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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MrsWilson1212

  1. Hi, I currently have thyroid disease but I am not sure why they are removing your thyroid instead of putting you on thyroid medication? Insurance changes are always hard. I have not had the procedure done yet because of waiting for my employers insurance to change to one that covers the band. It is finally happening 01/01/10. But my first question is why romove your thyroid when they will have to put you on medication anyway.

    I have 5 large nodules on my thyroid that would have to be removed in time and it is a surgery I am opting have now instead of when I turn 70. (as my doctor posed to me) The discovery of the problem occured because the bariatric surgeon sent me to have it checked thoroughly and until it is taken care of, my surgery is on hold.

  2. Although I am still in the process and awaiting a date I can relate to that feeling of frustration when you feel as if someone is competing with you. A coworker had gastric last year and our relationship has suffered since she found out I am trying to get lapband. While I can applaud her weight loss, she, like your friend did it without doing the "work" and if she would have done more of it, probably would have lost more and/or would not have alot of the issues I see (mentally and physically) which steered me away from wanting gastric. She has been steadfast with providing me anything negative about lap band especially pointing out how the weight loss will be slower or not as much. It took me a while before I realized her comments were coming from a place that fears I will steal her thunder. Initally I tried to make her understand my goal wasn't to lose x amount of pounds as much as it was to just feel better (mentally and physically) but despite this she just seem to get more nasty as I completed phases of the process even resorting to taking jabs at my size (as if she was never had a weight issue) and at that point, I realize she was just being a hater. Pure and simple. You are pounds away from your goals. Celebrate your success and leave the haters where they lie..sitting around worried about you. Congratulations on your achievement and I wish you continued success.

  3. I started my process in June of this year and currently have Keystone Health Plan East. My company is dropping them and my replacement choice is Anthem Blue Cross PA. My surgeon wanted me to get clearance on her suspicion that I had an enlarged thyroid and sent me for an ultrasound. Lo and behold and do. I am in the final phases but I have to have my thyroid removed (11/11) which is going to of course cause a delay. She told me I need to recover and get my hormones at a proper level before getting the WLS (approx 6 weeeks) which is of course going to take me very close to the end of the year and it looks like getting this done before 1/1/10 when my new insurance kicks in is not going to be possible. I checked the website for Anthem and they cover lap band but my current surgeon is not listed as one of their providers. The "sister" hospital is and I wonder if I am going to have to start from scratch and/or see the new surgeon at the "sister" hospital....Has anyone experienced this? Your feedback is appreciated.

  4. Hi Paperplane..I can imagine how disappointed you must have felt to have your surgery postpone especially after all of you have gone through (the lonnnnnng process) to get to the point of getting a date, but you will be fine. You will get your surgery because you have already shown you have what it takes to lose weight without surgery which in itself something I truly admire about all pre-op patients. Thank goodness your husband is fine and now you can turn your focus back on yourself. When I started this journey I prayed long and hard figuring if this is in God's plan for my life, it will happen regardless of delays, disappointments and even my own self doubts. I do not have a date as of yet, but I am at the end of the pre-op process and will hopefully get a date soon. Although I was not told to lose any initial weight, I have gained about 10 lbs since my first consult, and I am finding it difficult to get it off. So I am willing to accept that if my surgery is postponed as a result, its because I need time to get more focused, or maybe even, as in your case, God knows I might be needed elsewhere for a moment. So stay encouraged and please keep us posted.

  5. Hi Sarah,

    My concern was very similiar since I also have tatts. A coworker who had the surgery said a tatt on her arm which stretched across her upper arm, now sits in the middle of her arm since she has lost weight. Her tatt is a simple name, but I have tatts on my back and a dragon fly on my shoulder that I wonder about. My back doesnt concern me as much see I dont see it (lol) but I think this is a great question and I look forward to seeing other replies.

  6. Although I am a pre-op my decision to have WLS has been shared openly with a couple of supportive co workers, my daughters, my sister and my husband (who disagrees with my decision..but thats another story)

    I would like to tell my Aunt who is closer to me than my Mother but she is the source of all the family gossip and I definitely do not want my decision to be the topic of family conversation and opinion since I am really not that close with them anyway.

    I have a couple of friends I want to tell, but since I do not see them on a regular basis, I would rather wait and "surprise" them.

    One of the reasons I want to get lapband is the pace of losing weight is slower, so it wont be so drastic that someone will think I am sick. I also know the changing of my eating habits and the increase of my physical activity will easy explain weight loss without questions.

    Since I have yet to get the surgery I guess I will have to "play it by ear" and cross the bridge of questions, when and if they come.

  7. Thank you! This is a great idea and inspiring to pre-op patients like myself who would like to know it is possible to lose 100lbs+ with lapband since I have heard so many naysayers (professionals and gastric bypass patients) who keep feeding me the idea that gastric is better because you can lose MORE weight. From what I understand gastric helps lose weight FASTER but the amount of weight loss is determined by the effort put forth. So congrats to all of you BANDSTERS and thank you for sharing because you inspire me!!

