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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by cduval04

  1. I'm also being banded on the 20th!! I can't wait!! I went to the seminar a year ago and now it's finally happening!! I've have to do a pre op diet for 2 weeks, so tomorrow starts the second week and so far I've lost about 4.5 lbs on it.. I go to my surgeon tomorrow for my pre op visit... I'm so nervous!! I'm afraid they find some reason as to why not to do the surgery... I guess I still can't believe that it's finally going to happen... Good luck to everyone else who be banded on the 20th!!!

    Hey julie I am a dec 20th bandster too and right now I am on my way to dr. For final pre-op checkup....I am also VERY nervous that they will find a reason not to do it. I was scheduled for back in august, but at the time I was having some pretty bad depression/ anxiety and they pushed it back to dec 20th, so nothing is set in stone in my mind until I'm on the OR table! I have not told any friends except for a couple really close ones b/c I feel like I would be jinxing myself....my worst fear now is that I will get sick within the next week....that would be SO bad...as I sit here on public transportation, am trying to wash my hands A LOT and I even took a couple airborne tabs but don't want to take too many cuz they are chock full of Vitamins and I'm not supposed to be taking any vitamins/ supplements.....anyway don't want to jinx u :) but I WILL BE THINKING OF U ON THE 20th and everyone else that has surgery on the 20th. I much like a lot of people on here have been tossing this decision around in my mind for well over a year...and part of me still wants out, but I'm doing it no question. Its funny cuz exactly 3 yrs ago on the 20th I had 6 hour experimental brain surgery (5 hrs of which I was wide awake for) to help with the hoRible symptoms of my tourette syndrome....they put electrodes in my brain and wired them to battery packs in my chest, although they told me nothing was a given I was basically a guinea pig, the surgery has been incredibly sucessfull. Anyway, what I was trying to get at is this scares me much more than that did, cuz weight is something I've battled with since age 6, I was on so many meds when I was young to try to control my tics and none of them were helpful for my weight....I lost 80 lbs back in 2006 but then have gained back 110 since...I know so many people who are "up and down" people for their whole lives, and I just can't be that-it has to come off and stay off!!!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE

  2. uuuuggggghhhhhhhh........is it just me that feels like someone stripped me of my willpower? I have totally gone off the 500 cal/day diet (5 HMR shakes) yesterday and today. my last preop checkup b4 surgery on the 20th is on monday and if I dont lose at least a couple pounds (last weigh in was 11/23) they are going to know I havent been doing the HMR strictly.....its just sooooooooo hard to even sit up consuming a mere 500 cals a day (I have missed two days of classes cuz my energy is so low), and those HMR shakes really get tiring/sickining after awhile.....

    good for you guys for not giving in to your hunger pangs....I don't know what the hell is wrong with me...hopefuly I can get down to business for the next 5 days cuz when I stick to it, the weight does come off.....I am such a strong person, but when it comes to food, I am easily defeated.....and when I get defeated...I have trouble not beating myself up about it......

  3. I'm also scheduled for the 20th and started my pre-op diet today. First day was rough, hoping it will get better with each day. I'm excited and can't wait!! Good Luck on the 20th!!

    hey all I started my pre-op diet sunday which consists of 5 HMR shakes/day at 100 cals each. and it is not going well. A) I am VERY weak, tired and can't do anything and, I am not tolerating the shakes well, they give me gas, stomach upset (I think I might me a tad lastose intolerant), and its gotten to the point where I will have 2 or 3 and then I'd rather have nothing at all than drink another one.

    any suggestions? my surgery is on the 20th. does anyone else find that with this little calorie intake (which out bodies are not exactly used to quite yet, or at least mine isn't), your energy goes out the window? are any of you on HMR?

    I'm young 24yo and I just think on my 330lb almost 6ft frame, with 500 cals, no wonder I have no energy. I know the point of it to get us to lose as much weight as possible b4 surgery, but like I said, I am finding it very dificult to find the energy to exist, let alone exercise 30min/day 5x week

    (I am also on a lot of meds that lower my BP significantly and I have POTS (Postural Orthostatic Hypotension Syndrome) so 900mg sodium or whatever 5 shakes is something like that is just not cutting it for me...I'm used to much more)

  4. Mine is tentatively Dec 20th so it will be an early Christmas gift to myself!! And I can't wait to start the New Year as a new ME!! My wife is just as excited as I am about it. She is also more scared than me. I'm not telling anyone else but her.

    hey I'm dec 20th too! I know...us crazy people that get it done at the time of year where most people indulge haha.

