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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimmason

  1. kimmason

    Argon's Activities

    Hey mandi well you sound better than you did and I am thrilled for you. That'll also be great that you have someone else that you know in the same town.As for tonights lottery, yep., sign me up for the cruise..........but do we have to come back? tomorrow is my DAY...at TBLC!
  2. you know I am sooo surprised that there are not many posts to this thread.... honestly people bitch and complain just like they do about their government and then they don't vote. Well people who do not vote have no right to bitch, and honestly if people are so apathetic that they don't want to band together, then I don't want to read another complaint about cost of the surgery.( not directed to cloe and yoda) and I did not see any cbc show tonight. when i looked.
  3. oh yoda.....what varying degrees of success did canadian lapbanders have?
  4. First, about this thread. If someone has tried to challenge this before..fine, but it still hasn't happened and it should by all rights and purposes.Do we just roll over and acept this, or keep up the pressure and common sense in hopes that they will finally get it, that they will save themselves money down the road with health care costs? I am serious, I do not want to let this die and we all go quietly and accept what big brother says. I seriously think WE should take a stand, stand up for ourselves and future brothers, sisters down the road. So please lets keep talking about this. as for the bbq..ya I did it and over did it and paid for it. I started to enjoy the scents, the flavours etc, inthe beginning, but realized i could't stop and i was of the feast before the famine mentality and wanted to stuff it all in before I go through the month or so of blech! so there ya go,,,,,, now I was starting to enjoy my cottage cheese, NOWI hate it again!
  5. kimmason

    Argon's Activities

    I DO NOT FRIGGIG BELIEVE THAT THE DOC wil not help you. I woul dtake a bit more of a drastic route now Mandi as you have been patient and sweet. Call your own doctor who did the surgey and explain what has happened, that you have no follow up and ther onlyperson who can help you is refusing, can that doctor make a referral and call the doctor you need to see.. if that does't help then this is drastic BUT considering you are a canadian who is entitled to our health care, i would threaten to call the College of Physians and surgeons and report him for refusing you. I mean yes a doctor has a right to not take a pt, BUT inthis case you are left without health care by the only person who can help you and that your treatment depends on follow up.
  6. kimmason

    Whats up with me

    you know soemthign wa said abotu making a goal and then .,,falling off target,, when she said, about feeling safe being fat, you know somethign tweaked when i read it. What do you guys think? I mean this might sound weird but I then know if a man really likes me for me, and not obviously my body, I feel safe walking at night, who would want to rape me? does that sound mad?
  7. kimmason

    Is Kim hiding?

    wel tomorrow is almost here and I can't wait...... as for clear fluids for one week etc... you guys have great ideas I nevr thought of, like the strained soup etc.... so I am going to ask you guys for ideas for the full fluids, pureed diet ( especially ) over the next while. I was in superstore s=tonight and saw ground turkey, chicken and thoguht, hmmm, what if i bbq'ed a turkey burger and then ground it up would that be okay? so any ideas to get me through would be appreciated and then I can publish the lapbanders cookbook lol.
  8. kimmason

    Is Kim hiding?

    I believe one week clear, and then full fluids for a week or so and then two weeks of pureed, don't quote me, my handbook is upstairs.
  9. kimmason

    Famous Canadian Losers!

    geeze cause trouble, sell things....well if i wanted to cause trouble I would do it on crazier sites, and sell things, ya twinkies lol. Nope, just me baby! Lol
  10. kimmason

    Whats up with me

    I never thought of eating too much as self centred I mean yes I am doing it, but I think I have given away myself to my kids, my work, my partner and honeslty i hardly think of myself......the eating is maybe a coping thing?/ I dunno. But this lap band that i am going to have THAt is the first time i am looking after me, so call that self centred I guess but deservedly so.
  11. kimmason

    Famous Canadian Losers!

    I just got areply from them and they want to know my doc, my real name, consult date etc
  12. kimmason

    Is Kim hiding?

    thanks cloe, ya honestly I can't imagine having all this food here and not eatingany, but I don;t think I will be able to pack in like before. Wow I can' tbeleive I did this yogurt thing this long....lol what ami thinking, the worst is yet to come,, clear fluids, etc.
  13. kimmason

    Whats up with me

    cloe i admire you, I have no idea how you not only beat one but now three addictions pretty much and the fact that you are idientifying this is phenomenal. This place for me is a safe place to fall as the ol dr phil says, and honestly if it wasn;t for you, argon, yoda, jude et al, I would be running off in the other directionand open up shitloads of cheesies and go back into my hole. I have lived like this most of my life as long as I can remember with food, why I have no clue, but you guys share a struggle that no one but myself that i know of persoanlly has had ,(that I knew of )for years. My family are all slender and shorter so I have felt entirely like I live on another planet. Thank you to you and all for being here with me.
  14. kimmason

    Famous Canadian Losers!