  8. Congratulations! I am in the final phases of the process and expect to get a date soon. (possibly October?) I have been thinking about some of the post op phases myself (like the liquid diet) and hope too I can get through that because the desire to CHEW is going to drive me nuts but since failure is not an option for me, I am just going to try to make the best out of it, so do the same when you get to the pureed stage but trying mushy foods that are mushy by natural (like yogurt, applesauce, etc) because I cant imagine blending something like chicken to mush just to have the taste. lol Congrats again

  9. I just had my husband take a picture of me since I"m 2 months post op. We forgot to take my 1 month post op pic. Anyhow, I posted the pics on my profile, but the reason I'm writing is because I NEVER realized how BAD I looked prior to the surgery. Looking at both pictures I am shocked at what I used to look like. I can't believe I thought that was acceptable for me. I am so happy I decided to go ahead with this surgery. These pics for me were quite eye opening and if not even more reason for me to reach my goal.

    Peace out everyone!


    I went to a support meeting yesterday and asked if anyone had their "before" pictures and out of 10 people only 1 woman was able to show me a picture and it was in her phone because many admitted they hated the way the looked in pictures so they stopped taking them. Ihave been unable to avoid taking them but I cringe when I see pictures of myself (even my wedding pictures) and can't wait until the day I can smile when I see a picture of my TRUE self with the layers of fat that have covered me for so many years gone. I also love the quote you have on your post. Its simple, but powerful. Good luck with reaching your goal.

  10. Wow...my surgery is now only two days away. I was not nervous at all until about 10 minutes ago. I am looking forward to starting a new chapter in my life. This is probably the scariest thing that I've ever done. Change is always scary and this is going to be one big change. :)

    Hi..Just wanted to send you some encouragement and wish you the very best of luck. I do not have my date so I can only imagine how you feel..BUT..after reading WLS for Dummies the other day, I got nervous and really wondered (for a split second) if this was the right thing for me to do. It passed, as yours will, so stay focused on your new chapter in life. Good luck. I look foward to your reading your posts after surgery. :sad:

  11. I just read in WLS for Dummies last night that what you are experiencing is very normal. I am near the end of the process hoping to get banded by the end of Oct so why I cant yet relate to the feeling I have heard this many times before. Be strong..Good luck. I look forward to reading your posts as time goes on and u feel better

  12. Actually yes..I meant pre-op and thank you for the information.

    Do you mean the "pre-op" diet?

    Actually, the main purpose of the basic liquid pre-op diet prior to surgery is to assist in shrinking the liver.

    The liver sits on top of the stomach. In other words, the doctor will have to "nudge" it out of the way to get a clear path to the section of the stomach on which to place (wrap) the lap-band.

    The liver in most overweight/obese people is larger than most for a variety of reasons, but mostly because of the large stores of glycogen (because of the high carbs consumed).

    The liquid pre-op diet is designed to shrink the liver, sometimes up to 40%. It does that by denying the high level of carbs it had been getting so it releases its glycogen stores.

    Some doctors won't operate if the liver is too large.

    I don't know why the insurance companies require its weight loss period. I am self-pay.

  13. I hear alot about the post op diet..is this a requirement of all patients prior to surgery to clear out the system, or is it a madatory from the insurance company? Speaking of which, I have Keystone Healthplan..any one have difficulty getting approved? Thank in advance to all who reply

  14. Thank you so much for your reply and for the information. I am hoping my doctor will allow me to make the choice for myself because my fears are too great for gastric. I would definitely back out if that was the only option. Based on BMI charts, my BMI is 43..but that is also based on my last weigh in at my primary care doctor's office, and by the time I get to see the doctor I hope will perform the surgery, in July that number may change..so I will see..

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey as well...

    Hi Mrs. Wilson:

    If the doctor you choose is anything like my doctor, he will ask you what surgery you want; however, along the way with deciding on the lap band, I almost convinced myself I wanted the RNY, even though I really didn't want my inside rerouted. Anyway, I told him I wanted to change my mind and he flat out asked me why. Then we talked about things I wanted to do, such as my husband and I want to have another baby and he told me I should stay with my decision to have the lap band. I just wanted this weight to fall off as quick as I could, but I am now VERY comfortable with my decision to stay with lap band. Also, on my first consultation with him, my BMI was right at 49.9. He said I was right on the cusp of when he recommends RNY. I have lost down to a BMI of 47 now within the last few months.

    Anyway, sorry I posted too much, but I just wanted to say that you might be able to tell your doctor which surgery you want and then you guys can go from there.

    Good luck to you! :))

  15. I too wish I would have done this sooner, but I honestly was an naysayer. I saw WLS as a quick fix. I thought Star Jones looked a mess, Al Roker seemed to be cranky all the time and Randy Jackson looked like he gained alot of weight back..so what was the point? But I witnessed first hand the change in someone very close to me who had gastric bypass. I thought it was dangerous and she should have tried harder to lose weight, but I watched her self esteem transform as the pounds melted off. I apologized to her. I told her I was inspired and wanted to look into lap band for myself and she told me some of the good, bad and ugly about having WLS and convincing me even more that while WLS was for me..but gastric was not.

    I wonder...does your doctor recommend what he feels would be best to lose the most weight, or can a person choose the type of surgery????:biggrin:

  16. Hi..I am a 40 something married woman who has been dealing with weight issues all my life. I have finally made me my mind up about getting surgery and I am ready to change my life.

    I am at the very early stage but I am excited nonetheless. I look forward to hearing from other newbies and banders who have reached their goals.:tongue:

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