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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ready2bthin

  1. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey everyone, I'm heading up to Michigan tomorrow to see my dad (he has cancer) and mom. I'll be up there until Tuesday night, But I'll try to check in with ya'll at least once. I'm still doing better, but I do need to SLOW down on my eating. This affects me negatively with more burping, etc. Guess we are just learning how to live with the band and what changes we need to make. Everyone, keep evaluating the changes that you need to make for yourself. I know that right now, I have really realized how much I depended on food during stressful times. This is an area I need to work on...dealing with my stress in a healthy way. Cuz we all know...the band ain't gonna let us stuff ourselves without repercussions....and none of us who've experience the sliming, pb, etc. enjoy those!! Time to pack!!
  2. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Glad to see some of you posting again!! Keep in touch!! Dezadoo: You didn't say what you were eating at lunch, but by lunch it doesn't seem like you would be too tight to eat. I have heard that many (incl. myself) have a protein shake for breakfast due to restriction being greater in the am. I'm wondering if you are trying to eat bread at lunch or taking too big of bites and eating too fast. This will all cause you to get stuck, pb, slime, etc. If you are eating bread, you may need to cut that out entirely. Many cannot tolerate bread. You may try eating tuna salad, chicken salad, shrimp salad, egg salad and maybe eat that on some type of cracker or just as is. This should go down fine. If you try this, be sure and report back. Remember...eat slow, and chew, chew, chew. Take your time...about 20 minutes to eat a meal.
  3. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey everyone, After being on liquids since Thursday, today I am finally feeling normal again!!! Yay!! So glad I didn't need to go back for another unfill!! Thanks for thoughts and prayers!! They worked. Guess I learned a lesson about once irritation starts...HANDLE IT...Go on liquids for a few days and take it easy.
  4. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey everyone, I haven't posted in a few days cuz I've been dealing with some issues....yes...band ones. I started feeling shoulder pain last week (Monday, I think). Now, I've had shoulder pain in the past when i've eaten just a little too much. This time the shoulder pain was even when I woke up before eating and with drinking water. Well, I kind of ignored it thinking it would get better and maybe I ate something tha caused a little irritation or something. But, I contacted my doc's assistant and she said to go on liquids and I did. Friday was my 2nd day of liquids and by Friday night I was having the pain. I was able to contact Dr. Stephanie Eisjink (spoke with her hubby) and he said I could come and get an unfill on Sat. Barbara suggested that I shoud get it checked out. So, after prayer with a friend on Friday night and getting some relief, I woke up Sat. and still decided to go and at least see my band on fluro and if I was too tight. Well, it was about a 31/2 hour drive and the barium flowed through just fine. I still had her take out about .1 cc (now I have .7 cc in my band which holds 4-5 ccs). I talked to Barbara and she said Dr. Rod wrote me an email and told me to take Gaviscon every 4 hours and stay on clear liquids for at least a day. I actually stayed on them yesterday and today as the pain came back last night. Today it's better but still there. I'm following all the instructions of my doc and hope that over the next few days, I will be back to "normal". So, the good news is that I've dropped another few lbs., but I would rather be able to eat and feel normal. I've also had more burping, etc. since all of this happened. If I'm not better by Tuesday I will be seeing someone locally as I'm going out of town Friday and Barbara says that I really shouldn't let this continue. But, i'm planning on feeling fine by Tuesday!! If you believe in prayer, pray with me!! I was feeling so good and this has been a little set-back.
  5. ready2bthin

