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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gailannr

  1. Mousecrazy and Jack, I borrowed this from Newsbusters.org this morning but thought you might enjoy it, just didn't want you to feel like you were out on that "melting iceberg" by yourselves. It's a little rusty but I understood exactly what they are saying. ------------ Bigtimer says: January 22, 2006 Isn't it nice that the leftist media in all forms want to tell us...make laws for us...ban us...from our own freedoms of choice with our own lives. That includes our children that we, not them bore. I have had my fill...we need to up-rise and I am not kidding. I do not care if you smoke or not, I do not care if you eat trans fat or not, I do not care if you spare the rod and spoil the child, I do not care if you wear a seat belt, I do not care if you put on a helmet when you ride on a motor-cycle, I do not care what the heck you do the night before you go to work as long as you perform your job well, I do not care if you drive a humongous gas eatin' rig or a VW, I do not care if you wear real fur or leather or not, I do not care if you shop at Walmart or a high falutin' place, I do not care if you want to go to a private school or club or not, I do not care if women or minorities are allowed in to any of these private clubs, I do not care if you want a different symbol that you believe in to represent you or not if the majority if this country believes in a simple symbol as the cross, I do not care if you do not like the word GOD expressed in all different forms on our currency to our courthouses, I do not care if you do not like seeing The Ten Commandments posted on Govt. property, I do not care if you do not like the word Christmas inserted anywhere during a joyous season, including making our children leave words out of music because it might offend the minority, I do not care if you do not know how to speak English so therefore you say you cannot vote, or listen on television or the phone let alone five hundred different languages put on all instructions anymore.......on and on it goes...I am leaving out the simplistic law-suits too...let alone the leftist org like the ACLU for just one, go away, quit inflicting your leftist, socialistic, communistic views on the majority and making our little children grow up to think this is the way this country is supposed to be and normal...the ones that aren't normal are YOU! Leave this country...move to a country that does. Our forefathers and others have given their lives for us to have these freedoms...they are being slowly stripped from us...we are doing nothing about it.... I pledge allegiance to the flag to the US of America that I am going to try to keep informing my congressmen and others in the media to just shut up, go away, let us be free or die.....with my hand over my heart I pledge this...indivisible with justice for all. I personally would love to run you all out on a railroad with a one way ticket and never see the whites of your evil eyes again. This country would be afresh with glory. As it should be. iveseenitall Says: January 22, 2007 - 20:28 Right on, Bigtimer. Great post. Perhaps the most despicable thing about liberals is their rabid desire to force all their "values" ( and their thick-headed ignorance ) on everyone else. They just can't live and let live---ever. It is the height of hypocrisy. And yes, it is antithetical to everything this nation stands for. If given the opportunity, they would force you to think, speak, and act only as they do. And then they'd make you pay for it with your sweat and your taxes. Sounds like Communism, doesn't it? It is. NEVER,NEVER trust a liberal
  2. Thank you both for answering my question:)
  3. Can you say how much your surgery cost with Dr. Rodriquez?
  4. ON HILLARY? NO!NO! A THOUSAND TIMES NO! Yes, on a woman or black or white, red or yellow. And, whatever race or religion they happen to be, with the exception of a radical Islamist! No atheists please they tend to be leftists:) Just kidding NOT!
  5. To quote GeezerSue, "That would be the same as if Iran hepled carve out a little Muslim corner of the US, taking over Michigan, maybe. Would we be a little irate? You betcha." -------------------------------------- I think they have already done that and I think I saw them in the streets in Michigan cheering and celebrating when Saddam hit the dirt. Mousecrazy, maybe that "weenie wagging" is being confused with Clinton and "Wagging the Dog?" Oh, no wait, that was Clinton "Wagging the Weenie" There has been so much Weenie Wagging people just start to get confused if you know what I mean? Oh yeah and when did Chelsey Clinton serve her time in the military? I must have missed that!
  6. Carlene and to whom it may concern, I think we should all stop living in the past and be very concerned about the future. Viet Nam was 35 years ago and so was some of the other past history you mentioned. I live in the present as much as I can. Doesn't it worry you guys just a little about what "they" (those people that hate us so much) will try to do to get to America? Do you ever wonder what "they" might be planning? No, seriously! Four airplanes, 3000 people dead! That was easy. Tell me you worry just a tad!
  7. Jack and Mousecrazy, Thank you so much for your courage, intelligence and "voice" in the wilderness for many of us. I was curious on both of your thoughts on what Amidenishad (spelling) and Ortega meeting with the "war monger" Chavez from Venzuela is about? Why would someone from Iran have a meeting with someone from Venzuela unless they were up to some kind of "no good?" Is the left really that blind?
  8. gailannr