    I'm scheduled for Mid/late December like the week of Christmas. I can't wait either. I started my diet on Monday and then after Thanksgiving I will be on my pre-op diet. Is anyone feeling like "last supper" feeling when it comes to certain foods? I can't shake it as things become more real. To chocolatecity, I understand where you are coming from only 4 people in my life , but you do need the support of your husband if not anyone else. Plus, my surgeon office requires 2 family pledged support, does anyone else?

    YES missgissel I feel the same way as I think do a lot of people, esp since thanksgiving WAS my last meal, and for christmas dinner and new years when we usually get chinese takeout I will be drinking crystal lite and eating Jello, but I try to think its not going away, I'll still be able to eat those things after I heal, just in MUCH smaller portions and hopefully just a taste is all I'll want cuz I'll be full after that.

  5. hello all, I am scheduled for my banding on 12/20 (knock on wood I have one more checkup/weigh-in on the 13th-I say knock on wood cuz I was supposed to have it in aug. but I had some depression/other pshyc issues going on and it got postponed, and then I had it scheduled a couple years ago and decided I wasn't ready so I actually wont believe it until I'm in the OR lol) and I seem to have been having a lot of trouble finding a Protein supplement I like. I guess I am very sensitive to highly concentrated Protein and it all tastes yucky to me....

    my requirements post op are 60grams protein per day, preferably in 3 scoops of powder with 20g each, or my RD said 1 1/2 bottles of Isopure sport are ok to cuz they have 40g per bottle. well news, i tried the Isopure sport grape flavor bottle and it was gross-def not tolerable. if not tolerable b4 surgery, def not tolerable after lol. my rd said to buy and try b4 surgery so you can start as soon as you get home from the hosp. I havent tried a ton but I havent liked any of them except the one by worldwide sport protein they sell them everywhere http://www.sportnutr...s/products.aspx but those aren't on the "approved" list so I'd have to ask my RD and they can get expensive at $2 a pop

    on the "approved" list in my surgery paperwork are

    Isopure sport powder or premixed (premixed is out, dont know if the powder is any better)

    any powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury product

    SmartForme products smartfome.com

    pro energy (product of energy first)

    GNC pro performance whey isolate

    spring valley

    it also says alternative supplements may be used, but should be evaluated and approved by the dietician before use. (dont know what they "evaluate" besides protein and calories/carbs, if I did, maybe I could search around a little more)

    has anyone tried any/all of these, or is there anyone out there that has a very "picky" palate for Protein drinks? which one is most likeable? or do you know of any other ones that are kind of "universally" approved in the lap band community? please I need to find at least one that I like before my surgery....maybe one that tastes kind of like nesquick or yoohoo? (haha yeah right dream on...lol)


  6. No they won't help you they will reschedule you instead. You really need to be able to go to sleep on your own for a true result.

    Good Luck to you!

    hey I finally got through it....I took 75mg benadryl, 2.5mg of klonipin and 9mg melatonin woke up at 2 am she said she needed 2 more hours from me so I took 50 more of bdryl 1 more mg of klonipin and 3 more mg of melatonin......I know that sounds like abuse but I know my body and there was just no way I was getting to sleep. Plus I have a tolerance. I had told the tech that my normal bed time at home is no earlier than 1:30am so she kept asking "do u usually sleep like this? I said "I guess I just got lucky. What was I supposed to say I drugged myself. It's 7am tho and I def have a mild hangover. I have to stay at the hospital cuz I live far and have another appointment at 11:30 then another one at 1. I just wish there was somwhere that I could lay down I am not usually able to sleep in a chair even when I am extremely exhausted. in 2-3 weeks I will know if I have sleep apnea. Thanks for all your tips!

  7. I have moderate sleep apnea and upper airway resistance syndrome. I didn't fit the typical profile. I was dxed at age 24. I started having high blood pressure and fatigue at age 21. I was 190 lbs and I was told by my family doc that at that age there had to be a reason for my high blood pressure. He kept me on meds and did all sorts of tests. He even sent me to several specialists and then gave up and said I was healthy I just had hypertension.

