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Posts posted by VABandster

  1. Hey Brandi....good to hear from you, although I'm sorry to hear you lost the band!!! :-( I've still got mine, although it has been a looong time since I've had a fill and I think I have stretched it out.

    I"ve managed to maintain my initial weight loss of about 55-60 pounds....give or take a few, but have not gotten NEAR My goal and am really trying to start watching what I eat and how much I eat again. Frustrating to say the least! I still have at least another 60 pounds to go! Ugh...so I'm happy to recommit to weight loss with ya, even if we're both in different situations!

    Thanks for posting! :blush:

  2. Hey Niki and everyone else!! Great time to check in and see how everyone is doing now that we are 2 yrs out! Hard to believe it's been that long!! Unfortuanately I have not been as successful w/the band as I thought I would be...but I am still down 50 pounds from my highest weight and have been maintaining there. I know the ownus is on me to just get myself on track....and that I can keep doing and get to goal, eventually! But as they say..the slower it comes off the longer it stays off right? I hope by next years anniversary to say that I've finally made it under the 200 mark once and for all.

    Happy Holidays everyone!!

  3. Hey Ladies! Nice to see some activity on the board again...I am doing OK. After gaining 12 pounds in the past year, I finally got another fill and it seems to be doing OK. Could have been a little tighter, but the Dr. didn't want me to slip and said that most slips occur from being too tight. So I'm really just trying to re-learn to listen to my body and stop when I'm full and not eat b/w meals. Always a struggle I guess...but other than that life is good! I am enjoying my new job still, my son went off to college and is doing really well there, and my other son is in the groove of his sophomore year...so no complaints here!

    Hope you're all doing well!! Check in Ladies!! Would love to hear from you!

  4. Hey Ladies!!!

    Long time no check in for me...so sorry about that! I've been busy getting into my new job and am still enjoying it and learning a lot, which is great. I'm getting my oldest son ready to move out and into college on Friday which is gut wrenching...and I am FINALLY Getting the fill I've needed for the past 8 month on September 5th! have my appt. and my plane ticket all set! now just need to find a dog sitter :thumbup:

    My love life is non-existent...I'm realizing that although previous guy I've talked about and I clearly have a connection, he's never gonna budge and I really need to work on movin on and accepting we'll only ever just be friends.

    My b.day is on Saturday and I'll be turning 38. Hopefully THIS will finally be the year I get to goal!! I've been stuck at this weight for the past 11 months and it has sucked. Need to get my ass in Gear!

    Hope you're all having a lovely summer!! NAT it was great to hear from you and BOO, hope the surgery goes ok!

    TTY All Later!

  5. Hey ladies!

    CONGRATS Steph!!!! And to everyone else that has made their goal weight!! I haven't had a fill in 10 mos and I can tell!!! :-( still only 1/2 way to my goal...but hopefully I get go for a fill in Sept. and continue on my journey.

    Good news is...I FINALLY Got a REAL job!! Permanent, benefits and good commute! Its been about 3 weeks and so far I'm loving it!

    Anyways, thats all thats new in my world! Hopefully some more of you will come out of the woodwork and say HI :cool:

  6. Hey Ladies!!! I'm here....just not posting much. I'm Stuck...need a fill but have NO TIME to go get one! :-( UGH....wanted to be 20 pounds lighter by now...oh well.

    STEPH...You look FABULOUS!!! :( Thanks for sharing your pics! Congrats on your DD graduating!! My DS graduates in June...he's actually out shopping for his own car w/his dad right now! Man they grow up fast!

    I"m still temping...hating it, but its money. Have some good job possibilites coming up though, hoping and praying 1 of them finially comes through!!

    Talk to ya'll later!!! :thumbup:

  7. BOO....So sorry to hear that you're not doing well!!! Hang in there girl!!

    Steph...glad to hear you're doing well!! I've been working and commuting so my free time is NIL. I got poison ivy last week and had to get put on steroids b/c i'm so allergic! I gained 4 pounds in 1 day from it! UGH!!! NOT Baby weight for me! :=( I'm hoping that once I get off the meds I can get this weight off!

    Jill....glad to hear you had fun on your vacation! I just planned a beach week vacation for me and my friends in September, and I can't wait for that!!

    Its very quiet in here lately....are we all just MIA? :thumbup:

  8. To Steph and BOO....good luck w/your recoveries!! I can't believe you're both so skinny now!!! I'm impressed! I've actually been gaining lately...I really need a fill but don't know when I'll have the time to go get one...ugh...

    Job is ok so far...but I'm still exhausted every night when I get home. Commute is an hour so that sucks, but hey, at least I'm getting paid!

    Talk to ya'll later!

  9. STEPH.....I'm here, but just not checking much b/c I started a contract job this week and my commute is long and just getting back into the swing of working has been exhausting to say the least!

    Good luck on your TT! :frown:

    BOO...sorry to hear about your dds party....that is my worst nightmare! HAving a party where no one shows!! But glad to hear you were still able to make it a good day for her.

  10. Hey Ladies! I'm here.....just been busy hanging out w/my friends. Had some 'drama' w/"the guy"....suffice it to say he's going through a lot of stuff right now and was freaking out about pressure he THOUGHT I was putting on him, but I guess he has realized that I know he's not ready for a realtionship now so he's kind of gone back to his normal self, but not completely....He also told a friend of ours that he wasn't sure he saw any future for us, so that was hard to hear, but I kind of hope that he will change his mind once he's gotten through this rough patch, but who knows :=(

    Anywhoo....a bunch of job interviews going on too...but no offers yet, but still hoping!