    UGG The pain

    Denise, Funny you should mention this shoulder pain. I was banded on July 28, 2006 and the only time I had pain was right after surgery and then when I would eat a little too much. I would get a slight pain in my shoulder. Well, I had my first fill Oct. 7 and all went well until this past Monday. I have had left shoulder pain and it's there even when I drink. I was told that I probably have irritation and that I need to go on liquids for a few days, so I'm doing that. Today I spoke with my doc's assistant and she said that it's possible that I've irritated it so much (who knows why...stress, etc.) that I may need a slight unfill. So, if this continues, and you've had a fill, you should probably ask the doc to remove some. You could try a few days of liquids and see if that helps. I'm making sure I mix in the protein and having a protein drink (Nectar) in the am. I was making a chocolate protein shake for breakfast, but thought maybe the chocolate and milk were irritating my tummy. If your pain is just after you eat, you are probably eating too much. That's what happened to me when I tried to push in that extra bite. This even happened when I was on mushies. Hope this helps!
  6. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    I'd have to agree with the moodiness. It's better now, but boy, there have been days that I didn't want to hang around with myself...let alone my poor family having to suffer around me...lol!! Kari: I noticed you are at 200!! OH MY!! You are almost in onederland (isn't that what they call it when you get under 200?) I'm so jealous...I still have around 30 lbs. to go!! Stephanie: I was able to wear a pair of pants that have been in my closet for at least 6 years...they are jeans...so still in style. Congrats on wearing your sweater from your "someday bin" It feels so good!!
  7. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Born2lose: You look GREAT! Glad to see the band is working for you and you are working the band. Keep us posted! Sherri Jo: Way to go! Sounds like you had a good time shopping and I'm a Walmart gal, too! There have been plenty of times, I look and look for something and then find it at Walmart. Here you find your "skinny" jeans there! I'm so sick of Plus size clothing, that I'm holding off until I KNOW that I can wear a regular size. My clothes might start falling off me before I break down and go shopping for pants....LOL!! I'm down another pound!! Not much, but I know the inches are coming off. I had my daughter's piano teacher who hasn't seen me in awhile (months) ask me if I changed my hair. She said I looked good and what was different. Finally, I said about 30 some lbs. gone. I think she knew, but she was afraid to mention weight. I also told her that I have a band...she reacted very positively. So, I better go for now!! Love ya'll!!
  8. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Kari: Way to go!! I saw that you got on your treadmill the other day, too!! I am trying to increase my exercise some, too. I've been doing the 2x a week Tai Chi/boxing/etc. class and I think that if I started walking some, it would help those "problem" areas of the lower body and my trainer says that it will help me to continue to burn. Indianlight: That's too funny! Isn't strange how we notice our weightloss/inches in the oddest ways. I guess when we were "bigger" we didn't want to notice the opposite, huh? LOL!! Stephanie: You are doing so well!! I hope you are proud of yourself cuz we sure are proud of you. Those lbs./inches seem to be melting off your body. Sounds like you may have gotten to the "sweet spot" with your band restriction.
  9. ready2bthin

    How Much Is The Surgery??

    I paid $7,000 in Mexico, which was for the surgery, meds., 2 nights of hotel stay, a stay overnight in the hospital, transportation from San Antonio and back. I paid 44 each way for my plane ticket from Dallas to San Antonio. I also had a very experienced surgeon who has done over 3,000 lapbands. They've been doing it longer in Mexico and many of these surgeons proctored the U.S. doctors. For someone like me, who didn't have $16,000, this was a good option.
  10. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Brandi: Could you ask your mom-in-law to keep the "treats" in her room? I realize that ice cream has to be in the refrigerator but maybe the chocolate could be kept in her own "secret place". I do sympathize with you. I guess the band will not do the part of just saying "no" or walking away. This is the part where we have to work it. Indianlight: I am very sorry for the loss of your family member and the recent events with your friend. Please take care of yourself. I was glad to see that you will go to your doctor. Hopefully, that will take care of the cough. Praying for health for you and for your friend. Although, they "say" their will be "brain damage", that doesn't necessarily mean there will be. Well, at least I believe that healing can/does happen and know of many who have defied the odds. Beth: I am with you on the "weird" things that happen now in my body. I know my body much more intimately than I did pre-band. I am having a little difficulty with left shoulder pain, even before I eat. Of course, I had it when I was first banded due to the gas and then if I overate, I would get it. Well, i'm having it now before eating, etc. I do think that i can change a few things, though and it may help. I will stop eating in the evening. I don't think that I'm giving enough time before lying down. I think I'm having some type of "indigestion" or extra gas and it's showing up in my shoulder. I also drink a shake in the am and it is chocolate flavored. I'm wondering if the chocolate may be irritating me. If anyone else has any suggestions, let me know. Like right now, I haven't eaten anything, just drinking water and I have the left shoulder pain, the gurgling, and am burping some (I'm drinking water, that's it). Stesti: So glad you popped in and gave us an update. I was wondering where you were "hiding". You go girl!! You are doing great!! I guess with the holidays coming up, the posting will drop a bit. Everyone gets busy.
  11. ready2bthin

    Someone answer this????????