    Then I went to work for a family doc. I kept complaining to his physician assistant about my blood pressure and how tired I was and he was like well you have sleep apnea. I said no way but he made me go for a sleep study and I tested positive. Come to find out uncontrolled sleep apnea causes high blood pressure.

    So yes it's possible you can have it and not know. I was told that if I get banded that my apnea should go away after I lose the weight.

    good luck on the sleep study!

    Wow that's weird I'm 24 too and I began to gain weight around 21 that is also when I got the inhaler the thing with me is I've never really known if I have hypertension b/c I have been on clonidine ever since I was 6 to help with my tourettes syndrome but its more common use is as an antihypertensive....I bet off if it i def would tho. I have pretty bad tachycardia though worst upon waking & I am on a beta blocker for that which lowers my bp even more.....I just hope I can find a way to sleep tommorow night.....I can't even sleep in my own bed on my $2000 latex mattress without being wired up like the unibomber lol.......do they help u if u absolutely can't sleep like do they give u something? Thanks for ur response!

  8. hey all I have a surgery date for aug 16th...I'm having it done at lahey clinic in burlington ma. I love the place and would put my life in their hands any day....but sometimes I just have to ask myself WHY?

    the NP said I didnt need a sleep study cuz I tested 0 on their stupid like 4 question OSA screen, which basicall asked if you wake up in middle of the night gasping for breath and if your neck circumfrence was >16inches and I don't snore (which I've only been told at sleepovers cuz I am single and have my own room and usually sleep with the door shut....I even asked for one b/c several of my other doctors mentioned it...and she said take it up with your primary.....

    first of all, I think they are a little narrow minded...I also think it should be a required test pre-op...wouldnt they want to spend a few thousand $ just to rule it out b4 they spend tens of thousands slicing you 9 ways to sunday and banding your stomach.

    according to wikipedia..."Regardless of type, the individual with sleep apnea is rarely aware of having difficulty breathing, even upon awakening"

    it also says "Even the loudest snoring does not mean that an individual has sleep apnea syndrome. The sign that is most suggestive of sleep apneas occurs when snoring stops."

    I also had major brain surgery 3 years ago and they put electrodes in my brain wired to battery packs in my chest (DBS) to control a movement disorder....and I also have a neurological history....its like no one even addresses central SA or mixed SA....it's like if ur fat...its OSA..no questions

    so I finally had my neurologist order a sleep study which I am going for tommorow....my insomnia has gotten REALLY out of control...I use my inhaler multiple times a day now (I was prescribed it 2 years ago for allergies and used it MAYBE 2x a month)....my metabolism has slowed to a absolute CRAWL (I have a gowear fit and the burn on it today was 200 100 cals LOWER than my BMR (how is that even possible)....and during the day I mine as well be a piece of furniture b/c I am useless for anything due to fatigue....I sit here now with a stiff neck...sore back...and my chest feels like a child is sitting on it..really tight....and yet all my doctors say I am the picture of health and are ready to cut me open in 6 weeks......

    I have very bittersweet feelings about a dx of SA....I do not WANT to have it by any means...but if I do I can say that I will definitly be relieved that there is a REASON that I have developed all these health issues and gained 110lbs in the last 2 years....the last year or so has been sheer hell....

    has anyone that "doesn't fit the typical SA profile" actually ended up testing pos.? does anyone out there actually have central and not obstructive? I would like to know what you think...despite having a 15 inch neck...I am 327lbs 5'10.5" and have a 54 inch waist so dont be fooled...I'm weird....my neck is small I only have one chin and my 7 inch wrists should be bigger at 330lbs lol

  9. this thread has been inactive for awhile...i hope I can bring it back to life lol

    I am being banded @ lahey too. (they did life changing brain surgery on me, that had never been done before and they did an awesome job, all my care is now @ lahey)

    I have that all day bit with the NP, the dietician, and the pshycologist. can anyone answer a few questions for me?

    1)is this the day you actually begin the preop diet, or is it more just telling you what it is going to entail?

    2)do they run any actual tests on this day (blood, ekg etc.) or is that after you see the surgeon? aka, should I fast just in case they do a glucose or anything? (I am not diabetic I just dont want ppl to think I am, so I usually fast whenever they do a BG)

    3)How long after this day do you get a date with the surgeon?

