregnancy Fill while BFing

    I got pregnant on the band and did not need to unfill during the pregnancy. With that being said, I maintained my 5cc fill throughout pregnancy as well as breastfeeding and it did not result in early drying or lack of milk/poor weight gain. Consult with your physician.
  24. GoingforGoal

    1400 Calorie a day

    I'm eating 900 cals without exercise. With exercise I'm eating around 1100. I'm near 4 years out, at goal 152 lb at 5'7" and maintaining

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