    Me Thinks The World Just became a little safer

    Who the hell said anything about low income? That thought never crossed my mind and I think you missed the point! Slightly! He is a totally disabled veteran. Not service connected, if you needed to know that information. And, I don't need your links but thank you anyway.
  9. gailannr

    Me Thinks The World Just became a little safer

    Well, this morning I was content to just leave off with the comments and let things rest. Then I went to our "family website." I found the following comments on the site from my brother who was a Vietnam Vet. He has been in the Veteran's Hospital in Mpls. the last week. He is in a wheelchair (10 yrs.) Sidelined not by a war injury but from a inoperable cyst on his spine. I have 5 brothers, three of whom are Vietnam Veterans. They do not regret their service to this country. These are his words that he wrote this morning after arriving home from the hospital one more time! And yes, he was named after Dwight D. Eisenhower. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again I am humbled by everyone’s outpouring of Love, Prayers, Well wishes and Kindness. My world is constantly consumed by the Mortality that I face and that struggle would be impossible if not for the Family and friends that I am so lucky to have. Lew Gehrig was wrong; he was the second Luckiest Man on the Face of the Earth. I truly cherish each and every one of you. My struggle is far from over and each time the Mountain seems a little taller.. My emotions are closer to the surface than they ever were and Tears come to my eyes with the thought of leaving you. Having said that, all of you give me the strength to keep on fighting the good fight. My immediate family, ( Mona, Kids, Grandkids AND two sons) are the backbone of that Strength. How I was Lucky enough and smart enough to choose Mona as the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with I will never know. This trip to the Veterans Hospital was especially meaningful to me. My first day there I experienced something more moving to me than anything else I have ever experienced. I was simply lying in bed at 11 minutes after 11 on the 11th of November. Lying there thinking of all the great men and women that have walked the halls of that same building, that gave up more than time or money so that I could have all that I have. The Tears ran down my chin like a waterfall. It helped me to put things in perspective and to understand that there are worse things than being sick. That to fight and go on was easier knowing that some of those brave people have given up their lives so that we, as a family, can have so much of what we have. Quietly, all across our Country, these major VA’s are expanding services as the wounded return from Iraq and Afghanistan. I was told that Minneapolis had opened a whole new floor just for solders that had serious brain injuries. That also brings tears to my eyes. Yes, as I started this letter, I am Humbled. Please take a few minutes of your time to mentally thank those that I speak of . They Live and die to protect all that each and every one of us and the lifestyles that we are accustom to. With that being said, fear not, with all that I have I move forward to once again seeing you all in August. With all that I am Dwight
  10. gailannr

    Me Thinks The World Just became a little safer

    That explains a lot! Now I understand where your coming from:)
  11. gailannr

    Me Thinks The World Just became a little safer

    Hi Carlene, OK then, I can except the fact OBL is not in Iraq (but then who knows), I never said he was and I don't base my feelings about the War on Terror on Osama. Do you think there is any possibility he could be funding the Jihadists there? If so, then what would be the difference? If he starts or is already funding the Jihadists right here in out little wonderland the USA would it be alright if we fought them back? Or would the fact that 100-31= 69 percent of the people (if you believe the polls) don't think we have the right to live and/or fight them anywhere? So they can come here but we can't go there. I have a right to have a say in what I fear could be the future of my children and grandchildren and I would want them to know I tried in some small way to be a voice for them. Your quoted quote: "The war with Israel does not depend on ceasefires ... . It is a Jihad for the sake of God and will last until (our) religion prevails ... from Spain to Iraq," al-Zawahri said. "We will attack everywhere."
  12. gailannr

    Me Thinks The World Just became a little safer

    Why did we choose Iraq to save? Why aren't we saving the millions (!) who are being slaughtered in South Africa? Why aren't we working toward peace in the Middle East all over the Middle East, not just Iraq? Especially since many of the other countries in the Middle East are known to have hotbeds of terrorist support. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BJean, My response would be why aren't the "Freedom Fighter/Jihadists" saving the millions (!) who are being slaughtered in South Africa? Why aren't they working toward peace in the Middle East AND IRAQ? Aren't the "people" who fund them and their ideology a little tired of the thousands of years of wars and the starving, dead, dieing people in the world? THINK OF THE MONEY THAT COULD BE GIVEN TO THESE POOR PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! You know it must cost a lot of money to transplant 12,000 jihadists to Iraq! If we leave politics out of it would you all fight for people being slaughtered in South Africa? Not likely since the republicans haven't gone over there yet. Yes, that would be a good thing to start whanning about! Does that mean that not one more person in South Africa will have to die from the "Freedom Fighters/opressors" in their homeland? Why can't THEY "Let There Be Peace On Earth?" Why don't THEY just stop what they are doing and "Come Together Right Now?"
  13. gailannr