    Weight has stalled...I need a fill, but then I had a really bad PB episode

    last night, I was in so much pain! So then I wonder, do I need a fill or just better control!??

    Steph....tell Nat we all send our hugs and love! :confused: How many more days til your surgery??

    BMAN...how's the marine!? and the new job?

  11. Hey ladies...

    Boo..You look FABULOUS Girl!!! I'm so jealous!! I hope I get there someday!

    As for me....I'm in a real funk. I know I need another fill, but don't have the $ to go right now. I am still getting my background check processed for the contract job and have a 2nd interview scheduled for Wed. w/a company for a FT perm job. I'm also waiting to hear from my best friend who had a chat w/"the guy" last night about me and I am thinking it did NOT go well so I'm not expecting any good news today :-( *sigh*...ok, I'm outta here. Sorry to be such a downer again.

  12. WOW....such happy news!!! B'man...can't wait to hear about your chocolate covered marine ;-) and NIKKI....Congrats on the beautiful baby!!! She's adorable!! Glad to hear you came through ok!!

    I'm off to fill out paperwork for a contract job....although no celebrating until I'm in the door cause I've had other offers fall through so I'm still leery ;-)

  13. Boo...just curious...is your Mom heavy?? I'm wondering if maybe she's just a bit jealous of all the weight you've lost?? in any case, just tell her that your doctor says you're fine and leave it at that! But hey, isn't it nice to be called TOO SKINNY!?? ;-) Gotta love that!! WISH I had that problem!!

    STEPH...congrats on getting the date! May 1st is really not far away at all!! It'll be here before you know it! How are you doing w/the fill? Still feeling too tight or has it settled down?

    Well, on the job front...I've been verblly offered temp contracting job for 3mos w/the TSA, but don't know when I'm starting yet. I also had an interview yesterday for a perm position w/a great company and they have already called me and told me they want me to come back for a 2nd interview, but it won't be til the 2nd week of April b/c the Director is out all next week.....so things are hopefully gonna work out w/that one. I'm really starting to feel desparate....all my funds are gone and if I don't get a job I'll be living on credit cards next month!

    On the guy front...yes, he's still hanging around :blush: He does have a lot of "stuff" he's dealing w/right now on the job front and w/some family stuff...so I'm really trying to just be patient and be there for him and hope he wakes up soon! I'm not good at being patient!

    Ok...so Monday I did a walk away the pounds video...Tuesday I walked a trail w/some friends and today I'm going to the gym....got my 3 workouts for the week in! :scared2:

    Hope you all have a great day and great weekend!

  14. Steph...sorry to hear about the gas pain....I am fortunately (knock on wood), not having the same symptoms, but I wonder if it has anything to do w/your PBing a lot?? I dunno....try the GasX and see how it goes!

    BMAn....thanks for your inspiration...I worked out today and have a few friends planning a 3 mile trail walk tomorrow evening! :) I also started tracking my calories on FitDay and realized that I've been GRAZING WAAAYYY TOO MUCH!! I guess that's just the boredom of still being home and unemployed :-( MUST STOP!

    JILL...glad to hear things are going well w/the pregnancy!!

  15. Happy Easter Everyone! hope it was a good one! This was my first easter w/out family but it was still good...went to church and then brunch w/a few friends....so it was very relaxing!

    I'm doing ok, but am struggling again w/the scale....I think I need another fill AND I Need to check and make sure I'm not having leakage....ugh...need to figure out when I can get an appt.

    Other than that things on the job and man front both remain the same....no progress to report...but you know I'll keep y'all posted!

    Steph...I WISH I was too tight right now! I can eat wayy too much right now!

    BMan...sorry to hear you're in pain...I need to get back on track w/the gym. I've been slackin the past 3 weeks...tomorrow I will start up again!

    Hope you all resisted the Easter Candy! ;-) TTYl

  16. BMAN...wow...glad to hear you got your butt kicked! ;-) LOL I hope your scale starts moving now!

    BOO....What a beautiful Baby!! Thanks for sharing the pics!:embaressed_smile:

    BK...good to hear from you gal!!

    STEPH....I think we all need to get kick started! Spring is sprining...we need to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and get movin again! Time to stop hibernating! :(

  17. STEPH...good luck w/your fill!! I think I need one too, although I did PB badly yesterday on some cheesteak....ugh that was painful!!

    BOO....Hope you feel better soon!! Sending you some get healthy vibes!!

    BMAN...That sucks that they're going to make you wait 18 months for the TT! You should see if your Dr. can argue that you need it sooner rather than later.

    Nothing much new here...going for an interview today and one tomorrow. Talk to you all later!

  18. Nikki...glad to hear you're doing ok...that's kinda funny that you're craving beer, not chocolate or seafood or ice cream! :( We can't wait to "meet" the little one!

    Steph...glad to hear you had fun at your St. Patties Day! You asked how much I'd lost since my last fill and frankly...not that much (and am thinking I need a slight fill now actually). Only about 8 pounds....BUT...I seem to be changing shape b/c I'm getting all sorts of compliments! Weird....

    Speaking of Band Stuff...Question for you all: Do you ever feel like your port is moving around?? I was noticing mine seemed kind of protruded the other day in my stomach, but now it seem like its back where its supposed to me?? Maybe it's all in my head...maybe it's b/c I'm a lot lighter than I used to be?? I dunno....just thought i'd throw it out there and see what you all think!

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