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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Somedayslim:)

  1. Hi Georgia girl,

    I read in one of your posts that you have a leak. I just found out i do to:(. Did you find out if its the band or the port or tube?

    My Doctor said it could be any of the three. I wish I had something encouraging to say but I am so down right now!!!

    I feel like a fool to have spent all that money on Lap band ( I am self pay)and now I might have to do it all over again?? Let me know how things turn out for you.

    Good Luck! Don't give up.

  2. Well, I went for my fill today and found out it is leaking. The Doctor said it is either the port, the tube or the band itself. I don't know what I am going to do. I know my insurance wont help pay to get it fixed...I am really upset and can't stop crying...sorry, I don't know what to tell you. The Dr said about 10 out of every 1000 leak..I m going to start searching and find out what I can from others who have gone through this. You hear about things not going right with the band and you hope it will not be you...well I should have know better. I guess all the people who were against me going to Mexico in the first place can now feel justified in all the discoraging things they said to me.

    Sorry, I am really not myself, good luck and hope all goes well for you.

  3. My message was too long so here is the rest LOL!

    The amerimed hospital was cleaner then any hospital that I have been to in the states. The staff speakes limited english but comunication really wasn't a problem. Dr Perez speaks good english, Dr Ceron does not. LOL

    Dr Perez is easy to get ahold of. I have spoken to him sereral times since coming back to the states because of paper work that I needed filled out for work. I did finally get all of that straigtened out. I would suggest if you have any paper work like FMLA or short term disability documents that you need for work - take them with you!! That would have saved me a lot of time!

    Good luck and keep me posted!! I am sure everything will go well for you!

  4. Hi Lola,


    We stayed at the Grand Oasis resort primarly because it was cheaper, they were running a special. Cancun is beautiful with so many nice resorts that I wouldn't hesitate to go back. I would pick a place with at least 4 stars.

    As far as the surgery goes I would do it again in a heart beat! This is the first time in my life that I feel in control and have lost over 50 pounds since July.

    One thing I would ask about before going is the type of band you will get. I have an allergen band that holds 4cc. Most of the doctors in the states are using the allergen band that holds 10cc. The 10cc band is a newer band that is supposed to have fewer complications. If that is true or not time will tell. so far I havent had any problems and will be getting my 3rd fill today.

  5. Hi Joe! How are you doing? Well I went back to work this week and wish I had taken a little more time off... Oh well, I will make it. My short term disability insurance was denied because Dr. Perez and Ceron didn't get the paperwork filled out completely. Aetna is going to call them and try to get the information they need. I asked then to please have a spanish speaking person talk to the Doctor. They might get further. It was like pulling teeth to get anything filled out once I was back in the states. I have a feeling if all of this hinges on the good Doctor filling the paperwork out that I might be SOL.

    Hope you are adjusting. I haven't been able to contact Kimberly :(. Have you heard from her? Hope she is doing ok.Are you having any problems eating mushy food? I find that I am getting hungry a couple of hours after eating but can't seem to eat much at one time! So I am still losing weight. 35 pounds so far! Yeah! Tell your sweet wife hello for me and let me know how you are doing!

  6. Hi, hope you are doing better and better each day! I know I am. Still get pretty tired in the late afternoon but doing pretty good otherwise.

    I really miss the pool. I was thinking about getting on the air mattress and just floating, I know I can get on it without soaking myself I just haven't figured out how to get off!LOL

    I scrubbed the glue off because it was making my shirt stick to my skin and it was starting to give me a rash.Not pleasant but it is gone now. I know you can get something at the pharmacy that disolves the glue.


    In answer to your sci-Fi question- I love The black Jewel trilogy by Anne Bishop,everything by Ann Rice, Frank Herbert's Dune, Isaac Asimov- everything I have ever read of his, Orson Scott Card and the list goes on and on...It is so easy to escape reality and get lost in sci-fi!

    I started making 1/2 a protein drink in the morning, the kind you mix. I know exactly what you mean about wanting something besides broth that isn't sweet and missing veggies.

  7. Hi Joe,

    I am feeling a little better everyday, able to do more and having lost a little weight it has made it easier to move around. I have actually lost 32 pounds so far but haven't updated the weight ticker. I don't know how much will actually staly off once I start eating solid foods. I hear some people gain before they get the first fill. I still am not really hungry and am satisfied with little. Hope it stays like that! I guess the band is doing what it is suppose to do.

    Sounds like you are doing good! I hope that continues! Have you gone back to work yet? I go back the 20th.

  8. Hello Tish,


    How are you doing? Did the surgery go ok? How was your trip back to the states? Mine was a little bumpy. Three hour flight back to Chicago and we hit turbulance for about 20 minutes. I felt very nauseated. I held on until we got to the baggage claim and then lost it. I started vomitting...Then got very scared that I had made the band slip or damaged my stomach! I called my Doctor and he told me if it had slipped I wouldn't be able to swallow liquids or saliva. He thought that I would still be ok. Once we got to my car we had a dead battery and I was still facing a 3 hour drive home from the airport. The 3 hours turned into 5 because I kept getting car sick and we would have to wait until my stomach calmed down before we could drive again! Hope your trip was better then mine! Let me know how you are doing.

  9. Joe, Good for you! I am happy you are doing so well. My maiden name is Murphy which pretty much sums it up, if something can go wrong it does! I am optimistic that in the long run I will make it through and that this was still the right thing to do. Yes I have lost 20 pounds already. I followed the pre-op diet and the pounds just fell off. I had told one of my friends if I could just stick to the pre-op diet I wouldn't need the surgery LOL. Keeping it off would have been another story though. Glad to see you joined the forum. There is a wealth of information out there and so much encouragement from lots of people going through the same thing as you. I wish you continued success with your band. Good Luck! Tell Dee Hello.

  10. Ocotillo,


    Well I mis-typed or fat fingered 2 instead of 3...my surgery is going to be on the 3rd. Anyway I am going to try and edit it out of the message in the thread. So you will have to be the brave one and go first! Please let me know how you do. I probably won't be back on line until the 6th since I am going to Cancun to have the band put in. Crapy insurance wouldn't pay for it. I think we are both on the road to a GREAT Future. I will be thinking about you and saying a special prayer on the 2nd :).

  11. Hey Tish -

    First off GOOD LUCK with your band on the 3rd!! It is really exciting isn't it! I am aslo being banded on the 3rd In Cancun Mexico. Self pay has promted me to go the Mexico route as well. How are you doing on your pre-diet?

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