    Me Thinks The World Just became a little safer

    geezersue, Perhaps you've missed some of this thread. I am little too old to enlist, but I can tell you that my son is a pilot in the USAF. He has been defending our nation since 1994. And, what makes you think I'm a religious nut? Or that everyone who doesn't agree with you murders "fags" as you put it, or blows up abortion clinics? I haven't heard that one in a while. EEEhhh Gads that's as bad as being called a "bleeding heart" Liberal. I don't like the way the war is going either. But it doesn't mean that this country still isn't polorized. Don't let the polls fool you!
  14. gailannr

    Me Thinks The World Just became a little safer

    Well, then what happens to the Iraqi's that begged us and continue to beg us to save them? What about the relatives of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that were buried alive or massacred/slaughtered and then buried in mass graves? What about their children, will they remember? Oh no, that's right, most of their children were buried right along with them. Just remember, our country is polorized (division or formation into two opposite or opposing groups) that's about 50/50 across the land. Liberals are just better at waa waaing longer and louder. I hate war but FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! History will tell and we will be long dead. But I hope my death comes naturally, not from the Jihadists that made it to American! Because they will come again unless we stop them! Why don't the Jihadists feel like our liberals? Why don't they stop killing their own? Don't they love their brothers like our liberals love them? Oh, not the same rules for them? DUH!
  15. gailannr

    Me Thinks The World Just became a little safer

    Stop in and say hello to the Jihadists on Fox News Special tonight. Do you really think this started six years ago? How can you guys be so blind to what they want to do to us? I just don't see how you aren't fearing for your lives and your children and grandchildren's lives in the future!!
  16. I thought it was Clinton that was stark naked?
  17. Did you say that about the body bags in German or Russian or Iranian or some other lanquage? And, you don't have to tell/ask me about my concern, my son enlisted in 1995 and is still in the military protecting our freedoms so you can speak freely!
  18. Democrats can say all they want about Bush, I just still cannot get past my grandchildren knowing about oral sex before they learn multiplication tables. It is still such a sad thing for our country.
  19. gailannr

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Thank you, to tell the truth I thought it was true they stuck their heads in the sand til now. I did learn something:)
  20. gailannr

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    TOM, Was your comment some sort of subtle hint? I don't feel like an ostrich and after researching a little, I know I'm not one! In popular mythology, the ostrich is famous for hiding its head in the sand at the first sign of danger. The Roman writer Pliny the Elder is noted for his descriptions of the ostrich in his Naturalis Historia, where he describes the ostrich and the fact that it hides its head in a bush. There have been no recorded observations of this behavior. A common counter-argument is that a species that displayed this behavior would not likely survive very long. The myth may have resulted from the fact that, from a distance, when ostriches feed they appear to be burying their head in the sand because they deliberately swallow sand and pebbles to help grind up their food. Burying their heads in sand will in fact suffocate the ostrich. When lying down and hiding from predators, the birds are known to lay their head and neck flat on the ground, making them appear as a mound of earth from a distance. This even works for the males, as they hold their wings and tail low so that the heat haze of the hot, dry air that often occurs in their habitat aids in making them appear as a nondescript dark lump. When threatened, ostriches run away, but they can also seriously injure with kicks from their powerful legs.
  21. gailannr

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Whoops! I found my way back to Rants and Raves! I think it should be re-named Rants and Raves about anything except POLITICS, RELIGION AND BIRTH CONTROL. That way we won't hurt so many feelings and make so many enemies!
  22. Thank you Kathy. I just emailed my surgeon's office a few days ago and was still waiting for an answer to some of these questions I had. I haven't heard back so your reply was very timely and informative for me. That would certainly explain the extended consultation and surgery date. Western Bariatric of Reno is a COE. Lucky for me!
  23. gailannr

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Well dang it! Thanks for reminding me. I will try to remember to stay out of the Rants and Raves Forum unless I have something to Rant and Rave about!:biggrin1:
  24. gailannr

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Ya know I really enjoy reading your comments until you start in on the politics. This is not a political forum is it?
  25. I am a Medicare lapband patient (or will be) but unfortunately because it is Medicare the waiting list is longer and I probably can't have surgery until February. At least that is what I was told by staff. My question is has anyone on Medicare run into a situation where if you can come up with the difference between what Medicare pays and what the doctor wants for his services, that it's possible to work with the doctor's office on this and get your surgery date moved up? Is it a certain quota of Medicare patients that the doctor is required to work with? Thanks, Gail:help:

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