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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ccweeks

  1. I start my pre-op diet this weekend :drool: and I need a little assistance from you wonderful people! I am to have 2-3 shakes and 2-3 low fat, high Protein meals a day. For the actual meals, other than things like chicken breasts and tuna fish, what have you eaten / are you eating?? And, what veggies or fruits or sides are you having, as well? Cauliflower and broccoli look to be low-carb, but what else? I'd love to hear what you are eating!
  2. My surgeon performs gastric banding as an outpatient procedure meaning I will not be staying in a hospital overnight. Anyone else being done same day outpatient? I'm concerned b/c I keep reading about how everyone is having surgery and staying overnight.
  3. Hey there! I can't find your blog. Will you give me the link so I can start following?

  4. Excellent idea, Counselor! :thumbup: LBT Name: ccweeks Height: 5'9 Surgery date: Nov 20 Starting Weight: 264 Surgery Weight: (unknown right now) Current Weight: 257
  5. Hey Cathy! Remember me? Well, I'm having my surgery on the 20th! I was wondering, did Dr. Hart add any ccs to your band during surgery or was your band completely empty post op?

  6. There seems to be a lot of us being banded on the 20th! Woo hoo! Bandmates! Congrats to those who have been banded, so far, this week!
  7. Karyn: I heard that you are pretty weak for the time you are on clear liquids so it's best to take time off for that...sleep and stuff. I intend to have mine on the 20th, a Friday, and be off the entire next week. I'm sure you can go back to work on Monday, if you wanted, but I know that I would not be able to focus if I'm weak at all. I'd rather just lay in bed and watch trash TV if i can :thumbup:
  8. I'm going to start on Sunday. I have a big tennis match tomorrow so I will need carbs!


    I'm nervous and excited, too! I went to the vitamin store yesterday and got liquid vitamins, papaya enzymes, and isopure!

  9. OK. I'm beginning to feel much better about this being an outpatient procedure. Thank you all for your comments.
  10. Hey there! We have the same date and about the same amount to lose! Good luck to you!

  11. I think I'm really fortunate that mine still has solid food mixed in with the Protein drinks! I think it might make the pre-op diet more tolerable. However, you liquid dieters are going to drop a lot more lbs than me!
  12. ccweeks

    Crohn's Disease and Lap-Band

    Found this after a quick google search. Lap Band Surgery, Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Candidates, Stomach Banding Central Coast Australia and Gastric Band |Advantages of Gastric Band Surgery They both say that Crohn's patients are NOT candidates. Have you fully researched your surgeon? It concerns me that he is not worried.
  13. Hey November Knockouts! Just wanted to send a note to all those being banded / blessed this week! I'm thinking of you all and wish you all the most success and healing! Keep up the great work!!!
  14. K-State: Don't get so down on yourself and, more importantly, DON'T GIVE UP! I can't give you much advice for getting through the pre-op diet, b/c I don't start mine for another week (and mine isn't all liquids), but I would advise you to keep your carbs to a minimum if you MUST cheat. Low carbs are what is shrinking that fat around the liver and will help your surgeon see your stomach better to band it! So, try not to eat saltines. You can do this! We are all here to support each other and help each other get through these hard times. If you are feeling like eating carbs, drink some Water or a Protein shake, come on here and vent! I wish you all the luck (and willpower!) in the world!
  15. is this your very first time meeting with him / his office? If so, you don't need anything, really. he will probably talk about the procedure, what to expect, time line, and talk about what kinds of tests he'd like you to get done prior to him performing the procedure.
  16. Rollin: I'm following your blog!!! :scared2: I've always wanted to be a cop!
  17. Hi, fellow November Bandsters! Does anyone else have a blog? If so, let's see it! Let's follow each other and be motivators!
  18. Holy cow. What an experience! I think many of us in your shoes would have done just the same as you and then been puzzled about why they felt they couldn't develop a theraputic relationship with you. One word...STRANGE. I think it's a sign and I'm glad it happened to you now rather than when you are under the knife! Good luck to you!
  19. I'm scheduled for November 20th...as long as CareCredit approves my financing! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I've decided that I'll use Jay Robb's Protein for my pre-op diet. My pre-op is only 3 shakes a day + 2 lean meals for 2 weeks. I think I have it pretty easy compared to some of you!
  20. I'm 11/20, as well! Looking forward to it!
  21. This is going to sound mean, but, frankly, i don't care. You need to get your act together, suck it up, and stop the cheating. Cheating is cheating. If you really want this surgery, you will work your hardest to follow what your SURGEON has told you to do. You are going to feel really stupid when you go in for surgery feeling all happy you are getting a band then wake up with no band. The purpose of the pre-op diet is to shrink your liver and to make it less fatty.
  22. ccweeks

    Atlanta Doctor Suggestions

    I will be using True Results (they are in Dunwoody) and it will be about $15k. I'm self pay.
  23. I believe it was the July issue of Atlanta magazine...they had a section for their top docs. Dr. Sweeney was voted top Bariatric Surgeon. I went to his seminar and LOVED him, but, sadly, I'm self pay, and can't afford Emory.
  24. I am an admitted Diet Coke addict and I can't imagine not being able to drink Diet Coke for the REST OF MY LIFE after surgery. How can I break the cycle? Have any of you been in my shoes and been able to do this? Sadly, this is my biggest concern for this change in my life.
  25. Excellent suggestions, ladies! Thank you. I don't drink them for the caffeine. I've been off caffeine for several months now. I just love the taste and feel that a DC goes with certain types of food. Maybe that's my problem? The foods that I associate DC with? Anyway, I feel more comfortable about it, and addelapp5 - you crack me up with the story about chugging one right before your midnight cutoff the night before surgery. I think I might just have to do that. Also, I think that by thinking of it as breaking the habit for now and not that I won't be able to have one someday down the line sounds manageable :w00t: Thanks!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