    4)do they tell you how long till surgery day or at least give you an idea? or again, is this something the surgeon will tell you?

    5)and basically what does the day entail? I mean u r there for almost 4 hrs, so they have to do something lol...I would just like to know what the day is going to be like.....I have always been like that...can't go see a movie without reading the plot summary first type of person lol

    anyone who has been banded at lahey, if you could share your experiences, I would really appreciate it!


  10. I am going for a consult on april 13th, and apparantly their average time to a sugery date is 3 months, if you have a BMI on the lower end of the spectrum and you dont smoke, are in better health, the surgeon said it would be possible to be on the table as early as 1 month after initial consultation...so good news for me....my BMI is 45...but I am 23 and no diabetes...no hypertension...REALLY good cholesterol...(surprisingly)...healthy heart..lungs etc...

    my question is I was reading all the literature and their Protein requirment for BOTH lapband and RNY patients is 60 grams...that is lower than every one else that I have read on this board...I read people saying they need to get 80, 90 even 100 grams a day after surgery...great for me...but should I ask about this?? I am going to an extremely well respected hospital (Lahey clinic) where people have traveled from accross the world to get treament and they gave me life saving brain surgery, which was an incredible success....they average about 400 WLS per year and have a 0% death rate.

    that said, based on reading these forums, 60grams seems a little low? did anyone else go home with a Protein requirement of 60 grams. Is this a enough for someone who is banded?


    I was asking becuase 60 grams I could easily get from a variety of things, for instance, I could take 4-2mg soy/whey protein pills, drink one of those worldwide Protein shakes (23g) the only one I have found that I like, maybe put a scoop of unflavored powder in food or something, and get the rest from food. Does anyone else mix it up like this, rather than, "gulping" down their requirement, and then not having to think about it for the rest of the day??


  11. try the Protein shots from costco -- definitely syrupy and sweet (which I don't like) but can tolerate for just 2.6 oz and 25 grams of Protein. Usually pinch my nose when I go for the first gulp-- with a glass of Water in the other hand -- but they go down fast and I can handle them better than a 30 gram chocolate shake. The orange flavor is better than the fruit punch.

    hi I am kind of bringing this thread back to life, I was persuing surgery last year and then got cold feet, partly because I had a 7 month wait for my initial consult, so there was too much time to think. But I have switched hospitals, now have a consultation date for 4/13 and surgery is in my near future, and protein is NOT my thing, but I am going to have to get used to it. 60grams a day is my post op amount, so if I can find a brand of these bullets or a way to prepare them that does not nasueate me, all I would need is one a day, and I could get the rest of my protein elsewhere. (there are these really good shakes, the only high Protein Shake I have found that I enjoy from worldwide protein they come in a 12oz can and they have 23 grams for 100cal can or 32 grams for 160 cal can),

    but if Kdub is still around, could u tell me if they sell they Protein Shots from costco at BJ's (I think they own each other?) and what is the brand? cuz u said syrupy sweet and that is the only thing that appeals to me, if I mix that with crystal lite or Vitamin Water zero I think I might be able to deal.....

    also, ive read about unflavored Protein powder, could you recommend a brand? and can it be purchased at a store like GNC or Walmart so I dont have to pay for shipping?

    I am sensitive to the taste of high concentrations of protein, yet ironically, I want to get the bulk of my protein down as quick and as tasteless as possible, so if you have any tips for that challenge, feel free to share!


  12. Betsy its really interesting that you pointed that out

    would like to correct a misconception. You write, re: RNY:


    as well as creating a small degree of malabsorption

    The malabsorption associated with bypass is significant. The portion of the bowel that is bypassed may be small, but it is where a vast percentage of nutrient absorption occurs.

    I actually copied and pasted that from the hospital web site, lahey clinic but I am sure it was just mis-wording on the part of whoever typed it, I know lahey is very well respected world-wide and they were willing to do brain surgery on me that had never been done before and they have given be a second chance at living a normal life, so I would put my life, stomach, or whatever it may be in their hands any day. You are correct about that statement though, I do beleive it is worded wrong, but I also don't beleive the surgeon himself is sitting at the computer typing that lol.


    Yeah, well, if a drug will make 95% of people on it lose weight, I am in the 5%

    ditto on that, same goes with rare side effects. But my pounding headaches/migranes have been

    almost absent after 2 weeks on it.