    okay wel I don' t know her name and I applied for this website but what folks are writing I htink this is the best forum for me and it feels like asupportive group here for me and I know you guys and TRUST you.
  15. kimmason

    so upset and pissed

    hi. I just read this thread and wow..... Okay this mother daughter thing...it is not uncommon and I too faced it all of my life., I was big and tall and my mother is this perfect little blonde 130 lb woman who alwys watched what she ate and what i ate too. I left home early but every conevrsation she made involved, food, diet, etc, . I am five nine and when i was 20 i lost alot of weight and she then saw me trying on clothes and then told me I was too skinny!!!! Like make up your frigging mind will ya> I never said anything not until I hit 40 and I am now getting my band on thursday as I am way bigger now. I told her how it hurt etc..but I am a psych nurse and after reading various books the mother daughter connection is a funny thing. they think of us as an extension of themselves, and for some it is do as I say and not as i do, but I found it funny that my mom was an amazing cook and sewer and i stayed away from it and get stressed to the max when i cook for people, she had to be the best at those thing sand always ask, is it okay etc and have copmpliments all the time. in many ways I see as I got older that we are alike, but the weight thing is my issue and I am sure some of this comes from childhood stuff but now she lays off ( although i am sure she has an opinion) I went through areally tough time this last year and poke to my family like I never have before and finally on my bday this past july 4th, i thanked them for their presents and explained that I am having this surgery and that I have tried everything, that I have had problems my whole life and alhtogu my brother is not for it and has been quiet ever since, I know I have their respect and wil be there for me. Now Icall the shots with my life. and you my dear will too. al the best love kim
  16. kimmason

    Is Kim hiding?

    oops but I forgot, Thank you guys for caring and being there for me. really I feel blessed. I hope one day we can actually get together...and chew forever!
  17. kimmason

    Is Kim hiding?

    LOL, geeze, been off line for a few days and I feel like that kids book "where's waldo". Nope I am here. Not too much going on but I can FINALLY say I am down some weight,,thank god! so I am still having surgery thursday as far as I know. One of the preop nurses called to say she got all of my pre ops stuff BUT no chest x ray and I phoned my docs office two weeks ago and told them to send the one I had a while ago, cuz who wants a second one if you don't need it? So I dunno. I am now though kind of umm concerned since tomorrow is the bbq and I am thinking okay i have to cook, and I ws told I could eat, but wondering if this might mess me up or boom, i gainback all the weight I have lost. I am now eating 1 tub of yogurt a day whereas before I was eating 1 tub of yogurt 650 mls and 1 tub of cottage cheese or was I up tp 3 initially? I don't remember. Also back to this icey thing at home with Peter, and I dunno, but I have to make a decision about this thing, but I guess with everythign I am going through a breakup would just add to it.
  18. kimmason

    CBC Obesity doc

    hey yoda happy birthday. you are a cancer?? like me.
  19. kimmason

    Famous Canadian Losers!

    um what canuck? alos if you are pm ing peopel who ask, why not just write it here, I mean we are al in the same boat. I would like the site too! thanks re the canadian
  20. kimmason

    any advice

    wow, never thought my bum would make it to a internet site, but weird, I thought I was the only one..with the bowel stuff and this is before I get my band which is now just days to go...... I have had hard to start and then BOOM!, also if i don;t get to the bathrooom right away also...look out!! Iwonder if obesity has anything to do with that????stree i know,my eating habits how they were i dunno, but me too .
  21. kimmason

    Food Poll

    I'm with Argon , I crave lots of different things, carbs just before my period for a week for sure. But ilike to eat main course stuff when I binge...like I wil buy pc products and nuke those micro cheeseburgers or sometimes eat liek 4 lamchops or 8 at one time, then puked, or mashed potatoes...mmmm. ju jubes. CHOCOLATE definetly,but i dfind once i start that I crave it daily......
  22. kimmason

    Canadian "AUGUST" Challenge

    wow yoda:clap2: great news, congratulations, that must feel great.!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: see everyone thinks so!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  23. kimmason

    Canadian "AUGUST" Challenge

    thansk sunshine on the shrimp thing. so I am confused ads i thin I have asked just about everybody,..BUT with out ANY restriction one still has to chew like crazy???I don't understand if the band is on but not tightend why the opening would be smaller to get something into??? That is what worries mer. iwant to be normal again where if and when Ilose this weight..I can eat wuith friends without takign hours, thta i can go on vacation without having to make my food mush beforeit gets down. No honestly I would appreciate some fedback since I am thinkign if i am worried about all of this now, does it mean that i am seting myself up for failure? that perhaps I am not serious? I mean am i throwign 16,000 down the toilet? I have done the private thign with a couple of folks and REALLY would liek to TALK to someone. I mean on the phone not always her on line where I don't always get it. I am sane, I am a mum, I am not asking to phone you everyday just once to get my answers. I like my privacy and do not want to be harrassed, so I would not do that to anyone else. So I hope someone will talk to me the old fashioned way. So would someone PLEASE private me and let me know, and I can give my number or call you long distance. I appreciate it.
  24. kimmason

    Canadian "AUGUST" Challenge

    but i worry that until I get the hang of it I swallow something large and then I am going to be introuble right?
  25. kimmason

    Yoda, do you have a dog?!

    actually as a breeded. newfs can be huge I have seen males about 200 lbs, but then again I don't like mine that big or else they won't live that long ( normally 10 yrs approx age span) My female is 132 and male approx same weight

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