    It seems that you are eating too soon. I was on 2 weeks liquids, 2 weeks mushies, and then slowly introduced solids. I would recommend following the instructions of your doctor. The other thing I want to add is that if you are not getting enough protein, you will feel hungry. 2 pieces of toast for dinner is not protein. It's a lot of carbs and carbs will not sustain you for very longer. I would encourage you to always eat your protein first...when you are supposed to eat that is. On liquids make sure you are adding protein (unflavored) to soups, etc. or drink the protein shakes, on mushies, eat higher protein mushies or add the unflavored.
  12. ready2bthin


    I just got on and saw this post. I had my band put on in July of this year. Once I was on solids for awhile and needed a fill, I was able to eat a regular piece of pizza and part of a second. I had a fill on Oct. 7 and the other day had 2 slices of very thin, crispy crust pizza. It was a froze one (California Pizza Kitchen thin crust barbecue chicken). A friend of mine who has been banded for about 4 years or so can eat 1 piece of regular pizza. It all depends on the person...but if you can it will be with small bites, chewing very carefully.
  13. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Well, "bandster bad girl" (lol), you want to pig out on Thanksgiving? I can't believe it. I'm sure none of us have "wished" for the chance to get more through this band...lol...I will probably need another fill myself, but I was thinking about my cruise at the end of November and all those midnight buffets, etc. So, I guess maybe I might be a "bandster bad girl", too!! Really, Kari, you have to decide if you can wait that long and if you don't mind your weightloss being stalled if you can't control the eating. I know that I was going crazy for those last couple weeks before my first fill. I am doing okay now, although my head wants chocolate and sweets. UGH!! I went to the bandster dinner in Arlington (Beth, you should come some time) and although it was a small crowd tonight, we had 2 pre-banded people. It was good talking with them and also being excited with them for their banding. Guess I better hit the hay. It's late and I have Tai Chi tomorrow!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  14. ready2bthin

    Support in D/FW Area...

    Pumpkin 5, I recommend that you join up at the yahoo group dfw bandsters. They have a calendar which shows meetings in Plano (usually lunch), dinners in Dallas, Arlington, Burleson and maybe some others. I say "they" but I'm feeling like I'm more part of the group now that I've attended 3 dinners (1 in Dallas and 2 in Arlington and I may go this week as well...have to check the calendar to make sure this is the right week for Arlington.) There are many "seasoned" bandsters on the dfw site and they have been a supportive and friendly group to me and many others, too!! I've met Carlene at the Arlington dinners, along with her hubby, Bob. My hubby went with me to the Sept. meeting.
  15. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Sherri Jo: I think that you need to stop drinking with meals. The reason that we aren't supposed to drink with meals, is that this washes what we eat out of our "pouch" and into the rest of our stomach. Therefore, it can cause us to overeat or eat more often because we are hungry. I could drink with my meals, too, but I don't for this reason. Rice and toast are filled with carbs. I'm not sure why you can't eat protein, but the bandster way of eating is lean protein first, green veggie and then add in some type of fruit, starch, etc. if you are still needing it. Now, I recognize that we don't always eat the bandster way, but I would begin with this before going for another fill. My typical day begins with a protein shake (my own making as I can't stand the canned ones). Lunch is usually some type of tuna, chicken, shrimp, etc. salad or some other type of meat, then some veggies or a fruit and 5 wheat crackers with it. Dinner is protein, green veggie and then a taste of rice or potato or something...not much though. This is just an example. I have had lasagna and other stuff, too, but I make sure I don't eat much of the noodles, and more of the filling. It's good that you are upping your water intake. Try and get 64 oz. in at least. I drink my first 8-16 before I even have my morning shake. I always drink at least 8 oz before my meal and was instructed that I can drink right up to my meal (don't need to wait). This is working for me. I do wait 90 minutes after my meal before drinking again. Beth: If you do fine today then don't get a fill. Just make sure you are eating small bites and not too fast. I'm surprised you are having the difficulty in the evening. Most people have problems in the am and are more restricted then. The only other thing I can think of is that your pouch is already full and you are trying to put more in or for some reason your band is more sensitive in the evening due to stress or something. If you have problems tonight, again, DON'T WAIT. Yes, your doc may say "I told you so", but big deal, if he's right. You have to protect your band and your tummy!! My son is home now from the hospital. Doctors not sure what was going on. He is taking oral antibiotics and I will speak with his regular doc today to update. If he has any continued problems, then I will take him in again.
  16. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks everyone for your concern about my son. Hoping the doc will come in this am and let us know what's up. He's in good spirits. Beth: YOU NEED TO CALL YOUR DOCTOR NOW! Don't wait! I'm writing this from all the posts I read on dfwbandsters, etc. You are too restricted. It sounds like you need a slight unfill. This has been going on now for a week or so hasn't it? Let us know when you get in to see the doc. It's not healthy for your band or your body to have this happening. You should be able to eat. Okay, I'll check in with ya'll later. Hve a great day!
  17. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Well, it was good to hear from everyone. Glad ya'll are getting the "adjustments" you need. I am typing this from the hospital near my home....no it's not me...it's my 13 yr. old son. We thought maybe he had appendicitis and took him to emergency last night. Well, it rained here all day and guess what, the emergency room had about 50 people ahead of us...UGH!! To make a long story short, they did an ultrasound, and admitted him for enlarged lymph nodes. The appendix looked ok. Well, we didn't get into a room into 5:00 am!! So, I'm lacking some sleep. The doc has put him on IV antibiotics and we will stay tonight. She didn't come back in so I'm not sure what's going on. His bloodwork was fine. So, guess his body is trying to fight off something. Thought I would let everyone what's up. This is the first time any of my kids have been hospitalized. He's doing okay with the pain still being there in the right side of his lower abdomen. Hopefully, the meds will work. Better go and get back to his room in case the nurse comes in or doc ends up coming in.
  18. ready2bthin