    Good to hear about the diabetes thing, since I am not diabetic either.

    I am also one of the chosen few who when my thyroid was high I could gain weight. Most people lose when that happens.

    I think I might be in that small population too, although I dont know what the heck is going on with my thryoid, my TSH and T4 levels have been wacko all over the place the past 2 years even though I am on synthroid. I seem to have hyper-hypo phases......I swear to god I have hashimotos but I have had my antibodies tested twice and they were neg....I also likely have a pituitary tumor that is causing some hormone dysfunction....but I just cant wait for them to come up with a diagnosis and just watch myself BLOW up to over 400lbs....that is why I really want the band....b/c I do believe they will eventually find something....and if they do...all of us will be happy that I chose the band....its a really tough descision...and I guess I hadnt mentioned it on here before b/c you guys might think it is a weird reason for seeking a band....but if they are willing to band me (which costs a lot more than running tests to dx me) I have to go along with it......

    I dont know, what would you do...just sit and wait for an abnormal test while you battle with hungry every day and watch the scale continue to go up....or do something if you were offered it...???

  13. As someone else has mentioned, it's not just the portion sizes, but it's also the quieting of hunger that is a mainstay of the band, once you reach your "sweet spot" with fills. The way it was explained to me, and it made sense, is that the nerve receptors that transmit the "I'm full!" signal to the brain are in the upper part of the fundus of your stomach, which is where the pouch is created. So, you eat less volume before that signal is engaged (of course, you have to recognize and stop eating when that happens, because if you eat beyond it, very unpleasant things can happen, both in the near- and long term). Because the stoma between the pouch and the rest of your stomach provides some control over how fast the pouch empties (depending on the consistency of your meal), you potentially stay "full" longer, even with a reduced volume.

    Caloric restriction plans don't help with the hunger issues as effectively.

    However, as well as the band works, it doesn't help with head hunger, which is a psychologic, rather than a physiological issue- where your mind/emotions tell you that you're hungry, even when you're not from a physical aspect. Based on what I've read so far, head hunger has contributed the downfall of more than one person. It's definitely something you have to combat as you go.

    OK, now you all know that I'm just an incorrigible technoweenie! :smile2:

    Best wishes to you!


    well that is pretty good news becuase I really tend not to eat when I am not hungry...except for occasional boredom...I dont eat emotionally...anger sadness all tend to take away my appetite...I went to weight loss camp when I was 17 was away from home for a month was so home sick I didnt eat for a week straight, they would put a plate of food in front of me and I just could not eat it...I lost 15 lbs that month haha....I dont think that was the intention...anyway...I tend to Celebrate with food...but not out of control...like when I make the deans list for the semester or get an A on a test I will treat myself to taekout or something, but I know I should treat myself to perfume or makeup or something, but its nothing huge, most of the time I dont eat if I am not hungry.

    the problem with me is two things. 1 is am am a total computer nerd so I will literally spend like 6 hours on the computer and just forget to eat and let myself get WAY past hungry and thats when i get in trouble....2 is my appetite is SO unpredictible i dunno whether its hormones or what but some days I wont be hungry at all or I will have a normal appetite like 2000 cals and then other days I feel like I could just eat the walls off my house I just eat and eat and eat and eat and eat....my body seems to do what it wants when it wants.....

    I guess I am just so scared becuae the feeling of NOT being hungry is like impossible to me....everything I have tried out there that people said will supress my appetite...(high Fiber....filling up on veggies....drinking buckets of water)....has done nothing. even other medications I have gone on that have nothing to do with weight loss (I was on wellbutrin for depressson and am now on topamax for migraines) where at least some weight loss/appetite supression is almost a guaranteed side effect-NOTHING with me...its like I CAN'T not be hungry....its like when my hungry spends a day in my house, nothing can get it out the door....and I really dont feel its psychologicial b/c like I said I can feel when I am not hungry and I dont normally eat just b/c something is there.

    did anyone else feel that way before getting banded? like, "not feeling hungry, no way not me, no way no how"

