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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by chefla

  1. Good Luck everyone tomorrow morning. I was banded on 7/6/09. Surgery weight was 216 and my current weight is 204. I was so nervous and now I say what a waste of time that was. I took no pain meds and I'm hearing that a lot. It's not a painful surgery. I don't know why I was so worried. I am happy for my decision and can't wait for my first fill. I can't wait to start learning how to eat food again even if its just an ounce.

    For the first 3 days I wasn't hungry at all and on day 4 felt really hungry then I discovered that when all you can have is liquids make sure they taste good. Go to a restaurant that makes great chicken Soup and just order the broth, lots of it. The store bought ones just don't do it when you are hungry and can only drink. And see about the creamy Soups they make for when you can have those. My husband is a chef and I thank him everday for his Soups. I bought those box containers of organic chicken broth the week before surgery and I want to return them all to the store. They were good for the first few days and now they make be sick to think of drinking them. My dr recommends carnation instant Breakfast but there is not enough Protein so I add Protein powder and it helps me to feel fuller longer. And I drink slim fast when I'm on the go which also doesnt have enough Protein. I need to research a better Protein Drink that helps to keep me fuller longer.

  2. hey allycat

    I wouldnt say I would not have done anything different. There's really nothing you can do. Everything is so much better than I expected. Oh there is one thing I would have done different, not waste so much time worrying. Tomorrow is my 1 week bandiversary i have gasssss like crazy and I am very hungry from 1st week of liquids. Adding more Protein powder to my Protein Drink helps to not feel so hungry but that may be whats giving me more gas. Good luck to you. Don't be worried!!!!!

  3. Hey Nurse restless monkey or anyone else who wants to answer

    I am new to banding 7/6/09 and new to this website, I read what you wrote about the guy who felt he could keep eating the one who took a bite of his wife's pizza (yum) just 10 days after banding, anyway you seem to know a lot, I would like to ask you a few questions.. I was banded 5 days ago and I don't know much about why I'm on Clear Liquids for 14 days (broth,tea,decaf,protein shakes etc, I've been starving since day 3. Do they do this so we can truly know what it feels like to starve? And it seems like other people are on mushy food after 1 week. I don't know if I can make it 2 weeks on Clear Liquids. Maybe my Protein drink is not adequate, i'm drinking carnation instant Breakfast or slimfast and i add more Protein powder to both. Help.

  4. Hey everyone

    I was banded on monday 7/6 havent really had any pain, just a little discomfort when I got home from the hospital and slept in a bed without rails to pull myself up. I was able to sleep on my side after 3 nights and I am grinding my teeth like crazy. Last night I needed to chew a piece of gum. Does anyone know why they say not to? I did and had no problem. It really helped me to relax, I was getting so stressed in my teeth. The person who said day 3 Clear Liquids was difficult was right. That seemed to be pretty tough. Oh and for the first few nights I was dreaming of food, it was so funny. And i'm having strange cravings, like corn meal. Anything with cornmeal. They're not really cravings they're more like memories. I don't feel so much hungry I'm just going through chewing withdrawals. I too have had gas issues like when I burp I get a kind of spasm in my stomach. Nothing too painful at all, I didn't once take pain medicine. Oh and I love when I feel hungry its joined with a feeling of being full. This was such a great invention the lap band. If I had been dieting without the band for the last few weeks I would have gone crazy by now eating till I gained back 20lbs (I've lost 11lbs since 1 week preop). Oh and one more thing I feel some discomfort to sit at the computer like my fat stomach is pushing up in to the band while the boobs push down. I don't sit too often.

  5. Ok I just got banded on monday 7/6 and all I got from people is the same as you "why don't you just diet and exercise?" I feel so alone in my decision. Yesterday 2 days post op I told my husband I lost 10 lbs since a week before surgery and he said "you should have stopped eating all the crap before surgery and not done it" I don't know why people aren't more supportive but I think your only friends are going to be the banded ones. Anyway all the negative people really made me so scared. I cried the morning of surgery while I waited in the hospital to be wheeled in. Let me tell you that was a waste of time. I feel so silly now that I was scared. I had no pain afterward and still have no pain just a feeling of being full all the time. It is amazing that I am on an all liquid diet and I'm NOT HUNGRY. This is just what I have always needed to diet. Its now 3 days post op and I have been on liquids since Monday and it is not bad at all. My mouth misses chewing but I am so glad I did it. My children are really supportive and my husband is now trying to loose weight as well. Yesterday he had salad and grilled chicken for lunch and was grumpy an hour later because he was starving and I said "well that's why I banded because all I had was liquid and I'm not hungry". Good luck to you.

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