    Obesity Off / Belighter

    Thought I would jump in here. I just checked the website of ready4achange and it looks like it's still connected with Dr. Sanchez. So, either the post is incorrect or they haven't had a chance to update the website. Does anyone know which it is? I just think it's important for us to keep accurate info on here as much as possible for visitors, etc. So, if someone knows what's going on, please post.
  19. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey July friends!! I thought this was my 12 week anniversary since my pre-op diet, but I guess it's been 13. Anyway, since my fill last week, I'm down another 4 lbs. or so, making my total loss 33.2 lbs. I also did my monthly measurements and I have lost another 8 inches from neck to feet, mostly around abdomen, waist, upper chest, and bust (darn). That's a total of around 41.25 inches!! I've lost more than a yardstick of inches...SHOCK!! Guess that Tai Chi class is paying off, along with the fill. It seems like some of our July bandsters have dropped out of site. We miss you! Please post and let us know how things are going and how we can support you. Now, I realize that some are just busy, getting healthier, not on the computer much, etc., but I'm wondering if some are struggling with plateaus (that happened to me for a couple weeks) or the weightloss has slowed down (expected with the band....1-2 lbs. a week is an average weightloss). Whatever the reason, please check in, even to say..."hi"!! Love ya!!
  20. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Sherrijo: I really feel for you and pray that things at home will improve. How are you doing "bandwise" with this stress? Are you feeling okay? Is there any chance that your hubby would see a counselor with you? If so, I would highly recommend this. In the meantime, hang in there, try and do things for yourself that are special and pamper yourself if nobody else will pamper you. If money isn't an issue, go get a pedicure, manicure, hair done, make up, massage or something else that you enjoy!! You are worth it!! Well, I went to my "exercise class" today and even used some boxing gloves. I was so sweaty but it was fun (in a painful way...lol). I also did extensive abdominal exercise (crunches) and was so proud of myself. My "inner athlete" is coming out. I was an athlete in high school and ran 3-4 miles a day in college for exercise, but over the years with the weight gain and knee problems, haven't worked out as much. Did join Curves over a year ago and did that between surgeries, etc. But, what I'm doing now is fun and challenging. I had to drag myself there, though cuz I like to stay up too late!! Oh, I lost another 2 lbs. Hurrah!! And this weekend I will do my measurements because it's been around 12 weeks since my pre-op diet began. I'm celebrating. The fill is helping me stay satisfied between meals and I'm happy about that! Well, hope to hear from everyone. Some of you haven't posted in awhile. Where are you?? We miss you??
  21. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Desiree: You look MAHHHVELES!!! What an inspiration to keep me away from JUNKFOOD!!! SherriJo: HUGS from me to you! That TOM is causing you to be down on yourself and to gain some weight. This will pass and things will be better!! We are all rooting for you and ready to lift you up...cuz we July bandsters are here for each other! Paulax: Way to go...another 2 lbs. bites the dust... Leona: Keep up the losing girl... a littl more than2 lbs a week is awesome! Jane: Glad to hear about your eyesight and your fun weekend with hubby (Happy belated Anniversary). I'm wondering if the small gain is due to all the exercise you are getting. Jessica: I, too, understand about the size deal. My waist is much smaller than my hips/rear, so I'm in the same boat. Beth: Hope you can figure out how to get those pills down. Things getting stuck is no fun at all!! I did hear that pineapple juice is good for "stuck stuff". The dfw bandster people carry a can in their car with them, along with a bag (in case of pb). Kari: I am CELEBRATING with you!! I am so glad your hubby is feeling more like himself. Boy, ya'll be burning off those calories...hee hee!! Well, I am in San Antonio right now!! We went to the Alamo today and did some other sightseeing. Yesterday I had my first fill and had it with Dr. Rod, my surgeon. We traveled down to Acuna, Mexico yesterday morning and there were 3 gals ahead of me. I've seen posts by one of them on Dr. Rod's yahoo group. Good to meet her in person. Anyway, the fill went fine with Dr. Rod using the xray machine to show me my port/band. He numbed the skin and then put in the needle into my port. Had me drink the barium drink as he filled me...had to put some in, have me drink, put more in, back some out, and did this a few times until we could see it going through the band. I have .8 cc in my band now. He keeps us on liquids for 3 days, then liquid am, mushies the rest of day, then 5th day liquid, mushy and regular solids. So, my family got to eat yummy mexican food and I had garlic soup, which was delicious, but I would have rather had a plate of other stuff. We did some shopping and had a good time. Oh, Dr. Rod just had me stand up for the fill. So, hopefully, this will jumpstart my weightloss again as I've been going back and forth (of course, eating chocolate, ice cream and other goodies certainly didn't help matters....lol) Okay, gotta go join the family now for some fun!!
  22. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Dezadoo: I have been on rides at Six Flags and Disney World. I know that I was at least 230-250 at the time. I will say that the batman ride at Six Flags was a bit tight and when the overhead harness bar came on and the buckle came up between my legs to meet it, the guy had to kind of push it in. (I actually told him to do this...as there was no way I was getting off that ride). It went fine and I had a blast. Disney rides accommodate larger people much better than Six Flags, but I was able to go on rides at both places. I sympathize with the sliming incident. I have had a few and I hate it!! With me, it's when I've been too hungry and I eat too fast. This has happened with fast food, too. Now, today, I was able to eat part of a chickfilet grilled chicken sandwich. I ate most of the meat and probably 1/2 the bun. I was starting to feel it though. I'm sure that after my fill on Sat. the bread part will change. By the way, My doctor WILL be there when I go to Mexico this weekend. YAYYYY!!!! I wanted to see Dr. Rod!! I worked out today at the Tai Chi again. I feel good, even after only getting about 5 hours of sleep!!
  23. ready2bthin