  14. thanks for all the replies....can some of you share with me a few things about the process...first off... how did you all come to your descision of the band as opposed to other methods.....did you ever think about other methods like the Roux-en-Y or the Biliopancreatic diversion and did you go in with something in mind and your doctor recommended something else?....did you take your doctors advice or did you still want to do the band? did something change your mind? was it a really difficult descision for you b/c you hated the idea of the irreversability? (esp. those of you that are younger)

    how long did it take you to lose your weight? I know with the other methods you lose like 75% of your excess weight in the first 6 months, which is really tempting.....but I want to choose the right method for the right reasons...not for how fast it is going to come off...just that it IS going to come off....

    and lastly....what was your time from your very first phone call, to when you got your first consult, and then how long from there till your actual procedure (assuming there were no insurance beefs)....the consult that I was supposed to go to where I got cold feet...I waited for over 7 months from when I booked the appt....I came on here and ppl said that was nuts...I dunno the guy must have been god or something :smile2: .....I was just wondering if now that I am at a different hospital....just how long some of you had to wait.....I was hoping to maybe be on the table by summer/fall....I dont think thats unreasonable considering I got experimental brain surgery done in 5 months from start to end....and it wasnt even approved by insurance

    these are just 3 general questions that I am wondering most about and I know all of your answers are going to be different but it would be nice to hear other peoples experiences. It is amazing how much knowledge you can gain on forums that goes unsaid elsewhere

  15. Hi, I am not new here, but I dont post on the boards much b/c I have been kind of on the fence about the surgery, but now I am pretty sure of my decision, so you might be seeing more of me. Those of you from the chat room might recognize me, I have hung out there a little bit more.

    I am beginning the process of looking into getting banded I had a consult..but got cold feet and cancelled it and now I have swtiched hospitals and am back on the road..am going to an info session on the 22nd of March..then I can schedule a consult...but I have a pretty basic question that I just don't get....

    from what I know, out of all the different weight loss surgeries, they work in two different ways....one is...calorie restriction, purely reducing the size of the stomach so you cannot consume as many calories without regurgitating or feeling sick..that is lap band...others...like Roux-en-Y have two methods...calorie restriction as well as creating a small degree of malabsorption by reducing the intestinal area that absorbs nutrients and calories, so it alters the way you actually absorb the calories.

    my question is, with the calorie restriction only methods like the band, this may sound stupid....but isn't that what we all have tried every time we have tried to lose weight at any time in our life, just reducing the amount of calories we eat? for those of us with altered metabolisms (i.e, hypothyroid), is a calorie restrictive only method like the band going to be effective?

    I am only asking becuase I am so young and I just dont like the permanancy of anything except the band, but if it is going to be a waste of my time, I am willing to rethink it.

    I am just confused on this, maybe someone can clear it up. I am a 23 yo female with a BMI of 45

  16. thanks for the tip Kdbub, but I have never seen those Protein drinks (or anything like that) in any store in my area and now that these are 1/4 mile from my house, I would like to be able to enjoy them and I would just like to know if thats just the way these things smell, or if I got a rancid one?? I dont want to get sick off of it....I havent puked in since 1999..trying to set a record lol..:)

    plus..I dont have costco in my area...it's BJ's

  17. I have heard a lot of people say these taste good..one post on this forum described them as "syrupy and sweet"..I love sweet stuff..really sweet...you are talking to a person who drank 300mg of pure glucose for a glucoser tolerance test and liked it...it makes a lot of people throw up...

    so if I thought that I would totally drink it...but I bought one...saw it at my local CVS..they just started to carry it...put it in my fridge for no more than 48hrs opened it all excited to drink it and it smelled HORRID..I mean HORRID...the best way I can describe it is rotten meat in a tube..but even that doesnt do a justise...since the smell almost made me puke..and did not smell AT ALL sweet, nor did it smell like fresh citrus berry or any part of that name I chickened out and could not bring myself to drink it....I cant imagine if they smelled like this that they would be on the market for even a day...

    I know some of proticas products have been recalled by the FDA, but I checked the lot number on my cap and it did not match with any of them..it has an exp. date of 12/2010...

    is it possible that I could have gotten mine from an unknown recalled lot? or is it more likely that I spoiled it my leaving in in the fridge (unopened) for 48hrs (I wouldnt think this is true as protica boasts about the long shelf life of their products)

    has anyone had this experience with the protica profect 2.9oz 25gram Protein bullets?? please help..I was so excited to try this new find and was grossly dissapointed....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