    July 2006 Band Crew

    I went to my first Tai Chi class on Monday night and will go again tomorrow (oops...guess this morning...better get to bed..lol). I did well and think it will help me out!! I am going to go 2x a week and then move it up to 3x. Just thought I would check in. By the way, I tell lots of people about my band!! I'm proud of it and don't give a rip what they think. I will say that I've had about 99% support and positive feedback. If I don't think someone will be supportive (and I do know some that wouldn't be), I don't tell them. I feel like I've educated a lot of people in the past couple months. I also have so many that have family members that are considering it, etc. I always tell them that I am open to them calling me and asking questions, etc. But, again, this is an individual thing and we must all make choices that will help us be successful and if that means not telling anyone, than so be it. How's everyone else doing this week with exercise. Oh, Sherrijo, I think you got PLENTY of exercise in with all those chores. Made me tired reading it...lol!!!
  24. ready2bthin

    Going to Mexico?

    I just looked at that article and who even knows if it's true. Let me assure you that I had my band in Mexico in July and am doing great. My doctor gave me the box that band came out of along with the wallet card with the serial number and my operation report typed up in English. The gal who also had her band done the same day had her sister with her who is a SURGICAL NURSE and had been down to the same hospital with our doctor 2-3x. She had 4 friends get banded by Dr. Rod. He showed her the operation room and spent a great deal of time with her knowing she would want to check things out. So, she was with her sister and certainly wouldn't take her sister to someone who she didn't think was competent. So, I've heard many good things about your doctors. You have done your research and don't let some type of "scare tactic" keep you from the band. There are complications that can happen and it doesn't matter what country you are in. Go to the Inamed website and read up. Just be informed. Okay, enough said. Let us know when you get back from Mexico with your bands!!
  25. ready2bthin

    ?? pre-op diet- what can you eat

    I went on a low carb, low fat, diet for 2 weeks. I only lost about 3 or 4 lbs. but that was fine with the doctor. I was eating 30 or less carbs a day. Basically, I cut out all bread, sweets, potatos, tortillas...those kind of carbs. I was allowed to have a couple pieces of fruit and encouraged to do so. That didn't count in with the 30 carbs. I've seen some go on a liquid diet 2 weeks before but don't understand why unless maybe they are so overweight that the doctor wants them to be at a lower weight. My doctor just wanted my liver to be in better shape and have some fat released from it. The diet above did that. There would have been NO WAY I would've done 4 weeks of liquid. I'm feeling good and losing, although it's slowed down and I will get my first fill on Saturday. Hope this helps.

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